You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* Class AMP_Base_Sanitizer
* @package AMP
* Class AMP_Base_Sanitizer
abstract class AMP_Base_Sanitizer {
* Value used with the height attribute in an $attributes parameter is empty.
* @since 0.3.3
* @const int
const FALLBACK_HEIGHT = 400;
* Value for <amp-image-lightbox> ID.
* @since 1.0
* @const string
const AMP_IMAGE_LIGHTBOX_ID = 'amp-image-lightbox';
* Placeholder for default args, to be set in child classes.
* @since 0.2
* @var array
protected $DEFAULT_ARGS = [];
* DOM.
* @var DOMDocument A standard PHP representation of an HTML document in object form.
* @since 0.2
protected $dom;
* Array of flags used to control sanitization.
* @var array {
* @type int $content_max_width
* @type bool $add_placeholder
* @type bool $use_document_element
* @type bool $require_https_src
* @type string[] $amp_allowed_tags
* @type string[] $amp_globally_allowed_attributes
* @type string[] $amp_layout_allowed_attributes
* @type array $amp_allowed_tags
* @type array $amp_globally_allowed_attributes
* @type array $amp_layout_allowed_attributes
* @type array $amp_bind_placeholder_prefix
* @type bool $allow_dirty_styles
* @type bool $allow_dirty_scripts
* @type bool $should_locate_sources
* @type callable $validation_error_callback
* }
protected $args;
* Flag to be set in child class' sanitize() method indicating if the
* HTML contained in the DOMDocument has been sanitized yet or not.
* @since 0.2
* @var bool
protected $did_convert_elements = false;
* The root element used for sanitization. Either html or body.
* @var DOMElement
protected $root_element;
* Keep track of nodes that should not be removed to prevent duplicated validation errors since sanitization is rejected.
* @var array
private $should_not_removed_nodes = [];
* AMP_Base_Sanitizer constructor.
* @since 0.2
* @param DOMDocument $dom Represents the HTML document to sanitize.
* @param array $args {
* Args.
* @type int $content_max_width
* @type bool $add_placeholder
* @type bool $require_https_src
* @type string[] $amp_allowed_tags
* @type string[] $amp_globally_allowed_attributes
* @type string[] $amp_layout_allowed_attributes
* }
public function __construct( $dom, $args = [] ) {
$this->dom = $dom;
$this->args = array_merge( $this->DEFAULT_ARGS, $args );
if ( ! empty( $this->args['use_document_element'] ) ) {
$this->root_element = $this->dom->documentElement;
} else {
$this->root_element = $this->dom->getElementsByTagName( 'body' )->item( 0 );
* Add filters to manipulate output during output buffering before the DOM is constructed.
* Add actions and filters before the page is rendered so that the sanitizer can fix issues during output buffering.
* This provides an alternative to manipulating the DOM in the sanitize method. This is a static function because
* it is invoked before the class is instantiated, as the DOM is not available yet. This method is only called
* when 'amp' theme support is present. It is conceptually similar to the AMP_Base_Embed_Handler class's register_embed
* method.
* @since 1.0
* @see \AMP_Base_Embed_Handler::register_embed()
* @param array $args Args.
public static function add_buffering_hooks( $args = [] ) {} // phpcs:ignore VariableAnalysis.CodeAnalysis.VariableAnalysis.UnusedVariable
* Get mapping of HTML selectors to the AMP component selectors which they may be converted into.
* @return array Mapping.
public function get_selector_conversion_mapping() {
return [];
* Run logic before any sanitizers are run.
* After the sanitizers are instantiated but before calling sanitize on each of them, this
* method is called with list of all the instantiated sanitizers.
* @param AMP_Base_Sanitizer[] $sanitizers Sanitizers.
public function init( $sanitizers ) {} // phpcs:ignore VariableAnalysis.CodeAnalysis.VariableAnalysis.UnusedVariable
* Sanitize the HTML contained in the DOMDocument received by the constructor
abstract public function sanitize();
* Return array of values that would be valid as an HTML `script` element.
* Array keys are AMP element names and array values are their respective
* Javascript URLs from
* @since 0.2
* @return string[] Returns component name as array key and JavaScript URL as array value,
* respectively. Will return an empty array if sanitization has yet to be run
* or if it did not find any HTML elements to convert to AMP equivalents.
public function get_scripts() {
return [];
* Return array of values that would be valid as an HTML `style` attribute.
* @since 0.4
* @deprecated As of 1.0, use get_stylesheets().
* @return array[][] Mapping of CSS selectors to arrays of properties.
public function get_styles() {
return [];
* Get stylesheets.
