You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
* User: luwei
* Date: 2018/3/9
* Time: 10:21
namespace app\modules\user\controllers;
use app\models\Mch;
use app\models\Store;
use app\models\WechatApp;
use luweiss\wechat\Wechat;
use yii\web\Cookie;
use yii\web\HttpException;
* @property Store $store
* @property Wechat $wechat
* @property Mch $mch
class Controller extends \app\controllers\Controller
public $layout = 'main';
/** @var Store $store */
public $store;
/** @var Wechat $wechat */
public $wechat;
/** @var Mch $mch */
public $mch;
public function init()
$store_id = \Yii::$app->request->get('store_id');
if ($store_id) {
\Yii::$app->response->cookies->add(new Cookie([
'name' => 'zjhj_mall_store_id',
'value' => $store_id,
'expire' => time() + 86400 * 365,
} else {
$store_id = \Yii::$app->request->cookies->get('zjhj_mall_store_id');
if (!$store_id) {
throw new HttpException(403, 'Store Id 不能为空,请重新访问商户登录口进行登录!');
$this->store = Store::findOne($store_id);
$wechat_app = WechatApp::findOne($this->store->wechat_app_id);
$cert_pem_file = null;
if ($wechat_app->cert_pem) {
$cert_pem_file = \Yii::$app->runtimePath . '/pem/' . md5($wechat_app->cert_pem);
if (!file_exists($cert_pem_file)) {
file_put_contents($cert_pem_file, $wechat_app->cert_pem);
$key_pem_file = null;
if ($wechat_app->key_pem) {
$key_pem_file = \Yii::$app->runtimePath . '/pem/' . md5($wechat_app->key_pem);
if (!file_exists($key_pem_file)) {
file_put_contents($key_pem_file, $wechat_app->key_pem);
$this->wechat = new Wechat([
'appId' => $wechat_app->app_id,
'appSecret' => $wechat_app->app_secret,
'mchId' => $wechat_app->mch_id,
'apiKey' => $wechat_app->key,
'certPem' => $cert_pem_file,
'keyPem' => $key_pem_file,
'cachePath' => \Yii::$app->runtimePath . '/cache',
public function getMenuList()
return [
'name' => '用户中心',
'icon' => 'icon-people',
'route' => 'user/default/setting',
'list' => [
'name' => '用户信息',
'route' => 'user/default/setting',
'name' => '商户管理',
'icon' => 'icon-shanghu',
'route' => 'user/mch/index/index',
'list' => [
'name' => '商户中心',
'route' => 'user/mch/index/index',
'name' => '店铺设置',
'route' => 'user/mch/index/setting',
'name' => '运费规则',
'route' => 'user/mch/index/postage-rules',
'name' => '包邮管理',
'route' => 'user/mch/index/free-deliver-rules',
'name' => '商品管理',
'icon' => 'icon-service',
'route' => 'user/mch/goods/index',
'list' => [
'name' => '商品管理',
'route' => 'user/mch/goods/index',
'name' => '商品分类',
'route' => 'user/mch/goods/cat',
'name' => '添加商品',
'route' => 'user/mch/goods/edit',
'name' => '淘宝CSV上传',
'route' => 'user/mch/goods/taobao-copy',
'name' => '订单管理',
'icon' => 'icon-activity',
'route' => 'user/mch/order/index',
'list' => [
'name' => '订单管理',
'route' => 'user/mch/order/index',
'name' => '售后订单',
'route' => 'user/mch/order/refund',
'name' => '分销订单',
'route' => 'user/mch/order/share',
'name' => '账户资金',
'icon' => 'icon-qianbao',
'route' => 'user/mch/account/cash',
'list' => [
'name' => '提现',
'route' => 'user/mch/account/cash',
'name' => '收支明细',
'route' => 'user/mch/account/log',