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'use strict';
var assert = require('assert');
var api = require('../channel_api');
var util = require('./util');
var succeed = util.succeed, fail =;
var schedule = util.schedule;
var randomString = util.randomString;
var when = require('when');
var defer = when.defer;
var URL = process.env.URL || 'amqp://localhost';
function connect() {
return api.connect(URL);
// Expect this promise to fail, and flip the results accordingly.
function expectFail(promise) {
var rev = defer();
promise.then(rev.reject.bind(rev), rev.resolve.bind(rev));
return rev.promise;
// Often, even interdependent operations don't need to be explicitly
// chained together with `.then`, since the channel implicitly
// serialises RPCs. Synchronising on the last operation is sufficient,
// provided all the operations are successful. This procedure removes
// some of the `then` noise, while still failing if any of its
// arguments fail.
function doAll(/* promise... */) {
return when.all(arguments)
.then(function(results) {
return results[results.length - 1];
// I'll rely on operations being rejected, rather than the channel
// close error, to detect failure.
function ignore() {}
function ignoreErrors(c) {
c.on('error', ignore); return c;
function logErrors(c) {
c.on('error', console.warn); return c;
// Run a test with `name`, given a function that takes an open
// channel, and returns a promise that is resolved on test success or
// rejected on test failure.
function channel_test(chmethod, name, chfun) {
test(name, function(done) {
connect(URL).then(logErrors).then(function(c) {
.then(succeed(done), fail(done))
// close the connection regardless of what happens with the test
.then(function() {c.close();});
var chtest = channel_test.bind(null, 'createChannel');
suite("connect", function() {
test("at all", function(done) {
connect(URL).then(function(c) {
return c.close()
;}).then(succeed(done), fail(done));
chtest("create channel", ignore); // i.e., just don't bork
var QUEUE_OPTS = {durable: false};
var EX_OPTS = {durable: false};
suite("assert, check, delete", function() {
chtest("assert and check queue", function(ch) {
return ch.assertQueue('test.check-queue', QUEUE_OPTS)
.then(function(qok) {
return ch.checkQueue('test.check-queue');
chtest("assert and check exchange", function(ch) {
return ch.assertExchange('test.check-exchange', 'direct', EX_OPTS)
.then(function(eok) {
return ch.checkExchange('test.check-exchange');
chtest("fail on reasserting queue with different options",
function(ch) {
var q = 'test.reassert-queue';
return ch.assertQueue(
q, {durable: false, autoDelete: true})
.then(function() {
return expectFail(
ch.assertQueue(q, {durable: false,
autoDelete: false}));
chtest("fail on checking a queue that's not there", function(ch) {
return expectFail(ch.checkQueue('test.random-' + randomString()));
chtest("fail on checking an exchange that's not there", function(ch) {
return expectFail(ch.checkExchange('test.random-' + randomString()));
chtest("fail on reasserting exchange with different type",
function(ch) {
var ex = 'test.reassert-ex';
return ch.assertExchange(ex, 'fanout', EX_OPTS)
.then(function() {
return expectFail(
ch.assertExchange(ex, 'direct', EX_OPTS));
chtest("channel break on publishing to non-exchange", function(ch) {
var bork = defer();
ch.on('error', bork.resolve.bind(bork));
ch.publish(randomString(), '', new Buffer('foobar'));
return bork.promise;
chtest("delete queue", function(ch) {
var q = 'test.delete-queue';
return doAll(
ch.assertQueue(q, QUEUE_OPTS),
.then(function() {
return ch.deleteQueue(q);})
.then(function() {
return expectFail(ch.checkQueue(q));});
chtest("delete exchange", function(ch) {
var ex = 'test.delete-exchange';
return doAll(
ch.assertExchange(ex, 'fanout', EX_OPTS),
.then(function() {
return ch.deleteExchange(ex);})
.then(function() {
return expectFail(ch.checkExchange(ex));});
// Wait for the queue to meet the condition; useful for waiting for
// messages to arrive, for example.
function waitForQueue(q, condition) {
var ready = defer();
connect(URL).then(function(c) {
return c.createChannel()
.then(function(ch) {
function check() {
ch.checkQueue(q).then(function(qok) {
if (condition(qok)) {
else schedule(check);
return ready.promise;
// Return a promise that resolves when the queue has at least `num`
// messages. If num is not supplied its assumed to be 1.
