/** @license MIT License (c) copyright 2010-2014 original author or authors */ /** * Promises/A+ and when() implementation * when is part of the cujoJS family of libraries (http://cujojs.com/) * @author Brian Cavalier * @author John Hann * @version 3.6.4 */ (function(define) { 'use strict'; define(function (require) { var timed = require('./lib/decorators/timed'); var array = require('./lib/decorators/array'); var flow = require('./lib/decorators/flow'); var fold = require('./lib/decorators/fold'); var inspect = require('./lib/decorators/inspect'); var generate = require('./lib/decorators/iterate'); var progress = require('./lib/decorators/progress'); var withThis = require('./lib/decorators/with'); var unhandledRejection = require('./lib/decorators/unhandledRejection'); var TimeoutError = require('./lib/TimeoutError'); var Promise = [array, flow, fold, generate, progress, inspect, withThis, timed, unhandledRejection] .reduce(function(Promise, feature) { return feature(Promise); }, require('./lib/Promise')); var apply = require('./lib/apply')(Promise); // Public API when.promise = promise; // Create a pending promise when.resolve = Promise.resolve; // Create a resolved promise when.reject = Promise.reject; // Create a rejected promise when.lift = lift; // lift a function to return promises when['try'] = attempt; // call a function and return a promise when.attempt = attempt; // alias for when.try when.iterate = Promise.iterate; // DEPRECATED (use cujojs/most streams) Generate a stream of promises when.unfold = Promise.unfold; // DEPRECATED (use cujojs/most streams) Generate a stream of promises when.join = join; // Join 2 or more promises when.all = all; // Resolve a list of promises when.settle = settle; // Settle a list of promises when.any = lift(Promise.any); // One-winner race when.some = lift(Promise.some); // Multi-winner race when.race = lift(Promise.race); // First-to-settle race when.map = map; // Array.map() for promises when.filter = filter; // Array.filter() for promises when.reduce = lift(Promise.reduce); // Array.reduce() for promises when.reduceRight = lift(Promise.reduceRight); // Array.reduceRight() for promises when.isPromiseLike = isPromiseLike; // Is something promise-like, aka thenable when.Promise = Promise; // Promise constructor when.defer = defer; // Create a {promise, resolve, reject} tuple // Error types when.TimeoutError = TimeoutError; /** * Get a trusted promise for x, or by transforming x with onFulfilled * * @param {*} x * @param {function?} onFulfilled callback to be called when x is * successfully fulfilled. If promiseOrValue is an immediate value, callback * will be invoked immediately. * @param {function?} onRejected callback to be called when x is * rejected. * @param {function?} onProgress callback to be called when progress updates * are issued for x. @deprecated * @returns {Promise} a new promise that will fulfill with the return * value of callback or errback or the completion value of promiseOrValue if * callback and/or errback is not supplied. */ function when(x, onFulfilled, onRejected, onProgress) { var p = Promise.resolve(x); if (arguments.length < 2) { return p; } return p.then(onFulfilled, onRejected, onProgress); } /** * Creates a new promise whose fate is determined by resolver. * @param {function} resolver function(resolve, reject, notify) * @returns {Promise} promise whose fate is determine by resolver */ function promise(resolver) { return new Promise(resolver); } /** * Lift the supplied function, creating a version of f that returns * promises, and accepts promises as arguments. * @param {function} f * @returns {Function} version of f that returns promises */ function lift(f) { return function() { for(var i=0, l=arguments.length, a=new Array(l); i