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86 lines
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'use strict'
var Buffer = require('safe-buffer').Buffer
var test = require('tape').test
var msgpack = require('../')
var bl = require('bl')
test('encode/decode variable ext data up between 0x0100 and 0xffff', function (t) {
var encoder = msgpack()
var all = []
function MyType (size, value) {
this.value = value
this.size = size
function mytipeEncode (obj) {
var buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(obj.size)
return buf
function mytipeDecode (data) {
var result = new MyType(data.length, data.toString('utf8', 0, 1))
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (data.readUInt8(0) !== data.readUInt8(i)) {
throw new Error('should all be the same')
return result
encoder.register(0x42, MyType, mytipeEncode, mytipeDecode)
all.push(new MyType(0x0100, 'a'))
all.push(new MyType(0x0101, 'a'))
all.push(new MyType(0xffff, 'a'))
all.forEach(function (orig) {
t.test('encoding a custom obj of length ' + orig.size, function (t) {
var buf = encoder.encode(orig)
t.equal(buf.length, 4 + orig.size, 'must have the right length')
t.equal(buf.readUInt8(0), 0xc8, 'must have the ext header')
t.equal(buf.readUInt16BE(1), orig.size, 'must include the data length')
t.equal(buf.readUInt8(3), 0x42, 'must include the custom type id')
t.equal(buf.toString('utf8', 4, 5), orig.value, 'must decode correctly')
t.test('mirror test with a custom obj of length ' + orig.size, function (t) {
t.deepEqual(encoder.decode(encoder.encode(orig)), orig, 'must stay the same')
t.test('decoding an incomplete variable ext data up between 0x0100 and 0xffff', function (t) {
var obj = encoder.encode(new MyType(0xfff0, 'a'))
var buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(obj.length)
buf[0] = 0xc8
buf.writeUInt16BE(obj.length + 2, 1) // set bigger size
obj.copy(buf, 3, 3, obj.length)
buf = bl().append(buf)
var origLength = buf.length
t.throws(function () {
}, encoder.IncompleteBufferError, 'must throw IncompleteBufferError')
t.equals(buf.length, origLength, 'must not consume any byte')
t.test('decoding an incomplete header of variable ext data up between 0x0100 and 0xffff', function (t) {
var buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(3)
buf[0] = 0xc8
buf = bl().append(buf)
var origLength = buf.length
t.throws(function () {
}, encoder.IncompleteBufferError, 'must throw IncompleteBufferError')
t.equals(buf.length, origLength, 'must not consume any byte')