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namespace app\models;
use app\models\common\admin\log\CommonActionLog;
use Yii;
* This is the model class for table "{{%coupon}}".
* @property integer $id
* @property integer $store_id
* @property string $name
* @property string $desc
* @property string $pic_url
* @property integer $discount_type
* @property string $min_price
* @property string $sub_price
* @property string $discount
* @property integer $expire_type
* @property integer $expire_day
* @property integer $begin_time
* @property integer $end_time
* @property integer $addtime
* @property integer $is_delete
* @property integer $total_count
* @property integer $is_join
* @property integer $sort
* @property integer $cat_id_list
* @property integer $appoint_type
* @property integer $goods_id_list
* @property integer $is_integral
* @property integer $integral
* @property integer $total_num
* @property integer $user_num
* @property integer $price
* @property string $rule
class Coupon extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
* @inheritdoc
public $num;
public $type;
public static function tableName()
return '{{%coupon}}';
* @inheritdoc
public function rules()
return [
[['store_id', 'name'], 'required'],
[['store_id', 'discount_type', 'expire_type', 'expire_day', 'begin_time', 'end_time', 'addtime', 'type','is_delete', 'total_count', 'is_join', 'sort','appoint_type','is_integral','integral','total_num','user_num','num'], 'integer'],
[['min_price', 'sub_price', 'discount','price'], 'number'],
[['name','cat_id_list','goods_id_list'], 'string', 'max' => 255],
[['desc', 'pic_url'], 'string', 'max' => 2000],
[['begin_time', 'end_time'], 'integer', 'max' => 2000000000],
[['rule'], 'string', 'max' => 1000],
* @inheritdoc
public function attributeLabels()
return [
'id' => 'ID',
'store_id' => 'Store ID',
'name' => '优惠券名称',
'desc' => 'Desc',
'pic_url' => 'Pic Url',
'discount_type' => '优惠券类型:1=折扣,2=满减',
'min_price' => '最低消费金额',
'sub_price' => '优惠金额',
'discount' => '折扣率',
'expire_type' => '到期类型:1=领取后N天过期,2=指定有效期',
'expire_day' => '有效天数,expire_type=1时',
'begin_time' => '有效期开始时间',
'end_time' => '有效期结束时间',
'addtime' => 'Addtime',
'is_delete' => 'Is Delete',
'total_count' => '发放总数量',
'is_join' => '是否加入领券中心 1--不加入领券中心 2--加入领券中心',
'sort' => '排序按升序排列',
'cat_id_list' => '商品分类id',
'appoint_type' => '指定类别或商品',
'goods_id_list' => '指定商品id',
'is_integral' => '是否加入积分商城 ',
'integral' => '购买需要积分数量',
'total_num' => '积分商城发放总数',
'user_num' => '每人限制兑换数量',
'price' => '售价',
'rule' => '使用规则说明',
public function getBeginTime()
return date('Y-m-d H:i', $this->begin_time);
public function getEndTime()
return date('Y-m-d H:i', $this->end_time);
* 给用户发放优惠券
* @param integer $user_id 用户id
* @param integer $coupon_id 优惠券id
* @param integer $coupon_auto_send_id 自动发放id
* @param integer $type 领券类型
* @return boolean
public static function userAddCoupon($user_id, $coupon_id, $coupon_auto_send_id = 0, $type = 0)
$user = User::findOne($user_id);
if (!$user) {
return false;
$coupon = Coupon::findOne([
'id' => $coupon_id,
'is_delete' => 0,
if (!$coupon) {
return false;
if ($coupon->total_count == 0) {
return false;
$user_coupon = new UserCoupon();
if ($type == 2) {
$res = UserCoupon::find()->where(['is_delete'=>0,'type'=>2,'user_id'=>$user_id,'coupon_id'=>$coupon_id])->exists();
if ($res) {
return false;
if ($coupon_auto_send_id) {
$coupon_auto_send = CouponAutoSend::findOne([
'id' => $coupon_auto_send_id,
'is_delete' => 0,
if (!$coupon_auto_send) {
return false;
if ($coupon_auto_send->send_times != 0) {
$send_count = UserCoupon::find()->where([
'coupon_auto_send_id' => $coupon_auto_send->id,
'user_id' => $user->id,
if ($send_count && $send_count >= $coupon_auto_send->send_times) {
return false;
$user_coupon->coupon_auto_send_id = $coupon_auto_send->id;
$type = 1;
$user_coupon->type = $type;
$user_coupon->store_id = $user->store_id;
$user_coupon->user_id = $user->id;
$user_coupon->coupon_id = $coupon->id;
if ($coupon->expire_type == 1) {
$user_coupon->begin_time = time();
$user_coupon->end_time = time() + max(0, 86400 * $coupon->expire_day);
} elseif ($coupon->expire_type == 2) {
$user_coupon->begin_time = $coupon->begin_time;
$user_coupon->end_time = $coupon->end_time;
$user_coupon->is_expire = 0;
$user_coupon->is_use = 0;
$user_coupon->is_delete = 0;
$user_coupon->addtime = time();
return $user_coupon->save();
public function getCount()
return UserCoupon::find()->where(['coupon_id'=>$this->id,'is_delete'=>0,'type'=>2])->count();
public function afterSave($insert, $changedAttributes)
$data = $insert ? json_encode($this->attributes) : json_encode($changedAttributes);
CommonActionLog::storeActionLog('', $insert, $this->is_delete, $data, $this->id);