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namespace app\models;
use Yii;
* This is the model class for table "{{%yy_order}}".
* @property string $id
* @property string $goods_id
* @property string $user_id
* @property string $order_no
* @property string $total_price
* @property string $pay_price
* @property integer $is_pay
* @property integer $pay_type
* @property string $pay_time
* @property integer $is_use
* @property string $is_comment
* @property integer $apply_delete
* @property integer $addtime
* @property integer $is_delete
* @property string $offline_qrcode
* @property integer $is_cancel
* @property string $store_id
* @property string $use_time
* @property string $clerk_id
* @property string $shop_id
* @property integer $is_refund
* @property string $form_id
* @property integer $refund_time
* @property integer $is_recycle
* @property integer $is_show
* @property string $seller_comments
* @property string $attr
class YyOrder extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
* @inheritdoc
public static function tableName()
return '{{%yy_order}}';
* @inheritdoc
public function rules()
return [
[['goods_id', 'user_id', 'order_no', 'store_id'], 'required'],
[['goods_id', 'user_id', 'is_pay', 'pay_type', 'pay_time', 'is_use', 'is_comment', 'apply_delete', 'addtime', 'is_delete', 'is_cancel', 'store_id', 'use_time', 'clerk_id', 'shop_id', 'is_refund', 'refund_time', 'is_recycle', 'is_show'], 'integer'],
[['total_price', 'pay_price'], 'number'],
[['offline_qrcode', 'seller_comments', 'attr'], 'string'],
[['order_no', 'form_id'], 'string', 'max' => 255],
* @inheritdoc
public function attributeLabels()
return [
'id' => 'ID',
'goods_id' => '商品id',
'user_id' => '用户id',
'order_no' => '订单号',
'total_price' => '订单总费用',
'pay_price' => '实际支付总费用',
'is_pay' => '支付状态:0=未支付,1=已支付',
'pay_type' => '支付方式:1=微信支付',
'pay_time' => '支付时间',
'is_use' => '是否使用',
'is_comment' => '是否评论',
'apply_delete' => '是否申请取消订单:0=否,1=申请取消订单',
'addtime' => 'Addtime',
'is_delete' => 'Is Delete',
'offline_qrcode' => '核销码',
'is_cancel' => '是否取消',
'store_id' => 'Store ID',
'use_time' => '核销时间',
'clerk_id' => '核销员user_id',
'shop_id' => '自提门店ID',
'is_refund' => '是否退款',
'form_id' => '表单ID',
'refund_time' => '取消时间',
'is_recycle' => '是否加入回收站 0--不加入 1--加入',
'is_show' => '是否显示 0--不显示 1--显示(软删除)',
'seller_comments' => '商户备注',
'attr' => '规格',
public function getUser()
return $this->hasOne(User::className(), ['id' => 'user_id']);
public function getClerk()
return $this->hasOne(User::className(), ['id' => 'clerk_id']);
public function getShop()
return $this->hasOne(Shop::className(), ['id' => 'shop_id']);
public function getGoods()
return $this->hasMany(YyGoods::className(), ['id' => 'goods_id']);
public function getOrderForm()
return $this->hasMany(YyOrderForm::className(), ['order_id' => 'id']);
public static function find()
return Yii::createObject(MyActiveQuery::className(), [
get_called_class(), [
'myCondition' => [
'is_show' => 1