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956 B

var pull = require('pull-stream')
var windows = require('../')
var test = require('tape')
function rememberStart (start, data) {
return {start: start, data: data}
test('timed window', function (t) {
var timer
var expected =
[ { start: 0, data: 3 },
{ start: 3, data: 12 },
{ start: 6, data: 21 },
{ start: 9, data: 30 } ]
pull.asyncMap(function (data, cb) {
setTimeout(function () {
cb(null, data)
}, 100)
windows(function (data, cb) {
if(timer) return
var acc = 0
timer = setTimeout(function () {
timer = null
console.log('acc', acc)
cb(null, acc)
}, 300)
return function (end, data) {
if(end) return
acc += data
}, rememberStart),
pull.collect(function (err, ary) {
t.deepEqual(ary, expected)