You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

3159 lines
106 KiB

* Class AMP_Style_Sanitizer
* @package AMP
use \Sabberworm\CSS\RuleSet\DeclarationBlock;
use \Sabberworm\CSS\CSSList\CSSList;
use \Sabberworm\CSS\Property\Selector;
use \Sabberworm\CSS\RuleSet\RuleSet;
use \Sabberworm\CSS\Property\AtRule;
use \Sabberworm\CSS\Rule\Rule;
use \Sabberworm\CSS\CSSList\KeyFrame;
use \Sabberworm\CSS\RuleSet\AtRuleSet;
use \Sabberworm\CSS\Property\Import;
use \Sabberworm\CSS\CSSList\AtRuleBlockList;
use \Sabberworm\CSS\Value\RuleValueList;
use \Sabberworm\CSS\Value\URL;
use \Sabberworm\CSS\CSSList\Document;
* Class AMP_Style_Sanitizer
* Collects inline styles and outputs them in the amp-custom stylesheet.
class AMP_Style_Sanitizer extends AMP_Base_Sanitizer {
* Error code for illegal at-rule.
* @var string
const ILLEGAL_AT_RULE_ERROR_CODE = 'illegal_css_at_rule';
* Inline style selector's specificity multiplier, i.e. used to generate the number of ':not(#_)' placeholders.
* @var int
const INLINE_SPECIFICITY_MULTIPLIER = 5; // @todo The correctness of using "5" should be validated.
* Array index for tag names extracted from a selector.
* @private
* @since 1.1
* @see \AMP_Style_Sanitizer::prepare_stylesheet()
* Array index for class names extracted from a selector.
* @private
* @since 1.1
* @see \AMP_Style_Sanitizer::prepare_stylesheet()
* Array index for IDs extracted from a selector.
* @private
* @since 1.1
* @see \AMP_Style_Sanitizer::prepare_stylesheet()
* Array index for attributes extracted from a selector.
* @private
* @since 1.1
* @see \AMP_Style_Sanitizer::prepare_stylesheet()
* Array of flags used to control sanitization.
* @var array {
* @type string[] $dynamic_element_selectors Selectors for elements (or their ancestors) which contain dynamic content; selectors containing these will not be filtered.
* @type bool $use_document_element Whether the root of the document should be used rather than the body.
* @type bool $require_https_src Require HTTPS URLs.
* @type bool $allow_dirty_styles Allow dirty styles. This short-circuits the sanitize logic; it is used primarily in Customizer preview.
* @type callable $validation_error_callback Function to call when a validation error is encountered.
* @type bool $should_locate_sources Whether to locate the sources when reporting validation errors.
* @type string $parsed_cache_variant Additional value by which to vary parsed cache.
* @type string $include_manifest_comment Whether to show the manifest HTML comment in the response before the style[amp-custom] element. Can be 'always', 'never', or 'when_excessive'.
* @type string[] $focus_within_classes Class names in selectors that should be replaced with :focus-within pseudo classes.
* }
protected $args;
* Default args.
* @var array
protected $DEFAULT_ARGS = [
'dynamic_element_selectors' => [
'should_locate_sources' => false,
'parsed_cache_variant' => null,
'include_manifest_comment' => 'always',
'focus_within_classes' => [ 'focus' ],
* List of stylesheet parts prior to selector/rule removal (tree shaking).
* Keys are MD5 hashes of stylesheets.
* @since 1.0
* @var array[] {
* @type array $stylesheet Array of stylesheet chunked, with declaration blocks being represented as arrays.
* @type DOMElement|DOMAttr $node Origin for styles.
* @type array $sources Sources for the node.
* @type bool $keyframes Whether an amp-keyframes.
* }
private $pending_stylesheets = [];
* Spec for style[amp-custom] cdata.
* @since 1.0
* @var array
private $style_custom_cdata_spec;
* The style[amp-custom] element.
* @var DOMElement
private $amp_custom_style_element;
* Spec for style[amp-keyframes] cdata.
* @since 1.0
* @var array
private $style_keyframes_cdata_spec;
* Regex for allowed font stylesheet URL.
* @var string
private $allowed_font_src_regex;
* Base URL for styles.
* Full URL with trailing slash.
* @var string
private $base_url;
* URL of the content directory.
* @var string
private $content_url;
* Class names used in document.
* This list includes all class names that AMP can dynamically add.
* @link
* @since 1.0
* @var array
private $used_class_names;
* Regular expression pattern to match focus class names in selectors.
* The computed pattern is cached to prevent re-constructing for each processed selector.
* @var string|null
private $focus_class_name_selector_pattern;
* Attributes used in the document.
* This is initially populated with boolean attributes which can be mutated by AMP at runtime,
* since they can by dynamically added at any time.
* @todo With the exception of 'hidden' (which can be on any element), the values here could be removed in favor of
* checking to see if any of the related elements exist in the page in `\AMP_Style_Sanitizer::has_used_attributes()`.
* Nevertheless, selectors mentioning these attributes are very numerous, so tree-shaking improvements will be marginal.
* @see \AMP_Style_Sanitizer::has_used_attributes()
* @since 1.1
* @var array
private $used_attributes = [
'autofocus' => true,
'checked' => true,
'controls' => true,
'disabled' => true,
'hidden' => true,
'loop' => true,
'multiple' => true,
'readonly' => true,
'required' => true,
'selected' => true,
* Tag names used in document.
* @since 1.0
* @var array
private $used_tag_names;
* XPath.
* @since 1.0
* @var DOMXPath
private $xpath;
* Amount of time that was spent parsing CSS.
* @since 1.0
* @var float
private $parse_css_duration = 0.0;
* THe HEAD element.
* @var DOMElement
private $head;
* Current node being processed.
* @var DOMElement|DOMAttr
private $current_node;
* Current sources for a given node.
* @var array
private $current_sources;
* Log of the stylesheet URLs that have been imported to guard against infinite loops.
* @var array
private $processed_imported_stylesheet_urls = [];
* List of font stylesheets that were @import'ed which should have been <link>'ed to instead.
* These font URLs will be cached with the parsed CSS and then converted into stylesheet links.
* @var array
private $imported_font_urls = [];
* Mapping of HTML element selectors to AMP selector elements.
* @var array
private $selector_mappings = [];
* Elements in extensions which use the video-manager, and thus the video-autoplay.css.
* @var array
private $video_autoplay_elements = [
* Get error codes that can be raised during parsing of CSS.
* This is used to determine which validation errors should be taken into account
* when determining which validation errors should vary the parse cache.
* @return array
public static function get_css_parser_validation_error_codes() {
return [
* Determine whether the version of PHP-CSS-Parser loaded has all required features for tree shaking and CSS processing.
* @since 1.0.2
* @return bool Returns true if the plugin's forked version of PHP-CSS-Parser is loaded by Composer.
public static function has_required_php_css_parser() {
$has_required_methods = (
method_exists( 'Sabberworm\CSS\CSSList\Document', 'splice' )
method_exists( 'Sabberworm\CSS\CSSList\Document', 'replace' )
if ( ! $has_required_methods ) {
return false;
$reflection = new ReflectionClass( 'Sabberworm\CSS\OutputFormat' );
$has_output_format_extensions = (
$reflection->hasProperty( 'sBeforeAtRuleBlock' )
$reflection->hasProperty( 'sAfterAtRuleBlock' )
$reflection->hasProperty( 'sBeforeDeclarationBlock' )
$reflection->hasProperty( 'sAfterDeclarationBlockSelectors' )
$reflection->hasProperty( 'sAfterDeclarationBlock' )
if ( ! $has_output_format_extensions ) {
return false;
return true;
* AMP_Base_Sanitizer constructor.
* @since 0.7
* @param DOMDocument $dom Represents the HTML document to sanitize.
* @param array $args Args.
public function __construct( DOMDocument $dom, array $args = [] ) {
parent::__construct( $dom, $args );
foreach ( AMP_Allowed_Tags_Generated::get_allowed_tag( 'style' ) as $spec_rule ) {
if ( ! isset( $spec_rule[ AMP_Rule_Spec::TAG_SPEC ]['spec_name'] ) ) {
if ( 'style[amp-keyframes]' === $spec_rule[ AMP_Rule_Spec::TAG_SPEC ]['spec_name'] ) {
$this->style_keyframes_cdata_spec = $spec_rule[ AMP_Rule_Spec::CDATA ];
} elseif ( 'style amp-custom' === $spec_rule[ AMP_Rule_Spec::TAG_SPEC ]['spec_name'] ) {
$this->style_custom_cdata_spec = $spec_rule[ AMP_Rule_Spec::CDATA ];
$spec_name = 'link rel=stylesheet for fonts'; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.EnqueuedResources.NonEnqueuedStylesheet
foreach ( AMP_Allowed_Tags_Generated::get_allowed_tag( 'link' ) as $spec_rule ) {
if ( isset( $spec_rule[ AMP_Rule_Spec::TAG_SPEC ]['spec_name'] ) && $spec_name === $spec_rule[ AMP_Rule_Spec::TAG_SPEC ]['spec_name'] ) {
$this->allowed_font_src_regex = '@^(' . $spec_rule[ AMP_Rule_Spec::ATTR_SPEC_LIST ]['href']['value_regex'] . ')$@';
$guessurl = site_url();
if ( ! $guessurl ) {
$guessurl = wp_guess_url();
$this->base_url = untrailingslashit( $guessurl );
$this->content_url = WP_CONTENT_URL;
$this->xpath = new DOMXPath( $dom );
* Get list of CSS styles in HTML content of DOMDocument ($this->dom).
* @since 0.4
* @deprecated As of 1.0, use get_stylesheets().
* @return array[] Mapping CSS selectors to array of properties, or mapping of keys starting with 'stylesheet:' with value being the stylesheet.
public function get_styles() {
return [];
* Get stylesheets for amp-custom.
