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namespace app\models;
use app\models\common\admin\log\CommonActionLog;
use Yii;
* This is the model class for table "{{%ms_goods}}".
* @property string $id
* @property string $name
* @property string $original_price
* @property string $detail
* @property integer $status
* @property string $service
* @property string $sort
* @property string $virtual_sales
* @property string $cover_pic
* @property string $addtime
* @property integer $is_delete
* @property string $sales
* @property string $store_id
* @property string $video_url
* @property string $unit
* @property double $weight
* @property string $freight
* @property string $full_cut
* @property string $integral
* @property integer $use_attr
* @property string $attr
* @property string $coupon;
* @property string $is_discount
* @property string $payment
* @property integer $individual_share
* @property string $share_commission_first
* @property string $share_commission_second
* @property string $share_commission_third
* @property integer $share_type
* @property string $rebate
class MsGoods extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
public $is_level;
* @inheritdoc
public static function tableName()
return '{{%ms_goods}}';
* @inheritdoc
public function rules()
return [
[['name', 'original_price', 'detail', 'store_id', 'attr'], 'required'],
[['original_price', 'weight', 'share_commission_first', 'share_commission_second', 'share_commission_third', 'rebate','is_level'], 'number'],
[['detail', 'cover_pic', 'video_url', 'full_cut', 'integral', 'attr'], 'string'],
[['status', 'sort', 'virtual_sales', 'addtime', 'is_delete', 'sales', 'store_id', 'freight', 'use_attr', 'is_discount', 'coupon', 'individual_share', 'share_type'], 'integer'],
[['name', 'unit', 'payment'], 'string', 'max' => 255],
[['service'], 'string', 'max' => 2000],
* @inheritdoc
public function attributeLabels()
return [
'id' => 'ID',
'name' => '商品名称',
'original_price' => '原价',
'detail' => '商品详情,图文',
'status' => '上架状态【1=> 上架,2=> 下架】',
'service' => '服务选项',
'sort' => '商品排序 升序',
'virtual_sales' => '虚拟销量',
'cover_pic' => '商品缩略图',
'addtime' => '添加时间',
'is_delete' => '是否删除',
'sales' => '实际销量',
'store_id' => 'Store ID',
'video_url' => '视频',
'unit' => '单位',
'weight' => '重量',
'freight' => '运费模板ID',
'full_cut' => '满减',
'integral' => '积分设置',
'use_attr' => '是否使用规格:0=不使用,1=使用',
'attr' => '规格的库存及价格',
'coupon' => '是否支持优惠劵',
'is_discount' => '是否支持会员折扣',
'payment' => '支付方式',
'individual_share' => '是否单独分销设置:0=否,1=是',
'share_commission_first' => '一级分销佣金比例',
'share_commission_second' => '二级分销佣金比例',
'share_commission_third' => '三级分销佣金比例',
'share_type' => '佣金配比 0--百分比 1--固定金额',
'rebate' => '自购返利',
public function getGoodsPicList()
return $this->hasMany(MsGoodsPic::className(), ['goods_id' => 'id'])->where(['is_delete' => 0]);
* 获取商品总库存
* @param int $id 商品id
public function getNum($id = null)
$goods = null;
if (!$id) {
$goods = $this;
} else {
$goods = static::findOne($id);
if (!$goods) {
return 0;
if (!$goods->attr) {
return 0;
$num = 0;
$attr_rows = json_decode($goods->attr, true);
foreach ($attr_rows as $attr_row) {
$num += intval($attr_row['num']);
return $num;
public function getAttrData()
if ($this->isNewRecord) {
return [];
if (!$this->use_attr) {
return [];
if (!$this->attr) {
return [];
$attr_group_list = [];
$attr_data = json_decode($this->attr, true);
foreach ($attr_data as $i => $attr_data_item) {
foreach ($attr_data[$i]['attr_list'] as $j => $attr_list) {
$attr_group = $this->getAttrGroupByAttId($attr_data[$i]['attr_list'][$j]['attr_id']);
if ($attr_group) {
$in_list = false;
foreach ($attr_group_list as $k => $exist_attr_group) {
if ($exist_attr_group['attr_group_name'] == $attr_group->attr_group_name) {
$attr_item = [
'attr_name' => $attr_data[$i]['attr_list'][$j]['attr_name'],
if (!in_array($attr_item, $attr_group_list[$k]['attr_list'])) {
$attr_group_list[$k]['attr_list'][] = $attr_item;
$in_list = true;
if (!$in_list) {
$attr_group_list[] = [
'attr_group_name' => $attr_group->attr_group_name,
'attr_list' => [
'attr_name' => $attr_data[$i]['attr_list'][$j]['attr_name'],
return $attr_group_list;
private function getAttrGroupByAttId($att_id)
$cache_key = 'get_attr_group_by_attr_id_' . $att_id;
$attr_group = Yii::$app->cache->get($cache_key);
if ($attr_group) {
return $attr_group;
//$attr_group = AttrGroup::find()->alias('ag')
// ->leftJoin(['a' => Attr::tableName()], '')
// ->where(['' => $att_id])
// ->one();
$attr_group = AttrGroup::find()->alias('ag')
->where(['' => Attr::find()->select('attr_group_id')->distinct()->where(['id' => $att_id])])
if (!$attr_group) {
return $attr_group;
Yii::$app->cache->set($cache_key, $attr_group, 10);
return $attr_group;
public function getCheckedAttrData()
if ($this->isNewRecord) {
return [];
if (!$this->use_attr) {
return [];
if (!$this->attr) {
return [];
$attr_data = json_decode($this->attr, true);
foreach ($attr_data as $i => $attr_data_item) {
if (!isset($attr_data[$i]['no'])) {
$attr_data[$i]['no'] = '';
if (!isset($attr_data[$i]['pic'])) {
$attr_data[$i]['pic'] = '';
foreach ($attr_data[$i]['attr_list'] as $j => $attr_list) {
$attr_group = $this->getAttrGroupByAttId($attr_data[$i]['attr_list'][$j]['attr_id']);
$attr_data[$i]['attr_list'][$j]['attr_group_name'] = $attr_group ? $attr_group->attr_group_name : null;
return $attr_data;
* 根据规格获取商品的库存及规格价格信息
* @param array $attr_id_list 规格id列表 eg. [1,4,9]
* @return array|null eg.
