You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* Class AMP_CLI_Validation_Command.
* Commands that deal with validation of AMP markup.
* @package AMP
* Crawls the site for validation errors or resets the stored validation errors.
* @since 1.0
* @since 1.3.0 Renamed subcommands.
final class AMP_CLI_Validation_Command {
* The WP-CLI flag to force validation.
* By default, the WP-CLI command does not validate templates that the user has opted-out of.
* For example, by unchecking 'Categories' in 'AMP Settings' > 'Supported Templates'.
* But with this flag, validation will ignore these options.
* @var string
* The WP-CLI argument to validate based on certain conditionals
* For example, --include=is_tag,is_author
* Normally, this script will validate all of the templates that don't have AMP disabled.
* But this allows validating only specific templates.
* @var string
const INCLUDE_ARGUMENT = 'include';
* The WP-CLI argument for the maximum URLs to validate for each type.
* If this is passed in the command,
* it overrides the value of $this->maximum_urls_to_validate_for_each_type.
* @var string
const LIMIT_URLS_ARGUMENT = 'limit';
* The WP CLI progress bar.
* @see
* @var \cli\progress\Bar|\WP_CLI\NoOp
public $wp_cli_progress;
* The total number of validation errors, regardless of whether they were accepted.
* @var int
public $total_errors = 0;
* The total number of unaccepted validation errors.
* If an error has been accepted in the /wp-admin validation UI,
* it won't count toward this.
* @var int
public $unaccepted_errors = 0;
* The number of URLs crawled, regardless of whether they have validation errors.
* @var int
public $number_crawled = 0;
* Whether to force crawling of URLs.
* By default, this script only crawls URLs that support AMP,
* where the user has not opted-out of AMP for the URL.
* For example, by un-checking 'Posts' in 'AMP Settings' > 'Supported Templates'.
* Or un-checking 'Enable AMP' in the post's editor.
* @var int
public $force_crawl_urls = false;
* A whitelist of conditionals to use for validation.
* Usually, this script will validate all of the templates that don't have AMP disabled.
* But this allows validating based on only these conditionals.
* This is set if the WP-CLI command has an --include argument.
* @var array
public $include_conditionals = [];
* The maximum number of URLs to validate for each type.
* Templates are each a separate type, like those for is_category() and is_tag().
* Also, each post type is a separate type.
* This value is overridden if the WP-CLI command has an --limit argument, like --limit=10.
* @var int
public $limit_type_validate_count;
* The validation counts by type, like template or post type.
* @var array[][] {
* Validity by type.
* @type int $valid The number of valid URLs for this type.
* @type int $total The total number of URLs for this type, valid or invalid.
* }
public $validity_by_type = [];
* Crawl the entire site to get AMP validation results.
* [--limit=<count>]
* : The maximum number of URLs to validate for each template and content type.
* ---
* default: 100
* ---
* [--include=<templates>]
* : Only validates a URL if one of the conditionals is true.
* [--force]
* : Force validation of URLs even if their associated templates or object types do not have AMP enabled.
* wp amp validation run --include=is_author,is_tag
* @param array $args Positional args.
* @param array $assoc_args Associative args.
* @throws Exception If an error happens.
public function run( $args, $assoc_args ) {
$this->include_conditionals = [];
$this->force_crawl_urls = false;
$this->limit_type_validate_count = (int) $assoc_args[ self::LIMIT_URLS_ARGUMENT ];
* Handle the argument and flag passed to the command: --include and --force.
* If the self::INCLUDE_ARGUMENT is present, force crawling or URLs.
* The WP-CLI command should indicate which templates are crawled, not the /wp-admin options.
if ( ! empty( $assoc_args[ self::INCLUDE_ARGUMENT ] ) ) {
$this->include_conditionals = explode( ',', $assoc_args[ self::INCLUDE_ARGUMENT ] );
$this->force_crawl_urls = true;
} elseif ( isset( $assoc_args[ self::FLAG_NAME_FORCE_VALIDATION ] ) ) {
$this->force_crawl_urls = true;
if ( ! current_theme_supports( AMP_Theme_Support::SLUG ) ) {
if ( $this->force_crawl_urls ) {
* There is no theme support added programmatically or via options.