* @since 0.7
* @return array Values are the CSS stylesheets. Keys are MD5 hashes of the stylesheets.
public function get_stylesheets() {
$stylesheets = [];
foreach ( $this->get_styles() as $selector => $properties ) {
$stylesheet = sprintf( '%s { %s }', $selector, implode( '; ', $properties ) . ';' );
$stylesheets[ md5( $stylesheet ) ] = $stylesheet;
return $stylesheets;
* Get HTML body as DOMElement from DOMDocument received by the constructor.
* @deprecated Just reference $root_element instead.
* @return DOMElement The body element.
protected function get_body_node() {
return $this->dom->getElementsByTagName( 'body' )->item( 0 );
* Sanitizes a CSS dimension specifier while being sensitive to dimension context.
* @param string $value A valid CSS dimension specifier; e.g. 50, 50px, 50%. Can be 'auto' for width.
* @param string $dimension Dimension, either 'width' or 'height'.
* @return float|int|string Returns a numeric dimension value, 'auto', or an empty string.
public function sanitize_dimension( $value, $dimension ) {
// Allows 0 to be used as valid dimension.
if ( null === $value ) {
return '';
// Allow special 'auto' value for fixed-height layout.
if ( 'width' === $dimension && 'auto' === $value ) {
return $value;
// Accepts both integers and floats & prevents negative values.
if ( is_numeric( $value ) ) {
return max( 0, (float) $value );
if ( AMP_String_Utils::endswith( $value, 'px' ) ) {
return absint( $value );
if ( AMP_String_Utils::endswith( $value, '%' ) && 'width' === $dimension && isset( $this->args['content_max_width'] ) ) {
$percentage = absint( $value ) / 100;
return round( $percentage * $this->args['content_max_width'] );
return '';
* Sets the layout, and possibly the 'height' and 'width' attributes.
* @param array $attributes {
* Attributes.
* @type int|string $height
* @type int|string $width
* @type string $sizes
* @type string $class
* @type string $layout
* }
* @return array Attributes.
public function set_layout( $attributes ) {
if ( isset( $attributes['layout'] ) && ( 'fill' === $attributes['layout'] || 'flex-item' !== $attributes['layout'] ) ) {
return $attributes;
// Special-case handling for inline style that should be transformed into layout=fill.
if ( ! empty( $attributes['style'] ) ) {
$styles = $this->parse_style_string( $attributes['style'] );
// Apply fill layout if top, left, bottom, right are used.
if ( isset( $styles['position'], $styles['top'], $styles['left'], $styles['bottom'], $styles['right'] )
&& 'absolute' === $styles['position']
&& 0 === (int) $styles['top']
&& 0 === (int) $styles['left']
&& 0 === (int) $styles['bottom']
&& 0 === (int) $styles['right']
&& ( ! isset( $attributes['width'] ) || '100%' === $attributes['width'] )
&& ( ! isset( $attributes['height'] ) || '100%' === $attributes['height'] )
) {
unset( $attributes['style'], $styles['position'], $styles['top'], $styles['left'], $styles['bottom'], $styles['right'] );
if ( ! empty( $styles ) ) {
$attributes['style'] = $this->reassemble_style_string( $styles );
$attributes['layout'] = 'fill';
unset( $attributes['height'], $attributes['width'] );
return $attributes;
// Apply fill layout if top, left, width, height are used.
if ( isset( $styles['position'], $styles['top'], $styles['left'], $styles['width'], $styles['height'] )
&& 'absolute' === $styles['position']
&& 0 === (int) $styles['top']
&& 0 === (int) $styles['left']
&& '100%' === (string) $styles['width']
&& '100%' === (string) $styles['height']
) {
unset( $attributes['style'], $styles['position'], $styles['top'], $styles['left'], $styles['width'], $styles['height'] );
if ( ! empty( $styles ) ) {
$attributes['style'] = $this->reassemble_style_string( $styles );
$attributes['layout'] = 'fill';
return $attributes;
// Apply fill layout if width & height are 100%.
if ( isset( $styles['position'], $attributes['width'], $attributes['height'] )
&& 'absolute' === $styles['position']
&& '100%' === $attributes['width']
&& '100%' === $attributes['height']
) {
unset( $attributes['style'], $attributes['width'], $attributes['height'] );
$attributes['layout'] = 'fill';
unset( $attributes['height'], $attributes['width'] );
return $attributes;
if ( empty( $attributes['height'] ) ) {
unset( $attributes['width'] );
$attributes['height'] = self::FALLBACK_HEIGHT;
if ( empty( $attributes['width'] ) || '100%' === $attributes['width'] ) {
$attributes['layout'] = 'fixed-height';
$attributes['width'] = 'auto';
return $attributes;
* Adds or appends key and value to list of attributes
* Adds key and value to list of attributes, or if the key already exists in the array
* it concatenates to existing attribute separator by a space or other supplied separator.
