You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

138 lines
4.7 KiB

* @copyright ©2018 浙江禾匠信息科技
* @author Lu Wei
* @link
* Created by IntelliJ IDEA
* Date Time: 2018/7/12 19:24
namespace app\modules\admin\models;
use app\hejiang\Cloud;
use app\models\Admin;
use app\models\AdminRegister;
use app\models\Option;
use Hejiang\Sms\Exceptions\SmsException;
use Hejiang\Sms\Messages\TemplateMessage;
use Hejiang\Sms\Senders\AliyunSender;
class UserRegisterForm extends AdminModel
public $status;
public $id;
private $sms_error;
public function rules()
return [
[['id', 'status'], 'required'],
['status', function ($attribute, $params) {
if ($this->status != 1) {
$auth_info = Cloud::getAuthInfo();
$account_count = (Admin::find()->where(['is_delete' => 0])->count()) - 1;
$account_max = $auth_info['data']['account_max'];
$account_over_max = $account_max != -1 && $account_count >= $account_max;
if ($account_over_max) {
$this->addError($attribute, "操作失败,子账户创建数量上限。");
public function save()
if (!$this->validate()) {
return $this->getErrorResponse();
$admin_register = AdminRegister::findOne([
'id' => $this->id,
'status' => 0,
'is_delete' => 0,
if (!$admin_register) {
return [
'code' => 1,
'msg' => '申请的内容不存在,请刷新页面查看。',
if ($this->status == 1) {
$admin = new Admin();
$admin->username = $admin_register->username;
$admin->password = $admin_register->password;
$admin->auth_key = \Yii::$app->security->generateRandomString();
$admin->access_token = \Yii::$app->security->generateRandomString();
$admin->addtime = time();
$admin->is_delete = 0;
$admin->app_max_count = 1;
$admin->permission = '[]';
$admin->remark = $admin_register->desc;
$admin->expire_time = 0;
$admin->mobile = $admin_register->mobile;
if ($admin->save()) {
$admin_register->status = 1;
return [
'code' => 0,
'msg' => '操作成功。',
'data' => [
'sms_error' => $this->sms_error,
} else {
return $this->getErrorResponse($admin);
} else {
$admin_register->status = 2;
return [
'code' => 0,
'msg' => '操作成功。',
'data' => [
'sms_error' => $this->sms_error,
* @param AdminRegister $admin_register
* @return bool
private function sendResultSms($admin_register)
$ind_sms = Option::get('ind_sms', 0, 'admin');
if (!$ind_sms) {
$this->sms_error = '发送失败,短信尚未配置。';
return false;
if (!$ind_sms['aliyun'] || !$ind_sms['aliyun']['access_key_id'] || !$ind_sms['aliyun']['access_key_secret'] || !$ind_sms['aliyun']['sign'] || !$ind_sms['aliyun']['register_result_tpl_id']) {
$this->sms_error = '发送失败,短信尚未配置。';
return false;
$sender = new AliyunSender($ind_sms['aliyun']['access_key_id'], $ind_sms['aliyun']['access_key_secret']);
$message = new TemplateMessage([
'sender' => $sender,
'sign' => $ind_sms['aliyun']['sign'],
'tplId' => $ind_sms['aliyun']['register_result_tpl_id'],
'tplParams' => [
'name' => $admin_register->username,
'result' => $admin_register->status == 1 ? '已通过' : '未通过',
'phoneNumber' => $admin_register->mobile,
try {
return true;
} catch (SmsException $e) {
$this->sms_error = '发送失败,' . $e->getMessage();
return false;