You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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namespace OAuth2;
use OAuth2\Controller\ResourceControllerInterface;
use OAuth2\Controller\ResourceController;
use OAuth2\OpenID\Controller\UserInfoControllerInterface;
use OAuth2\OpenID\Controller\UserInfoController;
use OAuth2\OpenID\Controller\AuthorizeController as OpenIDAuthorizeController;
use OAuth2\OpenID\ResponseType\AuthorizationCode as OpenIDAuthorizationCodeResponseType;
use OAuth2\OpenID\Storage\AuthorizationCodeInterface as OpenIDAuthorizationCodeInterface;
use OAuth2\OpenID\GrantType\AuthorizationCode as OpenIDAuthorizationCodeGrantType;
use OAuth2\Controller\AuthorizeControllerInterface;
use OAuth2\Controller\AuthorizeController;
use OAuth2\Controller\TokenControllerInterface;
use OAuth2\Controller\TokenController;
use OAuth2\ClientAssertionType\ClientAssertionTypeInterface;
use OAuth2\ClientAssertionType\HttpBasic;
use OAuth2\ResponseType\ResponseTypeInterface;
use OAuth2\ResponseType\AuthorizationCode as AuthorizationCodeResponseType;
use OAuth2\ResponseType\AccessToken;
use OAuth2\ResponseType\JwtAccessToken;
use OAuth2\OpenID\ResponseType\CodeIdToken;
use OAuth2\OpenID\ResponseType\IdToken;
use OAuth2\OpenID\ResponseType\IdTokenToken;
use OAuth2\TokenType\TokenTypeInterface;
use OAuth2\TokenType\Bearer;
use OAuth2\GrantType\GrantTypeInterface;
use OAuth2\GrantType\UserCredentials;
use OAuth2\GrantType\ClientCredentials;
use OAuth2\GrantType\RefreshToken;
use OAuth2\GrantType\AuthorizationCode;
use OAuth2\Storage\ClientCredentialsInterface;
use OAuth2\Storage\ClientInterface;
use OAuth2\Storage\JwtAccessToken as JwtAccessTokenStorage;
use OAuth2\Storage\JwtAccessTokenInterface;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use LogicException;
* Server class for OAuth2
* This class serves as a convience class which wraps the other Controller classes
* @see \OAuth2\Controller\ResourceController
* @see \OAuth2\Controller\AuthorizeController
* @see \OAuth2\Controller\TokenController
class Server implements ResourceControllerInterface,
* @var ResponseInterface
protected $response;
* @var array
protected $config;
* @var array
protected $storages;
* @var AuthorizeControllerInterface
protected $authorizeController;
* @var TokenControllerInterface
protected $tokenController;
* @var ResourceControllerInterface
protected $resourceController;
* @var UserInfoControllerInterface
protected $userInfoController;
* @var array
protected $grantTypes = array();
* @var array
protected $responseTypes = array();
* @var TokenTypeInterface
protected $tokenType;
* @var ScopeInterface
protected $scopeUtil;
* @var ClientAssertionTypeInterface
protected $clientAssertionType;
* @var array
protected $storageMap = array(
'access_token' => 'OAuth2\Storage\AccessTokenInterface',
'authorization_code' => 'OAuth2\Storage\AuthorizationCodeInterface',
'client_credentials' => 'OAuth2\Storage\ClientCredentialsInterface',
'client' => 'OAuth2\Storage\ClientInterface',
'refresh_token' => 'OAuth2\Storage\RefreshTokenInterface',
'user_credentials' => 'OAuth2\Storage\UserCredentialsInterface',
'user_claims' => 'OAuth2\OpenID\Storage\UserClaimsInterface',
'public_key' => 'OAuth2\Storage\PublicKeyInterface',
'jwt_bearer' => 'OAuth2\Storage\JWTBearerInterface',
'scope' => 'OAuth2\Storage\ScopeInterface',
* @var array
protected $responseTypeMap = array(
'token' => 'OAuth2\ResponseType\AccessTokenInterface',
'code' => 'OAuth2\ResponseType\AuthorizationCodeInterface',
'id_token' => 'OAuth2\OpenID\ResponseType\IdTokenInterface',
'id_token token' => 'OAuth2\OpenID\ResponseType\IdTokenTokenInterface',
'code id_token' => 'OAuth2\OpenID\ResponseType\CodeIdTokenInterface',
* @param mixed $storage (array or OAuth2\Storage) - single object or array of objects implementing the
* required storage types (ClientCredentialsInterface and AccessTokenInterface as a minimum)
