You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* Class AMP_Img_Sanitizer.
* @package AMP
* Class AMP_Img_Sanitizer
* Converts <img> tags to <amp-img> or <amp-anim>
class AMP_Img_Sanitizer extends AMP_Base_Sanitizer {
use AMP_Noscript_Fallback;
* Value used for width attribute when $attributes['width'] is empty.
* @since 0.2
* @const int
const FALLBACK_WIDTH = 600;
* Value used for height attribute when $attributes['height'] is empty.
* @since 0.2
* @const int
const FALLBACK_HEIGHT = 400;
* Tag.
* @var string HTML <img> tag to identify and replace with AMP version.
* @since 0.2
public static $tag = 'img';
* Default args.
* @var array
protected $DEFAULT_ARGS = [
'add_noscript_fallback' => true,
* Animation extension.
* @var string
private static $anim_extension = '.gif';
* Get mapping of HTML selectors to the AMP component selectors which they may be converted into.
* @return array Mapping.
public function get_selector_conversion_mapping() {
return [
'img' => [
* Sanitize the <img> elements from the HTML contained in this instance's DOMDocument.
* @since 0.2
public function sanitize() {
* Node list.
* @var DOMNodeList $node
$nodes = $this->dom->getElementsByTagName( self::$tag );
$need_dimensions = [];
$num_nodes = $nodes->length;
if ( 0 === $num_nodes ) {
if ( $this->args['add_noscript_fallback'] ) {
$this->initialize_noscript_allowed_attributes( self::$tag );
for ( $i = $num_nodes - 1; $i >= 0; $i-- ) {
$node = $nodes->item( $i );
if ( ! $node instanceof DOMElement || $this->has_dev_mode_exemption( $node ) ) {
// Skip element if already inside of an AMP element as a noscript fallback.
if ( $this->is_inside_amp_noscript( $node ) ) {
if ( ! $node->hasAttribute( 'src' ) || '' === trim( $node->getAttribute( 'src' ) ) ) {
$this->remove_invalid_child( $node );
// Short-circuit emoji images from needing to make requests out to
if ( 'wp-smiley' === $node->getAttribute( 'class' ) ) {
$node->setAttribute( 'width', '72' );
$node->setAttribute( 'height', '72' );
$node->setAttribute( 'noloading', '' );
if ( $node->hasAttribute( 'data-amp-layout' ) ) {
$layout = $node->getAttribute( 'data-amp-layout' );
} elseif ( $node->hasAttribute( 'layout' ) ) {
$layout = $node->getAttribute( 'layout' );
} else {
$layout = 'intrinsic';
$has_width = is_numeric( $node->getAttribute( 'width' ) );
$has_height = is_numeric( $node->getAttribute( 'height' ) );
// Determine which images need their dimensions determined/extracted.
$missing_dimensions = (
( ! $has_height && 'fixed-height' === $layout )
( ! $has_width || ! $has_height )
in_array( $layout, [ 'fixed', 'responsive', 'intrinsic' ], true )
if ( $missing_dimensions ) {
$need_dimensions[ $node->getAttribute( 'src' ) ][] = $node;
} else {
$this->adjust_and_replace_node( $node );
$this->determine_dimensions( $need_dimensions );
$this->adjust_and_replace_nodes_in_array_map( $need_dimensions );
* "Filter" HTML attributes for <amp-anim> elements.
* @since 0.2
* @param string[] $attributes {
* Attributes.
* @type string $src Image URL - Pass along if found
* @type string $alt <img> `alt` attribute - Pass along if found
* @type string $class <img> `class` attribute - Pass along if found
* @type string $srcset <img> `srcset` attribute - Pass along if found
* @type string $sizes <img> `sizes` attribute - Pass along if found
* @type string $on <img> `on` attribute - Pass along if found
* @type string $attribution <img> `attribution` attribute - Pass along if found
* @type int $width <img> width attribute - Set to numeric value if px or %
* @type int $height <img> width attribute - Set to numeric value if px or %
* }
* @return array Returns HTML attributes; removes any not specifically declared above from input.
private function filter_attributes( $attributes ) {
$out = [];
foreach ( $attributes as $name => $value ) {
switch ( $name ) {
case 'width':
case 'height':
$out[ $name ] = $this->sanitize_dimension( $value, $name );
case 'data-amp-layout':
$out['layout'] = $value;
case 'data-amp-noloading':
$out['noloading'] = $value;
// Skip directly copying new web platform attributes from img to amp-img which are largely handled by AMP already.
case 'importance': // Not supported by AMP.
case 'loading': // Lazy-loading handled by amp-img natively.
case 'intrinsicsize': // Responsive images handled by amp-img directly.
