You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

314 lines
8.3 KiB

* Class AMP_Blacklist_Sanitizer
* @package AMP
* Strips blacklisted tags and attributes from content.
* See following for blacklist:
* @since 0.5 This has been replaced by AMP_Tag_And_Attribute_Sanitizer but is kept around for back-compat.
* @deprecated
class AMP_Blacklist_Sanitizer extends AMP_Base_Sanitizer {
const PATTERN_REL_WP_ATTACHMENT = '#wp-att-([\d]+)#';
* Default args.
* @var array
protected $DEFAULT_ARGS = [
'add_blacklisted_protocols' => [],
'add_blacklisted_tags' => [],
'add_blacklisted_attributes' => [],
* Sanitize.
public function sanitize() {
_deprecated_function( __METHOD__, '0.7', 'AMP_Tag_And_Attribute_Sanitizer::sanitize' );
$blacklisted_tags = $this->get_blacklisted_tags();
$blacklisted_attributes = $this->get_blacklisted_attributes();
$blacklisted_protocols = $this->get_blacklisted_protocols();
$body = $this->root_element;
$this->strip_tags( $body, $blacklisted_tags );
$this->strip_attributes_recursive( $body, $blacklisted_attributes, $blacklisted_protocols );
* Strip attributes recursively.
* @param DOMNode $node DOM Node.
* @param array $bad_attributes Bad attributes.
* @param array $bad_protocols Bad protocols.
private function strip_attributes_recursive( $node, $bad_attributes, $bad_protocols ) {
if ( XML_ELEMENT_NODE !== $node->nodeType ) {
$node_name = $node->nodeName;
// Some nodes may contain valid content but are themselves invalid.
// Remove the node but preserve the children.
if ( 'font' === $node_name ) {
$this->replace_node_with_children( $node, $bad_attributes, $bad_protocols );
if ( 'a' === $node_name && false === $this->validate_a_node( $node ) ) {
$this->replace_node_with_children( $node, $bad_attributes, $bad_protocols );
if ( $node->hasAttributes() ) {
$length = $node->attributes->length;
for ( $i = $length - 1; $i >= 0; $i-- ) {
$attribute = $node->attributes->item( $i );
$attribute_name = strtolower( $attribute->name );
if ( in_array( $attribute_name, $bad_attributes, true ) ) {
$this->remove_invalid_attribute( $node, $attribute_name );
// The on* attributes (like onclick) are a special case.
if ( 0 === stripos( $attribute_name, 'on' ) && 'on' !== $attribute_name ) {
$this->remove_invalid_attribute( $node, $attribute_name );
if ( 'a' === $node_name ) {
$this->sanitize_a_attribute( $node, $attribute );
$length = $node->childNodes->length;
for ( $i = $length - 1; $i >= 0; $i-- ) {
$child_node = $node->childNodes->item( $i );
$this->strip_attributes_recursive( $child_node, $bad_attributes, $bad_protocols );
* Strip tags.
* @param DOMElement $node Node.
* @param string[] $tag_names Tag names.
private function strip_tags( $node, $tag_names ) {
foreach ( $tag_names as $tag_name ) {
$elements = $node->getElementsByTagName( $tag_name );
$length = $elements->length;
if ( 0 === $length ) {
for ( $i = $length - 1; $i >= 0; $i-- ) {
$element = $elements->item( $i );
$parent_node = $element->parentNode;
$this->remove_invalid_child( $element );
if ( 'body' !== $parent_node->nodeName && AMP_DOM_Utils::is_node_empty( $parent_node ) ) {
$this->remove_invalid_child( $parent_node );
* Sanitize attribute.
* @param DOMElement $node Node.
* @param DOMAttr $attribute Attribute.
private function sanitize_a_attribute( $node, $attribute ) {
$attribute_name = strtolower( $attribute->name );
if ( 'rel' === $attribute_name ) {
$old_value = $attribute->value;
$new_value = trim( preg_replace( self::PATTERN_REL_WP_ATTACHMENT, '', $old_value ) );
if ( empty( $new_value ) ) {
$this->remove_invalid_attribute( $node, $attribute_name );
} elseif ( $old_value !== $new_value ) {
$node->setAttribute( $attribute_name, $new_value );
} elseif ( 'rev' === $attribute_name ) {
// rev removed from HTML5 spec, which was used by Jetpack Markdown.
$this->remove_invalid_attribute( $node, $attribute_name );
} elseif ( 'target' === $attribute_name ) {
// _blank is the only allowed value and it must be lowercase.
// replace _new with _blank and others should simply be removed.
$old_value = strtolower( $attribute->value );
if ( '_blank' === $old_value || '_new' === $old_value ) {
// _new is not allowed; swap with _blank
$node->setAttribute( $attribute_name, '_blank' );
} else {
// Only _blank is allowed.
$this->remove_invalid_attribute( $node, $attribute_name );
* Validate node.
* @param DOMElement $node Node.
* @return bool
private function validate_a_node( $node ) {
// Get the href attribute.
$href = $node->getAttribute( 'href' );
if ( empty( $href ) ) {
* If no href, check that a is an anchor or not.
* We don't need to validate anchors any further.
return $node->hasAttribute( 'name' ) || $node->hasAttribute( 'id' );
// If this is an anchor link, just return true.
if ( 0 === strpos( $href, '#' ) ) {
return true;
// If the href starts with a '/', append the home_url to it for validation purposes.
if ( 0 === strpos( $href, '/' ) ) {
$href = untrailingslashit( get_home_url() ) . $href;
$valid_protocols = [ 'http', 'https', 'mailto', 'sms', 'tel', 'viber', 'whatsapp' ];
$special_protocols = [ 'tel', 'sms' ]; // These ones don't valid with `filter_var+FILTER_VALIDATE_URL`.
$protocol = strtok( $href, ':' );
if ( false === filter_var( $href, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL )
&& ! in_array( $protocol, $special_protocols, true ) ) {
return false;
if ( ! in_array( $protocol, $valid_protocols, true ) ) {
return false;
return true;
* Replace node with children.
* @param DOMElement $node Node.
* @param array $bad_attributes Bad attributes.
* @param array $bad_protocols Bad protocols.
private function replace_node_with_children( $node, $bad_attributes, $bad_protocols ) {
// If the node has children and also has a parent node,
// clone and re-add all the children just before current node.
if ( $node->hasChildNodes() && $node->parentNode ) {
foreach ( $node->childNodes as $child_node ) {
$new_child = $child_node->cloneNode( true );
$this->strip_attributes_recursive( $new_child, $bad_attributes, $bad_protocols );
$node->parentNode->insertBefore( $new_child, $node );
// Remove the node from the parent, if defined.
if ( $node->parentNode ) {
$this->remove_invalid_child( $node );
* Merge defaults with args.
* @param string $key Key.
* @param array $values Values.
* @return array Merged args.
private function merge_defaults_with_args( $key, $values ) {
// Merge default values with user specified args.
if ( ! empty( $this->args[ $key ] )
&& is_array( $this->args[ $key ] ) ) {
$values = array_merge( $values, $this->args[ $key ] );
return $values;
* Get blacklisted protocols.
* @return array Protocols.
private function get_blacklisted_protocols() {
return $this->merge_defaults_with_args(
* Get blacklisted tags.
* @return array Tags.
private function get_blacklisted_tags() {
return $this->merge_defaults_with_args(
// Sanitizers run after embed handlers, so if anything wasn't matched, it needs to be removed.
// Other weird ones.
* Get blacklisted attributes.
* @return array Attributes.
private function get_blacklisted_attributes() {
return $this->merge_defaults_with_args(