* @param array $config specify a different token lifetime, token header name, etc
* @param array $grantTypes An array of OAuth2\GrantType\GrantTypeInterface to use for granting access tokens
* @param array $responseTypes Response types to use. array keys should be "code" and "token" for
* Access Token and Authorization Code response types
* @param TokenTypeInterface $tokenType The token type object to use. Valid token types are "bearer" and "mac"
* @param ScopeInterface $scopeUtil The scope utility class to use to validate scope
* @param ClientAssertionTypeInterface $clientAssertionType The method in which to verify the client identity. Default is HttpBasic
* @ingroup oauth2_section_7
public function __construct($storage = array(), array $config = array(), array $grantTypes = array(), array $responseTypes = array(), TokenTypeInterface $tokenType = null, ScopeInterface $scopeUtil = null, ClientAssertionTypeInterface $clientAssertionType = null)
$storage = is_array($storage) ? $storage : array($storage);
$this->storages = array();
foreach ($storage as $key => $service) {
$this->addStorage($service, $key);
// merge all config values. These get passed to our controller objects
$this->config = array_merge(array(
'use_jwt_access_tokens' => false,
'jwt_extra_payload_callable' => null,
'store_encrypted_token_string' => true,
'use_openid_connect' => false,
'id_lifetime' => 3600,
'access_lifetime' => 3600,
'www_realm' => 'Service',
'token_param_name' => 'access_token',
'token_bearer_header_name' => 'Bearer',
'enforce_state' => true,
'require_exact_redirect_uri' => true,
'allow_implicit' => false,
'allow_credentials_in_request_body' => true,
'allow_public_clients' => true,
'always_issue_new_refresh_token' => false,
'unset_refresh_token_after_use' => true,
), $config);
foreach ($grantTypes as $key => $grantType) {
$this->addGrantType($grantType, $key);
foreach ($responseTypes as $key => $responseType) {
$this->addResponseType($responseType, $key);
$this->tokenType = $tokenType;
$this->scopeUtil = $scopeUtil;
$this->clientAssertionType = $clientAssertionType;
if ($this->config['use_openid_connect']) {
* @return AuthorizeControllerInterface
public function getAuthorizeController()
if (is_null($this->authorizeController)) {
$this->authorizeController = $this->createDefaultAuthorizeController();
return $this->authorizeController;
* @return TokenController
public function getTokenController()
if (is_null($this->tokenController)) {
$this->tokenController = $this->createDefaultTokenController();
return $this->tokenController;
* @return ResourceControllerInterface
public function getResourceController()
if (is_null($this->resourceController)) {
$this->resourceController = $this->createDefaultResourceController();
return $this->resourceController;
* @return UserInfoControllerInterface
public function getUserInfoController()
if (is_null($this->userInfoController)) {
$this->userInfoController = $this->createDefaultUserInfoController();
return $this->userInfoController;
* @param AuthorizeControllerInterface $authorizeController
public function setAuthorizeController(AuthorizeControllerInterface $authorizeController)
$this->authorizeController = $authorizeController;
* @param TokenControllerInterface $tokenController
public function setTokenController(TokenControllerInterface $tokenController)
$this->tokenController = $tokenController;
* @param ResourceControllerInterface $resourceController
public function setResourceController(ResourceControllerInterface $resourceController)
$this->resourceController = $resourceController;
* @param UserInfoControllerInterface $userInfoController
public function setUserInfoController(UserInfoControllerInterface $userInfoController)
$this->userInfoController = $userInfoController;
* Return claims about the authenticated end-user.
* This would be called from the "/UserInfo" endpoint as defined in the spec.