$out[ $name ] = $value;
return $out;
* Determine width and height attribute values for images without them.
* Attempt to determine actual dimensions, otherwise set reasonable defaults.
* @param DOMElement[][] $need_dimensions Map <img> @src URLs to node for images with missing dimensions.
private function determine_dimensions( $need_dimensions ) {
$dimensions_by_url = AMP_Image_Dimension_Extractor::extract( array_keys( $need_dimensions ) );
foreach ( $dimensions_by_url as $url => $dimensions ) {
foreach ( $need_dimensions[ $url ] as $node ) {
if ( ! $node instanceof DOMElement ) {
$class = $node->getAttribute( 'class' );
if ( ! $class ) {
$class = '';
if ( ! $dimensions ) {
$node->setAttribute( 'object-fit', 'contain' );
$class .= ' amp-wp-unknown-size';
$width = isset( $this->args['content_max_width'] ) ? $this->args['content_max_width'] : self::FALLBACK_WIDTH;
$height = self::FALLBACK_HEIGHT;
if ( isset( $dimensions['width'] ) ) {
$width = $dimensions['width'];
if ( isset( $dimensions['height'] ) ) {
$height = $dimensions['height'];
if ( ! is_numeric( $node->getAttribute( 'width' ) ) ) {
// Let width have the right aspect ratio based on the height attribute.
if ( is_numeric( $node->getAttribute( 'height' ) ) && isset( $dimensions['height'], $dimensions['width'] ) ) {
$width = ( (float) $node->getAttribute( 'height' ) * $dimensions['width'] ) / $dimensions['height'];
$node->setAttribute( 'width', $width );
if ( ! isset( $dimensions['width'] ) ) {
$class .= ' amp-wp-unknown-width';
if ( ! is_numeric( $node->getAttribute( 'height' ) ) ) {
// Let height have the right aspect ratio based on the width attribute.
if ( is_numeric( $node->getAttribute( 'width' ) ) && isset( $dimensions['height'], $dimensions['width'] ) ) {
$height = ( (float) $node->getAttribute( 'width' ) * $dimensions['height'] ) / $dimensions['width'];
$node->setAttribute( 'height', $height );
if ( ! isset( $dimensions['height'] ) ) {
$class .= ' amp-wp-unknown-height';
$node->setAttribute( 'class', trim( $class ) );
* Now that all images have width and height attributes, make final tweaks and replace original image nodes
* @param DOMNodeList[] $node_lists Img DOM nodes (now with width and height attributes).
private function adjust_and_replace_nodes_in_array_map( $node_lists ) {
foreach ( $node_lists as $node_list ) {
foreach ( $node_list as $node ) {
$this->adjust_and_replace_node( $node );
* Make final modifications to DOMNode
* @param DOMElement $node The img element to adjust and replace.
private function adjust_and_replace_node( $node ) {
$amp_data = $this->get_data_amp_attributes( $node );
$old_attributes = AMP_DOM_Utils::get_node_attributes_as_assoc_array( $node );
$old_attributes = $this->filter_data_amp_attributes( $old_attributes, $amp_data );
$old_attributes = $this->maybe_add_lightbox_attributes( $old_attributes, $node );
$new_attributes = $this->filter_attributes( $old_attributes );
$layout = isset( $amp_data['layout'] ) ? $amp_data['layout'] : false;
$new_attributes = $this->filter_attachment_layout_attributes( $node, $new_attributes, $layout );
$this->add_or_append_attribute( $new_attributes, 'class', 'amp-wp-enforced-sizes' );
if ( empty( $new_attributes['layout'] ) && ! empty( $new_attributes['height'] ) && ! empty( $new_attributes['width'] ) ) {
// Use responsive images when a theme supports wide and full-bleed images.
if ( ! empty( $this->args['align_wide_support'] ) && $node->parentNode && 'figure' === $node->parentNode->nodeName && preg_match( '/(^|\s)(alignwide|alignfull)(\s|$)/', $node->parentNode->getAttribute( 'class' ) ) ) {
$new_attributes['layout'] = 'responsive';
} else {
$new_attributes['layout'] = 'intrinsic';
// Remove sizes attribute since it causes headaches in AMP and because AMP will generate it for us. See <>.
unset( $new_attributes['sizes'] );
if ( $this->is_gif_url( $new_attributes['src'] ) ) {
$this->did_convert_elements = true;
$new_tag = 'amp-anim';
} else {
$new_tag = 'amp-img';
$img_node = AMP_DOM_Utils::create_node( $this->dom, $new_tag, $new_attributes );
$node->parentNode->replaceChild( $img_node, $node );
* Prevent inline style on an image from rendering the amp-img invisible or conflicting with the required display.
