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namespace app\models;
use app\models\common\admin\log\CommonActionLog;
use Codeception\PHPUnit\ResultPrinter\HTML;
use Yii;
* This is the model class for table "{{%order_refund}}".
* @property integer $id
* @property integer $store_id
* @property integer $user_id
* @property integer $order_id
* @property integer $order_detail_id
* @property string $order_refund_no
* @property integer $type
* @property string $refund_price
* @property string $desc
* @property string $pic_list
* @property integer $status
* @property string $refuse_desc
* @property integer $addtime
* @property integer $is_delete
* @property integer $response_time
* @property integer $is_agree
* @property integer $is_user_send
* @property string $user_send_express
* @property string $user_send_express_no
* @property integer $address_id
class OrderRefund extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
* 售后类型:退货退款
const TYPE_REFUND = 1;
* 售后类型:换货
const TYPE_EXCHANGE = 2;
* 售后状态:商家待处理
const STATUS_IN = 0;
* 售后状态:商家同意并已退款
* 售后状态:商家同意换货
* 售后状态:商家拒绝退换货
const STATUS_REFUSE = 3;
* @inheritdoc
public static function tableName()
return '{{%order_refund}}';
* @inheritdoc
public function rules()
return [
[['store_id', 'user_id', 'order_id', 'order_detail_id'], 'required'],
[['store_id', 'user_id', 'order_id', 'order_detail_id', 'type', 'status', 'addtime', 'is_delete', 'response_time', 'is_agree', 'is_user_send', 'address_id'], 'integer'],
[['refund_price'], 'number'],
[['pic_list'], 'string'],
[['order_refund_no'], 'string', 'max' => 255],
[['desc', 'refuse_desc'], 'string', 'max' => 500],
[['user_send_express', 'user_send_express_no'], 'string', 'max' => 32],
* @inheritdoc
public function attributeLabels()
return [
'id' => 'ID',
'store_id' => 'Store ID',
'user_id' => 'User ID',
'order_id' => 'Order ID',
'order_detail_id' => 'Order Detail ID',
'order_refund_no' => '退款单号',
'type' => '售后类型:1=退货退款,2=换货',
'refund_price' => '退款金额',
'desc' => '退款说明',
'pic_list' => '凭证图片列表:json格式',
'status' => '状态:0=待商家处理,1=同意并已退款,2=已同意换货,3=已拒绝退换货',
'refuse_desc' => '拒绝退换货原因',
'addtime' => 'Addtime',
'is_delete' => 'Is Delete',
'response_time' => '商家处理时间',
'is_agree' => '是否已同意退、换货:0=待处理,1=已同意,2=已拒绝',
'is_user_send' => '用户已发货:0=未发货,1=已发货',
'user_send_express' => '用户发货快递公司',
'user_send_express_no' => '用户发货快递单号',
'address_id' => '退货 换货地址id',
public function getGoods()
return $this->hasOne(Goods::className(), ['id' => 'goods_id'])->alias('g')
->viaTable(OrderDetail::tableName() . ' od', ['id' => 'order_detail_id']);
public function beforeSave($insert)
$this->desc = \yii\helpers\Html::encode($this->desc);
$this->user_send_express = \yii\helpers\Html::encode($this->user_send_express);
$this->user_send_express_no = \yii\helpers\Html::encode($this->user_send_express_no);
return parent::beforeSave($insert);
public function afterSave($insert, $changedAttributes)
$data = $insert ? json_encode($this->attributes) : json_encode($changedAttributes);
CommonActionLog::storeActionLog('', $insert, $this->is_delete, $data, $this->id);