You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* Class AMP_Gallery_Block_Sanitizer.
* @package AMP
* Class AMP_Gallery_Block_Sanitizer
* Modifies gallery block to match the block's AMP-specific configuration.
class AMP_Gallery_Block_Sanitizer extends AMP_Base_Sanitizer {
* Value used for width of amp-carousel.
* @since 1.0
* @const int
const FALLBACK_WIDTH = 600;
* Value used for height of amp-carousel.
* @since 1.0
* @const int
const FALLBACK_HEIGHT = 480;
* Tag.
* @since 1.0
* @var string Ul tag to identify wrapper around gallery block.
public static $tag = 'ul';
* Expected class of the wrapper around the gallery block.
* @since 1.0
* @var string
public static $class = 'wp-block-gallery';
* Array of flags used to control sanitization.
* @var array {
* @type int $content_max_width Max width of content.
* @type bool $carousel_required Whether carousels are required. This is used when amp theme support is not present, for back-compat.
* }
protected $args;
* Default args.
* @var array
protected $DEFAULT_ARGS = [
'carousel_required' => false,
* Sanitize the gallery block contained by <ul> element where necessary.
* @since 0.2
public function sanitize() {
$xpath = new DOMXPath( $this->dom );
$class_query = 'contains( concat( " ", normalize-space( @class ), " " ), " wp-block-gallery " )';
$expr = sprintf(
'//ul[ %s ]',
' or ',
sprintf( '( parent::figure[ %s ] )', $class_query ),
$query = $xpath->query( $expr );
$nodes = [];
foreach ( $query as $node ) {
$nodes[] = $node;
foreach ( $nodes as $node ) {
* Element
* @var DOMElement $node
// In WordPress 5.3, the Gallery block's <ul> is wrapped in a <figure class="wp-block-gallery">, so look for that node also.
$gallery_node = isset( $node->parentNode ) && AMP_DOM_Utils::has_class( $node->parentNode, self::$class ) ? $node->parentNode : $node;
$attributes = AMP_DOM_Utils::get_node_attributes_as_assoc_array( $gallery_node );
$is_amp_lightbox = isset( $attributes['data-amp-lightbox'] ) && true === filter_var( $attributes['data-amp-lightbox'], FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN );
$is_amp_carousel = (
! empty( $this->args['carousel_required'] )
filter_var( $node->getAttribute( 'data-amp-carousel' ), FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN )
filter_var( $node->parentNode->getAttribute( 'data-amp-carousel' ), FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN )
// We are only looking for <ul> elements which have amp-carousel / amp-lightbox true.
if ( ! $is_amp_carousel && ! $is_amp_lightbox ) {
// If lightbox is set, we should add lightbox feature to the gallery images.
if ( $is_amp_lightbox ) {
$this->add_lightbox_attributes_to_image_nodes( $node );
// If amp-carousel is not set, nothing else to do here.
if ( ! $is_amp_carousel ) {
$images = [];
// If it's not AMP lightbox, look for links first.
if ( ! $is_amp_lightbox ) {
foreach ( $node->getElementsByTagName( 'a' ) as $element ) {
$images[] = $element;
// If not linking to anything then look for <amp-img>.
if ( empty( $images ) ) {
foreach ( $node->getElementsByTagName( 'amp-img' ) as $element ) {
$images[] = $element;
// Skip if no images found.
if ( empty( $images ) ) {
list( $width, $height ) = $this->get_carousel_dimensions( $node );
$amp_carousel = AMP_DOM_Utils::create_node(
'width' => $width,
'height' => $height,
'type' => 'slides',
'layout' => 'responsive',
foreach ( $images as $image ) {
$slide = AMP_DOM_Utils::create_node(
[ 'class' => 'slide' ]
// Ensure the image fills the entire <amp-carousel>, so the possible caption looks right.
if ( 'amp-img' === $image->tagName ) {
$image->setAttribute( 'layout', 'fill' );
$image->setAttribute( 'object-fit', 'cover' );
} elseif ( isset( $image->firstChild->tagName ) && 'amp-img' === $image->firstChild->tagName ) {
// If the <amp-img> is wrapped in an <a>.
$image->firstChild->setAttribute( 'layout', 'fill' );
$image->firstChild->setAttribute( 'object-fit', 'cover' );
$possible_caption_text = $this->possibly_get_caption_text( $image );
$slide->appendChild( $image );
// Wrap the caption in a <div> and <span>, and append it to the slide.
if ( $possible_caption_text ) {
$caption_wrapper = AMP_DOM_Utils::create_node(
[ 'class' => 'amp-wp-gallery-caption' ]
$caption_span = AMP_DOM_Utils::create_node( $this->dom, 'span', [] );
$text_node = $this->dom->createTextNode( $possible_caption_text );
$caption_span->appendChild( $text_node );
$caption_wrapper->appendChild( $caption_span );
$slide->appendChild( $caption_wrapper );
$amp_carousel->appendChild( $slide );
$gallery_node->parentNode->replaceChild( $amp_carousel, $gallery_node );
$this->did_convert_elements = true;
* Get carousel height by containing images.
* @param DOMElement $element The UL element.
* @return array {
* Dimensions.
* @type int $width Width.
* @type int $height Height.
* }
protected function get_carousel_dimensions( $element ) {
* Elements.
* @var DOMElement $image
$images = $element->getElementsByTagName( 'amp-img' );
$num_images = $images->length;
$max_aspect_ratio = 0;
$carousel_width = 0;
$carousel_height = 0;
if ( 0 === $num_images ) {
return [ self::FALLBACK_WIDTH, self::FALLBACK_HEIGHT ];
foreach ( $images as $image ) {
if ( ! is_numeric( $image->getAttribute( 'width' ) ) || ! is_numeric( $image->getAttribute( 'height' ) ) ) {
$width = (float) $image->getAttribute( 'width' );
$height = (float) $image->getAttribute( 'height' );
$this_aspect_ratio = $width / $height;
if ( $this_aspect_ratio > $max_aspect_ratio ) {
$max_aspect_ratio = $this_aspect_ratio;
$carousel_width = $width;
$carousel_height = $height;
return [ $carousel_width, $carousel_height ];
* Set lightbox related attributes to <amp-img> within gallery.
* @param DOMElement $element The UL element.
protected function add_lightbox_attributes_to_image_nodes( $element ) {
$images = $element->getElementsByTagName( 'amp-img' );
$num_images = $images->length;
if ( 0 === $num_images ) {
$attributes = [
'data-amp-lightbox' => '',
'on' => 'tap:' . self::AMP_IMAGE_LIGHTBOX_ID,
'role' => 'button',
'tabindex' => 0,
for ( $j = $num_images - 1; $j >= 0; $j-- ) {
$image_node = $images->item( $j );
foreach ( $attributes as $att => $value ) {
$image_node->setAttribute( $att, $value );
* Gets the caption of an image, if it exists.
* @param DOMElement $element The element for which to search for a caption.
* @return string|null The caption for the image, or null.
public function possibly_get_caption_text( $element ) {
$caption_tag = 'figcaption';
if ( isset( $element->nextSibling->nodeName ) && $caption_tag === $element->nextSibling->nodeName ) {
return $element->nextSibling->textContent;
// If 'Link To' is selected, the image will be wrapped in an <a>, so search for the sibling of the <a>.
if ( isset( $element->parentNode->nextSibling->nodeName ) && $caption_tag === $element->parentNode->nextSibling->nodeName ) {
return $element->parentNode->nextSibling->textContent;
return null;