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44 lines
3.2 KiB

{ "translations": {
"New text document" : "Testu dokumentu berria",
"Readme" : "IrakurNazazu",
"Text" : "Testu",
"📝 Collaborative document editing" : "Elkarlaneko dokumentuen edizioa",
"** 📝 Collaborative document editing!**\n\n- **📝 Focused writing:** No distractions, only the formatting you need.\n- **🙋 Work together:** Share and collaborate with friends and colleagues, no matter if they use Nextcloud or not!\n- **💾 Open format:** Files are saved as [Markdown](, so you can edit them from any other text app too.\n- **✊ Strong foundation:** We use [🐈 tiptap]( which is based on [🦉 ProseMirror]( – huge thanks to them!" : "** 📝 Elkarlaneko dokumentuen edizioa!**\n\n- **📝 Idazkeran zentratua:** Distraziorik gabe, bakarrik behar duzun formatua.\n- **🙋 Elkarlanean:** Partekatu eta elkarrekin aritu lagun eta lankideekin, ez du axola haiek Nextcloud erabiltzen duten ala ez!\n- **💾 Formatu irekia:** Fitxategiak [Markdown]( formatuan gordetzen dira, beraz beste testu-aplikazioren bidez ere edita dezakezu.\n- **✊ Fundazio sendoa:** [🐈 tiptap]( erabiltzen dugu [🦉 ProseMirror]( – lanabesean oinarritua -eskerrik asko haiei-.",
"Use current version" : "Erabili uneko bertsioa",
"Use the saved version" : "Erabili gordetako bertsioa",
"The document has been changed outside of the editor. The changes cannot be applied." : "Dokumentua editoretik kanpo aldatu da. Aldaketak ezin dira aplikatu.",
"Network connection error: Could not connect to the document" : "Sare konexio errorea: Ezin izan da dokumentuarekin konektatu",
"Retry" : "Saiatu berriro",
"Last save {lastSave}" : "Azken gordetzea {lastSave}",
"Unpushed changes" : "Bidali gabeko aldaketak",
"Unsaved changes" : "Gorde gabeko aldaketak",
"Enter your name so other users can see who is editing" : "Sartu zure izena beste erabiltzaileek nor ari den editatzen ikus dezaten",
"Edit guest name" : "Editatu gonbidatuaren izena",
"Save guest name" : "Gorde gonbidatuaren izena",
"Insert image" : "Txertatu irudia",
"Add link" : "Gehitu esteka",
"_and %n other editor_::_and %n other editors_" : ["eta beste editore %n","eta beste %n editore"],
"Show image" : "Bistaratu irudia",
"Show file" : "Bistaratu fitxategia",
"Add notes, lists or links …" : "Gehitu oharrak, zerrendak edo estekak…",
"Edit" : "Editatu",
"Undo" : "Desegin",
"Redo" : "Berregin",
"Bold" : "Lodia",
"Italic" : "Etzana",
"Strikethrough" : "Marratua",
"Paragraph" : "Paragrafoa",
"Headings" : "Goiburuak",
"Heading 1" : "1. goiburua",
"Heading 2" : "2. goiburua",
"Heading 3" : "3. goiburua",
"Heading 4" : "4. goiburua",
"Heading 5" : "5. goiburua",
"Heading 6" : "6. goiburua",
"Unordered list" : "Ordenatu gabeko zerrenda",
"Ordered list" : "Ordenatutako zerrenda",
"Blockquote" : "Aipamena",
"Code block" : "Kode blokea",
"New text" : "Testu dokumentu"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"