* @param RequestInterface $request - Request object to grant access token
* @param ResponseInterface $response - Response object containing error messages (failure) or user claims (success)
* @return ResponseInterface
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
* @throws \LogicException
* @see
public function handleUserInfoRequest(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response = null)
$this->response = is_null($response) ? new Response() : $response;
$this->getUserInfoController()->handleUserInfoRequest($request, $this->response);
return $this->response;
* Grant or deny a requested access token.
* This would be called from the "/token" endpoint as defined in the spec.
* Obviously, you can call your endpoint whatever you want.
* @param RequestInterface $request - Request object to grant access token
* @param ResponseInterface $response - Response object containing error messages (failure) or access token (success)
* @return ResponseInterface
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
* @throws \LogicException
* @see
* @see
* @see
* @ingroup oauth2_section_4
public function handleTokenRequest(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response = null)
$this->response = is_null($response) ? new Response() : $response;
$this->getTokenController()->handleTokenRequest($request, $this->response);
return $this->response;
* @param RequestInterface $request - Request object to grant access token
* @param ResponseInterface $response - Response object
* @return mixed
public function grantAccessToken(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response = null)
$this->response = is_null($response) ? new Response() : $response;
$value = $this->getTokenController()->grantAccessToken($request, $this->response);
return $value;
* Handle a revoke token request
* This would be called from the "/revoke" endpoint as defined in the draft Token Revocation spec
* @see
* @param RequestInterface $request
* @param ResponseInterface $response
* @return Response|ResponseInterface
public function handleRevokeRequest(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response = null)
$this->response = is_null($response) ? new Response() : $response;
$this->getTokenController()->handleRevokeRequest($request, $this->response);
return $this->response;
* Redirect the user appropriately after approval.
* After the user has approved or denied the resource request the
* authorization server should call this function to redirect the user
* appropriately.
* @param RequestInterface $request - The request should have the follow parameters set in the querystring:
* - response_type: The requested response: an access token, an authorization code, or both.
* - client_id: The client identifier as described in Section 2.
* - redirect_uri: An absolute URI to which the authorization server will redirect the user-agent to when the
* end-user authorization step is completed.
* - scope: (optional) The scope of the resource request expressed as a list of space-delimited strings.
* - state: (optional) An opaque value used by the client to maintain state between the request and callback.
* @param ResponseInterface $response - Response object
* @param bool $is_authorized - TRUE or FALSE depending on whether the user authorized the access.
* @param mixed $user_id - Identifier of user who authorized the client
* @return ResponseInterface
* @see
* @ingroup oauth2_section_4
public function handleAuthorizeRequest(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, $is_authorized, $user_id = null)
$this->response = $response;
$this->getAuthorizeController()->handleAuthorizeRequest($request, $this->response, $is_authorized, $user_id);
return $this->response;
* Pull the authorization request data out of the HTTP request.
* - The redirect_uri is OPTIONAL as per draft 20. But your implementation can enforce it
* by setting $config['enforce_redirect'] to true.
* - The state is OPTIONAL but recommended to enforce CSRF. Draft 21 states, however, that
* CSRF protection is MANDATORY. You can enforce this by setting the $config['enforce_state'] to true.
* The draft specifies that the parameters should be retrieved from GET, override the Response
* object to change this
* @param RequestInterface $request - Request object
* @param ResponseInterface $response - Response object
* @return bool
* The authorization parameters so the authorization server can prompt
* the user for approval if valid.