function waitForMessages(q, num) {
var min = (num === undefined) ? 1 : num;
return waitForQueue(q, function(qok) {
return qok.messageCount >= min;
suite("sendMessage", function() {
// publish different size messages
chtest("send to queue and get from queue", function(ch) {
var q = 'test.send-to-q';
var msg = randomString();
return doAll(
ch.assertQueue(q, QUEUE_OPTS),
.then(function() {
ch.sendToQueue(q, new Buffer(msg));
return waitForMessages(q);})
.then(function() {
return ch.get(q, {noAck: true});})
.then(function(m) {
assert.equal(msg, m.content.toString());
chtest("send (and get) zero content to queue", function(ch) {
var q = 'test.send-to-q';
var msg = new Buffer(0);
return doAll(
ch.assertQueue(q, QUEUE_OPTS),
.then(function() {
ch.sendToQueue(q, msg);
return waitForMessages(q);})
.then(function() {
return ch.get(q, {noAck: true});})
.then(function(m) {
assert.deepEqual(msg, m.content);
suite("binding, consuming", function() {
// bind, publish, get
chtest("route message", function(ch) {
var ex = 'test.route-message';
var q = 'test.route-message-q';
var msg = randomString();
return doAll(
ch.assertExchange(ex, 'fanout', EX_OPTS),
ch.assertQueue(q, QUEUE_OPTS),
ch.bindQueue(q, ex, '', {}))
.then(function() {
ch.publish(ex, '', new Buffer(msg));
return waitForMessages(q);})
.then(function() {
return ch.get(q, {noAck: true});})
.then(function(m) {
assert.equal(msg, m.content.toString());
// send to queue, purge, get-empty
chtest("purge queue", function(ch) {
var q = 'test.purge-queue';
return ch.assertQueue(q, {durable: false})
.then(function() {
ch.sendToQueue(q, new Buffer('foobar'));
return waitForMessages(q);})
.then(function() {
return ch.get(q, {noAck: true});})
.then(function(m) {
assert(!m); // get-empty
// bind again, unbind, publish, get-empty
chtest("unbind queue", function(ch) {
var ex = 'test.unbind-queue-ex';
var q = 'test.unbind-queue';
var viabinding = randomString();
var direct = randomString();
return doAll(
ch.assertExchange(ex, 'fanout', EX_OPTS),
ch.assertQueue(q, QUEUE_OPTS),
ch.bindQueue(q, ex, '', {}))
.then(function() {
ch.publish(ex, '', new Buffer('foobar'));
return waitForMessages(q);})
.then(function() { // message got through!
return ch.get(q, {noAck:true})
.then(function(m) {assert(m);});})
.then(function() {
return ch.unbindQueue(q, ex, '', {});})
.then(function() {
// via the no-longer-existing binding
ch.publish(ex, '', new Buffer(viabinding));
// direct to the queue
ch.sendToQueue(q, new Buffer(direct));
return waitForMessages(q);})
.then(function() {return ch.get(q)})
.then(function(m) {
// the direct to queue message got through, the via-binding
// message (sent first) did not
assert.equal(direct, m.content.toString());
// To some extent this is now just testing semantics of the server,
// but we can at least try out a few settings, and consume.
chtest("consume via exchange-exchange binding", function(ch) {
var ex1 = 'test.ex-ex-binding1', ex2 = 'test.ex-ex-binding2';
var q = 'test.ex-ex-binding-q';
var rk = 'test.routing.key', msg = randomString();
return doAll(
ch.assertExchange(ex1, 'direct', EX_OPTS),
ch.assertExchange(ex2, 'fanout',
{durable: false, internal: true}),
ch.assertQueue(q, QUEUE_OPTS),
ch.bindExchange(ex2, ex1, rk, {}),
ch.bindQueue(q, ex2, '', {}))
.then(function() {
var arrived = defer();
function delivery(m) {
if (m.content.toString() === msg) arrived.resolve();
else arrived.reject(new Error("Wrong message"));
ch.consume(q, delivery, {noAck: true})
.then(function() {
ch.publish(ex1, rk, new Buffer(msg));
return arrived.promise;
// bind again, unbind, publish, get-empty
chtest("unbind exchange", function(ch) {
var source = 'test.unbind-ex-source';
var dest = 'test.unbind-ex-dest';
var q = 'test.unbind-ex-queue';
var viabinding = randomString();
var direct = randomString();
return doAll(
ch.assertExchange(source, 'fanout', EX_OPTS),
ch.assertExchange(dest, 'fanout', EX_OPTS),
ch.assertQueue(q, QUEUE_OPTS),
ch.bindExchange(dest, source, '', {}),
ch.bindQueue(q, dest, '', {}))
.then(function() {
ch.publish(source, '', new Buffer('foobar'));
return waitForMessages(q);})
.then(function() { // message got through!
return ch.get(q, {noAck:true})
.then(function(m) {assert(m);});})
.then(function() {
return ch.unbindExchange(dest, source, '', {});})
.then(function() {
// via the no-longer-existing binding
ch.publish(source, '', new Buffer(viabinding));
// direct to the queue
ch.sendToQueue(q, new Buffer(direct));
return waitForMessages(q);})
.then(function() {return ch.get(q)})
.then(function(m) {
// the direct to queue message got through, the via-binding
// message (sent first) did not
assert.equal(direct, m.content.toString());
// This is a bit convoluted. Sorry.
