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if (!defined('__TYPECHO_ROOT_DIR__')) exit;
* 升级动作
* @category typecho
* @package Widget
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Typecho team (
* @license GNU General Public License 2.0
* @version $Id$
* 升级组件
* @author qining
* @category typecho
* @package Widget
class Widget_Upgrade extends Widget_Abstract_Options implements Widget_Interface_Do
* 当前内部版本号
* @access private
* @var string
private $_currentVersion;
* 对升级包按版本进行排序
* @access public
* @param string $a a版本
* @param string $b b版本
* @return integer
public function sortPackage($a, $b)
list ($ver, $rev) = explode('r', $a);
$a = str_replace('_', '.', $rev);
list ($ver, $rev) = explode('r', $b);
$b = str_replace('_', '.', $rev);
return version_compare($a, $b, '>') ? 1 : -1;
* 过滤低版本的升级包
* @access public
* @param string $version 版本号
* @return boolean
public function filterPackage($version)
list ($ver, $rev) = explode('r', $version);
$rev = str_replace('_', '.', $rev);
return version_compare($rev, $this->_currentVersion, '>');
* 执行升级程序
* @access public
* @return void
public function upgrade()
list($prefix, $this->_currentVersion) = explode('/', $this->options->generator);
$packages = get_class_methods('Upgrade');
$packages = array_filter($packages, array($this, 'filterPackage'));
usort($packages, array($this, 'sortPackage'));
$message = array();
foreach ($packages as $package) {
$options = $this->widget('Widget_Options@' . $package);
/** 执行升级脚本 */
try {
$result = call_user_func(array('Upgrade', $package), $this->db, $options);
if (!empty($result)) {
$message[] = $result;
} catch (Typecho_Exception $e) {
$this->widget('Widget_Notice')->set($e->getMessage(), 'error');
list ($ver, $rev) = explode('r', $package);
$ver = substr(str_replace('_', '.', $ver), 1);
$rev = str_replace('_', '.', $rev);
/** 更新版本号 */
$this->update(array('value' => 'Typecho ' . $ver . '/' . $rev),
$this->db->sql()->where('name = ?', 'generator'));
$this->destory('Widget_Options@' . $package);
/** 更新版本号 */
$this->update(array('value' => 'Typecho ' . Typecho_Common::VERSION),
$this->db->sql()->where('name = ?', 'generator'));
$this->widget('Widget_Notice')->set(empty($message) ? _t("升级已经完成") : $message,
empty($message) ? 'success' : 'notice');
* 初始化函数
* @access public
* @return void
public function action()