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var bytewise = require('../')
var tape = require('tape')
var util = require('typewise-core/test/util')
var sample, shuffled
function eq(t, a, b) {
t.equal(a.length, b.length)
a.forEach(function (_, i) {
var y = b[i]
var _a = bytewise.encode(a[i]).toString('hex')
var _b = bytewise.encode(b[i]).toString('hex')
t.equal(_a, _b)
if (_a != _b) {
console.log('not equal:', a[i])
console.log('expected :', b[i])
tape('equal', function (t) {
sample = util.getSample()
shuffled = util.shuffle(sample.slice())
eq(t, sample,
sample = util.getArraySample(2)
shuffled = util.shuffle(sample.slice())
eq(t, sample,
sample = util.shuffle(sample.slice())
var hash = {
start: true,
hash: sample,
nested: {
list: [sample]
end: {}
tape('simple equal', function (t) {
eq(t, sample, bytewise.decode(bytewise.encode(sample)))
tape('encoded buffer toStrings to hex by default', function (t) {
var encoded = bytewise.encode(sample)
t.equal('' + encoded, encoded.toString('hex'))
t.equal(Buffer(encoded).toString(), encoded.toString('utf8'))
t.equal(encoded.toString('ascii'), Buffer(encoded.toString('hex'), 'hex').toString('ascii'))