* @see
* @see
* @ingroup oauth2_section_3
public function validateAuthorizeRequest(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response = null)
$this->response = is_null($response) ? new Response() : $response;
$value = $this->getAuthorizeController()->validateAuthorizeRequest($request, $this->response);
return $value;
* @param RequestInterface $request - Request object
* @param ResponseInterface $response - Response object
* @param string $scope - Scope
* @return mixed
public function verifyResourceRequest(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response = null, $scope = null)
$this->response = is_null($response) ? new Response() : $response;
$value = $this->getResourceController()->verifyResourceRequest($request, $this->response, $scope);
return $value;
* @param RequestInterface $request - Request object
* @param ResponseInterface $response - Response object
* @return mixed
public function getAccessTokenData(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response = null)
$this->response = is_null($response) ? new Response() : $response;
$value = $this->getResourceController()->getAccessTokenData($request, $this->response);
return $value;
* @param GrantTypeInterface $grantType
* @param mixed $identifier
public function addGrantType(GrantTypeInterface $grantType, $identifier = null)
if (!is_string($identifier)) {
$identifier = $grantType->getQueryStringIdentifier();
$this->grantTypes[$identifier] = $grantType;
// persist added grant type down to TokenController
if (!is_null($this->tokenController)) {
$this->getTokenController()->addGrantType($grantType, $identifier);
* Set a storage object for the server
* @param object $storage - An object implementing one of the Storage interfaces
* @param mixed $key - If null, the storage is set to the key of each storage interface it implements
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* @see storageMap
public function addStorage($storage, $key = null)
// if explicitly set to a valid key, do not "magically" set below
if (isset($this->storageMap[$key])) {
if (!is_null($storage) && !$storage instanceof $this->storageMap[$key]) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('storage of type "%s" must implement interface "%s"', $key, $this->storageMap[$key]));
$this->storages[$key] = $storage;
// special logic to handle "client" and "client_credentials" strangeness
if ($key === 'client' && !isset($this->storages['client_credentials'])) {
if ($storage instanceof ClientCredentialsInterface) {
$this->storages['client_credentials'] = $storage;
} elseif ($key === 'client_credentials' && !isset($this->storages['client'])) {
if ($storage instanceof ClientInterface) {
$this->storages['client'] = $storage;
} elseif (!is_null($key) && !is_numeric($key)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('unknown storage key "%s", must be one of [%s]', $key, implode(', ', array_keys($this->storageMap))));
} else {
$set = false;
foreach ($this->storageMap as $type => $interface) {
if ($storage instanceof $interface) {
$this->storages[$type] = $storage;
$set = true;
if (!$set) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('storage of class "%s" must implement one of [%s]', get_class($storage), implode(', ', $this->storageMap)));
* @param ResponseTypeInterface $responseType
* @param mixed $key
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
public function addResponseType(ResponseTypeInterface $responseType, $key = null)
$key = $this->normalizeResponseType($key);
if (isset($this->responseTypeMap[$key])) {
if (!$responseType instanceof $this->responseTypeMap[$key]) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('responseType of type "%s" must implement interface "%s"', $key, $this->responseTypeMap[$key]));
$this->responseTypes[$key] = $responseType;
} elseif (!is_null($key) && !is_numeric($key)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('unknown responseType key "%s", must be one of [%s]', $key, implode(', ', array_keys($this->responseTypeMap))));
} else {
$set = false;
foreach ($this->responseTypeMap as $type => $interface) {
if ($responseType instanceof $interface) {
$this->responseTypes[$type] = $responseType;
$set = true;
if (!$set) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Unknown response type %s. Please implement one of [%s]', get_class($responseType), implode(', ', $this->responseTypeMap)));
* @return ScopeInterface
public function getScopeUtil()
if (!$this->scopeUtil) {
$storage = isset($this->storages['scope']) ? $this->storages['scope'] : null;
$this->scopeUtil = new Scope($storage);
return $this->scopeUtil;
* @param ScopeInterface $scopeUtil
public function setScopeUtil($scopeUtil)
$this->scopeUtil = $scopeUtil;
* @return AuthorizeControllerInterface
* @throws LogicException
protected function createDefaultAuthorizeController()
if (!isset($this->storages['client'])) {
throw new \LogicException('You must supply a storage object implementing \OAuth2\Storage\ClientInterface to use the authorize server');
if (0 == count($this->responseTypes)) {
$this->responseTypes = $this->getDefaultResponseTypes();
if ($this->config['use_openid_connect'] && !isset($this->responseTypes['id_token'])) {
$this->responseTypes['id_token'] = $this->createDefaultIdTokenResponseType();
if ($this->config['allow_implicit']) {
$this->responseTypes['id_token token'] = $this->createDefaultIdTokenTokenResponseType();
$config = array_intersect_key($this->config, array_flip(explode(' ', 'allow_implicit enforce_state require_exact_redirect_uri')));
if ($this->config['use_openid_connect']) {
return new OpenIDAuthorizeController($this->storages['client'], $this->responseTypes, $config, $this->getScopeUtil());
return new AuthorizeController($this->storages['client'], $this->responseTypes, $config, $this->getScopeUtil());
* @return TokenControllerInterface
* @throws LogicException
protected function createDefaultTokenController()
if (0 == count($this->grantTypes)) {
$this->grantTypes = $this->getDefaultGrantTypes();
if (is_null($this->clientAssertionType)) {
// see if HttpBasic assertion type is requred. If so, then create it from storage classes.
