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135 lines
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* Created by jorgecuesta on 4/5/16.
var MongoClient = require('./').MongoClient,
test = require('assert'),
async = require('async');
MongoClient.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/sys_test', function (err, db) {
var connection = this;
// try to authenticate with same connection using adminDb different users created
// on previous steps.
function tenantA(done) {
// Use the admin database for the operation
var adminDb = db.admin();
// Authenticate using the newly added user
adminDb.authenticate('tenantA', 'RandomPasswordForTenant').then(function onAuthSuccess(valid) {
done(null, valid);
}).catch(function onAuthError(error) {
function tenantB(done) {
// Use the admin database for the operation
var adminDb = db.admin();
// Authenticate using the newly added user
adminDb.authenticate('tenantB', 'RandomPasswordForTenant').then(function onAuthSuccess(valid) {
done(null, valid);
}).catch(function onAuthError(error) {
], function(errors, results) {
// a: function (done) {
// console.log("------------------------------- a: 0")
// // Add a user to the database
// db.admin().addUser('tenantA', 'RandomPasswordForTenant', {
// // here I apply a custom role to only access some collections
// // for test reason that is not important because can't authenticate user.
// roles: [{db: "sys_test", role: "dbOwner"}]
// }).then(function onAddUserSuccess(results) {
// console.log("------------------------------- a: 1")
// console.dir(results)
// done(null, results[0]);
// }).catch(function onAddUserError(error) {
// console.log("------------------------------- a: 2")
// console.dir(error)
// if (error.code === 11000) {
// // user already exists.
// return done(null, {
// user: 'tenantA',
// pwd: ''
// });
// }
// done(error);
// });
// },
// b: ['a', function (results, done) {
// console.log("------------------------------- b: 0")
// // Add a user to the database
// db.admin().addUser('tenantB', 'RandomPasswordForTenant', {
// // here I apply a custom role to only access some collections
// // for test reason that is not important because can't authenticate user.
// roles: [{db: "sys_test", role: "dbOwner"}]
// }).then(function onAddUserSuccess(results) {
// console.log("------------------------------- b: 1")
// console.dir(results)
// done(null, results[0]);
// }).catch(function onAddUserError(error) {
// console.log("------------------------------- b: 2")
// if (error.code === 11000) {
// // user already exists.
// return done(null, {
// user: 'tenantB',
// pwd: ''
// });
// }
// done(error);
// })
// }],
// test: ['b', function (results, done) {
// // try to authenticate with same connection using adminDb different users created
// // on previous steps.
// async.parallel([
// function tenantA(done) {
// // Use the admin database for the operation
// var adminDb = db.admin();
// // Authenticate using the newly added user
// adminDb.authenticate('tenantA', 'RandomPasswordForTenant').then(function onAuthSuccess(valid) {
// test.ok(valid);
// done(null, valid);
// }).catch(function onAuthError(error) {
// done(error);
// });
// },
// function tenantB(done) {
// // Use the admin database for the operation
// var adminDb = db.admin();
// // Authenticate using the newly added user
// adminDb.authenticate('tenantB', 'RandomPasswordForTenant').then(function onAuthSuccess(valid) {
// test.ok(valid);
// done(null, valid);
// }).catch(function onAuthError(error) {
// done(error);
// });
// }
// ], done);
// }]
// }, function (error, results) {
// if (error) {
// console.error(error);
// return process.exit(1);
// }
// if (results);
// process.exit(0);
// });