public function getAttrInfo($attr_id_list)
$attr_rows = json_decode($this->attr, true);
if (empty($attr_rows)) {
return null;
foreach ($attr_rows as $i => $attr_row) {
$key = [];
foreach ($attr_row['attr_list'] as $j => $attr) {
$key[] = $attr['attr_id'];
if (!array_diff($attr_id_list, $key)) {
if (!$attr_rows[$i]['price']) {
$attr_rows[$i]['price'] = $this->original_price;
return $attr_rows[$i];
return null;
* 获取商品可选的规格列表
public function getAttrGroupList()
$attr_rows = json_decode($this->attr, true);
if (empty($attr_rows)) {
return [];
$attr_group_list = [];
foreach ($attr_rows as $attr_row) {
foreach ($attr_row['attr_list'] as $i => $attr) {
$attr_id = $attr['attr_id'];
$attr = Attr::findOne(['id' => $attr_id, 'is_delete' => 0]);
if (!$attr) {
$in_list = false;
foreach ($attr_group_list as $j => $attr_group) {
if ($attr_group->attr_group_id == $attr->attr_group_id) {
$attr_obj = (object)[
'attr_id' => $attr->id,
'attr_name' => $attr->attr_name,
if (!in_array($attr_obj, $attr_group_list[$j]->attr_list)) {
$attr_group_list[$j]->attr_list[] = $attr_obj;
$in_list = true;
if (!$in_list) {
$attr_group = AttrGroup::findOne(['is_delete' => 0, 'id' => $attr->attr_group_id]);
if ($attr_group) {
$attr_group_list[] = (object)[
'attr_group_id' => $attr_group->id,
'attr_group_name' => $attr_group->attr_group_name,
'attr_list' => [
'attr_id' => $attr->id,
'attr_name' => $attr->attr_name,
return $attr_group_list;
* 库存减少操作
* @param array $attr_id_list eg. [1,4,2]
public function numSub($attr_id_list, $num)
$attr_group_list = json_decode($this->attr);
$sub_attr_num = false;
foreach ($attr_group_list as $i => $attr_group) {
$group_attr_id_list = [];
foreach ($attr_group->attr_list as $attr) {
array_push($group_attr_id_list, $attr->attr_id);
if (!array_diff($attr_id_list, $group_attr_id_list)) {
if ($num > intval($attr_group_list[$i]->num)) {
return false;
$attr_group_list[$i]->num = intval($attr_group_list[$i]->num) - $num;
$sub_attr_num = true;
if (!$sub_attr_num) {
return false;
$this->attr = json_encode($attr_group_list, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
return true;
* 库存增加操作
public function numAdd($attr_id_list, $num)
$attr_group_list = json_decode($this->attr);
$add_attr_num = false;
foreach ($attr_group_list as $i => $attr_group) {
$group_attr_id_list = [];
foreach ($attr_group->attr_list as $attr) {
array_push($group_attr_id_list, $attr->attr_id);
if (!array_diff($attr_id_list, $group_attr_id_list)) {
$attr_group_list[$i]->num = intval($attr_group_list[$i]->num) + $num;
$add_attr_num = true;
if (!$add_attr_num) {
return false;
$this->attr = json_encode($attr_group_list, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
return true;
* 获取商品销量
public function getSalesVolume()
$res = MsOrder::find()->select('SUM(num) as sales_volume')
return empty($res['sales_volume']) ? 0 : intval($res['sales_volume']);
// 获取默认规格商品的货号
public function getGoodsNo($id = null)
$goods = null;
if (!$id) {
$goods = $this;
} else {
$goods = static::findOne($id);
if (!$goods) {
return 0;
if (!$goods->attr) {
return 0;
$num = 0;
$attr_rows = json_decode($goods->attr, true);
foreach ($attr_rows as $attr_row) {
$num = $attr_row['no'];
return $num;
public function getIsLevel() {
return $this->is_level = $this->is_discount;
public function afterSave($insert, $changedAttributes)
$data = $insert ? json_encode($this->attributes) : json_encode($changedAttributes);
CommonActionLog::storeActionLog('', $insert, $this->is_delete, $data, $this->id);