* So make sure that theme support is present so that AMP_Validation_Manager::validate_url()
* will use a canonical URL as the basis for obtaining validation results.
add_theme_support( AMP_Theme_Support::SLUG );
} else {
'Your templates are currently in Reader mode, which does not allow crawling the site. Please pass the --%s flag in order to force crawling for validation.',
$number_urls_to_crawl = $this->count_urls_to_validate();
if ( ! $number_urls_to_crawl ) {
if ( ! empty( $this->include_conditionals ) ) {
'The templates passed via the --%s argument did not match any URLs. You might try passing different templates to it.',
} else {
'All of your templates might be unchecked in AMP Settings > Supported Templates. You might pass --%s to this command.',
WP_CLI::log( 'Crawling the site for AMP validity.' );
$this->wp_cli_progress = WP_CLI\Utils\make_progress_bar(
sprintf( 'Validating %d URLs...', $number_urls_to_crawl ),
$key_template_type = 'Template or content type';
$key_url_count = 'URL Count';
$key_validity_rate = 'Validity Rate';
$table_validation_by_type = [];
foreach ( $this->validity_by_type as $type_name => $validity ) {
$table_validation_by_type[] = [
$key_template_type => $type_name,
$key_url_count => $validity['total'],
$key_validity_rate => sprintf( '%d%%', 100.0 * ( $validity['valid'] / $validity['total'] ) ),
if ( empty( $table_validation_by_type ) ) {
WP_CLI::error( 'No validation results were obtained from the URLs.' );
'%3$d crawled URLs have invalid markup kept out of %2$d total with AMP validation issue(s); %1$d URLs were crawled.',
// Output a table of validity by template/content type.
[ $key_template_type, $key_url_count, $key_validity_rate ]
$url_more_details = add_query_arg(
admin_url( 'edit.php' )
WP_CLI::line( sprintf( 'For more details, please see: %s', $url_more_details ) );
* Reset all validation data on a site.
* This deletes all amp_validated_url posts and all amp_validation_error terms.
* [--yes]
* : Proceed to empty the site validation data without a confirmation prompt.
* wp amp validation reset --yes
* @param array $args Positional args. Unused.
* @param array $assoc_args Associative args.
* @throws Exception If an error happens.
public function reset( $args, $assoc_args ) {
global $wpdb;
WP_CLI::confirm( 'Are you sure you want to empty all amp_validated_url posts and amp_validation_error taxonomy terms?', $assoc_args );
// Delete all posts.
$count = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_type = %s", AMP_Validated_URL_Post_Type::POST_TYPE_SLUG ) );
$query = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_type = %s", AMP_Validated_URL_Post_Type::POST_TYPE_SLUG );
$posts = new WP_CLI\Iterators\Query( $query, 10000 );
$progress = WP_CLI\Utils\make_progress_bar(
sprintf( 'Deleting %d amp_validated_url posts...', $count ),
foreach ( $posts as $post ) {
wp_delete_post( $post->ID, true );
// Delete all terms. Note that many terms should get deleted when their post counts go to zero above.
$count = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM $wpdb->term_taxonomy WHERE taxonomy = %s", AMP_Validation_Error_Taxonomy::TAXONOMY_SLUG ) );
$query = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT term_id FROM $wpdb->term_taxonomy WHERE taxonomy = %s", AMP_Validation_Error_Taxonomy::TAXONOMY_SLUG );
$terms = new WP_CLI\Iterators\Query( $query, 10000 );
$progress = WP_CLI\Utils\make_progress_bar(
sprintf( 'Deleting %d amp_taxonomy_error terms...', $count ),
foreach ( $terms as $term ) {
wp_delete_term( $term->term_id, AMP_Validation_Error_Taxonomy::TAXONOMY_SLUG );
WP_CLI::success( 'All AMP validation data has been removed.' );
* Gets the total number of URLs to validate.
* By default, this only counts AMP-enabled posts and terms.
* But if $force_crawl_urls is true, it counts all of them, regardless of their AMP status.
* It also uses $this->maximum_urls_to_validate_for_each_type,
* which can be overridden with a command line argument.
* @return int The number of URLs to validate.
private function count_urls_to_validate() {
* If the homepage is set to 'Your latest posts,' start the $total_count at 1.
* Otherwise, it will probably be counted in the query for pages below.
$total_count = 'posts' === get_option( 'show_on_front' ) && $this->is_template_supported( 'is_home' ) ? 1 : 0;
$amp_enabled_taxonomies = array_filter(
get_taxonomies( [ 'public' => true ] ),
[ $this, 'does_taxonomy_support_amp' ]
// Count all public taxonomy terms.
foreach ( $amp_enabled_taxonomies as $taxonomy ) {
$term_query = new WP_Term_Query(
'taxonomy' => $taxonomy,
'fields' => 'ids',
'number' => $this->limit_type_validate_count,
// If $term_query->terms is an empty array, passing it to count() will throw an error.
$total_count += ! empty( $term_query->terms ) ? count( $term_query->terms ) : 0;
// Count posts by type, like post, page, attachment, etc.
