You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

93 lines
2.6 KiB

var mosca = require('mosca');
var pubsubSettings = {
/* For AMQP */
type: 'amqp',
json: false,
amqp: require('amqp'),
exchange: 'amq.topic'
var SECURE_KEY = __dirname + '/../../test/secure/tls-key.pem';
var SECURE_CERT = __dirname + '/../../test/secure/tls-cert.pem';
var moscaSetting = {
interfaces: [
{ type: "mqtt", port: 1883 },
{ type: "mqtts", port: 8883, credentials: { keyPath: SECURE_KEY, certPath: SECURE_CERT } },
{ type: "http", port: 3000, bundle: true },
{ type: "https", port: 3001, bundle: true, credentials: { keyPath: SECURE_KEY, certPath: SECURE_CERT } }
stats: false,
onQoS2publish: 'noack', // can set to 'disconnect', or to 'dropToQoS1' if using a client which will eat puback for QOS 2; e.g. mqtt.js
logger: { name: 'MoscaServer', level: 'debug' },
persistence: { factory: mosca.persistence.Redis, url: 'localhost:6379', ttl: { subscriptions: 1000 * 60 * 10, packets: 1000 * 60 * 10 } },
backend: pubsubSettings,
var authenticate = function (client, username, password, callback) {
if (username == "test" && password.toString() == "test")
callback(null, true);
callback(null, false);
var authorizePublish = function (client, topic, payload, callback) {
var auth = true;
// set auth to :
// true to allow
// false to deny and disconnect
// 'ignore' to puback but not publish msg.
callback(null, auth);
var authorizeSubscribe = function (client, topic, callback) {
var auth = true;
// set auth to :
// true to allow
// false to deny
callback(null, auth);
var server = new mosca.Server(moscaSetting);
server.on('ready', setup);
function setup() {
server.authenticate = authenticate;
server.authorizePublish = authorizePublish;
server.authorizeSubscribe = authorizeSubscribe;
console.log('Mosca server is up and running.');
server.on("error", function (err) {
server.on('clientConnected', function (client) {
console.log('Client Connected \t:= ',;
server.on('published', function (packet, client) {
console.log("Published :=", packet);
server.on('subscribed', function (topic, client) {
console.log("Subscribed :=", client.packet);
server.on('unsubscribed', function (topic, client) {
console.log('unsubscribed := ', topic);
server.on('clientDisconnecting', function (client) {
console.log('clientDisconnecting := ',;
server.on('clientDisconnected', function (client) {
console.log('Client Disconnected := ',;