* @param string[] $attributes {
* Attributes.
* @type int $height
* @type int $width
* @type string $sizes
* @type string $class
* @type string $layout
* }
* @param string $key Valid associative array index to add.
* @param string $value Value to add or append to array indexed at the key.
* @param string $separator Optional; defaults to space but some other separator if needed.
public function add_or_append_attribute( &$attributes, $key, $value, $separator = ' ' ) {
if ( isset( $attributes[ $key ] ) ) {
$attributes[ $key ] = trim( $attributes[ $key ] . $separator . $value );
} else {
$attributes[ $key ] = $value;
* Decide if we should remove a src attribute if https is required.
* If not required, the implementing class may want to try and force https instead.
* @param string $src URL to convert to HTTPS if forced, or made empty if $args['require_https_src'].
* @param boolean $force_https Force setting of HTTPS if true.
* @return string URL which may have been updated with HTTPS, or may have been made empty.
public function maybe_enforce_https_src( $src, $force_https = false ) {
$protocol = strtok( $src, ':' ); // @todo What about relative URLs? This should use wp_parse_url( $src, PHP_URL_SCHEME )
if ( 'https' !== $protocol ) {
// Check if https is required.
if ( isset( $this->args['require_https_src'] ) && true === $this->args['require_https_src'] ) {
// Remove the src. Let the implementing class decide what do from here.
$src = '';
} elseif ( ( ! isset( $this->args['require_https_src'] ) || false === $this->args['require_https_src'] )
&& true === $force_https ) {
// Don't remove the src, but force https instead.
$src = set_url_scheme( $src, 'https' );
return $src;
* Check whether the document of a given node is in dev mode.
* @since 1.3
* @return bool Whether the document is in dev mode.
protected function is_document_in_dev_mode() {
return $this->dom->documentElement->hasAttribute(
* Check whether a node is exempt from validation during dev mode.
* @since 1.3
* @param DOMNode $node Node to check.
* @return bool Whether the node should be exempt during dev mode.
protected function has_dev_mode_exemption( DOMNode $node ) {
if ( ! $node instanceof DOMElement ) {
return false;
return $node->hasAttribute( AMP_Rule_Spec::DEV_MODE_ATTRIBUTE );
* Check whether a certain node should be exempt from validation.
* @param DOMNode $node Node to check.
* @return bool Whether the node should be exempt from validation.
protected function is_exempt_from_validation( DOMNode $node ) {
return $this->is_document_in_dev_mode() && $this->has_dev_mode_exemption( $node );
* Removes an invalid child of a node.
* Also, calls the mutation callback for it.
* This tracks all the nodes that were removed.
* @since 0.7
* @param DOMNode|DOMElement $node The node to remove.
* @param array $validation_error Validation error details.
* @return bool Whether the node should have been removed, that is, that the node was sanitized for validity.
public function remove_invalid_child( $node, $validation_error = [] ) {
if ( $this->is_exempt_from_validation( $node ) ) {
return false;
// Prevent double-reporting nodes that are rejected for sanitization.
if ( isset( $this->should_not_removed_nodes[ $node->nodeName ] ) && in_array( $node, $this->should_not_removed_nodes[ $node->nodeName ], true ) ) {
return false;
$should_remove = $this->should_sanitize_validation_error( $validation_error, compact( 'node' ) );
if ( $should_remove ) {
$node->parentNode->removeChild( $node );
} else {
$this->should_not_removed_nodes[ $node->nodeName ][] = $node;
return $should_remove;
* Removes an invalid attribute of a node.
* Also, calls the mutation callback for it.
* This tracks all the attributes that were removed.
* @since 0.7
* @param DOMElement $element The node for which to remove the attribute.
* @param DOMAttr|string $attribute The attribute to remove from the element.
* @param array $validation_error Validation error details.
* @return bool Whether the node should have been removed, that is, that the node was sanitized for validity.
public function remove_invalid_attribute( $element, $attribute, $validation_error = [] ) {
if ( $this->is_exempt_from_validation( $element ) ) {
return false;
if ( is_string( $attribute ) ) {
$node = $element->getAttributeNode( $attribute );
} else {
$node = $attribute;
$should_remove = $this->should_sanitize_validation_error( $validation_error, compact( 'node' ) );
if ( $should_remove ) {
$element->removeAttributeNode( $node );
return $should_remove;
* Check whether or not sanitization should occur in response to validation error.
