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var test = require('tape')
var fs = require('fs')
var home = require('os-homedir')
var cp = require('child_process')
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
var util = require('../util')
var error = require('../error')
var spawn = util.spawn
test('prebuildCache() for different environments', function (t) {
var APPDATA = process.env.APPDATA = 'somepathhere'
t.equal(util.prebuildCache(), APPDATA + '/npm-cache/_prebuilds', 'APPDATA set')
delete process.env.APPDATA
t.equal(util.prebuildCache(), home() + '/.npm/_prebuilds', 'APPDATA not set')
test('cachedPrebuild() converts url to valid characters', function (t) {
var url = ''
var tail = ''
var cached = util.cachedPrebuild(url)
test('tempFile() ends with pid and random number', function (t) {
var url = ''
var cached = util.cachedPrebuild(url)
var tempFile = util.tempFile(cached)
var regexp = /(\S+)\.(\d+)-([a-f0-9]+)\.tmp$/gi
var match = regexp.exec(tempFile)
t.ok(match, 'matches')
t.equal(match[1], cached, 'starts with cached file name')
fs.exists(tempFile, function (exists) {
t.equal(exists, false, 'file should not exist yet')
test('urlTemplate() returns different templates based on pkg and rc', function (t) {
var o1 = {download: 'd0000d'}
var t1 = util.urlTemplate(o1)
t.equal(t1, 'd0000d', 'template based on --download <string>')
var o2 = {
pkg: {binary: {host: ''}}
var t2 = util.urlTemplate(o2)
t.equal(t2, '{name}-v{version}-node-v{abi}-{platform}{libc}-{arch}.tar.gz', 'template based on pkg.binary properties')
var o3 = {
pkg: {binary: {host: ''}},
download: true
var t3 = util.urlTemplate(o3)
t.equal(t3, t2, 'pkg: {} takes precedence over --download')
var o4 = {
pkg: {binary: {host: ''}},
download: 'd0000d'
var t4 = util.urlTemplate(o4)
t.equal(t4, t1, '--download <string> always goes first')
var o5 = {
pkg: {binary: {host: '', remote_path: 'w00t'}}
var t5 = util.urlTemplate(o5)
t.equal(t5, '{name}-v{version}-node-v{abi}-{platform}{libc}-{arch}.tar.gz', 'pkg.binary.remote_path is added after host, default format')
var o6 = {
pkg: {
binary: {
host: '',
remote_path: 'w00t',
package_name: '{name}-{major}.{minor}-node-v{abi}-{platform}-{arch}.tar.gz'
var t6 = util.urlTemplate(o6)
t.equal(t6, '{name}-{major}.{minor}-node-v{abi}-{platform}-{arch}.tar.gz', 'pkg.binary.package_name is added after host and remote_path, custom format')
var o7 = {pkg: require('../package.json'), download: true}
var t7 = util.urlTemplate(o7)
t.equal(t7, '{version}/{name}-v{version}-node-v{abi}-{platform}{libc}-{arch}.tar.gz', '--download with no arguments, no pkg.binary, default format')
test('urlTemplate() with pkg.binary cleans up leading ./ or / and trailing /', function (t) {
var expected = '{name}-{major}.{minor}-node-v{abi}-{platform}-{arch}.tar.gz'
var o = {
pkg: {
binary: {
host: '',
remote_path: '/w00t',
package_name: '/{name}-{major}.{minor}-node-v{abi}-{platform}-{arch}.tar.gz'
t.equal(util.urlTemplate(o), expected)
o.pkg.binary = {
host: '',
remote_path: './w00t/',
package_name: './{name}-{major}.{minor}-node-v{abi}-{platform}-{arch}.tar.gz'
t.equal(util.urlTemplate(o), expected)
o.pkg.binary = {
host: '',
remote_path: 'w00t/',
package_name: '{name}-{major}.{minor}-node-v{abi}-{platform}-{arch}.tar.gz/'
t.equal(util.urlTemplate(o), expected)
o.pkg.binary = {
host: '',
remote_path: './w00t',
package_name: '/{name}-{major}.{minor}-node-v{abi}-{platform}-{arch}.tar.gz/'
t.equal(util.urlTemplate(o), expected)
test('getDownloadUrl() expands template to correct values', function (t) {
var abi = process.versions.modules
var o1 = {
pkg: {
name: 'a-native-module',
version: 'x.y.z-alpha5',
binary: {
host: '',
module_name: 'a-native-module-bindings',
package_name: '{name}-{package_name}-{version}-{major}-{minor}-{patch}-{prerelease}-{abi}-{node_abi}-{platform}-{arch}-{configuration}-{module_name}'
platform: 'coolplatform',
arch: 'futureplatform'
var url1 = util.getDownloadUrl(o1)
