# with Compile time `with` for strict mode JavaScript [![build status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/pugjs/with.png)](http://travis-ci.org/pugjs/with) [![Dependency Status](https://img.shields.io/david/pugjs/with.svg)](https://david-dm.org/pugjs/with) [![NPM version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/with.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/with) ## Installation $ npm install with ## Usage ```js var addWith = require('with') addWith('obj', 'console.log(a)') // => ';(function (console, a) { // console.log(a) // }("console" in obj ? obj.console : // typeof console!=="undefined" ? console : undefined, // "a" in obj ? obj.a : // typeof a !== "undefined" ? a : undefined));' addWith('obj', 'console.log(a)', ['console']) // => ';(function (console, a) { // console.log(a) // }("a" in obj ? obj.a : // typeof a !== "undefined" ? a : undefined));' ``` ## API ### addWith(obj, src[, exclude]) The idea is that this is roughly equivallent to: ```js with (obj) { src } ``` There are a few differences though. For starters, assignments to variables will always remain contained within the with block. e.g. ```js var foo = 'foo' with ({}) { foo = 'bar' } assert(foo === 'bar')// => This fails for compile time with but passes for native with var obj = {foo: 'foo'} with ({}) { foo = 'bar' } assert(obj.foo === 'bar')// => This fails for compile time with but passes for native with ``` It also makes everything be declared, so you can always do: ```js if (foo === undefined) ``` instead of ```js if (typeof foo === 'undefined') ``` This is not the case if foo is in `exclude`. If a variable is excluded, we ignore it entirely. This is useful if you know a variable will be global as it can lead to efficiency improvements. It is also safe to use in strict mode (unlike `with`) and it minifies properly (`with` disables virtually all minification). ## License MIT