$public_post_types = get_post_types( [ 'public' => true ], 'names' );
foreach ( $public_post_types as $post_type ) {
$posts = $this->get_posts_that_support_amp( $this->get_posts_by_type( $post_type ) );
$total_count += ! empty( $posts ) ? count( $posts ) : 0;
// Count author pages, like
$total_count += count( $this->get_author_page_urls() );
// Count a single example date page, like
if ( $this->get_date_page() ) {
// Count a single example search page, like
if ( $this->get_search_page() ) {
return $total_count;
* Gets the posts IDs that support AMP.
* By default, this only gets the post IDs if they support AMP.
* This means that 'Posts' isn't deselected in 'AMP Settings' > 'Supported Templates'.
* And 'Enable AMP' isn't unchecked in the post's editor.
* But if $force_crawl_urls is true, this simply returns all of the IDs.
* @param array $ids THe post IDs to check for AMP support.
* @return array The post IDs that support AMP, or an empty array.
private function get_posts_that_support_amp( $ids ) {
if ( ! $this->is_template_supported( 'is_singular' ) ) {
return [];
if ( $this->force_crawl_urls ) {
return $ids;
return array_filter(
* Gets whether the taxonomy supports AMP.
* This only gets the term IDs if they support AMP.
* If their taxonomy is unchecked in 'AMP Settings' > 'Supported Templates,' this does not return them.
* For example, if 'Categories' is unchecked.
* This can be overridden by passing the self::FLAG_NAME_FORCE_VALIDATION argument to the WP-CLI command.
* @param string $taxonomy The taxonomy.
* @return boolean Whether the taxonomy supports AMP.
private function does_taxonomy_support_amp( $taxonomy ) {
if ( 'post_tag' === $taxonomy ) {
$taxonomy = 'tag';
$taxonomy_key = 'is_' . $taxonomy;
$custom_taxonomy_key = sprintf( 'is_tax[%s]', $taxonomy );
return $this->is_template_supported( $taxonomy_key ) || $this->is_template_supported( $custom_taxonomy_key );
* Gets whether the template is supported.
* If the user has passed an include argument to the WP-CLI command, use that to find if this template supports AMP.
* For example, wp amp validation run --include=is_tag,is_category
* would return true only if is_tag() or is_category().
* But passing the self::FLAG_NAME_FORCE_VALIDATION argument to the WP-CLI command overrides this.
* @param string $template The template to check.
* @return bool Whether the template is supported.
private function is_template_supported( $template ) {
// If the --include argument is present in the WP-CLI command, this template conditional must be present in it.
if ( ! empty( $this->include_conditionals ) ) {
return in_array( $template, $this->include_conditionals, true );
if ( $this->force_crawl_urls ) {
return true;
$supportable_templates = AMP_Theme_Support::get_supportable_templates();
// Check whether this taxonomy's template is supported, including in the 'AMP Settings' > 'Supported Templates' UI.
return ! empty( $supportable_templates[ $template ]['supported'] );
* Gets the IDs of public, published posts.
* @param string $post_type The post type.
* @param int|null $offset The offset of the query (optional).
* @param int|null $number The number of posts to query for (optional).
* @return int[] $post_ids The post IDs in an array.
private function get_posts_by_type( $post_type, $offset = null, $number = null ) {
$args = [
'post_type' => $post_type,
'posts_per_page' => is_int( $number ) ? $number : $this->limit_type_validate_count,
'post_status' => 'publish',
'orderby' => 'ID',
'order' => 'DESC',
'fields' => 'ids',
if ( is_int( $offset ) ) {
$args['offset'] = $offset;
// Attachment posts usually have the post_status of 'inherit,' so they can use the status of the post they're attached to.
if ( 'attachment' === $post_type ) {
$args['post_status'] = 'inherit';
$query = new WP_Query( $args );
return $query->posts;
* Gets the front-end links for taxonomy terms.
* For example,
* @param string $taxonomy The name of the taxonomy, like 'category' or 'post_tag'.
* @param int|string $offset The number at which to offset the query (optional).
* @param int $number The maximum amount of links to get (optional).
* @return string[] The term links, as an array of strings.
private function get_taxonomy_links( $taxonomy, $offset = '', $number = 1 ) {
return array_map(
compact( 'taxonomy', 'offset', 'number' ),
'orderby' => 'id',
* Gets the author page URLs, like
* Accepts an $offset parameter, for the query of authors.
* 0 is the first author in the query, and 1 is the second.
* @param int|string $offset The offset for the URL to query for, should be an int if passing an argument.
* @param int|string $number The total number to query for, should be an int if passing an argument.
