You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

285 lines
6.7 KiB

* Nextcloud - Gallery
* This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
* later. See the COPYING file.
* @author Olivier Paroz <>
* @copyright Olivier Paroz 2017
/* global Handlebars, Gallery */
(function ($, OC, t, Gallery) {
"use strict";
* Breadcrumbs that represent the path to the current album
* @constructor
var Breadcrumb = function () {
this.breadcrumbsElement = $('#breadcrumbs');
Breadcrumb.prototype = {
breadcrumbs: [],
breadcrumbsElement: null,
ellipsis: null,
albumPath: null,
availableWidth: 0,
onClick: null,
droppableOptions: {
accept: "#gallery > .row > a",
activeClass: 'breadcrumbs-droppable',
hoverClass: 'breadcrumbs-droppable-hover',
tolerance: 'pointer'
* Initialises the breadcrumbs for the current album
* @param {string} albumPath
* @param {int} availableWidth
init: function (albumPath, availableWidth) {
this.albumPath = albumPath;
this.availableWidth = availableWidth;
this.breadcrumbs = [];
* Defines the maximum available width in which we can build the breadcrumb and resizes it
* @param {int} availableWidth
setMaxWidth: function (availableWidth) {
if (this.availableWidth > availableWidth ||":visible")) {
this.availableWidth = availableWidth;
* Processes UI elements dropped on the breadcrumbs
* @param event
* @param ui
onDrop: function (event, ui) {
var $item = ui.draggable;
var $clone = ui.helper;
var $target = $(;
if (!$'.crumb')) {
$target = $target.closest('.crumb');
var targetPath = $('dir').toString();
var dir = Gallery.currentAlbum;
while (dir.substr(0, 1) === '/') {//remove extra leading /'s
dir = dir.substr(1);
dir = '/' + dir;
if (dir.substr(-1, 1) !== '/') {
dir = dir + '/';
// Do nothing if dragged on current dir
if (targetPath === dir || targetPath + '/' === dir) {
var filePath = $'path').toString();
var fileName = OC.basename(filePath);
$clone.fadeOut("normal", function () {
Gallery.move($item, fileName, filePath, $target, targetPath);
* Shows the dark spinner on the crumb
showLoader: function () {
* Builds the breadcrumbs array
* @private
_build: function () {
var i, crumbs, name, path, currentAlbum;
var albumName = $('#app-content').data('albumname');
if (!albumName) {
albumName = t('gallery', 'Gallery');
path = '';
name = '';
crumbs = this.albumPath.split('/');
currentAlbum = crumbs.pop();
// This adds the home button
this._addHome(albumName, currentAlbum);
// We always add a hidden ellipsis
this._pushCrumb('...', '', null, 'ellipsis');
if (currentAlbum) {
// This builds the crumbs between home and the current folder
var crumbsLength = crumbs.length;
if (crumbsLength > 0) {
// We add all albums to the breadcrumbs array
for (i = 0; i < crumbsLength; i++) {
if (crumbs[i]) {
name = crumbs[i];
if (path) {
path += '/' + crumbs[i];
} else {
path += crumbs[i];
this._pushCrumb(name, path, null, '');
// We finally push the current folder
this._pushCrumb(currentAlbum, '', null, 'last');
* Adds the Home button
* @param {string} albumName
* @param {string} currentAlbum
* @private
_addHome: function (albumName, currentAlbum) {
var crumbImg = {
imageSrc: OC.imagePath('core', 'places/home'),
title: albumName
var cssClass = 'home';
if (!currentAlbum) {
cssClass += ' last';
this._pushCrumb('', '', crumbImg, cssClass);
* Pushes crumb objects to the breadcrumbs array
* @param {string} name
* @param {string|boolean} link
* @param {Object} img
* @param {string} cssClass
* @private
_pushCrumb: function (name, link, img, cssClass) {
var hash = '';
// Prevent the last crumb from getting a link unless the last crumb is 'home'.
if ( cssClass.indexOf('last') === -1 || cssClass.indexOf('home') > -1 ) {
hash = '#' + encodeURIComponent(link);
name: name,
dir: link,
link: hash,
img: img,
cssClass: cssClass
* Renders the full breadcrumb based on crumbs we have collected
* @private
_render: function () {
var breadcrumbs = Gallery.Templates.breadcrumb({
crumbs: this.breadcrumbs
this.droppableOptions.drop = this.onDrop.bind(this);
* Alters the breadcrumb to make it fit within the asked dimensions
* @param {int} availableWidth
* @private
_resize: function (availableWidth) {
var crumbs = this.breadcrumbsElement.children();
var shorten = false;
var ellipsisPath = '';
var self = this;
// Hide everything first, so that we can check the width after adding each crumb
// We go through the array in reverse order
var crumbsElement = crumbs.get().reverse();
$(crumbsElement).each(function () {
if ($(this).hasClass('home')) {
if (self.breadcrumbs.length > 2) {
// 1st sub-album has no-parent and the breadcrumbs contain home, ellipsis and last
if (self.breadcrumbs.length > 3) {
if ($(this).hasClass('ellipsis')) {
self.ellipsis = $(this);
if (!shorten) {
// If we've reached the maximum width, we start hiding crumbs
if (self.breadcrumbsElement.width() > availableWidth) {
shorten = true;
if (!ellipsisPath) {
ellipsisPath = $(this).data('dir');
// If we had to hide crumbs, we add a way to go to the parent folder
if (shorten) {;
if (!ellipsisPath) {
ellipsisPath = OC.dirname(this.albumPath);
this.ellipsis.children('a').attr('href', '#' + encodeURIComponent(ellipsisPath));
this.ellipsis.attr('data-original-title', ellipsisPath).tooltip({
fade: true,
placement: 'bottom',
delay: {
hide: 5
Gallery.Breadcrumb = Breadcrumb;
})(jQuery, OC, t, Gallery);