chtest("cancel consumer", function(ch) {
var q = 'test.consumer-cancel';
var recv1 = defer();
var ctag;
ch.assertQueue(q, QUEUE_OPTS),
// My callback is 'resolve the promise in `arrived`'
ch.consume(q, function() { recv1.resolve(); }, {noAck:true})
.then(function(ok) {
ctag = ok.consumerTag;
ch.sendToQueue(q, new Buffer('foo'));
// A message should arrive because of the consume
return recv1.promise.then(function() {
// replace the promise resolved by the consume callback
recv1 = defer();
return doAll(
ch.cancel(ctag).then(function() {
ch.sendToQueue(q, new Buffer('bar'));
// but check a message did arrive in the queue
.then(function() {
ch.get(q, {noAck:true})
.then(function(m) {
// I'm going to reject it, because I flip succeed/fail
// just below
if (m.content.toString() === 'bar')
return expectFail(recv1.promise);
// i.e., fail on delivery, succeed on get-ok
chtest("cancelled consumer", function(ch) {
var q = 'test.cancelled-consumer';
var nullRecv = defer();
ch.consume(q, function(msg) {
if (msg === null) nullRecv.resolve();
else nullRecv.reject(new Error('Message not expected'));
.then(function() {
return nullRecv.promise;
// ack, by default, removes a single message from the queue
chtest("ack", function(ch) {
var q = 'test.ack';
var msg1 = randomString(), msg2 = randomString();
return doAll(
ch.assertQueue(q, QUEUE_OPTS),
.then(function() {
ch.sendToQueue(q, new Buffer(msg1));
ch.sendToQueue(q, new Buffer(msg2));
return waitForMessages(q, 2);
.then(function() {
return ch.get(q, {noAck: false})
.then(function(m) {
assert.equal(msg1, m.content.toString());
// %%% is there a race here? may depend on
// rabbitmq-sepcific semantics
return ch.get(q);
.then(function(m) {
assert.equal(msg2, m.content.toString());
// Nack, by default, puts a message back on the queue (where in the
// queue is up to the server)
chtest("nack", function(ch) {
var q = 'test.nack';
var msg1 = randomString();
return doAll(
ch.assertQueue(q, QUEUE_OPTS), ch.purgeQueue(q))
.then(function() {
ch.sendToQueue(q, new Buffer(msg1));
return waitForMessages(q);})
.then(function() {
return ch.get(q, {noAck: false})})
.then(function(m) {
assert.equal(msg1, m.content.toString());
return waitForMessages(q);})
.then(function() {
return ch.get(q);})
.then(function(m) {
assert.equal(msg1, m.content.toString());
// reject is a near-synonym for nack, the latter of which is not
// available in earlier RabbitMQ (or in AMQP proper).
chtest("reject", function(ch) {
var q = 'test.reject';
var msg1 = randomString();
return doAll(
ch.assertQueue(q, QUEUE_OPTS), ch.purgeQueue(q))
.then(function() {
ch.sendToQueue(q, new Buffer(msg1));
return waitForMessages(q);})
.then(function() {
return ch.get(q, {noAck: false})})
.then(function(m) {
assert.equal(msg1, m.content.toString());
return waitForMessages(q);})
.then(function() {
return ch.get(q);})
.then(function(m) {
assert.equal(msg1, m.content.toString());
chtest("prefetch", function(ch) {
var q = 'test.prefetch';
return doAll(
ch.assertQueue(q, QUEUE_OPTS), ch.purgeQueue(q),
.then(function() {
ch.sendToQueue(q, new Buffer('foobar'));
ch.sendToQueue(q, new Buffer('foobar'));
return waitForMessages(q, 2);
.then(function() {
var first = defer();
return doAll(
ch.consume(q, function(m) {
}, {noAck: false}),
first.promise.then(function(m) {
first = defer();
return first.promise.then(function(m) {
var confirmtest = channel_test.bind(null, 'createConfirmChannel');
suite("confirms", function() {
confirmtest('message is confirmed', function(ch) {
var q = 'test.confirm-message';
return doAll(
ch.assertQueue(q, QUEUE_OPTS), ch.purgeQueue(q))
.then(function() {
return ch.sendToQueue(q, new Buffer('bleep'));
// Usually one can provoke the server into confirming more than one
// message in an ack by simply sending a few messages in quick
// succession; a bit unscientific I know. Luckily we can eavesdrop on
// the acknowledgements coming through to see if we really did get a
// multi-ack.
confirmtest('multiple confirms', function(ch) {
var q = 'test.multiple-confirms';
return doAll(
ch.assertQueue(q, QUEUE_OPTS), ch.purgeQueue(q))
.then(function() {
var multipleRainbows = false;
ch.on('ack', function(a) {
if (a.multiple) multipleRainbows = true;
function prod(num) {
var cs = [];
function sendAndPushPromise() {
var conf = defer();
ch.sendToQueue(q, new Buffer('bleep'), {},
function(err) {
if (err) conf.reject();
else conf.resolve();
for (var i=0; i < num; i++) sendAndPushPromise();
return when.all(cs).then(function() {
if (multipleRainbows) return true;
else if (num > 500) throw new Error(
"Couldn't provoke the server" +
" into multi-acking with " + num +
" messages; giving up");
else {
//console.warn("Failed with " + num + "; trying " + num * 2);
return prod(num * 2);
return prod(5);
confirmtest('wait for confirms', function(ch) {
for (var i=0; i < 1000; i++) {
ch.publish('', '', new Buffer('foobar'), {});
return ch.waitForConfirms();