* @since 1.0
* @param array $validation_error Validation error.
* @param array $data Data including the node.
* @return bool Whether to sanitize.
public function should_sanitize_validation_error( $validation_error, $data = [] ) {
if ( empty( $this->args['validation_error_callback'] ) || ! is_callable( $this->args['validation_error_callback'] ) ) {
return true;
$validation_error = $this->prepare_validation_error( $validation_error, $data );
return false !== call_user_func( $this->args['validation_error_callback'], $validation_error, $data );
* Prepare validation error.
* @param array $error {
* Error.
* @type string $code Error code.
* }
* @param array $data {
* Data.
* @type DOMElement|DOMNode $node The removed node.
* }
* @return array Error.
public function prepare_validation_error( array $error = [], array $data = [] ) {
$node = null;
if ( isset( $data['node'] ) && $data['node'] instanceof DOMNode ) {
$node = $data['node'];
$error['node_name'] = $node->nodeName;
if ( $node->parentNode ) {
$error['parent_name'] = $node->parentNode->nodeName;
if ( $node instanceof DOMElement ) {
if ( ! isset( $error['code'] ) ) {
$error['code'] = AMP_Validation_Error_Taxonomy::INVALID_ELEMENT_CODE;
if ( ! isset( $error['type'] ) ) {
$error['type'] = 'script' === $node->nodeName ? AMP_Validation_Error_Taxonomy::JS_ERROR_TYPE : AMP_Validation_Error_Taxonomy::HTML_ELEMENT_ERROR_TYPE;
if ( ! isset( $error['node_attributes'] ) ) {
$error['node_attributes'] = [];
foreach ( $node->attributes as $attribute ) {
$error['node_attributes'][ $attribute->nodeName ] = $attribute->nodeValue;
// Capture element contents.
if ( ( 'script' === $node->nodeName && ! $node->hasAttribute( 'src' ) ) || 'style' === $node->nodeName ) {
$error['text'] = $node->textContent;
// Suppress 'ver' param from enqueued scripts and styles.
if ( 'script' === $node->nodeName && isset( $error['node_attributes']['src'] ) && false !== strpos( $error['node_attributes']['src'], 'ver=' ) ) {
$error['node_attributes']['src'] = add_query_arg( 'ver', '__normalized__', $error['node_attributes']['src'] );
} elseif ( 'link' === $node->nodeName && isset( $error['node_attributes']['href'] ) && false !== strpos( $error['node_attributes']['href'], 'ver=' ) ) {
$error['node_attributes']['href'] = add_query_arg( 'ver', '__normalized__', $error['node_attributes']['href'] );
} elseif ( $node instanceof DOMAttr ) {
if ( ! isset( $error['code'] ) ) {
$error['code'] = AMP_Validation_Error_Taxonomy::INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_CODE;
if ( ! isset( $error['type'] ) ) {
// If this is an attribute that begins with on, like onclick, it should be a js_error.
$error['type'] = preg_match( '/^on\w+/', $node->nodeName ) ? AMP_Validation_Error_Taxonomy::JS_ERROR_TYPE : AMP_Validation_Error_Taxonomy::HTML_ATTRIBUTE_ERROR_TYPE;
if ( ! isset( $error['element_attributes'] ) ) {
$error['element_attributes'] = [];
if ( $node->parentNode && $node->parentNode->hasAttributes() ) {
foreach ( $node->parentNode->attributes as $attribute ) {
$error['element_attributes'][ $attribute->nodeName ] = $attribute->nodeValue;
} elseif ( $node instanceof DOMProcessingInstruction ) {
$error['text'] = trim( $node->data, '?' );
return $error;
* Cleans up artifacts after the removal of an attribute node.
* @since 1.3
* @param DOMElement $element The node for which the attribute was removed.
* @param DOMAttr $attribute The attribute that was removed.
protected function clean_up_after_attribute_removal( $element, $attribute ) {
static $attributes_tied_to_href = [ 'target', 'download', 'rel', 'rev', 'hreflang', 'type' ];
if ( 'href' === $attribute->nodeName ) {
* "The target, download, rel, rev, hreflang, and type attributes must be omitted
* if the href attribute is not present."
* See:
foreach ( $attributes_tied_to_href as $attribute_to_remove ) {
if ( $element->hasAttribute( $attribute_to_remove ) ) {
$element->removeAttribute( $attribute_to_remove );
* Get data-amp-* values from the parent node 'figure' added by editor block.
* @param DOMElement $node Base node.
* @return array AMP data array.
public function get_data_amp_attributes( $node ) {
$attributes = [];
// Editor blocks add 'figure' as the parent node for images. If this node has data-amp-layout then we should add this as the layout attribute.
