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namespace app\models;
use Yii;
* This is the model class for table "{{%bargain_order}}".
* @property integer $id
* @property integer $store_id
* @property integer $user_id
* @property string $order_no
* @property integer $goods_id
* @property string $original_price
* @property string $min_price
* @property integer $time
* @property integer $status
* @property integer $is_delete
* @property integer $addtime
* @property string $attr
* @property string $status_data
class BargainOrder extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
* @inheritdoc
public static function tableName()
return '{{%bargain_order}}';
* @inheritdoc
public function rules()
return [
[['store_id', 'user_id', 'goods_id', 'time', 'status', 'is_delete', 'addtime'], 'integer'],
[['original_price', 'min_price'], 'number'],
[['order_no', 'attr', 'status_data'], 'string', 'max' => 255],
* @inheritdoc
public function attributeLabels()
return [
'id' => 'ID',
'store_id' => 'Store ID',
'user_id' => 'User ID',
'order_no' => 'Order No',
'goods_id' => 'Goods ID',
'original_price' => '商品售价',
'min_price' => '商品最低价',
'time' => '砍价时间',
'status' => '状态 0--进行中 1--成功 2--失败',
'is_delete' => 'Is Delete',
'addtime' => 'Addtime',
'attr' => 'Attr',
'status_data' => '砍价方式数据',
// 查找指定用户指定商品是否存在砍价中的订单
public static function getUserOrder($user_id, $goods_id, $store_id)
$order = BargainOrder::findOne([
'user_id' => $user_id, 'goods_id' => $goods_id, 'store_id' => $store_id,
'status' => 0, 'is_delete' => 0
if (!$order) {
return false;
if ((time() - $order->addtime) >= $order->time * 3600) {
$order->status = 2;
return self::getUserOrder($user_id, $goods_id, $store_id);
return $order;
// 砍价的商品
public function getGoods()
return $this->hasOne(Goods::className(), ['id' => 'goods_id']);
// 下单用户
public function getUser()
return $this->hasOne(User::className(), ['id' => 'user_id']);
// 砍价情况
public function getOrderUser()
return $this->hasMany(BargainUserOrder::className(), ['order_id' => 'id']);
// 获取砍价剩余时间
public function getTime()
if ($this->status != 0) {
return 0;
$second = time() - $this->addtime;
$timeSecond = $this->time * 3600;
if ($second >= $timeSecond) {
return 0;
return intval($timeSecond - $second);
// 获取参与砍价的用户
* @param $limit
* @param $page
* @param $order_id
* @param $store_id
* @return array
public static function getJoinOrderUser($order_id, $store_id, $limit = 3, $page = 1)
* @var \app\models\BargainUserOrder[] $orders
* @var \app\models\User $orderUser
$offset = $limit * ($page - 1);
$query = BargainUserOrder::find()->with('user')->where([
'order_id' => $order_id, 'store_id' => $store_id, 'is_delete' => 0
$query1 = clone $query;
$money = $query1->select('sum(price)')->scalar();
$orders = $query->limit($limit)->offset($offset)->all();
$bargainInfo = [];
foreach ($orders as $order) {
$orderUser = $order->user;
$newItem = [
'avatar' => $orderUser->avatar_url,
'nickname' => $orderUser->nickname,
'price' => round($order->price, 2),
'price_content' => "砍掉" . round($order->price, 2) . ""
$bargainInfo[] = $newItem;
return [
'money' => round($money, 2),
'bargain_info' => $bargainInfo
// 指定商品参与人数
public static function getNum($goods_id)
return BargainOrder::find()->where(['goods_id' => $goods_id, 'is_delete' => 0])->count();
// 参与时间
public function getAddtimeText()
return date('Y-m-d H:i', $this->addtime);
// 当前价
public function getPrice()
$totalPrice = BargainUserOrder::getPriceCount($this->store_id,$this->id);
$price = sprintf('%.2f',($this->original_price - $totalPrice));
return $price <= $this->min_price ? $this->min_price : $price;
public function getStatusText()
case 0:
$text = "砍价中";
case 1:
$text = "砍价成功";
case 2:
$text = "砍价失败";
$text = "";
return $text;