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* API入参静态检查类
* 可以对API的参数类型、长度、最大值等进行校验
class RequestCheckUtil
* 校验字段 fieldName 的值$value非空
public static function checkNotNull($value,$fieldName) {
throw new Exception("client-check-error:Missing Required Arguments: " .$fieldName , 40);
* 检验字段fieldName的值value 的长度
public static function checkMaxLength($value,$maxLength,$fieldName){
if(!self::checkEmpty($value) && mb_strlen($value , "UTF-8") > $maxLength){
throw new Exception("client-check-error:Invalid Arguments:the length of " .$fieldName . " can not be larger than " . $maxLength . "." , 41);
* 检验字段fieldName的值value的最大列表长度
public static function checkMaxListSize($value,$maxSize,$fieldName) {
return ;
if(count($list) > $maxSize){
throw new Exception("client-check-error:Invalid Arguments:the listsize(the string split by \",\") of ". $fieldName . " must be less than " . $maxSize . " ." , 41);
* 检验字段fieldName的值value 的最大值
public static function checkMaxValue($value,$maxValue,$fieldName){
return ;
if($value > $maxValue){
throw new Exception("client-check-error:Invalid Arguments:the value of " . $fieldName . " can not be larger than " . $maxValue ." ." , 41);
* 检验字段fieldName的值value 的最小值
public static function checkMinValue($value,$minValue,$fieldName) {
return ;
if($value < $minValue){
throw new Exception("client-check-error:Invalid Arguments:the value of " . $fieldName . " can not be less than " . $minValue . " ." , 41);
* 检验字段fieldName的值value是否是number
protected static function checkNumeric($value,$fieldName) {
throw new Exception("client-check-error:Invalid Arguments:the value of " . $fieldName . " is not number : " . $value . " ." , 41);
* 校验$value是否非空
* if not set ,return true;
* if is null , return true;
public static function checkEmpty($value) {
return true ;
if($value === null )
return true;
if(is_array($value) && count($value) == 0)
return true;
if(is_string($value) &&trim($value) === "")
return true;
return false;