foreach ($this->grantTypes as $grantType) {
if (!$grantType instanceof ClientAssertionTypeInterface) {
if (!isset($this->storages['client_credentials'])) {
throw new \LogicException('You must supply a storage object implementing OAuth2\Storage\ClientCredentialsInterface to use the token server');
$config = array_intersect_key($this->config, array_flip(explode(' ', 'allow_credentials_in_request_body allow_public_clients')));
$this->clientAssertionType = new HttpBasic($this->storages['client_credentials'], $config);
if (!isset($this->storages['client'])) {
throw new LogicException("You must supply a storage object implementing OAuth2\Storage\ClientInterface to use the token server");
$accessTokenResponseType = $this->getAccessTokenResponseType();
return new TokenController($accessTokenResponseType, $this->storages['client'], $this->grantTypes, $this->clientAssertionType, $this->getScopeUtil());
* @return ResourceControllerInterface
* @throws LogicException
protected function createDefaultResourceController()
if ($this->config['use_jwt_access_tokens']) {
// overwrites access token storage with crypto token storage if "use_jwt_access_tokens" is set
if (!isset($this->storages['access_token']) || !$this->storages['access_token'] instanceof JwtAccessTokenInterface) {
$this->storages['access_token'] = $this->createDefaultJwtAccessTokenStorage();
} elseif (!isset($this->storages['access_token'])) {
throw new \LogicException('You must supply a storage object implementing OAuth2\Storage\AccessTokenInterface or use JwtAccessTokens to use the resource server');
if (!$this->tokenType) {
$this->tokenType = $this->getDefaultTokenType();
$config = array_intersect_key($this->config, array('www_realm' => ''));
return new ResourceController($this->tokenType, $this->storages['access_token'], $config, $this->getScopeUtil());
* @return UserInfoControllerInterface
* @throws LogicException
protected function createDefaultUserInfoController()
if ($this->config['use_jwt_access_tokens']) {
// overwrites access token storage with crypto token storage if "use_jwt_access_tokens" is set
if (!isset($this->storages['access_token']) || !$this->storages['access_token'] instanceof JwtAccessTokenInterface) {
$this->storages['access_token'] = $this->createDefaultJwtAccessTokenStorage();
} elseif (!isset($this->storages['access_token'])) {
throw new \LogicException('You must supply a storage object implementing OAuth2\Storage\AccessTokenInterface or use JwtAccessTokens to use the UserInfo server');
if (!isset($this->storages['user_claims'])) {
throw new \LogicException('You must supply a storage object implementing OAuth2\OpenID\Storage\UserClaimsInterface to use the UserInfo server');
if (!$this->tokenType) {
$this->tokenType = $this->getDefaultTokenType();
$config = array_intersect_key($this->config, array('www_realm' => ''));
return new UserInfoController($this->tokenType, $this->storages['access_token'], $this->storages['user_claims'], $config, $this->getScopeUtil());
* @return Bearer
protected function getDefaultTokenType()
$config = array_intersect_key($this->config, array_flip(explode(' ', 'token_param_name token_bearer_header_name')));
return new Bearer($config);
* @return array
* @throws LogicException
protected function getDefaultResponseTypes()
$responseTypes = array();
if ($this->config['allow_implicit']) {
$responseTypes['token'] = $this->getAccessTokenResponseType();
if ($this->config['use_openid_connect']) {
$responseTypes['id_token'] = $this->getIdTokenResponseType();
if ($this->config['allow_implicit']) {
$responseTypes['id_token token'] = $this->getIdTokenTokenResponseType();
if (isset($this->storages['authorization_code'])) {
$config = array_intersect_key($this->config, array_flip(explode(' ', 'enforce_redirect auth_code_lifetime')));