* @since 0.7
* @return array Values are the CSS stylesheets.
public function get_stylesheets() {
return wp_list_pluck(
static function( $pending_stylesheet ) {
return $pending_stylesheet['included'] && 'custom' === $pending_stylesheet['group'];
* Get list of all the class names used in the document, including those used in [class] attributes.
* @since 1.0
* @return array Used class names.
private function get_used_class_names() {
if ( isset( $this->used_class_names ) ) {
return $this->used_class_names;
$dynamic_class_names = [
* See <>.
* Note that amp-referrer-* class names are handled in has_used_class_name() below.
// Classes added based on input mode. See <>.
$classes = ' ';
foreach ( $this->xpath->query( '//*/@class' ) as $class_attribute ) {
$classes .= ' ' . $class_attribute->nodeValue;
// Find all [class] attributes and capture the contents of any single- or double-quoted strings.
foreach ( $this->xpath->query( '//*/@' . AMP_DOM_Utils::AMP_BIND_DATA_ATTR_PREFIX . 'class' ) as $bound_class_attribute ) {
if ( preg_match_all( '/([\'"])([^\1]*?)\1/', $bound_class_attribute->nodeValue, $matches ) ) {
$classes .= ' ' . implode( ' ', $matches[2] );
$class_names = array_merge(
array_unique( array_filter( preg_split( '/\s+/', trim( $classes ) ) ) )
// Find all instances of the toggleClass() action to prevent the class name from being tree-shaken.
foreach ( $this->xpath->query( '//*/@on[ contains( ., "toggleClass" ) ]' ) as $on_attribute ) {
if ( preg_match_all( '/\.\s*toggleClass\s*\(\s*class\s*=\s*(([\'"])([^\1]*?)\2|[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+)/', $on_attribute->nodeValue, $matches ) ) {
$class_names = array_merge(
static function ( $match ) {
return trim( $match, '"\'' );
$this->used_class_names = array_fill_keys( $class_names, true );
return $this->used_class_names;
* Determine if all the supplied class names are used.
* @since 1.1
* @param string[] $class_names Class names.
* @return bool All used.
private function has_used_class_name( $class_names ) {
if ( empty( $this->used_class_names ) ) {
foreach ( $class_names as $class_name ) {
// Bail early with a common case scenario.
if ( isset( $this->used_class_names[ $class_name ] ) ) {
// Check exact matches first, as they are faster.
switch ( $class_name ) {
* Common class names used for amp-user-notification and amp-live-list.
* See <>.
* See <>.
case 'amp-active':
case 'amp-hidden':
if ( ! $this->has_used_tag_names( [ 'amp-live-list', 'amp-user-notification' ] ) ) {
return false;
continue 2;
// Class names for amp-image-lightbox, see <>.
case 'amp-image-lightbox-caption':
if ( ! $this->has_used_tag_names( [ 'amp-image-lightbox' ] ) ) {
return false;
continue 2;
// Class names for amp-form, see <>.
case 'user-valid':
case 'user-invalid':
if ( ! $this->has_used_tag_names( [ 'form' ] ) ) {
return false;
continue 2;
// Only do AMP element-specific checks on an AMP components with the corresponding prefix.
if ( 'amp-' === substr( $class_name, 0, 4 ) ) {
// Class names for amp-geo, see <>.
if ( 'amp-geo-' === substr( $class_name, 0, 8 ) ) {
if ( ! $this->has_used_tag_names( [ 'amp-geo' ] ) ) {
return false;
// Class names for amp-form, see <>.
if ( 'amp-form-' === substr( $class_name, 0, 9 ) ) {
if ( ! $this->has_used_tag_names( [ 'form' ] ) ) {
return false;
// Class names for extensions which use the video-manager, and thus video-autoplay.css.
if ( 'amp-video-' === substr( $class_name, 0, 10 ) ) {
foreach ( $this->video_autoplay_elements as $video_autoplay_element ) {
if ( $this->has_used_tag_names( [ $video_autoplay_element ] ) ) {
continue 2;
return false;
switch ( substr( $class_name, 0, 11 ) ) {
* Class names for amp-access and amp-access-laterpay.
* See <>.
* See <>
case 'amp-access-':
if ( ! $this->has_used_attributes( [ 'amp-access' ] ) ) {
return false;
continue 2;
// Class names for amp-video-docking, see <>.
case 'amp-docked-':
if ( ! $this->has_used_attributes( [ 'dock' ] ) ) {
return false;
continue 2;
// Class names for amp-sidebar, see <>.
if ( 'amp-sidebar-' === substr( $class_name, 0, 12 ) ) {
if ( ! $this->has_used_tag_names( [ 'amp-sidebar' ] ) ) {
return false;
switch ( substr( $class_name, 0, 13 ) ) {
// Class names for amp-dynamic-css-classes, see <>.
case 'amp-referrer-':
continue 2;
// Class names for amp-carousel, see <>.
case 'amp-carousel-':
if ( ! $this->has_used_tag_names( [ 'amp-carousel' ] ) ) {
return false;
continue 2;
switch ( substr( $class_name, 0, 14 ) ) {
// Class names for amp-sticky-ad, see <>.
case 'amp-sticky-ad-':
if ( ! $this->has_used_tag_names( [ 'amp-sticky-ad' ] ) ) {
return false;
continue 2;
// Class names for amp-live-list, see <>.
case 'amp-live-list-':
if ( ! $this->has_used_tag_names( [ 'amp-live-list' ] ) ) {
return false;
continue 2;
switch ( substr( $class_name, 0, 16 ) ) {
// Class names for amp-date-picker, see <>.
case 'amp-date-picker-':
if ( ! $this->has_used_tag_names( [ 'amp-date-picker' ] ) ) {
return false;
continue 2;
// Class names for amp-geo, see <>.
case 'amp-iso-country-':
if ( ! $this->has_used_tag_names( [ 'amp-geo' ] ) ) {
return false;
continue 2;
if ( ! isset( $this->used_class_names[ $class_name ] ) ) {
return false;
return true;
* Get list of all the tag names used in the document.
* @since 1.0
* @return array Used tag names.
private function get_used_tag_names() {
if ( ! isset( $this->used_tag_names ) ) {
$this->used_tag_names = [];
foreach ( $this->dom->getElementsByTagName( '*' ) as $el ) {
$this->used_tag_names[ $el->tagName ] = true;
return $this->used_tag_names;
* Determine if all the supplied tag names are used.
* @since 1.1
* @param string[] $tag_names Tag names.
* @return bool All used.
private function has_used_tag_names( $tag_names ) {
if ( empty( $this->used_tag_names ) ) {
foreach ( $tag_names as $tag_name ) {
if ( ! isset( $this->used_tag_names[ $tag_name ] ) ) {
return false;
return true;
* Check whether the attributes exist.
* @since 1.1
* @todo Make $attribute_names into $attributes as an associative array and implement lookups of specific values. Since attribute values can vary (e.g. with amp-bind), this may not be feasible.
* @param string[] $attribute_names Attribute names.
* @return bool Whether all supplied attributes are used.
private function has_used_attributes( $attribute_names ) {
foreach ( $attribute_names as $attribute_name ) {
if ( ! isset( $this->used_attributes[ $attribute_name ] ) ) {
$expression = sprintf( '(//@%s)[1]', $attribute_name );
$this->used_attributes[ $attribute_name ] = ( 0 !== $this->xpath->query( $expression )->length );
// Attributes for amp-accordion, see <>.
if ( 'expanded' === $attribute_name ) {
if ( ! $this->has_used_tag_names( [ 'amp-accordion' ] ) ) {
return false;
// Attributes for amp-sidebar, see <>.
if ( 'open' === $attribute_name ) {
// The 'open' attribute is also used by the HTML5 <details> attribute.
if ( ! $this->has_used_tag_names( [ 'amp-sidebar' ] ) && ! $this->has_used_tag_names( [ 'details' ] ) ) {
return false;
// Attributes for amp-live-list, see <>.
if ( 'data-tombstone' === $attribute_name ) {
if ( ! $this->has_used_tag_names( [ 'amp-live-list' ] ) ) {
return false;
if ( ! $this->used_attributes[ $attribute_name ] ) {
return false;
return true;
* Run logic before any sanitizers are run.
* After the sanitizers are instantiated but before calling sanitize on each of them, this
* method is called with list of all the instantiated sanitizers.
* @param AMP_Base_Sanitizer[] $sanitizers Sanitizers.
public function init( $sanitizers ) {
parent::init( $sanitizers );
foreach ( $sanitizers as $sanitizer ) {
foreach ( $sanitizer->get_selector_conversion_mapping() as $html_selectors => $amp_selectors ) {
if ( ! isset( $this->selector_mappings[ $html_selectors ] ) ) {
$this->selector_mappings[ $html_selectors ] = $amp_selectors;
} else {
$this->selector_mappings[ $html_selectors ] = array_unique(
array_merge( $this->selector_mappings[ $html_selectors ], $amp_selectors )
// Prevent selectors like `amp-img img` getting deleted since `img` does not occur in the DOM.
$this->args['dynamic_element_selectors'] = array_merge(
$this->selector_mappings[ $html_selectors ]
* Sanitize CSS styles within the HTML contained in this instance's DOMDocument.
* @since 0.4
public function sanitize() {
$elements = [];
// Do nothing if inline styles are allowed. Note, a better alternative to this is AMP dev mode.
if ( ! empty( $this->args['allow_dirty_styles'] ) ) {
$this->focus_class_name_selector_pattern = (
! empty( $this->args['focus_within_classes'] ) ?
self::get_class_name_selector_pattern( $this->args['focus_within_classes'] ) :
$this->head = $this->dom->getElementsByTagName( 'head' )->item( 0 );
if ( ! $this->head ) {
$this->head = $this->dom->createElement( 'head' );
$this->dom->documentElement->insertBefore( $this->head, $this->dom->documentElement->firstChild );
$this->parse_css_duration = 0.0;
* Note that xpath is used to query the DOM so that the link and style elements will be
* in document order. DOMNode::compareDocumentPosition() is not yet implemented.
