Ascoltatori   [![Build Status](]( [![Coverage Status](]( ======================================== > TIP: Ascoltatori is an italian word which means listeners. An Ascoltatore is therefore a single listener. Ascoltatori is a simple publish/subscribe library supporting the following brokers/protocols: * [Redis](, a key/value store created by [@antirez]( * [MongoDB](, a scalable, high-performance, document-oriented database. * [Mosquitto]( and all implementations of the [MQTT]( protocol. * [RabbitMQ]( and all implementations of the [AMQP]( protocol. * [ZeroMQ]( to use Ascoltatori in a P2P fashion. * [QlobberFSQ](, a shared file system queue. * [Apache Kafka](, a high-throughput distributed messaging system. * Memory-only routing, using [Qlobber]( Find out more about Ascoltatori reading the [dox generated documentation]( [![NPM](]( [![NPM](]( ## Install Install the library using [npm]( ``` $ npm install ascoltatori --save ``` Install the library using git. ``` $ git clone git:// $ cd ascoltatori $ npm install ``` ## Getting Started Ascoltatori focuses on providing a simple and unique abstraction for all supported brokes. Here a simple example using Redis. ```javascript var ascoltatori = require('ascoltatori'); (err, ascoltatore) { // subscribes to a topic ascoltatore.subscribe('hello', function() { console.log(arguments); // { '0': 'hello', '1': 'a message' } }); // publishes a message to the topic 'hello' ascoltatore.publish('hello', 'a message', function() { console.log('message published'); }); }); ``` ## Wildcards All ascoltatori support the use of wildcards, so everything should work smoothly on every broker. You might find some differences, and in that case file a bug report, so we can fix them. The wildcard character `+` matches exactly one word: ```javascript var ascoltatori = require('ascoltatori'); (err, ascoltatore) { ascoltatore.subscribe("hello/+/world", function() { // this will print { '0': "hello/there/world", '1': "a message" } console.log(arguments); }); ascoltatore.subscribe("hello/+", function() { // this will not be called console.log(arguments); }); ascoltatore.publish("hello/there/world", "a message", function() { console.log("message published"); }); }); ``` The wildcard character `*` matches zero or more words: ```javascript var ascoltatori = require('ascoltatori'); (err, ascoltatore) { ascoltatore.subscribe("hello/*", function() { // this will print { '0': "hello/there/world", '1': "a message" } console.log(arguments); }); ascoltatore.subscribe("*", function() { // this will print { '0': "hello/there/world", '1': "a message" } console.log(arguments); }); ascoltatore.subscribe("hello/there/world/*", function() { // this will print { '0': "hello/there/world", '1': "a message" } console.log(arguments); }); ascoltatore.publish("hello/there/world", "a message", function() { console.log("message published"); }); }); ``` Of course, you can mix `*` and `+` in the same subscription: ```javascript var ascoltatori = require('ascoltatori'); (err, ascoltatore) { ascoltatore.subscribe("hello/+/world/*", function() { // this will print { '0': "hello/foo/world/bar/42", '1': "a message" } console.log(arguments); }); ascoltatore.publish("hello/foo/world/bar/42", "a message", function() { console.log("message published"); }); }); ``` ## Brokers Ascoltatori supports different brokers. Here we show how to use each of them. ### Redis ```javascript var ascoltatori = require('ascoltatori'); var settings = { type: 'redis', redis: require('redis'), db: 12, port: 6379, return_buffers: true, // to handle binary payloads host: localhost };, function (err, ascoltatore) { // ... }); ``` ### MongoDB MongoDB uses [Capped Collections]( to implement the pub/sub pattern. ```javascript var ascoltatori = require('ascoltatori'); var settings = { type: 'mongo', url: 'mongodb://', pubsubCollection: 'ascoltatori', mongo: {} // mongo specific options };, function (err, ascoltatore) { // ... }); ``` It