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35 lines
887 B

* @var $_ array
* @var $l \OCP\IL10N
<li class="error error-broken-link">
<p><?php p($l->t("Sorry, but the server could not fulfill your request.")) ?></p>
<p><?php p($l->t('Possible reasons for the problem:')); ?></p>
<li><?php p($l->t('a conflicting app was installed')); ?></li>
<li><?php p($l->t('a required component is missing or was disconnected')); ?></li>
<li><?php p($l->t('the filesystem is not readable')); ?></li>
<?php if (isset($_['message'])): ?>
<p><?php p($l->t('Here is the error message returned by the server: ')); ?>
<strong><?php p($_['message'] . ' (' . $_['code'] . ')'); ?></strong></p>
<?php endif; ?>
<p><?php p(
$l->t('For more information, please contact your friendly Nextcloud administrator.')
); ?></p>