$xpath = $this->xpath;
$dev_mode_predicate = '';
if ( $this->is_document_in_dev_mode() ) {
$dev_mode_predicate = sprintf( ' and not ( @%s )', AMP_Rule_Spec::DEV_MODE_ATTRIBUTE );
$lower_case = 'translate( %s, "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" )'; // In XPath 2.0 this is lower-case().
$predicates = [
sprintf( '( self::style and not( @amp-boilerplate ) and ( not( @type ) or %s = "text/css" ) %s )', sprintf( $lower_case, '@type' ), $dev_mode_predicate ),
sprintf( '( self::link and @href and %s = "stylesheet" %s )', sprintf( $lower_case, '@rel' ), $dev_mode_predicate ),
foreach ( $xpath->query( '//*[ ' . implode( ' or ', $predicates ) . ' ]' ) as $element ) {
$elements[] = $element;
// If 'width' attribute is present for 'col' tag, convert to proper CSS rule.
foreach ( $this->dom->getElementsByTagName( 'col' ) as $col ) {
* Col element.
* @var DOMElement $col
$width_attr = $col->getAttribute( 'width' );
if ( ! empty( $width_attr ) && ( false === strpos( $width_attr, '*' ) ) ) {
$width_style = 'width: ' . $width_attr;
if ( is_numeric( $width_attr ) ) {
$width_style .= 'px';
if ( $col->hasAttribute( 'style' ) ) {
$col->setAttribute( 'style', $width_style . ';' . $col->getAttribute( 'style' ) );
} else {
$col->setAttribute( 'style', $width_style );
$col->removeAttribute( 'width' );
* Element.
* @var DOMElement $element
foreach ( $elements as $element ) {
$node_name = strtolower( $element->nodeName );
if ( 'style' === $node_name ) {
$this->process_style_element( $element );
} elseif ( 'link' === $node_name ) {
$this->process_link_element( $element );
// If the element is still in the document, it is a font stylesheet; make sure it gets moved to the head as required.
if ( $element->parentNode && 'head' !== $element->parentNode->nodeName ) {
$this->head->appendChild( $element->parentNode->removeChild( $element ) );
$elements = [];
foreach ( $xpath->query( "//*[ @style $dev_mode_predicate ]" ) as $element ) {
$elements[] = $element;
foreach ( $elements as $element ) {
$this->collect_inline_styles( $element );
$this->did_convert_elements = true;
if ( $this->parse_css_duration > 0.0 ) {
AMP_HTTP::send_server_timing( 'amp_parse_css', $this->parse_css_duration, 'AMP Parse CSS' );
* Get the priority of the stylesheet associated with the given element.
* As with hooks, lower priorities mean they should be included first.
* The higher the priority value, the more likely it will be that the
* stylesheet will be among those excluded due to 'excessive_css' when
* concatenated CSS reaches 50KB.
* @todo This will eventually need to be abstracted to not be CMS-specific, allowing for the prioritization scheme to be defined by configuration.
* @param DOMNode|DOMElement|DOMAttr $node Node.
* @return int Priority.
private function get_stylesheet_priority( DOMNode $node ) {
$print_priority_base = 100;
$admin_bar_priority = 200;
$remove_url_scheme = static function( $url ) {
return preg_replace( '/^https?:/', '', $url );
if ( $node instanceof DOMElement && 'link' === $node->nodeName ) {
$element_id = (string) $node->getAttribute( 'id' );
$schemeless_href = $remove_url_scheme( $node->getAttribute( 'href' ) );
$is_plugin_asset = (
0 === strpos( $schemeless_href, $remove_url_scheme( trailingslashit( plugins_url( WP_PLUGIN_DIR ) ) ) )
0 === strpos( $schemeless_href, $remove_url_scheme( trailingslashit( plugins_url( WPMU_PLUGIN_URL ) ) ) )
$style_handle = null;
if ( preg_match( '/^(.+)-css$/', $element_id, $matches ) ) {
$style_handle = $matches[1];
$core_frontend_handles = [
$non_amp_handles = [
if ( in_array( $style_handle, $non_amp_handles, true ) ) {
// Styles are for non-AMP JS only so not be used in AMP at all.
$priority = 1000;
} elseif ( 'admin-bar' === $style_handle ) {
// Admin bar has lowest priority. If it gets excluded, then the entire admin bar should be removed.
$priority = $admin_bar_priority;
} elseif ( 'dashicons' === $style_handle ) {
// Dashicons could be used by the theme, but low priority compared to other styles.
$priority = 90;
} elseif ( false !== strpos( $schemeless_href, $remove_url_scheme( trailingslashit( get_template_directory_uri() ) ) ) ) {
// Highest priority are parent theme styles.
$priority = 1;
} elseif ( false !== strpos( $schemeless_href, $remove_url_scheme( trailingslashit( get_stylesheet_directory_uri() ) ) ) ) {
// Penultimate highest priority are child theme styles.
$priority = 10;
} elseif ( in_array( $style_handle, $core_frontend_handles, true ) ) {
// Styles from wp-includes which are enqueued for themes are next highest priority.
$priority = 20;
} elseif ( $is_plugin_asset ) {
// Styles from plugins are next-highest priority.
$priority = 30;
} elseif ( 0 === strpos( $schemeless_href, $remove_url_scheme( includes_url() ) ) ) {
// Other styles from wp-includes come next.
$priority = 40;
} else {
// Everything else, perhaps wp-admin styles or stylesheets from remote servers.
$priority = 50;
if ( 'print' === $node->getAttribute( 'media' ) ) {
$priority += $print_priority_base;
} elseif ( $node instanceof DOMElement && 'style' === $node->nodeName ) {
$element_id = (string) $node->getAttribute( 'id' );
if ( 'admin-bar-inline-css' === $element_id ) {
$priority = $admin_bar_priority;
} elseif ( 'wp-custom-css' === $element_id ) {
// Additional CSS from Customizer.
$priority = 60;
} else {
// Other style elements, including from Recent Comments widget.
$priority = 70;
if ( 'print' === $node->getAttribute( 'media' ) ) {
$priority += $print_priority_base;
} else {
// Style attribute.
$priority = 70;
return $priority;
* Eliminate relative segments (../ and ./) from a path.
* @param string $path Path with relative segments. This is not a URL, so no host and no query string.
* @return string|WP_Error Unrelativized path or WP_Error if there is too much relativity.
private function unrelativize_path( $path ) {
// Eliminate current directory relative paths, like <foo/./bar/./baz.css> => <foo/bar/baz.css>.
do {
$path = preg_replace(
} while ( 0 !== $count );
// Collapse relative paths, like <foo/bar/../../baz.css> => <baz.css>.
do {
$path = preg_replace(
} while ( 0 !== $count );
if ( preg_match( '#(^|/)\.+/#', $path ) ) {
/* translators: %s is the path with the remaining relative segments. */
return new WP_Error( 'remaining_relativity', sprintf( __( 'There are remaining relative path segments: %s', 'amp' ), $path ) );
return $path;
* Construct a URL from a parsed one.
* @param array $parsed_url Parsed URL.
* @return string Reconstructed URL.
private function reconstruct_url( $parsed_url ) {
$url = '';
if ( ! empty( $parsed_url['host'] ) ) {
if ( ! empty( $parsed_url['scheme'] ) ) {
$url .= $parsed_url['scheme'] . ':';
$url .= '//';
$url .= $parsed_url['host'];
if ( ! empty( $parsed_url['port'] ) ) {
$url .= ':' . $parsed_url['port'];
if ( ! empty( $parsed_url['path'] ) ) {
$url .= $parsed_url['path'];
if ( ! empty( $parsed_url['query'] ) ) {
$url .= '?' . $parsed_url['query'];
if ( ! empty( $parsed_url['fragment'] ) ) {
$url .= '#' . $parsed_url['fragment'];
return $url;
* Generate a URL's fully-qualified file path.
* @since 0.7
* @see WP_Styles::_css_href()
* @param string $url The file URL.
* @param string[] $allowed_extensions Allowed file extensions for local files.
* @return string|WP_Error Style's absolute validated filesystem path, or WP_Error when error.
public function get_validated_url_file_path( $url, $allowed_extensions = [] ) {
if ( ! is_string( $url ) ) {
return new WP_Error( 'url_not_string' );
$needs_base_url = (
! preg_match( '|^(https?:)?//|', $url )
! ( $this->content_url && 0 === strpos( $url, $this->content_url ) )
if ( $needs_base_url ) {
$url = $this->base_url . '/' . ltrim( $url, '/' );
$parsed_url = wp_parse_url( $url );
if ( empty( $parsed_url['host'] ) ) {
/* translators: %s is the original URL */
return new WP_Error( 'no_url_host', sprintf( __( 'URL is missing host: %s', 'amp' ), $url ) );
if ( empty( $parsed_url['path'] ) ) {
/* translators: %s is the original URL */
return new WP_Error( 'no_url_path', sprintf( __( 'URL is missing path: %s', 'amp' ), $url ) );
$path = $this->unrelativize_path( $parsed_url['path'] );
if ( is_wp_error( $path ) ) {
return $path;
$parsed_url['path'] = $path;
$remove_url_scheme = static function( $schemed_url ) {
return preg_replace( '#^\w+:(?=//)#', '', $schemed_url );
unset( $parsed_url['scheme'], $parsed_url['query'], $parsed_url['fragment'] );
$url = $this->reconstruct_url( $parsed_url );
$includes_url = $remove_url_scheme( includes_url( '/' ) );
$content_url = $remove_url_scheme( content_url( '/' ) );
$admin_url = $remove_url_scheme( get_admin_url( null, '/' ) );
$site_url = $remove_url_scheme( site_url( '/' ) );
$allowed_hosts = [
wp_parse_url( $includes_url, PHP_URL_HOST ),
wp_parse_url( $content_url, PHP_URL_HOST ),
wp_parse_url( $admin_url, PHP_URL_HOST ),
// Validate file extensions.
