You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

427 lines
9.4 KiB

# qlobber   [![Build Status](]( [![Coverage Status](]( [![NPM version](](
Node.js globbing for amqp-like topics.
var Qlobber = require('qlobber').Qlobber;
var matcher = new Qlobber();
matcher.add('foo.*', 'it matched!');
assert.deepEqual(matcher.match(''), ['it matched!']);
The API is described [here](#tableofcontents).
qlobber is implemented using a trie, as described in the RabbitMQ blog posts [here]( and [here](
## Installation
npm install qlobber
## Another Example
A more advanced example using topics from the [RabbitMQ topic tutorial](
var matcher = new Qlobber();
matcher.add('*.orange.*', 'Q1');
matcher.add('*.*.rabbit', 'Q2');
matcher.add('lazy.#', 'Q2');
''].map(function (topic)
return matcher.match(topic).sort();
[['Q1', 'Q2'],
['Q1', 'Q2'],
['Q2', 'Q2'],
## Licence
## Tests
qlobber passes the [RabbitMQ topic tests]( (I converted them from Erlang to Javascript).
To run the tests:
grunt test
## Lint
grunt lint
## Code Coverage
grunt coverage
[Instanbul]( results are available [here](
Coveralls page is [here](
## Benchmarks
grunt bench
qlobber is also benchmarked in [ascoltatori](
/*jslint node: true, nomen: true */
"use strict";
var util = require('util');
Creates a new qlobber.
@param {Object} [options] Configures the qlobber. Use the following properties:
- `{String} separator` The character to use for separating words in topics. Defaults to '.'. MQTT uses '/' as the separator, for example.
- `{String} wildcard_one` The character to use for matching exactly one word in a topic. Defaults to '*'. MQTT uses '+', for example.
- `{String} wildcard_some` The character to use for matching zero or more words in a topic. Defaults to '#'. MQTT uses '#' too.
function Qlobber (options)
options = options || {};
this._separator = options.separator || '.';
this._wildcard_one = options.wildcard_one || '*';
this._wildcard_some = options.wildcard_some || '#';
this._trie = new Map();
Qlobber.prototype._initial_value = function (val)
return [val];
Qlobber.prototype._add_value = function (vals, val)
vals[vals.length] = val;
Qlobber.prototype._add_values = function (dest, origin)
var i, destLength = dest.length, originLength = origin.length;
for (i = 0; i < originLength; i += 1)
dest[destLength + i] = origin[i];
Qlobber.prototype._remove_value = function (vals, val)
var index = vals.lastIndexOf(val);
if (index >= 0)
vals.splice(index, 1);
return vals.length === 0;
Qlobber.prototype._add = function (val, i, words, sub_trie)
var st, word;
if (i === words.length)
st = sub_trie.get(this._separator);
if (st)
this._add_value(st, val);
sub_trie.set(this._separator, this._initial_value(val));
word = words[i];
st = sub_trie.get(word);
if (!st)
st = new Map();
sub_trie.set(word, st);
this._add(val, i + 1, words, st);
Qlobber.prototype._remove = function (val, i, words, sub_trie)
var st, word;
if (i === words.length)
st = sub_trie.get(this._separator);
if (st &&
((val === undefined) ||
this._remove_value(st, val)))
word = words[i];
st = sub_trie.get(word);
if (!st)
this._remove(val, i + 1, words, st);
if (st.size === 0)
Qlobber.prototype._some = function (v, i, words, st)
var j, w;
for (w of st.keys())
if (w !== this._separator)
for (j = i; j < words.length; j += 1)
v = this._match(v, j, words, st);
return v;
Qlobber.prototype._match = function (v, i, words, sub_trie)
var word, st;
st = sub_trie.get(this._wildcard_some);
if (st)
// in the common case there will be no more levels...
v = this._some(v, i, words, st);
// and we'll end up matching the rest of the words:
v = this._match(v, words.length, words, st);
if (i === words.length)
st = sub_trie.get(this._separator);
if (st)
if (v.dest)
this._add_values(v.dest, v.source);
this._add_values(v.dest, st);
v = v.dest;
else if (v.source)
v.dest = v.source;
v.source = st;
this._add_values(v, st);
word = words[i];
if ((word !== this._wildcard_one) && (word !== this._wildcard_some))
st = sub_trie.get(word);
if (st)
v = this._match(v, i + 1, words, st);
if (word)
st = sub_trie.get(this._wildcard_one);
if (st)
v = this._match(v, i + 1, words, st);
return v;
Qlobber.prototype._match2 = function (v, topic)
var vals = this._match(
source: v
}, 0, topic.split(this._separator), this._trie);
return vals.source || vals;
Add a topic matcher to the qlobber.
Note you can match more than one value against a topic by calling `add` multiple times with the same topic and different values.
@param {String} topic The topic to match against.
@param {Any} val The value to return if the topic is matched. `undefined` is not supported.
@return {Qlobber} The qlobber (for chaining).
Qlobber.prototype.add = function (topic, val)
this._add(val, 0, topic.split(this._separator), this._trie);
return this;
Remove a topic matcher from the qlobber.
@param {String} topic The topic that's being matched against.
@param {Any} [val] The value that's being matched. If you don't specify `val` then all matchers for `topic` are removed.
@return {Qlobber} The qlobber (for chaining).
Qlobber.prototype.remove = function (topic, val)
this._remove(val, 0, topic.split(this._separator), this._trie);
return this;
Match a topic.
@param {String} topic The topic to match against.
@return {Array} List of values that matched the topic. This may contain duplicates.
Qlobber.prototype.match = function (topic)
return this._match2([], topic);
Reset the qlobber.
Removes all topic matchers from the qlobber.
@return {Qlobber} The qlobber (for chaining).
Qlobber.prototype.clear = function ()
this._trie = new Map();
return this;
// for debugging
Qlobber.prototype.get_trie = function ()
return this._trie;
Creates a new de-duplicating qlobber.
Inherits from Qlobber.
@param {Object} [options] Same options as Qlobber.
function QlobberDedup (options)
{, options);
util.inherits(QlobberDedup, Qlobber);
QlobberDedup.prototype._initial_value = function (val)
return new Set().add(val);
QlobberDedup.prototype._add_value = function (vals, val)
QlobberDedup.prototype._add_values = function (dest, origin)
origin.forEach(function (val)
QlobberDedup.prototype._remove_value = function (vals, val)
return vals.size === 0;
Match a topic.
@param {String} topic The topic to match against.
@return {Set} [ES6 Set]( of values that matched the topic.
QlobberDedup.prototype.match = function (topic)
return this._match2(new Set(), topic);
exports.Qlobber = Qlobber;
exports.QlobberDedup = QlobberDedup;