{ "translations": { "Password is among the 1,000,000 most common ones. Please make it unique." : "Pasahitza 1000000 pasahitz tipikoen taldean dago. Unikoa bihur ezazu", "Password needs to be at least %s characters long" : "Pasahitzak %s karaktere izan behar du gutxienez", "Password needs to contain at least one numeric character." : "Pasahitzek zenbaki bat izan behar dute gutxienez.", "Password needs to contain at least one special character." : "Pasahitzek karaktere berezi bat izan behar dute gutxienez.", "Password needs to contain at least one lower and one upper case character." : "Pasahitzek hizki xehe eta hizki larri bat izan behar du gutxienez.", "Password policy" : "Pasahitz politika", "Allows admins to configure a password policy" : "Baimendu administratzaileei pasahitzen politika bat konfiguratzea", "Minimal length" : "Luzera minimoa", "Forbid common passwords" : "Pasahitz ohikoenak debekatu", "Enforce upper and lower case characters" : "Enforce upper and lower case characters", "Enforce numeric characters" : "Karaktere numerikoak destakatu", "Enforce special characters" : "Karaktere bereziak destakatu" },"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);" }