if ( ! empty( $allowed_extensions ) ) {
$pattern = sprintf( '/\.(%s)$/i', implode( '|', $allowed_extensions ) );
if ( ! preg_match( $pattern, $url ) ) {
/* translators: %s: the file URL. */
return new WP_Error( 'disallowed_file_extension', sprintf( __( 'File does not have an allowed file extension for filesystem access (%s).', 'amp' ), $url ) );
if ( ! in_array( $parsed_url['host'], $allowed_hosts, true ) ) {
/* translators: %s: the file URL */
return new WP_Error( 'external_file_url', sprintf( __( 'URL is located on an external domain: %s.', 'amp' ), $parsed_url['host'] ) );
$base_path = null;
$file_path = null;
$wp_content = 'wp-content';
if ( 0 === strpos( $url, $content_url ) ) {
$base_path = WP_CONTENT_DIR;
$file_path = substr( $url, strlen( $content_url ) - 1 );
} elseif ( 0 === strpos( $url, $includes_url ) ) {
$base_path = ABSPATH . WPINC;
$file_path = substr( $url, strlen( $includes_url ) - 1 );
} elseif ( 0 === strpos( $url, $admin_url ) ) {
$base_path = ABSPATH . 'wp-admin';
$file_path = substr( $url, strlen( $admin_url ) - 1 );
} elseif ( 0 === strpos( $url, $site_url . trailingslashit( $wp_content ) ) ) {
// Account for loading content from original wp-content directory not WP_CONTENT_DIR which can happen via register_theme_directory().
$base_path = ABSPATH . $wp_content;
$file_path = substr( $url, strlen( $site_url ) + strlen( $wp_content ) );
if ( ! $file_path || false !== strpos( $file_path, '../' ) || false !== strpos( $file_path, '..\\' ) ) {
/* translators: %s: the file URL. */
return new WP_Error( 'file_path_not_allowed', sprintf( __( 'Disallowed URL filesystem path for %s.', 'amp' ), $url ) );
if ( ! file_exists( $base_path . $file_path ) ) {
/* translators: %s: the file URL. */
return new WP_Error( 'file_path_not_found', sprintf( __( 'Unable to locate filesystem path for %s.', 'amp' ), $url ) );
return $base_path . $file_path;
* Set the current node (and its sources when required).
* @since 1.0
* @param DOMElement|DOMAttr|null $node Current node, or null to reset.
private function set_current_node( $node ) {
if ( $this->current_node === $node ) {
$this->current_node = $node;
if ( empty( $node ) ) {
$this->current_sources = null;
} elseif ( ! empty( $this->args['should_locate_sources'] ) ) {
$this->current_sources = AMP_Validation_Manager::locate_sources( $node );
* Process style element.
* @param DOMElement $element Style element.
private function process_style_element( DOMElement $element ) {
$this->set_current_node( $element ); // And sources when needing to be located.
// @todo Any @keyframes rules could be removed from amp-custom and instead added to amp-keyframes.
$is_keyframes = $element->hasAttribute( 'amp-keyframes' );
$stylesheet = trim( $element->textContent );
$cdata_spec = $is_keyframes ? $this->style_keyframes_cdata_spec : $this->style_custom_cdata_spec;
// Honor the style's media attribute.
$media = $element->getAttribute( 'media' );
if ( $media && 'all' !== $media ) {
$stylesheet = sprintf( '@media %s { %s }', $media, $stylesheet );
$processed = $this->process_stylesheet(
'allowed_at_rules' => $cdata_spec['css_spec']['allowed_at_rules'],
'property_whitelist' => $cdata_spec['css_spec']['declaration'],
'validate_keyframes' => $cdata_spec['css_spec']['validate_keyframes'],
$this->pending_stylesheets[] = array_merge(
'group' => $is_keyframes ? 'keyframes' : 'custom',
'node' => $element,
'sources' => $this->current_sources,
'priority' => $this->get_stylesheet_priority( $element ),
wp_array_slice_assoc( $processed, [ 'stylesheet', 'imported_font_urls' ] )
if ( $element->hasAttribute( 'amp-custom' ) && ! $this->amp_custom_style_element ) {
$this->amp_custom_style_element = $element;
} else {
// Remove from DOM since we'll be adding it to amp-custom.
$element->parentNode->removeChild( $element );
$this->set_current_node( null );
* Process link element.
* @param DOMElement $element Link element.
private function process_link_element( DOMElement $element ) {
$href = $element->getAttribute( 'href' );
// Allow font URLs, including protocol-less URLs and recognized URLs that use HTTP instead of HTTPS.
$normalized_url = preg_replace( '#^(http:)?(?=//)#', 'https:', $href );
if ( $this->allowed_font_src_regex && preg_match( $this->allowed_font_src_regex, $normalized_url ) ) {
if ( $href !== $normalized_url ) {
$element->setAttribute( 'href', $normalized_url );
* Make sure rel=preconnect link is present for Google Fonts stylesheet.
* Note that core themes normally do this already, per <>.
* But not always, per <>.
* This also ensures that other themes will get the preconnect link when
* they don't implement the resource hint.
$needs_preconnect_link = (
'' === substr( $normalized_url, 0, 29 )
0 === $this->xpath->query( '//link[ @rel = "preconnect" and @crossorigin and starts-with( @href, "" ) ]', $this->head )->length
if ( $needs_preconnect_link ) {
$link = AMP_DOM_Utils::create_node(
'rel' => 'preconnect',
'href' => '',
'crossorigin' => '',
$this->head->insertBefore( $link ); // Note that \AMP_Theme_Support::ensure_required_markup() will put this in the optimal order.
$css_file_path = $this->get_validated_url_file_path( $href, [ 'css', 'less', 'scss', 'sass' ] );
if ( ! is_wp_error( $css_file_path ) ) {
$stylesheet = file_get_contents( $css_file_path ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.AlternativeFunctions.file_get_contents_file_get_contents -- It's a local filesystem path not a remote request.
} else {
// Fall back to doing an HTTP request for the stylesheet is not accessible directly from the filesystem.
$contents = $this->fetch_external_stylesheet( $normalized_url );
if ( ! is_wp_error( $contents ) ) {
$stylesheet = $contents;
} else {
'code' => $contents->get_error_code(),
'message' => $contents->get_error_message(),
'type' => AMP_Validation_Error_Taxonomy::CSS_ERROR_TYPE,
if ( false === $stylesheet ) {
'code' => 'stylesheet_file_missing',
'type' => AMP_Validation_Error_Taxonomy::CSS_ERROR_TYPE,
// Honor the link's media attribute.
$media = $element->getAttribute( 'media' );
if ( $media && 'all' !== $media ) {
$stylesheet = sprintf( '@media %s { %s }', $media, $stylesheet );
$this->set_current_node( $element ); // And sources when needing to be located.
$processed = $this->process_stylesheet(
'allowed_at_rules' => $this->style_custom_cdata_spec['css_spec']['allowed_at_rules'],
'property_whitelist' => $this->style_custom_cdata_spec['css_spec']['declaration'],
'stylesheet_url' => $href,
'stylesheet_path' => $css_file_path,
$this->pending_stylesheets[] = array_merge(
'group' => 'custom',
'node' => $element,
'sources' => $this->current_sources, // Needed because node is removed below.
'priority' => $this->get_stylesheet_priority( $element ),
wp_array_slice_assoc( $processed, [ 'stylesheet', 'imported_font_urls' ] )
// Remove now that styles have been processed.
$element->parentNode->removeChild( $element );
$this->set_current_node( null );
* Fetch external stylesheet.
* @todo Use Cache-Control max-age for transient.
* @param string $url External stylesheet URL.
* @return string|WP_Error Stylesheet contents or WP_Error.
private function fetch_external_stylesheet( $url ) {
$cache_key = md5( $url );
$contents = get_transient( $cache_key );
if ( false === $contents ) {
$r = wp_remote_get( $url );
$code = wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $r );
if ( $code < 200 || $code >= 300 ) {
$message = wp_remote_retrieve_response_message( $r );
if ( ! $code ) {
$code = 'http_error';
} else {
$code = "http_{$code}";
if ( ! $message ) {
/* translators: %s: the fetched URL */
$message = sprintf( __( 'Failed to fetch: %s', 'amp' ), $url );
$contents = new WP_Error( $code, $message );
} elseif ( ! preg_match( '#^text/css#', wp_remote_retrieve_header( $r, 'content-type' ) ) ) {
$contents = new WP_Error(
__( 'Response did not contain the expected text/css content type.', 'amp' )
} else {
$contents = wp_remote_retrieve_body( $r );
set_transient( $cache_key, $contents, MONTH_IN_SECONDS );
return $contents;
* Process stylesheet.
* Sanitized invalid CSS properties and rules, removes rules which do not
* apply to the current document, and compresses the CSS to remove whitespace and comments.
* @since 1.0
* @param string $stylesheet Stylesheet.
* @param array $options {
* Options.
* @type string[] $property_whitelist Exclusively-allowed properties.
* @type string[] $property_blacklist Disallowed properties.
* @type string $stylesheet_url Original URL for stylesheet when originating via link or @import.
* @type string $stylesheet_path Original filesystem path for stylesheet when originating via link or @import.
* @type array $allowed_at_rules Allowed @-rules.
* @type bool $validate_keyframes Whether keyframes should be validated.
* }
* @return array {
* Processed stylesheet.
* @type array $stylesheet Stylesheet parts, where arrays are tuples for declaration blocks.
* @type array $validation_results Validation results, array containing arrays with error and sanitized keys.
* @type array $imported_font_urls Imported font stylesheet URLs.
* @type int $priority The priority of the stylesheet.