$parent_node = $node->parentNode;
if ( 'figure' === $parent_node->tagName ) {
$parent_attributes = AMP_DOM_Utils::get_node_attributes_as_assoc_array( $parent_node );
if ( isset( $parent_attributes['data-amp-layout'] ) ) {
$attributes['layout'] = $parent_attributes['data-amp-layout'];
if ( isset( $parent_attributes['data-amp-noloading'] ) && true === filter_var( $parent_attributes['data-amp-noloading'], FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN ) ) {
$attributes['noloading'] = $parent_attributes['data-amp-noloading'];
return $attributes;
* Set AMP attributes.
* @param array $attributes Array of attributes.
* @param array $amp_data Array of AMP attributes.
* @return array Updated attributes.
public function filter_data_amp_attributes( $attributes, $amp_data ) {
if ( isset( $amp_data['layout'] ) ) {
$attributes['data-amp-layout'] = $amp_data['layout'];
if ( isset( $amp_data['noloading'] ) ) {
$attributes['data-amp-noloading'] = '';
return $attributes;
* Set attributes to node's parent element according to layout.
* @param DOMElement $node Node.
* @param array $new_attributes Attributes array.
* @param string $layout Layout.
* @return array New attributes.
public function filter_attachment_layout_attributes( $node, $new_attributes, $layout ) {
// The width has to be unset / auto in case of fixed-height.
if ( 'fixed-height' === $layout ) {
if ( ! isset( $new_attributes['height'] ) ) {
$new_attributes['height'] = self::FALLBACK_HEIGHT;
$new_attributes['width'] = 'auto';
$node->parentNode->setAttribute( 'style', 'height: ' . $new_attributes['height'] . 'px; width: auto;' );
// The parent element should have width/height set and position set in case of 'fill'.
} elseif ( 'fill' === $layout ) {
if ( ! isset( $new_attributes['height'] ) ) {
$new_attributes['height'] = self::FALLBACK_HEIGHT;
$node->parentNode->setAttribute( 'style', 'position:relative; width: 100%; height: ' . $new_attributes['height'] . 'px;' );
unset( $new_attributes['width'], $new_attributes['height'] );
} elseif ( 'responsive' === $layout ) {
$node->parentNode->setAttribute( 'style', 'position:relative; width: 100%; height: auto' );
} elseif ( 'fixed' === $layout ) {
if ( ! isset( $new_attributes['height'] ) ) {
$new_attributes['height'] = self::FALLBACK_HEIGHT;
return $new_attributes;
* Add <amp-image-lightbox> element to body tag if it doesn't exist yet.
public function maybe_add_amp_image_lightbox_node() {
$nodes = $this->dom->getElementById( self::AMP_IMAGE_LIGHTBOX_ID );
if ( null !== $nodes ) {
$nodes = $this->dom->getElementsByTagName( 'body' );
if ( ! $nodes->length ) {
$body_node = $nodes->item( 0 );
$amp_image_lightbox = AMP_DOM_Utils::create_node(
'id' => self::AMP_IMAGE_LIGHTBOX_ID,
'layout' => 'nodisplay',
'data-close-button-aria-label' => __( 'Close', 'amp' ),
$body_node->appendChild( $amp_image_lightbox );
* Parse a style string into an associative array of style attributes.
* @param string $style_string Style string to parse.
* @return string[] Associative array of style attributes.
protected function parse_style_string( $style_string ) {
// We need to turn the style string into an associative array of styles first.
$style_string = trim( $style_string, " \t\n\r\0\x0B;" );
$elements = preg_split( '/(\s*:\s*|\s*;\s*)/', $style_string );
if ( 0 !== count( $elements ) % 2 ) {
// Style string was malformed, try to process as good as possible by stripping the last element.
array_pop( $elements );
$chunks = array_chunk( $elements, 2 );
// phpcs:ignore PHPCompatibility.FunctionUse.NewFunctions.array_columnFound -- WP Core provides a polyfill.
return array_combine( array_column( $chunks, 0 ), array_column( $chunks, 1 ) );
* Reassemble a style string that can be used in a 'style' attribute.
* @param array $styles Associative array of styles to reassemble into a string.
* @return string Reassembled style string.
protected function reassemble_style_string( $styles ) {
if ( ! is_array( $styles ) ) {
return '';
// Discard empty values first.
$styles = array_filter( $styles );
return array_reduce(
array_keys( $styles ),
static function ( $style_string, $style_name ) use ( $styles ) {
if ( ! empty( $style_string ) ) {
$style_string .= ';';
return $style_string . "{$style_name}:{$styles[ $style_name ]}";