You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

218 lines
6.3 KiB

* Class AMP_Comments_Sanitizer.
* @package AMP
* Class AMP_Comments_Sanitizer
* Strips and corrects attributes in forms.
class AMP_Comments_Sanitizer extends AMP_Base_Sanitizer {
* Default args.
* @since 1.1
* @var array
protected $DEFAULT_ARGS = [
'comment_live_list' => false,
* Pre-process the comment form and comment list for AMP.
* @since 0.7
public function sanitize() {
foreach ( $this->dom->getElementsByTagName( 'form' ) as $comment_form ) {
* Comment form.
* @var DOMElement $comment_form
$action = $comment_form->getAttribute( 'action-xhr' );
if ( ! $action ) {
$action = $comment_form->getAttribute( 'action' );
$action_path = wp_parse_url( $action, PHP_URL_PATH );
if ( preg_match( '#/wp-comments-post\.php$#', $action_path ) ) {
$this->process_comment_form( $comment_form );
if ( ! empty( $this->args['comments_live_list'] ) ) {
$xpath = new DOMXPath( $this->dom );
$comments = $xpath->query( '//amp-live-list/*[ @items ]/*[ starts-with( @id, "comment-" ) ]' );
foreach ( $comments as $comment ) {
$this->add_amp_live_list_comment_attributes( $comment );
* Comment form.
* @since 0.7
* @param DOMElement $comment_form Comment form.
protected function process_comment_form( $comment_form ) {
* Element.
* @var DOMElement $element
* Named input elements.
* @var DOMElement[][] $form_fields
$form_fields = [];
foreach ( $comment_form->getElementsByTagName( 'input' ) as $element ) {
$name = $element->getAttribute( 'name' );
if ( $name ) {
$form_fields[ $name ][] = $element;
foreach ( $comment_form->getElementsByTagName( 'textarea' ) as $element ) {
$name = $element->getAttribute( 'name' );
if ( $name ) {
$form_fields[ $name ][] = $element;
if ( empty( $form_fields['comment_post_ID'] ) ) {
$post_id = (int) $form_fields['comment_post_ID'][0]->getAttribute( 'value' );
$state_id = AMP_Theme_Support::get_comment_form_state_id( $post_id );
$form_state = [
'values' => [],
'submitting' => false,
'replyToName' => '',
if ( ! empty( $form_fields['comment_parent'] ) ) {
$comment_id = (int) $form_fields['comment_parent'][0]->getAttribute( 'value' );
if ( $comment_id ) {
$reply_comment = get_comment( $comment_id );
if ( $reply_comment ) {
$form_state['replyToName'] = $reply_comment->comment_author;
$amp_bind_attr_format = AMP_DOM_Utils::AMP_BIND_DATA_ATTR_PREFIX . '%s';
foreach ( $form_fields as $name => $form_field ) {
foreach ( $form_field as $element ) {
// @todo Radio and checkbox inputs are not supported yet.
if ( in_array( strtolower( $element->getAttribute( 'type' ) ), [ 'checkbox', 'radio' ], true ) ) {
$element->setAttribute( sprintf( $amp_bind_attr_format, 'disabled' ), "$state_id.submitting" );
if ( 'textarea' === strtolower( $element->nodeName ) ) {
$form_state['values'][ $name ] = $element->textContent;
$element->setAttribute( sprintf( $amp_bind_attr_format, 'text' ), "$state_id.values.$name" );
} else {
$form_state['values'][ $name ] = $element->hasAttribute( 'value' ) ? $element->getAttribute( 'value' ) : '';
$element->setAttribute( sprintf( $amp_bind_attr_format, 'value' ), "$state_id.values.$name" );
// Update the state in response to changing the input.
'change:AMP.setState( { %s: { values: { %s: event.value } } } )',
wp_json_encode( $name )
// Add amp-state to the document.
$amp_state = $this->dom->createElement( 'amp-state' );
$amp_state->setAttribute( 'id', $state_id );
$script = $this->dom->createElement( 'script' );
$script->setAttribute( 'type', 'application/json' );
$amp_state->appendChild( $script );
$script->appendChild( $this->dom->createTextNode( wp_json_encode( $form_state, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE ) ) );
$comment_form->insertBefore( $amp_state, $comment_form->firstChild );
// Update state when submitting form.
$form_reset_state = $form_state;
$on = [
// Disable the form when submitting.
'submit:AMP.setState( { %s: { submitting: true } } )',
wp_json_encode( $state_id )
// Re-enable the form fields when the submission fails.
'submit-error:AMP.setState( { %s: { submitting: false } } )',
wp_json_encode( $state_id )
// Reset the form to its initial state (with enabled form fields), except for the author, email, and url.
'submit-success:AMP.setState( { %s: %s } )',
wp_json_encode( $form_reset_state, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE )
$comment_form->setAttribute( 'on', implode( ';', $on ) );
* Add attributes to comment elements when comments are being presented in amp-live-list, when comments_live_list theme support flag is present.
* @since 1.1
* @param DOMElement $comment_element Comment element.
protected function add_amp_live_list_comment_attributes( $comment_element ) {
$comment_id = (int) str_replace( 'comment-', '', $comment_element->getAttribute( 'id' ) );
if ( ! $comment_id ) {
$comment_object = get_comment( $comment_id );
// Skip if the comment is not valid or the comment has a parent, since in that case it is not relevant for amp-live-list.
if ( ! ( $comment_object instanceof WP_Comment ) || $comment_object->comment_parent ) {
$comment_element->setAttribute( 'data-sort-time', strtotime( $comment_object->comment_date ) );
$update_time = strtotime( $comment_object->comment_date );
// Ensure the top-level data-update-time reflects the max time of the comments in the thread.
$children = $comment_object->get_children(
'format' => 'flat',
'hierarchical' => 'flat',
'orderby' => 'none',
foreach ( $children as $child_comment ) {
$update_time = max( strtotime( $child_comment->comment_date ), $update_time );
$comment_element->setAttribute( 'data-update-time', $update_time );