* }
private function process_stylesheet( $stylesheet, $options = [] ) {
$parsed = null;
$cache_key = null;
$cache_group = 'amp-parsed-stylesheet-v21'; // This should be bumped whenever the PHP-CSS-Parser is updated or parsed format is updated.
$cache_impacting_options = array_merge(
[ 'property_whitelist', 'property_blacklist', 'stylesheet_url', 'allowed_at_rules' ]
[ 'should_locate_sources', 'parsed_cache_variant', 'dynamic_element_selectors' ]
'language' => get_bloginfo( 'language' ), // Used to tree-shake html[lang] selectors.
$cache_key = md5( $stylesheet . wp_json_encode( $cache_impacting_options ) );
if ( wp_using_ext_object_cache() ) {
$parsed = wp_cache_get( $cache_key, $cache_group );
} else {
$parsed = get_transient( $cache_group . '-' . $cache_key );
* Make sure that the parsed stylesheet was cached with current sanitizations.
* The should_sanitize_validation_error method prevents duplicates from being reported.
if ( ! empty( $parsed['validation_results'] ) ) {
foreach ( $parsed['validation_results'] as $validation_result ) {
$sanitized = $this->should_sanitize_validation_error( $validation_result['error'] );
if ( $sanitized !== $validation_result['sanitized'] ) {
$parsed = null; // Change to sanitization of validation error detected, so cache cannot be used.
if ( ! $parsed || ! isset( $parsed['stylesheet'] ) || ! is_array( $parsed['stylesheet'] ) ) {
$parsed = $this->prepare_stylesheet( $stylesheet, $options );
* When an object cache is not available, we cache with an expiration to prevent the options table from
* getting filled infinitely. On the other hand, if an external object cache is available then we don't
* set an expiration because it should implement LRU cache expulsion policy.
if ( wp_using_ext_object_cache() ) {
wp_cache_set( $cache_key, $parsed, $cache_group );
} else {
// The expiration is to ensure transient doesn't stick around forever since no LRU flushing like with external object cache.
set_transient( $cache_group . '-' . $cache_key, $parsed, MONTH_IN_SECONDS );
return $parsed;
* Parse imported stylesheet.
* @param Import $item Import object.
* @param CSSList $css_list CSS List.
* @param array $options {
* Options.
* @type string $stylesheet_url Original URL for stylesheet when originating via link or @import.
* }
* @return array Validation results.
private function parse_import_stylesheet( Import $item, CSSList $css_list, $options ) {
$results = [];
$at_rule_args = $item->atRuleArgs();
$location = array_shift( $at_rule_args );
$media_query = array_shift( $at_rule_args );
if ( isset( $options['stylesheet_url'] ) ) {
$this->real_path_urls( [ $location ], $options['stylesheet_url'] );
$import_stylesheet_url = $location->getURL()->getString();
// Prevent importing something that has already been imported, and avoid infinite recursion.
if ( isset( $this->processed_imported_stylesheet_urls[ $import_stylesheet_url ] ) ) {
$css_list->remove( $item );
return [];
$this->processed_imported_stylesheet_urls[ $import_stylesheet_url ] = true;
// Prevent importing font stylesheets from allowed font CDNs. These will get added to the document as links instead.
$https_import_stylesheet_url = preg_replace( '#^(http:)?(?=//)#', 'https:', $import_stylesheet_url );
if ( $this->allowed_font_src_regex && preg_match( $this->allowed_font_src_regex, $https_import_stylesheet_url ) ) {
$this->imported_font_urls[] = $https_import_stylesheet_url;
$css_list->remove( $item );
/* translators: 1: @import. 2: wp_enqueue_style(). 3: font CDN URL. */
__( 'It is not a best practice to use %1$s to load font CDN stylesheets. Please use %2$s to enqueue %3$s as its own separate script.', 'amp' ),
return [];
$css_file_path = $this->get_validated_url_file_path( $import_stylesheet_url, [ 'css', 'less', 'scss', 'sass' ] );
if ( is_wp_error( $css_file_path ) && ( 'disallowed_file_extension' === $css_file_path->get_error_code() || 'external_file_url' === $css_file_path->get_error_code() ) ) {
$contents = $this->fetch_external_stylesheet( $import_stylesheet_url );
if ( is_wp_error( $contents ) ) {
$error = [
'code' => $contents->get_error_code(),
'message' => $contents->get_error_message(),
'type' => AMP_Validation_Error_Taxonomy::CSS_ERROR_TYPE,
'url' => $import_stylesheet_url,
$sanitized = $this->should_sanitize_validation_error( $error );
if ( $sanitized ) {
$css_list->remove( $item );
$results[] = compact( 'error', 'sanitized' );
return $results;
$stylesheet = $contents;
} elseif ( is_wp_error( $css_file_path ) ) {
$error = [
'code' => $css_file_path->get_error_code(),
'message' => $css_file_path->get_error_message(),
'type' => AMP_Validation_Error_Taxonomy::CSS_ERROR_TYPE,
'url' => $import_stylesheet_url,
$sanitized = $this->should_sanitize_validation_error( $error );
if ( $sanitized ) {
$css_list->remove( $item );
$results[] = compact( 'error', 'sanitized' );
return $results;
} else {
$stylesheet = file_get_contents( $css_file_path ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.AlternativeFunctions.file_get_contents_file_get_contents -- It's a local filesystem path not a remote request.
if ( $media_query ) {
$stylesheet = sprintf( '@media %s { %s }', $media_query, $stylesheet );
$options['stylesheet_url'] = $import_stylesheet_url;
$parsed_stylesheet = $this->parse_stylesheet( $stylesheet, $options );
$results = array_merge(
if ( ! empty( $parsed_stylesheet['css_document'] ) && method_exists( $css_list, 'replace' ) ) {
* CSS Doc.
* @var Document $css_document
$css_document = $parsed_stylesheet['css_document'];
// Work around bug in \Sabberworm\CSS\CSSList\CSSList::replace() when array keys are not 0-based.
$css_list->setContents( array_values( $css_list->getContents() ) );
$css_list->replace( $item, $css_document->getContents() );
} else {
$css_list->remove( $item );
return $results;
* Parse stylesheet.
* @since 1.0
* @param string $stylesheet_string Stylesheet.
* @param array $options Options. See definition in \AMP_Style_Sanitizer::process_stylesheet().
* @return array {
* Parsed stylesheet.
* @type Document $css_document CSS Document.
* @type array $validation_results Validation results, array containing arrays with error and sanitized keys.
* @type string $stylesheet_url Stylesheet URL, if available.
* }
private function parse_stylesheet( $stylesheet_string, $options ) {
$validation_results = [];
$css_document = null;
$this->imported_font_urls = [];
try {
// Remove spaces from data URLs, which cause errors and PHP-CSS-Parser can't handle them.
$stylesheet_string = $this->remove_spaces_from_url_values( $stylesheet_string );
$parser_settings = Sabberworm\CSS\Settings::create();
$css_parser = new Sabberworm\CSS\Parser( $stylesheet_string, $parser_settings );
$css_document = $css_parser->parse(); // @todo If 'utf-8' is not $css_parser->getCharset() then issue warning?
if ( ! empty( $options['stylesheet_url'] ) ) {
static function ( $value ) {
return $value instanceof URL;
$validation_results = array_merge(
$this->process_css_list( $css_document, $options )
} catch ( Exception $exception ) {
$error = [
'code' => 'css_parse_error',
'message' => $exception->getMessage(),
'type' => AMP_Validation_Error_Taxonomy::CSS_ERROR_TYPE,
* This is not a recoverable error, so sanitized here is just used to give user control
* over whether to proceed with serving this exception-raising stylesheet in AMP.
$sanitized = $this->should_sanitize_validation_error( $error );
$validation_results[] = compact( 'error', 'sanitized' );
return array_merge(
compact( 'validation_results', 'css_document' ),
'imported_font_urls' => $this->imported_font_urls,
* Prepare stylesheet.
* @since 1.0
* @param string $stylesheet_string Stylesheet.
* @param array $options Options. See definition in \AMP_Style_Sanitizer::process_stylesheet().
* @return array {
* Prepared stylesheet.
* @type array $stylesheet Stylesheet parts, where arrays are tuples for declaration blocks.
* @type array $validation_results Validation results, array containing arrays with error and sanitized keys.
* @type array $imported_font_urls Imported font stylesheet URLs.
* }
private function prepare_stylesheet( $stylesheet_string, $options = [] ) {
$start_time = microtime( true );
$options = array_merge(
'allowed_at_rules' => [],
'property_blacklist' => [
// See <>.
'property_whitelist' => [],
'validate_keyframes' => false,
'stylesheet_url' => null,
'stylesheet_path' => null,
// Strip the dreaded UTF-8 byte order mark (BOM, \uFEFF). This should ideally get handled by PHP-CSS-Parser <>.
$stylesheet_string = preg_replace( '/^\xEF\xBB\xBF/', '', $stylesheet_string );
// Strip obsolete CDATA sections and HTML comments which were used for old school XHTML.
