You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

174 lines
6.5 KiB

var assert = require('assert');
var amqp = require('../amqp');
var exec = require('child_process').exec;
var options = global.options || {};
if (process.argv[2]) {
var server = process.argv[2].split(':');
if (server[0]) = server[0];
if (server[1]) options.port = parseInt(server[1]);
exec('which rabbitmqctl', function(err,res){
if(err != null){
var implOpts = {
reconnect: true,
reconnectBackoffStrategy: 'exponential',
// A 500ms backoff time with an exponential strategy should cause
// the following to occur:
// t = 0 ms server shutdown
// t = ~0 ms connection severed
// t = ~500 ms reconnection attempt fails
// t = ~1500 ms reconnection attempt fails
// t = ~1500 ms server restarted
// t = ~3500 ms reconnection attempt succeeds
reconnectBackoffTime: 500,
var cycleServer = function (stoppedCallback, startedCallback) {
// If you're running a cluster you can do this:
// 'killall -9 beam.smp'
// to test out hard server fails. Note however that you probably do want a
// cluster because killing a single server this way causes even durable
// queues to be deleted, causing the bindings we create to be removed.
exec('rabbitmqctl stop_app', function () {
setTimeout(function () {
if (stoppedCallback) {
// Likewise you can bring up a hard server crash this way:
// 'rabbitmq-server -detached'
exec('rabbitmqctl start_app', function () {
if (startedCallback) {
setTimeout(startedCallback, 500);
// Leave the server down for 1500ms before restarting.
}, 1500);
var readyCount = 0;
var errorCount = 0;
var closeCount = 0;
var messageCount = 0;
var runTest = function () {
var connection = amqp.createConnection(options, implOpts);
var exchange = null;
var queue = null;
var exit = false;
var done = function (error) {
if (exchange) {
if (queue) {
if (error) {
// Exit loudly.
console.log('Error: "' + error + '", abandoning test cycle');
throw error;
} else {
console.log('All done!');
// Exit gracefully.
connection.setImplOptions({'reconnect': false});
exit = true;
var connectionDownTimestamp = null;
connection.on('ready', function() {
readyCount += 1;
console.log('Connection ready (' + readyCount + ')');
if (readyCount === 1) {
// Create an exchange. Make it durable, because our test case shuts down the exchange
// in lieu of interrupting network communications.
exchange ='node-reconnect-exchange', {type: 'topic', durable: true});
// Now, create a queue. Bind it to an exchange, and pump a few messages
// in to it. This is just to prove that the queue is working *before*
// we disconnect it. Remember to make it durable for the same reason
// as the exchange.
connection.queue('node-reconnect-queue', {autoDelete: false, durable: true}, function (q) {
queue = q;
queue.on('queueBindOk', function () {
queue.once('basicConsumeOk', function () {
exchange.publish('node-reconnect', 'one');
console.log('Message one published');
exchange.publish('node-reconnect', 'two');
console.log('Message two published');
queue.bind(exchange, '#');
queue.subscribe(function (message) {
messageCount += 1;
console.log('Message received (' + messageCount + '): ' +;
if (messageCount === 2) {
// On the second message, restart the server.
cycleServer(function () {
// Don't wait for it to come back up, publish a message while it is down.
exchange.publish('node-reconnect', 'three');
console.log('Message three published');
} else if (messageCount === 4) {
return done();
} else if (readyCount === 2) {
// Ensure that the backoff timeline is approximately correct. We
// expect a 500ms backoff, followed by a 1000ms backoff, followed
// by a 2000ms backoff, resulting in about 3500ms of disconnected
// time.
var disconnectionTime = ( - connectionDownTimestamp);
console.log('connection down for ' + disconnectionTime + ' ms');
assert(disconnectionTime >= 3500);
// Allow some grace period for processing and transit, but the tests
// are all done on localhost, so not *too* much.
assert(disconnectionTime <= 3700)
// Ensure we get the rest of the messages from the queue. This means
// that the connection and queue were automatically reconnected with
// no user interaction, and no messages were lost.
// Publish another message after the connection has been restored.
exchange.publish('node-reconnect', 'four');
console.log('Message four published');
connection.on('error', function (error) {
errorCount += 1;
console.log('Connection error (' + errorCount + '): ' + error);
if (connectionDownTimestamp === null) {
connectionDownTimestamp =;
connection.on('close', function () {
closeCount += 1;
console.log('Connection close (' + closeCount + ')');
if (connectionDownTimestamp === null) {
connectionDownTimestamp =;
var waitForExitConditions = function () {
if (!exit) {
setTimeout(waitForExitConditions, 500);
process.addListener('exit', function () {
// 1 ready on initial connection, 1 on reconnection
assert.equal(2, readyCount);
// 4 messages sent and received
assert.equal(4, messageCount);