is also possible to reuse an existing mongodb connection: ```javascript var ascoltatori = require('ascoltatori'); var MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient; MongoClient.connect('mongodb://', {}, function (err, db) { var settings = { type: 'mongo', db: db, pubsubCollection: 'ascoltatori' };, function (err, ascoltatore) { // ... }); }) ``` ### MQTT (Mosquitto) ```javascript var ascoltatori = require('ascoltatori'); settings = { type: 'mqtt', json: false, mqtt: require('mqtt'), url: 'mqtt://' };, function (err, ascoltatore) { // ... }); ``` ### AMQP (RabbitMQ) ```javascript var ascoltatori = require('ascoltatori'); var settings = { type: 'amqp', json: false, amqp: require('amqp'), exchange: 'ascolatore5672' };, function (err, ascoltatore) { // ... }); ``` Use with [amqplib]( ```javascript var ascoltatori = require('ascoltatori'); var settings = { type: 'amqplib', json: false, amqp: require('amqplib/callback_api'), exchange: 'ascolatore5672' };, function (err, ascoltatore) { // ... }); ``` ### ZeroMQ ```javascript var ascoltatori = require('ascoltatori'); var settings = { type: 'zmq', json: false, zmq: require("zmq"), port: "tcp://", controlPort: "tcp://", delay: 10 };, function (err, ascoltatore) { // ... }); ``` ### QlobberFSQ You can use any of the [QlobberFSQ constructor options](, for example: ```javascript var ascoltatori = require('ascoltatori'); var settings = { type: 'filesystem', json: false, qlobber_fsq: require("qlobber-fsq"), fsq_dir: "/shared/fsq" };, function (err, ascoltatore) { // ... }); ``` If you don't specify `fsq_dir` then messages will be written into a directory named `fsq` in the `qlobber-fsq` module directory. ### Memory ```javascript var ascoltatori = require('ascoltatori'); (err, ascoltatore) { // ... }); ``` ## JSON By default, every ascoltatore built by the `` wraps every published message in a JSON format. This behaviour can be triggered off by passing the `{ json: false }` option. ```javascript require('ascoltatori').build({ json: false }, function(err, a) { // ... }); ``` ### Apache Kafka ```javascript var ascoltatori = require('ascoltatori'); var settings = { type: 'kafka', json: false, kafka: require("kafka-node"), connectString: "localhost:2181", clientId: "ascoltatori", groupId: "ascoltatori", defaultEncoding: "utf8", encodings: { image: "buffer" } };, function (err, ascoltatore) { // ... }); ``` If you publish to a kafka topic that doesn't exist, that topic will be created using the default settings. If you subscribe to a kafka topic that doesn't exist, that subscription will take affect only when something is published to the kafka topic through this ascoltatori. ## Debugging Ascoltatori supports the [debug]( package and triggers the logs based on an external enviroment variable. ``` $ DEBUG=ascoltatori:mqtt node examples/mqtt_topic_bridge.js ``` The following debug flags are supported: * `ascoltatori:amqp` * `ascoltatori:trie` * `ascoltatori:mqtt` * `ascoltatori:prefix` * `ascoltatori:redis` * `ascoltatori:zmq` * `ascoltatori:ee2` * `ascoltatori:filesystem` * `ascoltatori:kafka` ## Reliability Due to the various transports Ascoltatori uses, it is impossible to garantee one of the various reliability properties across all of the transports. However, the MQTT and AMQP ascoltatori provides at-least-once semantics, which means that the message might be received more than once, but at least once. ## Feedback Use the [issue tracker]( for bugs. [Tweet]( us for any idea that can improve the project. ## Links * [GIT Repository]( * [Ascoltatori Documentation]( * [Redis]( * [MongoDB]( * [Mosquitto]( * [RabbitMQ]( * [ZeroMQ]( * [Apache Kafka]( ## Authors * [Matteo Collina]( * [David Halls]( ## Contributors Special thanks to the [following people]( for submitting patches. ## LICENSE - "MIT License" Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Matteo Collina and Contributors, Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.