$stylesheet_string = preg_replace( '#^\s*<!--#', '', $stylesheet_string );
$stylesheet_string = preg_replace( '#^\s*<!\[CDATA\[#', '', $stylesheet_string );
$stylesheet_string = preg_replace( '#\]\]>\s*$#', '', $stylesheet_string );
$stylesheet_string = preg_replace( '#-->\s*$#', '', $stylesheet_string );
$stylesheet = [];
$parsed_stylesheet = $this->parse_stylesheet( $stylesheet_string, $options );
$validation_results = $parsed_stylesheet['validation_results'];
if ( ! empty( $parsed_stylesheet['css_document'] ) ) {
$css_document = $parsed_stylesheet['css_document'];
$output_format = Sabberworm\CSS\OutputFormat::createCompact();
$output_format->setSemicolonAfterLastRule( false );
$before_declaration_block = '/*AMP_WP_BEFORE_DECLARATION_BLOCK*/';
$between_selectors = '/*AMP_WP_BETWEEN_SELECTORS*/';
$after_declaration_block_selectors = '/*AMP_WP_BEFORE_DECLARATION_SELECTORS*/';
$after_declaration_block = '/*AMP_WP_AFTER_DECLARATION*/';
$before_at_rule = '/*AMP_WP_BEFORE_AT_RULE*/';
$after_at_rule = '/*AMP_WP_AFTER_AT_RULE*/';
// Add comments to stylesheet if PHP-CSS-Parser has the required extensions for tree shaking.
if ( self::has_required_php_css_parser() ) {
$output_format->set( 'BeforeDeclarationBlock', $before_declaration_block );
$output_format->set( 'SpaceBeforeSelectorSeparator', $between_selectors );
$output_format->set( 'AfterDeclarationBlockSelectors', $after_declaration_block_selectors );
$output_format->set( 'AfterDeclarationBlock', $after_declaration_block );
$output_format->set( 'BeforeAtRuleBlock', $before_at_rule );
$output_format->set( 'AfterAtRuleBlock', $after_at_rule );
$stylesheet_string = $css_document->render( $output_format );
$pattern = '#';
$pattern .= preg_quote( $before_at_rule, '#' );
$pattern .= '|';
$pattern .= preg_quote( $after_at_rule, '#' );
$pattern .= '|';
$pattern .= '(' . preg_quote( $before_declaration_block, '#' ) . ')';
$pattern .= '(.+?)';
$pattern .= preg_quote( $after_declaration_block_selectors, '#' );
$pattern .= '(.+?)';
$pattern .= preg_quote( $after_declaration_block, '#' );
$pattern .= '#s';
$dynamic_selector_pattern = null;
if ( ! empty( $this->args['dynamic_element_selectors'] ) ) {
$dynamic_selector_pattern = implode(
static function( $selector ) {
return preg_quote( $selector, '#' );
$split_stylesheet = preg_split( $pattern, $stylesheet_string, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE );
$length = count( $split_stylesheet );
for ( $i = 0; $i < $length; $i++ ) {
if ( $before_declaration_block === $split_stylesheet[ $i ] ) {
// Skip keyframe-selector, which is can be: from | to | <percentage>.
if ( preg_match( '/^((from|to)\b|-?\d+(\.\d+)?%)/i', $split_stylesheet[ $i + 1 ] ) ) {
$stylesheet[] = str_replace( $between_selectors, '', $split_stylesheet[ ++$i ] ) . $split_stylesheet[ ++$i ];
$selectors = explode( $between_selectors . ',', $split_stylesheet[ ++$i ] );
$declaration = $split_stylesheet[ ++$i ];
// @todo The following logic could be made much more robust if PHP-CSS-Parser did parsing of selectors. See <> and <>.
$selectors_parsed = [];
foreach ( $selectors as $selector ) {
$selectors_parsed[ $selector ] = [];
// Remove :not() and pseudo selectors to eliminate false negatives, such as with `body:not(.title-tagline-hidden) .site-branding-text` (but not after escape character).
$reduced_selector = preg_replace( '/(?<!\\\\)::?[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+(\(.+?\))?/', '', $selector );
// Ignore any selector terms that occur under a dynamic selector.
if ( $dynamic_selector_pattern ) {
$reduced_selector = preg_replace( '#((?:' . $dynamic_selector_pattern . ')(?:\.[a-z0-9_-]+)*)[^a-z0-9_-].*#si', '$1', $reduced_selector . ' ' );
* Gather attribute names while removing attribute selectors to eliminate false negative,
* such as with `.social-navigation a[href*=""]:before`.
$reduced_selector = preg_replace_callback(
static function( $matches ) use ( $selector, &$selectors_parsed ) {
$selectors_parsed[ $selector ][ self::SELECTOR_EXTRACTED_ATTRIBUTES ][] = $matches[1];
return '';
// Extract class names.
$reduced_selector = preg_replace_callback(
'/\.((?:[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+|\\\\.)+)/', // The `\\\\.` will allow any char via escaping, like the colon in `.lg\:w-full`.
static function( $matches ) use ( $selector, &$selectors_parsed ) {
$selectors_parsed[ $selector ][ self::SELECTOR_EXTRACTED_CLASSES ][] = stripslashes( $matches[1] );
return '';
// Extract IDs.
$reduced_selector = preg_replace_callback(
static function( $matches ) use ( $selector, &$selectors_parsed ) {
$selectors_parsed[ $selector ][ self::SELECTOR_EXTRACTED_IDS ][] = $matches[1];
return '';
// Extract tag names.
$reduced_selector = preg_replace_callback(
static function( $matches ) use ( $selector, &$selectors_parsed ) {
$selectors_parsed[ $selector ][ self::SELECTOR_EXTRACTED_TAGS ][] = $matches[0];
return '';
// At this point, $reduced_selector should contain just the remnants of the selector, primarily combinators.
unset( $reduced_selector );
$stylesheet[] = [
} else {
$stylesheet[] = $split_stylesheet[ $i ];
$this->parse_css_duration += ( microtime( true ) - $start_time );
return array_merge(
compact( 'stylesheet', 'validation_results' ),
'imported_font_urls' => $parsed_stylesheet['imported_font_urls'],
* Previous return values from calls to should_sanitize_validation_error().
* This is used to prevent duplicates from being reported when the sanitization status
* changes for a validation error in a previously-cached stylesheet.
* @see AMP_Style_Sanitizer::should_sanitize_validation_error()
* @var array
protected $previous_should_sanitize_validation_error_results = [];
* Check whether or not sanitization should occur in response to validation error.
* Supply sources to the error and the current node to data.
* @since 1.0
* @param array $validation_error Validation error.
* @param array $data Data including the node.
* @return bool Whether to sanitize.
public function should_sanitize_validation_error( $validation_error, $data = [] ) {
if ( ! isset( $data['node'] ) ) {
$data['node'] = $this->current_node;
if ( ! isset( $validation_error['sources'] ) ) {
$validation_error['sources'] = $this->current_sources;
* This is used to prevent duplicates from being reported when the sanitization status
* changes for a validation error in a previously-cached stylesheet.
$args = compact( 'validation_error', 'data' );
foreach ( $this->previous_should_sanitize_validation_error_results as $result ) {
if ( $result['args'] === $args ) {
return $result['sanitized'];
$sanitized = parent::should_sanitize_validation_error( $validation_error, $data );
$this->previous_should_sanitize_validation_error_results[] = compact( 'args', 'sanitized' );
return $sanitized;
* Remove spaces from CSS URL values which PHP-CSS-Parser doesn't handle.
* @since 1.0
* @param string $css CSS.
* @return string CSS with spaces removed from URLs.
private function remove_spaces_from_url_values( $css ) {
return preg_replace_callback(
// Match CSS url() values that don't have quoted string values.
static function( $matches ) {
return preg_replace( '/\s+/', '', $matches[0] );
* Process CSS list.
* @since 1.0
* @param CSSList $css_list CSS List.
* @param array $options Options.
* @return array Validation errors.
private function process_css_list( CSSList $css_list, $options ) {
$results = [];
foreach ( $css_list->getContents() as $css_item ) {
$sanitized = false;
if ( $css_item instanceof DeclarationBlock && empty( $options['validate_keyframes'] ) ) {
$results = array_merge(
$this->process_css_declaration_block( $css_item, $css_list, $options )
} elseif ( $css_item instanceof AtRuleBlockList ) {
if ( ! in_array( $css_item->atRuleName(), $options['allowed_at_rules'], true ) ) {
$error = [
'at_rule' => $css_item->atRuleName(),
'type' => AMP_Validation_Error_Taxonomy::CSS_ERROR_TYPE,
$sanitized = $this->should_sanitize_validation_error( $error );
$results[] = compact( 'error', 'sanitized' );
if ( ! $sanitized ) {
$results = array_merge(
$this->process_css_list( $css_item, $options )
} elseif ( $css_item instanceof Import ) {
$results = array_merge(
$this->parse_import_stylesheet( $css_item, $css_list, $options )
} elseif ( $css_item instanceof AtRuleSet ) {
if ( ! in_array( $css_item->atRuleName(), $options['allowed_at_rules'], true ) ) {
$error = [
'at_rule' => $css_item->atRuleName(),
'type' => AMP_Validation_Error_Taxonomy::CSS_ERROR_TYPE,
$sanitized = $this->should_sanitize_validation_error( $error );
$results[] = compact( 'error', 'sanitized' );
if ( ! $sanitized ) {
$results = array_merge(
$this->process_css_declaration_block( $css_item, $css_list, $options )
} elseif ( $css_item instanceof KeyFrame ) {
if ( ! in_array( 'keyframes', $options['allowed_at_rules'], true ) ) {
$error = [
'at_rule' => $css_item->atRuleName(),
'type' => AMP_Validation_Error_Taxonomy::CSS_ERROR_TYPE,
$sanitized = $this->should_sanitize_validation_error( $error );
$results[] = compact( 'error', 'sanitized' );
if ( ! $sanitized ) {
$results = array_merge(
$this->process_css_keyframes( $css_item, $options )
} elseif ( $css_item instanceof AtRule ) {
if ( 'charset' === $css_item->atRuleName() ) {
* The @charset at-rule is not allowed in style elements, so it is not allowed in AMP.
* If the @charset is defined, then it really should have already been acknowledged
* by PHP-CSS-Parser when the CSS was parsed in the first place, so at this point
* it is irrelevant and can be removed.
$sanitized = true;
} else {
$error = [
'at_rule' => $css_item->atRuleName(),
'type' => AMP_Validation_Error_Taxonomy::CSS_ERROR_TYPE,
$sanitized = $this->should_sanitize_validation_error( $error );
$results[] = compact( 'error', 'sanitized' );
} else {
$error = [
'code' => 'unrecognized_css',
'item' => get_class( $css_item ),
'type' => AMP_Validation_Error_Taxonomy::CSS_ERROR_TYPE,
$sanitized = $this->should_sanitize_validation_error( $error );
$results[] = compact( 'error', 'sanitized' );
if ( $sanitized ) {
$css_list->remove( $css_item );
return $results;
* Convert URLs in to non-relative real-paths.