if ($this->config['use_openid_connect']) {
if (!$this->storages['authorization_code'] instanceof OpenIDAuthorizationCodeInterface) {
throw new \LogicException('Your authorization_code storage must implement OAuth2\OpenID\Storage\AuthorizationCodeInterface to work when "use_openid_connect" is true');
$responseTypes['code'] = new OpenIDAuthorizationCodeResponseType($this->storages['authorization_code'], $config);
$responseTypes['code id_token'] = new CodeIdToken($responseTypes['code'], $responseTypes['id_token']);
} else {
$responseTypes['code'] = new AuthorizationCodeResponseType($this->storages['authorization_code'], $config);
if (count($responseTypes) == 0) {
throw new \LogicException('You must supply an array of response_types in the constructor or implement a OAuth2\Storage\AuthorizationCodeInterface storage object or set "allow_implicit" to true and implement a OAuth2\Storage\AccessTokenInterface storage object');
return $responseTypes;
* @return array
* @throws LogicException
protected function getDefaultGrantTypes()
$grantTypes = array();
if (isset($this->storages['user_credentials'])) {
$grantTypes['password'] = new UserCredentials($this->storages['user_credentials']);
if (isset($this->storages['client_credentials'])) {
$config = array_intersect_key($this->config, array('allow_credentials_in_request_body' => ''));
$grantTypes['client_credentials'] = new ClientCredentials($this->storages['client_credentials'], $config);
if (isset($this->storages['refresh_token'])) {
$config = array_intersect_key($this->config, array_flip(explode(' ', 'always_issue_new_refresh_token unset_refresh_token_after_use')));
$grantTypes['refresh_token'] = new RefreshToken($this->storages['refresh_token'], $config);
if (isset($this->storages['authorization_code'])) {
if ($this->config['use_openid_connect']) {
if (!$this->storages['authorization_code'] instanceof OpenIDAuthorizationCodeInterface) {
throw new \LogicException('Your authorization_code storage must implement OAuth2\OpenID\Storage\AuthorizationCodeInterface to work when "use_openid_connect" is true');
$grantTypes['authorization_code'] = new OpenIDAuthorizationCodeGrantType($this->storages['authorization_code']);
} else {
$grantTypes['authorization_code'] = new AuthorizationCode($this->storages['authorization_code']);
if (count($grantTypes) == 0) {
throw new \LogicException('Unable to build default grant types - You must supply an array of grant_types in the constructor');
return $grantTypes;
* @return AccessToken
protected function getAccessTokenResponseType()
if (isset($this->responseTypes['token'])) {
return $this->responseTypes['token'];
if ($this->config['use_jwt_access_tokens']) {
return $this->createDefaultJwtAccessTokenResponseType();
return $this->createDefaultAccessTokenResponseType();
* @return IdToken
protected function getIdTokenResponseType()
if (isset($this->responseTypes['id_token'])) {
return $this->responseTypes['id_token'];
return $this->createDefaultIdTokenResponseType();
* @return IdTokenToken
protected function getIdTokenTokenResponseType()
if (isset($this->responseTypes['id_token token'])) {
return $this->responseTypes['id_token token'];
return $this->createDefaultIdTokenTokenResponseType();
* For Resource Controller
* @return JwtAccessTokenStorage
* @throws LogicException
protected function createDefaultJwtAccessTokenStorage()
if (!isset($this->storages['public_key'])) {
throw new \LogicException('You must supply a storage object implementing OAuth2\Storage\PublicKeyInterface to use crypto tokens');
$tokenStorage = null;
if (!empty($this->config['store_encrypted_token_string']) && isset($this->storages['access_token'])) {
$tokenStorage = $this->storages['access_token'];
// wrap the access token storage as required.