t.equal(url1, '' + abi + '-' + abi + '-coolplatform-futureplatform-Release-a-native-module-bindings', 'weird url but testing everything is propagated, with prerelease and Release')
var o2 = {
pkg: {
name: 'a-native-module',
version: 'x.y.z+beta77',
binary: {
host: '',
module_name: 'a-native-module-bindings',
package_name: '{name}-{package_name}-{version}-{major}-{minor}-{patch}-{build}-{abi}-{node_abi}-{platform}-{arch}-{configuration}-{module_name}'
platform: 'coolplatform',
arch: 'futureplatform',
debug: true
var url2 = util.getDownloadUrl(o2)
t.equal(url2, '' + abi + '-' + abi + '-coolplatform-futureplatform-Debug-a-native-module-bindings', 'weird url but testing everything is propagated, with build and Debug')
var o3 = {
pkg: {
name: '@scope/a-native-module',
version: 'x.y.z+beta77',
binary: {
host: '',
module_name: 'a-native-module-bindings',
package_name: '{name}-{package_name}-{version}-{major}-{minor}-{patch}-{build}-{abi}-{node_abi}-{platform}-{arch}-{configuration}-{module_name}'
platform: 'coolplatform',
arch: 'futureplatform',
debug: true
var url3 = util.getDownloadUrl(o3)
t.equal(url3, url2, 'scope does not matter for download url')
test('getTarPath based on package.json and rc config', function (t) {
var opts = {
pkg: {
name: 'foo',
version: 'X.Y.Z'
platform: 'fakeos',
arch: 'x64'
var tarPath = util.getTarPath(opts, 314)
t.equal(tarPath, 'prebuilds/foo-vX.Y.Z-node-v314-fakeos-x64.tar.gz', 'correct tar path')
test('readGypFile reads file based on correct version', function (t) {
var v = 'X.Y.Z'
var file = 'node_version.h'
var _readFile = fs.readFile
fs.readFile = function (fpath, encoding, cb) {
t.equal(fpath, home() + '/.node-gyp/' + v + '/src/' + file, 'corect file name')
util.readGypFile({version: v, file: file}, function (err, data) {
t.error(err, 'readGypFile should succeed')
fs.readFile = _readFile
test('readGypFile errors if fs.readFile errors', function (t) {
var v = 'X.Y.Z'
var file = 'src/node_version.h'
var _readFile = fs.readFile
var error = new Error('sorry dude, no such file')
fs.readFile = function (fpath, encoding, cb) {
process.nextTick(cb.bind(null, error))
util.readGypFile({version: v, file: file}, function (err, data) {
fs.readFile = _readFile
t.same(err, error, 'expected error')
// skipping these 3 tests as it is using execspawn now
test.skip('spawn(): no args default to empty array', function (t) {
cp.spawn = function (cmd, args, opts) {
t.equal(cmd, 'foo', 'correct command')
t.same(args, [], 'default args')
t.same(opts, {stdio: 'inherit'}, 'inherit stdio')
return {
on: function (id, cb) {
t.equal(id, 'exit', 'listener on exit event')
test.skip('spawn(): callback fires with no error on exit code 0', function (t) {
cp.spawn = function (cmd, args, opts) {
t.same(args, ['arg1', 'arg2'], 'correct args')
return new EventEmitter()
spawn('foo', ['arg1', 'arg2'], function (err) {
t.error(err, 'no error')
}).emit('exit', 0)
test.skip('spawn(): callback fires with error on non 0 exit code', function (t) {
cp.spawn = function () { return new EventEmitter() }
spawn('foo', ['arg1'], function (err) {
t.same(err, error.spawnFailed('foo', ['arg1'], 314))
}).emit('exit', 314)
test('releaseFolder(): depends on package.json and --debug', function (t) {
var folder = util.releaseFolder
t.equal(folder({pkg: {}}), 'build/Release', 'Release is default')
debug: false,
pkg: {}
}), 'build/Release', 'Release is default')
debug: true,
pkg: {}
}), 'build/Debug', 'Debug folder when --debug')
debug: true,
pkg: { binary: { module_path: 'foo/bar' } }
}), 'foo/bar', 'using binary property from package.json')
test('nodeGypPath(): accepts any arguments', function (t) {
var nodeGypPath = util.nodeGypPath
t.equal(nodeGypPath('.node-gyp', '0.10.40', 'include/node'),
home() + '/.node-gyp/0.10.40/include/node')
t.equal(nodeGypPath('.node-gyp', '4.1.0', 'include/node', 'node.h'),
home() + '/.node-gyp/4.1.0/include/node/node.h')
t.equal(nodeGypPath('.node-gyp', '/iojs-1.0.4/', '/include/node/', '/node.h'),
home() + '/.node-gyp/iojs-1.0.4/include/node/node.h',
'trailing slashes should not matter')