* This could eventually be expanded to fixup inline styles for elements other than images, but the reality
* is that this is not going to completely solve the problem for images as well, since it will not handle the
* case where an image gets a display:inline style via a style rule.
* See <>.
if ( $img_node->hasAttribute( 'style' ) ) {
$layout = $img_node->getAttribute( 'layout' );
if ( in_array( $layout, [ 'fixed-height', 'responsive', 'fill', 'flex-item' ], true ) ) {
$required_display = 'block';
} elseif ( 'nodisplay' === $layout ) {
$required_display = 'none';
} else {
// This is also the default for any AMP element (.i-amphtml-element).
$required_display = 'inline-block';
$img_node->getAttribute( 'style' )
if ( $this->args['add_noscript_fallback'] ) {
// Preserve original node in noscript for no-JS environments.
$this->append_old_node_noscript( $img_node, $node, $this->dom );
* Set lightbox attributes.
* @param array $attributes Array of attributes.
* @param DomNode $node Array of AMP attributes.
* @return array Updated attributes.
private function maybe_add_lightbox_attributes( $attributes, $node ) {
$parent_node = $node->parentNode;
if ( ! ( $parent_node instanceof DOMElement ) || ! ( $parent_node->parentNode instanceof DOMElement ) ) {
return $attributes;
$is_file_url = preg_match( '/\.\w+$/', wp_parse_url( $parent_node->getAttribute( 'href' ), PHP_URL_PATH ) );
$is_node_wrapped_in_media_file_link = (
'a' === $parent_node->tagName
( 'figure' === $parent_node->tagName || 'figure' === $parent_node->parentNode->tagName )
$is_file_url // This should be a link to the media file, not the attachment page.
if ( 'figure' !== $parent_node->tagName && ! $is_node_wrapped_in_media_file_link ) {
return $attributes;
// Account for blocks that include alignment or images that are wrapped in <a>.
// With alignment, the structure changes from figure.wp-block-image > img
// to div.wp-block-image > figure > img and the amp-lightbox attribute
// can be found on the wrapping div instead of the figure element.
$grand_parent = $parent_node->parentNode;
if ( $this->does_node_have_block_class( $grand_parent ) ) {
$parent_node = $grand_parent;
} elseif ( isset( $grand_parent->parentNode ) && $this->does_node_have_block_class( $grand_parent->parentNode ) ) {
$parent_node = $grand_parent->parentNode;
$parent_attributes = AMP_DOM_Utils::get_node_attributes_as_assoc_array( $parent_node );
if ( isset( $parent_attributes['data-amp-lightbox'] ) && true === filter_var( $parent_attributes['data-amp-lightbox'], FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN ) ) {
$attributes['data-amp-lightbox'] = '';
$attributes['lightbox'] = '';
* Removes the <a> if the image is wrapped in one, as it can prevent the lightbox from working.
* But this only removes the <a> if it links to the media file, not the attachment page.
if ( $is_node_wrapped_in_media_file_link ) {
$node->parentNode->parentNode->replaceChild( $node, $node->parentNode );
return $attributes;
* Gets whether a node has the class 'wp-block-image', meaning it is a wrapper for an Image block.
* @param DOMElement $node A node to evaluate.
* @return bool Whether the node has the class 'wp-block-image'.
private function does_node_have_block_class( $node ) {
if ( $node instanceof DOMElement ) {
$classes = preg_split( '/\s+/', $node->getAttribute( 'class' ) );
if ( in_array( 'wp-block-image', $classes, true ) ) {
return true;
return false;
* Determines if a URL is considered a GIF URL
* @since 0.2
* @param string $url URL to inspect for GIF vs. JPEG or PNG.
* @return bool Returns true if $url ends in `.gif`
private function is_gif_url( $url ) {
$ext = self::$anim_extension;
$path = wp_parse_url( $url, PHP_URL_PATH );
return substr( $path, -strlen( $ext ) ) === $ext;