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'use strict';
exports.__esModule = true;
exports.copyValue = exports.copyCollection = exports.copy = void 0;
var _polyfill = require('./polyfill');
var toString = Object.prototype.toString;
function copy(target, customizer) {
var resultValue = copyValue(target);
if (resultValue !== null) {
return resultValue;
return copyCollection(target, customizer);
function copyCollection(target, customizer) {
if (typeof customizer !== 'function') {
throw new TypeError('customizer is must be a Function');
if (typeof target === 'function') {
var source = String(target);
// NOTE:
// -
// -
// native functions does not have prototype:
// Object.toString.prototype // => undefined
// (function() {}).prototype // => {}
// but cannot detect native constructor:
// typeof Object // => 'function'
// Object.prototype // => {}
// and cannot detect null binded function:
// String(Math.abs)
// // => 'function abs() { [native code] }'
// Firefox, Safari:
// String((function abs() {}).bind(null))
// // => 'function abs() { [native code] }'
// Chrome:
// String((function abs() {}).bind(null))
// // => 'function () { [native code] }'
if (/^\s*function\s*\S*\([^\)]*\)\s*{\s*\[native code\]\s*}/.test(source)) {
// native function
return target;
} else {
// user defined function
return new Function('return ' + String(source))();
var targetClass =;
if (targetClass === '[object Array]') {
return [];
if (targetClass === '[object Object]' && target.constructor === Object) {
return {};
if (targetClass === '[object Date]') {
// NOTE:
// Firefox need to convert
// Firefox:
// var date = new Date;
// +date; // 1420909365967
// +new Date(date); // 1420909365000
// +new Date(+date); // 1420909365967
// Chrome:
// var date = new Date;
// +date; // 1420909757913
// +new Date(date); // 1420909757913
// +new Date(+date); // 1420909757913
return new Date(target.getTime());
if (targetClass === '[object RegExp]') {
// NOTE:
// Chrome, Safari:
// (new RegExp).source => "(?:)"
// Firefox:
// (new RegExp).source => ""
// Chrome, Safari, Firefox:
// String(new RegExp) => "/(?:)/"
var regexpText = String(target),
slashIndex = regexpText.lastIndexOf('/');
return new RegExp(regexpText.slice(1, slashIndex), regexpText.slice(slashIndex + 1));
if ((0, _polyfill.isBuffer)(target)) {
var buffer = new Buffer(target.length);
return buffer;
var customizerResult = customizer(target);
if (customizerResult !== void 0) {
return customizerResult;
return null;
function copyValue(target) {
var targetType = typeof target;
// copy String, Number, Boolean, undefined and Symbol
// without null and Function
if (target !== null && targetType !== 'object' && targetType !== 'function') {
return target;
return null;
exports.copy = copy;
exports.copyCollection = copyCollection;
exports.copyValue = copyValue;