* @return array The author page URLs, or an empty array.
private function get_author_page_urls( $offset = '', $number = '' ) {
$author_page_urls = [];
if ( ! $this->is_template_supported( 'is_author' ) ) {
return $author_page_urls;
$number = ! empty( $number ) ? $number : $this->limit_type_validate_count;
foreach ( get_users( compact( 'offset', 'number' ) ) as $author ) {
$author_page_urls[] = get_author_posts_url( $author->ID, $author->user_nicename );
return $author_page_urls;
* Gets a single search page URL, like
* @return string|null An example search page, or null.
private function get_search_page() {
if ( ! $this->is_template_supported( 'is_search' ) ) {
return null;
return add_query_arg( 's', 'example', home_url( '/' ) );
* Gets a single date page URL, like
* @return string|null An example search page, or null.
private function get_date_page() {
if ( ! $this->is_template_supported( 'is_date' ) ) {
return null;
return add_query_arg( 'year', date( 'Y' ), home_url( '/' ) );
* Validates the URLs of the entire site.
* Includes the URLs of public, published posts, public taxonomies, and other templates.
* This validates one of each type at a time,
* and iterates until it reaches the maximum number of URLs for each type.
private function crawl_site() {
* If 'Your homepage displays' is set to 'Your latest posts', validate the homepage.
* It will not be part of the page validation below.
if ( 'posts' === get_option( 'show_on_front' ) && $this->is_template_supported( 'is_home' ) ) {
$this->validate_and_store_url( home_url( '/' ), 'home' );
$amp_enabled_taxonomies = array_filter(
get_taxonomies( [ 'public' => true ] ),
[ $this, 'does_taxonomy_support_amp' ]
$public_post_types = get_post_types( [ 'public' => true ], 'names' );
// Validate one URL of each template/content type, then another URL of each type on the next iteration.
for ( $i = 0; $i < $this->limit_type_validate_count; $i++ ) {
// Validate all public, published posts.
foreach ( $public_post_types as $post_type ) {
$post_ids = $this->get_posts_that_support_amp( $this->get_posts_by_type( $post_type, $i, 1 ) );
if ( ! empty( $post_ids[0] ) ) {
$this->validate_and_store_url( get_permalink( $post_ids[0] ), $post_type );
foreach ( $amp_enabled_taxonomies as $taxonomy ) {
$taxonomy_links = $this->get_taxonomy_links( $taxonomy, $i, 1 );
$link = reset( $taxonomy_links );
if ( ! empty( $link ) ) {
$this->validate_and_store_url( $link, $taxonomy );
$author_page_urls = $this->get_author_page_urls( $i, 1 );
if ( ! empty( $author_page_urls[0] ) ) {
$this->validate_and_store_url( $author_page_urls[0], 'author' );
// Only validate 1 date and 1 search page.
$url = $this->get_date_page();
if ( $url ) {
$this->validate_and_store_url( $url, 'date' );
$url = $this->get_search_page();
if ( $url ) {
$this->validate_and_store_url( $url, 'search' );
* Validates the URL, stores the results, and increments the counts.
* @param string $url The URL to validate.
* @param string $type The type of template, post, or taxonomy.
private function validate_and_store_url( $url, $type ) {
$validity = AMP_Validation_Manager::validate_url( $url );
* If the request to validate this returns a WP_Error, return.
* One cause of an error is if the validation request results in a 404 response code.
if ( is_wp_error( $validity ) ) {
WP_CLI::warning( sprintf( 'Validate URL error (%1$s): %2$s URL: %3$s', $validity->get_error_code(), $validity->get_error_message(), $url ) );
if ( $this->wp_cli_progress ) {
$validation_errors = wp_list_pluck( $validity['results'], 'error' );
wp_array_slice_assoc( $validity, [ 'queried_object' ] )
$unaccepted_error_count = count(
static function( $error ) {
$validation_status = AMP_Validation_Error_Taxonomy::get_validation_error_sanitization( $error );
return (
AMP_Validation_Error_Taxonomy::VALIDATION_ERROR_ACK_ACCEPTED_STATUS !== $validation_status['term_status']
AMP_Validation_Error_Taxonomy::VALIDATION_ERROR_NEW_ACCEPTED_STATUS !== $validation_status['term_status']
if ( count( $validation_errors ) > 0 ) {
if ( $unaccepted_error_count > 0 ) {
if ( ! isset( $this->validity_by_type[ $type ] ) ) {
$this->validity_by_type[ $type ] = [
'valid' => 0,
'total' => 0,
$this->validity_by_type[ $type ]['total']++;
if ( 0 === $unaccepted_error_count ) {
$this->validity_by_type[ $type ]['valid']++;