You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* Nextcloud - Gallery
* This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
* later. See the COPYING file.
* @author Olivier Paroz <>
* @copyright Olivier Paroz 2017
/* global Gallery, Album */
(function ($, Gallery) {
"use strict";
* Creates a row
* @param {number} targetWidth
* @constructor
var Row = function (targetWidth) {
this.targetWidth = targetWidth;
this.items = [];
this.width = 4; // 4px margin to start with
this.domDef = $('<div/>').addClass('row');
Row.prototype = {
targetHeight: 200, // standard row height
draggableOptions: {
revert: 'invalid',
revertDuration: 300,
opacity: 0.7,
distance: 20,
zIndex: 1000,
cursor: 'move',
helper: function (e) {
// Capture the original element
var original = $("ui-draggable") ? $( : $(".ui-draggable");
// Create a clone 50% smaller and link it to the #content element
var clone = original.clone()
.css({'transform': 'scale(0.5)'})
// Remove the labels
// Centre the mouse pointer
$(this).draggable("option", "cursorAt", {
left: Math.floor($(this).width() / 2),
top: Math.floor($(this).height() / 2)
return clone;
start: function (e) {
// Disable all mouse interactions when dragging
$('#gallery').css({'pointer-events': 'none'});
$({opacity: 0.7});
stop: function (e) { // need to put it back on stop
$('#gallery').css({'pointer-events': 'all'});
$({opacity: 1});
* Adds sub-albums and images to the row until it's full
* @param {Album|GalleryImage} element
* @return {jQuery.Deferred<bool>} true if more images can be added to the row
addElement: function (element) {
var row = this;
var fileNotFoundStatus = 404;
var def = new $.Deferred();
var itemDom;
var validateRowWidth = function (width) {
row.width += width + 4; // add 4px for the margin
itemDom = element.getDom(row.targetHeight);
// The width of an album is always the same as its height
if (element instanceof Album) {
} else {
// We can't calculate the total width if we don't have the width of the thumbnail
element.getThumbnailWidth(row.targetHeight).then(function (width) {
if (element.thumbnail.status !== fileNotFoundStatus) {
element.resize(row.targetHeight, width);
} else {
}, function () {
return def.promise();
* Returns the DOM element of the row
* @returns {*}
getDom: function () {
return this.domDef;
* Resizes the row once it's full
fit: function () {
var scaleRatio = (this.width > this.targetWidth) ? this.targetWidth / this.width : 1;
// This animates the elements when the window is resized
var targetHeight = 4 + (this.targetHeight * scaleRatio);
targetHeight = targetHeight.toFixed(3);
this.domDef.width(this.width * scaleRatio);
// Resizes and scales all photowall elements to make them fit within the window's width
this.domDef.find('a').each(function () {
// Necessary since DOM elements are not resized when CSS transform is used
$(this).css('width', $(this).data('width') * scaleRatio)
.css('height', $(this).data('height') * scaleRatio);
// This scales the containers inside the anchors
$(this).children('.container').css('transform-origin', 'left top')
.css('-webkit-transform-origin', 'left top')
.css('-ms-transform-origin', 'left top')
.css('transform', 'scale(' + scaleRatio + ')')
.css('-webkit-transform', 'scale(' + scaleRatio + ')')
.css('-ms-transform', 'scale(' + scaleRatio + ')');
// Restore the rows to their normal opacity. This happens immediately with rows
// containing albums only
this.domDef.css('opacity', 1);
* Calculates if the row is full
* @returns {boolean}
* @private
_isFull: function () {
return this.width > this.targetWidth;
Gallery.Row = Row;
})(jQuery, Gallery);