* @param URL[] $urls URLs.
* @param string $stylesheet_url Stylesheet URL.
private function real_path_urls( $urls, $stylesheet_url ) {
$base_url = preg_replace( ':[^/]+(\?.*)?(#.*)?$:', '', $stylesheet_url );
if ( empty( $base_url ) ) {
foreach ( $urls as $url ) {
// URLs cannot have spaces in them, so strip them (especially when spaces get erroneously injected in data: URLs).
$url_string = $url->getURL()->getString();
// For data: URLs, all that is needed is to remove spaces so set and continue.
if ( 'data:' === substr( $url_string, 0, 5 ) ) {
// If the URL is already absolute, continue since there there is nothing left to do.
$parsed_url = wp_parse_url( $url_string );
if ( ! empty( $parsed_url['host'] ) || empty( $parsed_url['path'] ) || '/' === substr( $parsed_url['path'], 0, 1 ) ) {
$parsed_url = wp_parse_url( $base_url . $url->getURL()->getString() );
// Resolve any relative parent directory paths.
$path = $this->unrelativize_path( $parsed_url['path'] );
if ( is_wp_error( $path ) ) {
$parsed_url['path'] = $path;
$real_url = $this->reconstruct_url( $parsed_url );
$url->getURL()->setString( $real_url );
* Process CSS rule set.
* @since 1.0
* @link
* @link
* @param RuleSet $ruleset Ruleset.
* @param CSSList $css_list CSS List.
* @param array $options Options.
* @return array Validation results.
private function process_css_declaration_block( RuleSet $ruleset, CSSList $css_list, $options ) {
$results = [];
if ( $ruleset instanceof DeclarationBlock ) {
$this->ampify_ruleset_selectors( $ruleset );
if ( 0 === count( $ruleset->getSelectors() ) ) {
$css_list->remove( $ruleset );
return $results;
// Remove disallowed properties.
if ( ! empty( $options['property_whitelist'] ) ) {
$properties = $ruleset->getRules();
foreach ( $properties as $property ) {
$vendorless_property_name = preg_replace( '/^-\w+-/', '', $property->getRule() );
if ( ! in_array( $vendorless_property_name, $options['property_whitelist'], true ) ) {
$error = [
'code' => 'illegal_css_property',
'property_name' => $property->getRule(),
'property_value' => $property->getValue(),
'type' => AMP_Validation_Error_Taxonomy::CSS_ERROR_TYPE,
$sanitized = $this->should_sanitize_validation_error( $error );
if ( $sanitized ) {
$ruleset->removeRule( $property->getRule() );
$results[] = compact( 'error', 'sanitized' );
} else {
foreach ( $options['property_blacklist'] as $illegal_property_name ) {
$properties = $ruleset->getRules( $illegal_property_name );
foreach ( $properties as $property ) {
$error = [
'code' => 'illegal_css_property',
'property_name' => $property->getRule(),
'property_value' => (string) $property->getValue(),
'type' => AMP_Validation_Error_Taxonomy::CSS_ERROR_TYPE,
$sanitized = $this->should_sanitize_validation_error( $error );
if ( $sanitized ) {
$ruleset->removeRule( $property->getRule() );
$results[] = compact( 'error', 'sanitized' );
if ( $ruleset instanceof AtRuleSet && 'font-face' === $ruleset->atRuleName() ) {
$this->process_font_face_at_rule( $ruleset, $options );
$results = array_merge(
$this->transform_important_qualifiers( $ruleset, $css_list )
// Remove the ruleset if it is now empty.
if ( 0 === count( $ruleset->getRules() ) ) {
$css_list->remove( $ruleset );
// @todo Delete rules with selectors for -amphtml- class and i-amphtml- tags.
return $results;
* Process @font-face by making src URLs non-relative and converting data: URLs into file URLs (with educated guessing).
* @since 1.0
* @param AtRuleSet $ruleset Ruleset for @font-face.
* @param array $options {
* Options.
* @type string $stylesheet_url Stylesheet URL, if available.
* }
private function process_font_face_at_rule( AtRuleSet $ruleset, $options ) {
$src_properties = $ruleset->getRules( 'src' );
if ( empty( $src_properties ) ) {
// Obtain the font-family name to guess the filename.
$font_family = null;
$font_basename = null;
$properties = $ruleset->getRules( 'font-family' );
if ( isset( $properties[0] ) ) {
$font_family = trim( $properties[0]->getValue(), '"\'' );
// Remove all non-word characters from the font family to serve as the filename.
$font_basename = preg_replace( '/[^A-Za-z0-9_\-]/', '', $font_family ); // Same as sanitize_key() minus case changes.
// Obtain the stylesheet base URL from which to guess font file locations.
$stylesheet_base_url = null;
if ( ! empty( $options['stylesheet_url'] ) ) {
$stylesheet_base_url = preg_replace(
$stylesheet_base_url = trailingslashit( $stylesheet_base_url );
// Attempt to transform data: URLs in src properties to be external file URLs.
$converted_count = 0;
foreach ( $src_properties as $src_property ) {
$value = $src_property->getValue();
if ( ! ( $value instanceof RuleValueList ) ) {
* The CSS Parser parses a src such as:
* url(data:application/font-woff;...) format('woff'),
* url('Genericons.ttf') format('truetype'),
* url('Genericons.svg#genericonsregular') format('svg')
* As a list of components consisting of:
* URL,
* RuleValueList( CSSFunction, URL ),
* RuleValueList( CSSFunction, URL ),
* CSSFunction
* Clearly the components here are not logically grouped. So the first step is to fix the order.
$sources = [];
foreach ( $value->getListComponents() as $component ) {
if ( $component instanceof RuleValueList ) {
$subcomponents = $component->getListComponents();
$subcomponent = array_shift( $subcomponents );
if ( $subcomponent ) {
if ( empty( $sources ) ) {
$sources[] = [ $subcomponent ];
} else {
$sources[ count( $sources ) - 1 ][] = $subcomponent;
foreach ( $subcomponents as $subcomponent ) {
$sources[] = [ $subcomponent ];
} elseif ( empty( $sources ) ) {
$sources[] = [ $component ];
} else {
$sources[ count( $sources ) - 1 ][] = $component;
* Source URL lists.
* @var string[] $source_file_urls
* @var URL[] $source_data_url_objects
$source_file_urls = [];
$source_data_url_objects = [];
foreach ( $sources as $i => $source ) {
if ( $source[0] instanceof URL ) {
$value = $source[0]->getURL()->getString();
if ( 'data:' === substr( $value, 0, 5 ) ) {
$source_data_url_objects[ $i ] = $source[0];
} else {
$source_file_urls[ $i ] = $value;
// Convert data: URLs into regular URLs, assuming there will be a file present (e.g. woff fonts in core themes).
foreach ( $source_data_url_objects as $i => $data_url ) {
$mime_type = strtok( substr( $data_url->getURL()->getString(), 5 ), ';' );
if ( ! $mime_type ) {
$extension = preg_replace( ':.+/(.+-)?:', '', $mime_type );
$guessed_urls = [];
// Guess URLs based on any other font sources that are not using data: URLs (e.g. truetype fallback for inline woff2).
foreach ( $source_file_urls as $source_file_url ) {
$guessed_url = preg_replace(
':(?<=\.)\w+(\?.*)?(#.*)?$:', // Match the file extension in the URL.
if ( 1 === $count ) {
$guessed_urls[] = $guessed_url;
* Guess some font file URLs based on the font name in a fonts directory based on precedence of Twenty Nineteen.
* For example, the NonBreakingSpaceOverride woff2 font file is located at fonts/NonBreakingSpaceOverride.woff2.
if ( $stylesheet_base_url && $font_basename ) {
$guessed_urls[] = $stylesheet_base_url . sprintf( 'fonts/%s.%s', $font_basename, $extension );
$guessed_urls[] = $stylesheet_base_url . sprintf( 'fonts/%s.%s', strtolower( $font_basename ), $extension );
// Find the font file that exists, and then replace the data: URL with the external URL for the font.
foreach ( $guessed_urls as $guessed_url ) {
$path = $this->get_validated_url_file_path( $guessed_url, [ 'woff', 'woff2', 'ttf', 'otf', 'svg' ] );
if ( ! is_wp_error( $path ) ) {
$data_url->getURL()->setString( $guessed_url );
} // End foreach $source_data_url_objects.
} // End foreach $src_properties.
* If a data: URL has been replaced with an external file URL, then we add a font-display:swap to the @font-face
* rule if one isn't already present. This prevents FO
* If no font-display is already present, add font-display:swap since the font is now being loaded externally.
if ( $converted_count && 0 === count( $ruleset->getRules( 'font-display' ) ) ) {
$font_display_rule = new Rule( 'font-display' );
$font_display_rule->setValue( 'swap' );
$ruleset->addRule( $font_display_rule );
* Process CSS keyframes.
* @since 1.0
* @link
* @link
* @todo Tree shaking could be extended to keyframes, to omit a keyframe if it is not referenced by any rule.
* @param KeyFrame $css_list Ruleset.
* @param array $options Options.
