'use strict'; require('./polyfill'); // A simple abbreviation to obtain a buffer from a hex string function h2b(str) { return new Buffer(str, "hex"); } // Reverse a buffer function reverse(buf) { var res = new Buffer(buf.length); for (var i = 0, j = buf.length - 1; j >= 0; i++, j--) { res[i] = buf[j]; } return res; } // Fill a buffer with distinctive data function scrub(buf) { var pos = 0; var written; while ((written = buf.write("deadbeef", pos, 4, "hex")) == 4) { pos += written; } return buf; } function xint_case(xint) { return function (assert, hex, val, inexact) { var readBE = "read" + xint + "BE"; var writeBE = "write" + xint + "BE"; var readLE = "read" + xint + "LE"; var writeLE = "write" + xint + "LE"; var len = hex.length / 2; // Straightforward read cases assert.equal(h2b(hex)[readBE](len, 0), val); assert.equal(reverse(h2b(hex))[readLE](len, 0), val); // Test straightforward writes and noAssert writes off the ends of // the buffer var buf = scrub(new Buffer(len)); buf[writeBE](len, val, 0); if (!inexact) { assert.equal(buf.toString("hex"), hex); } else { assert.equal(buf[readBE](len, 0), val); } var buf2 = scrub(new Buffer(len)); buf2[writeBE](len, val, -1, true); assert.equal(buf2.slice(0, len-1).toString("hex"), buf.slice(1, len).toString("hex")); scrub(buf2); buf2[writeBE](len, val, 1, true); assert.equal(buf2.slice(1, len).toString("hex"), buf.slice(0, len-1).toString("hex")); scrub(buf); buf[writeLE](len, val, 0); if (!inexact) { assert.equal(reverse(buf).toString("hex"), hex); } else { assert.equal(buf[readLE](len, 0), val); } scrub(buf2); buf2[writeLE](len, val, -1, true); assert.equal(buf2.slice(0, len-1).toString("hex"), buf.slice(1, len).toString("hex")); scrub(buf2); buf2[writeLE](len, val, 1, true); assert.equal(buf2.slice(1, len).toString("hex"), buf.slice(0, len-1).toString("hex")); // Accessess off the end of the buffer should throw. Node // doesn't catch negative offsets. assert.throws(function () { h2b(hex)[readBE](len, 1); }) assert.throws(function () { reverse(h2b(hex))[readLE](len, 1); }) assert.throws(function () { buf[writeBE](len, val, 1); }); assert.throws(function () { buf[writeLE](len, val, 1); }); // Test noAssert reads that stray off the ends of the buffer. var expect = h2b("00"+hex)[readBE](len, 0); assert.equal(h2b(hex)[readBE](len, -1, true), expect); assert.equals(reverse(h2b(hex))[readLE](len, 1, true), expect); expect = h2b(hex+"00")[readBE](len, 1); assert.equal(h2b(hex)[readBE](len, 1, true), expect); assert.equal(reverse(h2b(hex))[readLE](len, -1, true), expect); }; } var uint_case = xint_case("UInt"); var int_case = xint_case("Int"); module.exports.uint = function (assert) { uint_case(assert, "00", 0x00); uint_case(assert, "01", 0x01); uint_case(assert, "ff", 0xff); uint_case(assert, "0000", 0x0000); uint_case(assert, "0102", 0x0102); uint_case(assert, "ffff", 0xffff); uint_case(assert, "000000", 0x000000); uint_case(assert, "010203", 0x010203); uint_case(assert, "ffffff", 0xffffff); uint_case(assert, "00000000", 0x00000000); uint_case(assert, "01020304", 0x01020304); uint_case(assert, "ffffffff", 0xffffffff); uint_case(assert, "0000000000", 0x0000000000); uint_case(assert, "0102030405", 0x0102030405); uint_case(assert, "ffffffffff", 0xffffffffff); uint_case(assert, "000000000000", 0x000000000000); uint_case(assert, "010203040506", 0x010203040506); uint_case(assert, "ffffffffffff", 0xffffffffffff); uint_case(assert, "00000000000000", 0x00000000000000); uint_case(assert, "01020304050607", 0x01020304050607); uint_case(assert, "ffffffffffffff", 0xffffffffffffff); uint_case(assert, "0000000000000000", 0x0000000000000000); uint_case(assert, "0102030405060708", 0x0102030405060708, true); uint_case(assert, "ffffffffffffffff", 0xffffffffffffffff); assert.done(); }; module.exports.int = function (assert) { int_case(assert, "00", 0x00); int_case(assert, "01", 0x01); int_case(assert, "7f", 0x7f); int_case(assert, "80", -0x80); int_case(assert, "ff", -0x01); int_case(assert, "0000", 0x0000); int_case(assert, "0102", 0x0102); int_case(assert, "7fff", 0x7fff); int_case(assert, "8000", -0x8000); int_case(assert, "ffff", -0x0001); int_case(assert, "000000", 0x000000); int_case(assert, "010203", 0x010203); int_case(assert, "7fffff", 0x7fffff); int_case(assert, "800000", -0x800000); int_case(assert, "ffffff", -0x000001); int_case(assert, "00000000", 0x00000000); int_case(assert, "01020304", 0x01020304); int_case(assert, "7fffffff", 0x7fffffff); int_case(assert, "80000000", -0x80000000); int_case(assert, "ffffffff", -0x00000001); int_case(assert, "0000000000", 0x0000000000); int_case(assert, "0102030405", 0x0102030405); int_case(assert, "7fffffffff", 0x7fffffffff); int_case(assert, "8000000000", -0x8000000000); int_case(assert, "ffffffffff", -0x0000000001); int_case(assert, "000000000000", 0x000000000000); int_case(assert, "010203040506", 0x010203040506); int_case(assert, "7fffffffffff", 0x7fffffffffff); int_case(assert, "800000000000", -0x800000000000); int_case(assert, "ffffffffffff", -0x000000000001); int_case(assert, "00000000000000", 0x00000000000000); int_case(assert, "01020304050607", 0x01020304050607); int_case(assert, "7fffffffffffff", 0x7fffffffffffff); int_case(assert, "80000000000000", -0x80000000000000); int_case(assert, "ffffffffffffff", -0x00000000000001); int_case(assert, "0000000000000000", 0x0000000000000000); int_case(assert, "0102030405060708", 0x0102030405060708, true); int_case(assert, "7fffffffffffffff", 0x7fffffffffffffff); int_case(assert, "8000000000000000", -0x8000000000000000); int_case(assert, "ffffffffffffffff", -0x0000000000000001); assert.done(); }; module.exports.isContiguousInt = function (assert) { assert.equal(Buffer.isContiguousInt(0x1fffffffffffff), true); assert.equal(Buffer.isContiguousInt(0x20000000000000), false); assert.equal(Buffer.isContiguousInt(-0x1fffffffffffff), true); assert.equal(Buffer.isContiguousInt(-0x20000000000000), false); assert.doesNotThrow(function () { Buffer.assertContiguousInt(0x1fffffffffffff); }); assert.throws(function () { Buffer.assertContiguousInt(0x20000000000000); }); assert.doesNotThrow(function () { Buffer.assertContiguousInt(-0x1fffffffffffff); }); assert.throws(function () { Buffer.assertContiguousInt(-0x20000000000000); }); assert.done(); };