You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

254 lines
5.9 KiB

* Class AMP_Instagram_Embed_Handler
* @package AMP
* Class AMP_Instagram_Embed_Handler
* Much of this class is borrowed from Jetpack embeds
class AMP_Instagram_Embed_Handler extends AMP_Base_Embed_Handler {
const SHORT_URL_HOST = '';
const URL_PATTERN = '#http(s?)://(www\.)?instagr(\.am|am\.com)/p/([^/?]+)#i';
* Default width.
* @var int
protected $DEFAULT_WIDTH = 600;
* Default height.
* @var int
protected $DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 600;
* Tag.
* @var string embed HTML blockquote tag to identify and replace with AMP version.
protected $sanitize_tag = 'blockquote';
* Tag.
* @var string AMP amp-facebook tag
private $amp_tag = 'amp-instagram';
* Registers embed.
public function register_embed() {
wp_embed_register_handler( $this->amp_tag, self::URL_PATTERN, [ $this, 'oembed' ], -1 );
add_shortcode( 'instagram', [ $this, 'shortcode' ] );
* Unregisters embed.
public function unregister_embed() {
wp_embed_unregister_handler( $this->amp_tag, -1 );
remove_shortcode( 'instagram' );
* WordPress shortcode rendering callback.
* @param array $attr Shortcode attributes.
* @return string HTML markup for rendered embed.
public function shortcode( $attr ) {
$url = false;
if ( isset( $attr['url'] ) ) {
$url = trim( $attr['url'] );
if ( empty( $url ) ) {
return '';
$instagram_id = $this->get_instagram_id_from_url( $url );
return $this->render(
'url' => $url,
'instagram_id' => $instagram_id,
* WordPress OEmbed rendering callback.
* @param array $matches URL pattern matches.
* @param array $attr Matched attributes.
* @param string $url Matched URL.
* @return string HTML markup for rendered embed.
public function oembed( $matches, $attr, $url ) {
return $this->render(
'url' => $url,
'instagram_id' => end( $matches ),
* Gets the rendered embed markup.
* @param array $args Embed rendering arguments.
* @return string HTML markup for rendered embed.
public function render( $args ) {
$args = wp_parse_args(
'url' => false,
'instagram_id' => false,
if ( empty( $args['instagram_id'] ) ) {
return AMP_HTML_Utils::build_tag(
'href' => esc_url( $args['url'] ),
'class' => 'amp-wp-embed-fallback',
esc_html( $args['url'] )
$this->did_convert_elements = true;
return AMP_HTML_Utils::build_tag(
'data-shortcode' => $args['instagram_id'],
'data-captioned' => '',
'layout' => 'responsive',
'width' => $this->args['width'],
'height' => $this->args['height'],
* Get Instagram ID from URL.
* @param string $url URL.
* @return string|false The ID parsed from the URL or false if not found.
private function get_instagram_id_from_url( $url ) {
$found = preg_match( self::URL_PATTERN, $url, $matches );
if ( ! $found ) {
return false;
return end( $matches );
* Sanitized <blockquote class="instagram-media"> tags to <amp-instagram>
* @param DOMDocument $dom DOM.
public function sanitize_raw_embeds( $dom ) {
* Node list.
* @var DOMNodeList $node
$nodes = $dom->getElementsByTagName( $this->sanitize_tag );
$num_nodes = $nodes->length;
if ( 0 === $num_nodes ) {
for ( $i = $num_nodes - 1; $i >= 0; $i-- ) {
$node = $nodes->item( $i );
if ( ! $node instanceof DOMElement ) {
if ( $node->hasAttribute( 'data-instgrm-permalink' ) ) {
$this->create_amp_instagram_and_replace_node( $dom, $node );
* Make final modifications to DOMNode
* @param DOMDocument $dom The HTML Document.
* @param DOMElement $node The DOMNode to adjust and replace.
private function create_amp_instagram_and_replace_node( $dom, $node ) {
$instagram_id = $this->get_instagram_id_from_url( $node->getAttribute( 'data-instgrm-permalink' ) );
$node_args = [
'data-shortcode' => $instagram_id,
'layout' => 'responsive',
'width' => $this->DEFAULT_WIDTH,
'height' => $this->DEFAULT_HEIGHT,
if ( true === $node->hasAttribute( 'data-instgrm-captioned' ) ) {
$node_args['data-captioned'] = '';
$new_node = AMP_DOM_Utils::create_node( $dom, $this->amp_tag, $node_args );
$this->sanitize_embed_script( $node );
$node->parentNode->replaceChild( $new_node, $node );
$this->did_convert_elements = true;
* Removes Instagram's embed <script> tag.
* @param DOMElement $node The DOMNode to whose sibling is the instagram script.
private function sanitize_embed_script( $node ) {
$next_element_sibling = $node->nextSibling;
while ( $next_element_sibling && ! ( $next_element_sibling instanceof DOMElement ) ) {
$next_element_sibling = $next_element_sibling->nextSibling;
$script_src = '';
// Handle case where script is wrapped in paragraph by wpautop.
if ( $next_element_sibling instanceof DOMElement && 'p' === $next_element_sibling->nodeName ) {
$children = $next_element_sibling->getElementsByTagName( '*' );
if ( 1 === $children->length && 'script' === $children->item( 0 )->nodeName && false !== strpos( $children->item( 0 )->getAttribute( 'src' ), $script_src ) ) {
$next_element_sibling->parentNode->removeChild( $next_element_sibling );
// Handle case where script is immediately following.
$is_embed_script = (
'script' === strtolower( $next_element_sibling->nodeName )
false !== strpos( $next_element_sibling->getAttribute( 'src' ), $script_src )
if ( $is_embed_script ) {
$next_element_sibling->parentNode->removeChild( $next_element_sibling );