You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

195 lines
4.3 KiB

* Class AMP_Vimeo_Embed_Handler
* @package AMP
* Class AMP_Vimeo_Embed_Handler
* Much of this class is borrowed from Jetpack embeds
class AMP_Vimeo_Embed_Handler extends AMP_Base_Embed_Handler {
const URL_PATTERN = '#https?:\/\/(www\.)?vimeo\.com\/.*#i';
const RATIO = 0.5625;
* Default width.
* @var int
protected $DEFAULT_WIDTH = 600;
* Default height.
* @var int
protected $DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 338;
* AMP_Vimeo_Embed_Handler constructor.
* @param array $args Height, width and maximum width for embed.
public function __construct( $args = [] ) {
parent::__construct( $args );
if ( isset( $this->args['content_max_width'] ) ) {
$max_width = $this->args['content_max_width'];
$this->args['width'] = $max_width;
$this->args['height'] = round( $max_width * self::RATIO );
* Register embed.
public function register_embed() {
wp_embed_register_handler( 'amp-vimeo', self::URL_PATTERN, [ $this, 'oembed' ], -1 );
add_shortcode( 'vimeo', [ $this, 'shortcode' ] );
add_filter( 'wp_video_shortcode_override', [ $this, 'video_override' ], 10, 2 );
* Unregister embed.
public function unregister_embed() {
wp_embed_unregister_handler( 'amp-vimeo', -1 );
remove_shortcode( 'vimeo' );
* Gets AMP-compliant markup for the Vimeo shortcode.
* @param array $attr The Vimeo attributes.
* @return string Vimeo shortcode markup.
public function shortcode( $attr ) {
$video_id = false;
if ( isset( $attr['id'] ) ) {
$video_id = $attr['id'];
} elseif ( isset( $attr['url'] ) ) {
$video_id = $this->get_video_id_from_url( $attr['url'] );
} elseif ( isset( $attr[0] ) ) {
$video_id = $this->get_video_id_from_url( $attr[0] );
} elseif ( function_exists( 'shortcode_new_to_old_params' ) ) {
$video_id = shortcode_new_to_old_params( $attr );
if ( empty( $video_id ) ) {
return '';
return $this->render(
'video_id' => $video_id,
* Render oEmbed.
* @see \WP_Embed::shortcode()
* @param array $matches URL pattern matches.
* @param array $attr Shortcode attribues.
* @param string $url URL.
* @param string $rawattr Unmodified shortcode attributes.
* @return string Rendered oEmbed.
public function oembed( $matches, $attr, $url, $rawattr ) {
$video_id = $this->get_video_id_from_url( $url );
return $this->render(
'url' => $url,
'video_id' => $video_id,
* Render.
* @param array $args Args.
* @return string Rendered.
public function render( $args ) {
$args = wp_parse_args(
'video_id' => false,
if ( empty( $args['video_id'] ) ) {
return AMP_HTML_Utils::build_tag(
'href' => esc_url( $args['url'] ),
'class' => 'amp-wp-embed-fallback',
esc_html( $args['url'] )
$this->did_convert_elements = true;
return AMP_HTML_Utils::build_tag(
'data-videoid' => $args['video_id'],
'layout' => 'responsive',
'width' => $this->args['width'],
'height' => $this->args['height'],
* Determine the video ID from the URL.
* @param string $url URL.
* @return int Video ID.
private function get_video_id_from_url( $url ) {
$path = wp_parse_url( $url, PHP_URL_PATH );
// @todo This will not get the private key for unlisted videos (which look like, but amp-vimeo doesn't support them currently anyway.
$video_id = '';
if ( $path && preg_match( ':^/(\d+):', $path, $matches ) ) {
$video_id = $matches[1];
return $video_id;
* Override the output of Vimeo videos.
* This overrides the value in wp_video_shortcode().
* The pattern matching is copied from WP_Widget_Media_Video::render().
* @param string $html Empty variable to be replaced with shortcode markup.
* @param array $attr The shortcode attributes.
* @return string|null $markup The markup to output.
public function video_override( $html, $attr ) {
if ( ! isset( $attr['src'] ) ) {
return $html;
$src = $attr['src'];
$vimeo_pattern = '#^https?://(.+\.)?vimeo\.com/.*#';
if ( 1 === preg_match( $vimeo_pattern, $src ) ) {
return $this->shortcode( [ $src ] );
return $html;