# Mime This is a small, simple mime database. A common thing for node servers to do is serve static files over HTTP. This requires, among other things, knowin the mime type you want to send. Here is a simple module to make this easy. ## Install If you use NPM, then install this via npm. Also, please remember to put it as a dependency in your package.json file of your module that requires it. npm install simple-mime If you choose to not use npm, or can't use it in your environment, then simply copy the single file `simple-mime.js` to somewhere you can require it. ## Usage Simply load this library, configure your fallback mime type, and query it for the mime type of various filenames. var getMimeType = require('mime')('application/octect-stream'); var file = "/bar/foo/baz.mp3"; var type = getMimeType(file); ## Goal You will probably not use this except as a dependency to your own module that deals with serving files over HTTP, or some other protocol that requires mime types. This doesn't have as many features as the `mime` module in npm, but it's a lot simpler too. The goal is that it's useful to someone.