return new JwtAccessTokenStorage($this->storages['public_key'], $tokenStorage);
* For Authorize and Token Controllers
* @return JwtAccessToken
* @throws LogicException
protected function createDefaultJwtAccessTokenResponseType()
if (!isset($this->storages['public_key'])) {
throw new \LogicException('You must supply a storage object implementing OAuth2\Storage\PublicKeyInterface to use crypto tokens');
$tokenStorage = null;
if (isset($this->storages['access_token'])) {
$tokenStorage = $this->storages['access_token'];
$refreshStorage = null;
if (isset($this->storages['refresh_token'])) {
$refreshStorage = $this->storages['refresh_token'];
$config = array_intersect_key($this->config, array_flip(explode(' ', 'store_encrypted_token_string issuer access_lifetime refresh_token_lifetime jwt_extra_payload_callable')));
return new JwtAccessToken($this->storages['public_key'], $tokenStorage, $refreshStorage, $config);
* @return AccessToken
* @throws LogicException
protected function createDefaultAccessTokenResponseType()
if (!isset($this->storages['access_token'])) {
throw new LogicException("You must supply a response type implementing OAuth2\ResponseType\AccessTokenInterface, or a storage object implementing OAuth2\Storage\AccessTokenInterface to use the token server");
$refreshStorage = null;
if (isset($this->storages['refresh_token'])) {
$refreshStorage = $this->storages['refresh_token'];
$config = array_intersect_key($this->config, array_flip(explode(' ', 'access_lifetime refresh_token_lifetime')));
$config['token_type'] = $this->tokenType ? $this->tokenType->getTokenType() : $this->getDefaultTokenType()->getTokenType();
return new AccessToken($this->storages['access_token'], $refreshStorage, $config);
* @return IdToken
* @throws LogicException
protected function createDefaultIdTokenResponseType()
if (!isset($this->storages['user_claims'])) {
throw new LogicException("You must supply a storage object implementing OAuth2\OpenID\Storage\UserClaimsInterface to use openid connect");
if (!isset($this->storages['public_key'])) {
throw new LogicException("You must supply a storage object implementing OAuth2\Storage\PublicKeyInterface to use openid connect");
$config = array_intersect_key($this->config, array_flip(explode(' ', 'issuer id_lifetime')));
return new IdToken($this->storages['user_claims'], $this->storages['public_key'], $config);
* @return IdTokenToken
protected function createDefaultIdTokenTokenResponseType()
return new IdTokenToken($this->getAccessTokenResponseType(), $this->getIdTokenResponseType());
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
protected function validateOpenIdConnect()
$authCodeGrant = $this->getGrantType('authorization_code');
if (!empty($authCodeGrant) && !$authCodeGrant instanceof OpenIDAuthorizationCodeGrantType) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('You have enabled OpenID Connect, but supplied a grant type that does not support it.');
* @param string $name
* @return string
protected function normalizeResponseType($name)
// for multiple-valued response types - make them alphabetical
if (!empty($name) && false !== strpos($name, ' ')) {
$types = explode(' ', $name);
$name = implode(' ', $types);
return $name;
* @return mixed
public function getResponse()
return $this->response;
* @return array
public function getStorages()
return $this->storages;
* @param string $name
* @return object|null
public function getStorage($name)
return isset($this->storages[$name]) ? $this->storages[$name] : null;
* @return array
public function getGrantTypes()
return $this->grantTypes;
* @param string $name
* @return object|null
public function getGrantType($name)
return isset($this->grantTypes[$name]) ? $this->grantTypes[$name] : null;
* @return array
public function getResponseTypes()
return $this->responseTypes;
* @param string $name
* @return object|null
public function getResponseType($name)
// for multiple-valued response types - make them alphabetical
$name = $this->normalizeResponseType($name);
return isset($this->responseTypes[$name]) ? $this->responseTypes[$name] : null;
* @return TokenTypeInterface
public function getTokenType()
return $this->tokenType;
* @return ClientAssertionTypeInterface
public function getClientAssertionType()
return $this->clientAssertionType;
* @param string $name
* @param mixed $value
public function setConfig($name, $value)
$this->config[$name] = $value;
* @param string $name
* @param mixed $default
* @return mixed
public function getConfig($name, $default = null)
return isset($this->config[$name]) ? $this->config[$name] : $default;