* @return array Validation results.
private function process_css_keyframes( KeyFrame $css_list, $options ) {
$results = [];
if ( ! empty( $options['property_whitelist'] ) ) {
foreach ( $css_list->getContents() as $rules ) {
if ( ! ( $rules instanceof DeclarationBlock ) ) {
$error = [
'code' => 'unrecognized_css',
'item' => get_class( $rules ),
'type' => AMP_Validation_Error_Taxonomy::CSS_ERROR_TYPE,
$sanitized = $this->should_sanitize_validation_error( $error );
if ( $sanitized ) {
$css_list->remove( $rules );
$results[] = compact( 'error', 'sanitized' );
$results = array_merge(
$this->transform_important_qualifiers( $rules, $css_list )
$properties = $rules->getRules();
foreach ( $properties as $property ) {
$vendorless_property_name = preg_replace( '/^-\w+-/', '', $property->getRule() );
if ( ! in_array( $vendorless_property_name, $options['property_whitelist'], true ) ) {
$error = [
'code' => 'illegal_css_property',
'property_name' => $property->getRule(),
'property_value' => (string) $property->getValue(),
'type' => AMP_Validation_Error_Taxonomy::CSS_ERROR_TYPE,
$sanitized = $this->should_sanitize_validation_error( $error );
if ( $sanitized ) {
$rules->removeRule( $property->getRule() );
$results[] = compact( 'error', 'sanitized' );
return $results;
* Replace !important qualifiers with more specific rules.
* @since 1.0
* @see
* @see
* @param RuleSet|DeclarationBlock $ruleset Rule set.
* @param CSSList $css_list CSS List.
* @return array Validation results.
private function transform_important_qualifiers( RuleSet $ruleset, CSSList $css_list ) {
$results = [];
// An !important only makes sense for rulesets that have selectors.
$allow_transformation = (
$ruleset instanceof DeclarationBlock
! ( $css_list instanceof KeyFrame )
$properties = $ruleset->getRules();
$importants = [];
foreach ( $properties as $property ) {
if ( $property->getIsImportant() ) {
if ( $allow_transformation ) {
$importants[] = $property;
$property->setIsImportant( false );
$ruleset->removeRule( $property->getRule() );
} else {
$error = [
'code' => 'illegal_css_important',
'type' => AMP_Validation_Error_Taxonomy::CSS_ERROR_TYPE,
'property_name' => $property->getRule(),
'property_value' => $property->getValue(),
$sanitized = $this->should_sanitize_validation_error( $error );
if ( $sanitized ) {
$property->setIsImportant( false );
$results[] = compact( 'error', 'sanitized' );
if ( ! $allow_transformation || empty( $importants ) ) {
return $results;
$important_ruleset = clone $ruleset;
* Modify selectors to be more specific to roughly match the effect of !important.
* @link
* @param Selector $old_selector Original selector.
* @return Selector The new more-specific selector.
static function( Selector $old_selector ) {
// Calculate the specificity multiplier for the placeholder.
$specificity_multiplier = AMP_Style_Sanitizer::INLINE_SPECIFICITY_MULTIPLIER + 1 + floor( $old_selector->getSpecificity() / 100 );
if ( $old_selector->getSpecificity() % 100 > 0 ) {
if ( $old_selector->getSpecificity() % 10 > 0 ) {
$selector_mod = str_repeat( ':not(#_)', $specificity_multiplier ); // Here "_" is just a short single-char ID.
$new_selector = $old_selector->getSelector();
// Amend the selector mod to the first element in selector if it is already the root; otherwise add new root ancestor.
if ( preg_match( '/^\s*(html|:root)\b/i', $new_selector, $matches ) ) {
$new_selector = substr( $new_selector, 0, strlen( $matches[0] ) ) . $selector_mod . substr( $new_selector, strlen( $matches[0] ) );
} else {
$new_selector = sprintf( ':root%s %s', $selector_mod, $new_selector );
return new Selector( $new_selector );
$important_ruleset->setRules( $importants );
$i = array_search( $ruleset, $css_list->getContents(), true );
if ( false !== $i && method_exists( $css_list, 'splice' ) ) {
$css_list->splice( $i + 1, 0, [ $important_ruleset ] );
} else {
$css_list->append( $important_ruleset );
return $results;
* Collect and store all CSS style attributes.
* Collects the CSS styles from within the HTML contained in this instance's DOMDocument.
* @see Retrieve array of styles using $this->get_styles() after calling this method.
* @since 0.4
* @since 0.7 Modified to use element passed by XPath query.
* @note Uses recursion to traverse down the tree of DOMDocument nodes.
* @param DOMElement $element Node.
private function collect_inline_styles( $element ) {
$style_attribute = $element->getAttributeNode( 'style' );
if ( ! $style_attribute || ! trim( $style_attribute->nodeValue ) ) {
$class = 'amp-wp-' . substr( md5( $style_attribute->nodeValue ), 0, 7 );
$root = ':root' . str_repeat( ':not(#_)', self::INLINE_SPECIFICITY_MULTIPLIER );
$rule = sprintf( '%s .%s { %s }', $root, $class, $style_attribute->nodeValue );
$this->set_current_node( $element ); // And sources when needing to be located.
$processed = $this->process_stylesheet(
'allowed_at_rules' => [],
'property_whitelist' => $this->style_custom_cdata_spec['css_spec']['declaration'],
$element->removeAttribute( 'style' );
if ( $processed['stylesheet'] ) {
$this->pending_stylesheets[] = [
'group' => 'custom',
'stylesheet' => $processed['stylesheet'],
'node' => $element,
'sources' => $this->current_sources,
'priority' => $this->get_stylesheet_priority( $style_attribute ),
if ( $element->hasAttribute( 'class' ) ) {
$element->setAttribute( 'class', $element->getAttribute( 'class' ) . ' ' . $class );
} else {
$element->setAttribute( 'class', $class );
$this->set_current_node( null );
* Finalize stylesheets for style[amp-custom] and style[amp-keyframes] elements.
* Concatenate all pending stylesheets, remove unused rules, and add to AMP style elements in document.
* Combine all amp-keyframe styles and add them to the end of the body.
* @since 1.0
* @see
private function finalize_styles() {
$stylesheet_groups = [
'custom' => [
'source_map_comment' => "\n\n/*# sourceURL=amp-custom.css */",
'cdata_spec' => $this->style_custom_cdata_spec,
'pending_stylesheets' => [],
'included_count' => 0,
'import_front_matter' => '', // Extra @import statements that are prepended when fetch fails and validation error is rejected.
'keyframes' => [
'source_map_comment' => "\n\n/*# sourceURL=amp-keyframes.css */",
'cdata_spec' => $this->style_keyframes_cdata_spec,
'pending_stylesheets' => [],
'included_count' => 0,
'import_front_matter' => '',
$imported_font_urls = [];
// Divide pending stylesheet between custom and keyframes, and calculate size of each (before tree shaking).
foreach ( $this->pending_stylesheets as $i => $pending_stylesheet ) {
foreach ( $pending_stylesheet['stylesheet'] as $j => $part ) {
if ( is_string( $part ) && 0 === strpos( $part, '@import' ) ) {
$stylesheet_groups[ $pending_stylesheet['group'] ]['import_front_matter'] .= $part;
unset( $this->pending_stylesheets[ $i ]['stylesheet'][ $j ] );
if ( ! empty( $pending_stylesheet['imported_font_urls'] ) ) {
$imported_font_urls = array_merge( $imported_font_urls, $pending_stylesheet['imported_font_urls'] );
// Process the pending stylesheets.
foreach ( array_keys( $stylesheet_groups ) as $group ) {
$stylesheet_groups[ $group ]['included_count'] = $this->finalize_stylesheet_group( $group, $stylesheet_groups[ $group ] );
// If we're not working with the document element (e.g. for legacy post templates) then there is nothing left to do.
if ( empty( $this->args['use_document_element'] ) ) {
return; // @todo This would no longer be true with <>.
// Add style[amp-custom] to document.
if ( $stylesheet_groups['custom']['included_count'] > 0 ) {
// Ensure style[amp-custom] is present in the document.
if ( ! $this->amp_custom_style_element ) {
$this->amp_custom_style_element = $this->dom->createElement( 'style' );
$this->amp_custom_style_element->setAttribute( 'amp-custom', '' );
$this->head->appendChild( $this->amp_custom_style_element );
* On AMP-first themes when there are new/rejected validation errors present, a parsed stylesheet may include
* @import rules. These must be moved to the beginning to be honored.
$css = $stylesheet_groups['custom']['import_front_matter'];
$css .= implode( '', $this->get_stylesheets() );
$css .= $stylesheet_groups['custom']['source_map_comment'];
* Let the style[amp-custom] be populated with the concatenated CSS.
* !important: Updating the contents of this style element by setting textContent is not
* reliable across PHP/libxml versions, so this is why the children are removed and the
* text node is then explicitly added containing the CSS.
while ( $this->amp_custom_style_element->firstChild ) {
$this->amp_custom_style_element->removeChild( $this->amp_custom_style_element->firstChild );
$this->amp_custom_style_element->appendChild( $this->dom->createTextNode( $css ) );
$included_size = 0;
$included_original_size = 0;
$excluded_size = 0;
$excluded_original_size = 0;
$included_sources = [];
$excluded_sources = [];
foreach ( $this->pending_stylesheets as $j => $pending_stylesheet ) {
if ( 'custom' !== $pending_stylesheet['group'] || ! ( $pending_stylesheet['node'] instanceof DOMElement ) || ! empty( $pending_stylesheet['duplicate'] ) ) {
$message = sprintf( '% 6d B', $pending_stylesheet['size'] );
if ( $pending_stylesheet['size'] && $pending_stylesheet['size'] !== $pending_stylesheet['original_size'] ) {
$message .= sprintf( ' (%d%%)', $pending_stylesheet['size'] / $pending_stylesheet['original_size'] * 100 );
$message .= ': ';
$message .= $pending_stylesheet['node']->nodeName;
if ( $pending_stylesheet['node']->getAttribute( 'id' ) ) {
$message .= '#' . $pending_stylesheet['node']->getAttribute( 'id' );
if ( $pending_stylesheet['node']->getAttribute( 'class' ) ) {
$message .= '.' . $pending_stylesheet['node']->getAttribute( 'class' );
foreach ( $pending_stylesheet['node']->attributes as $attribute ) {
if ( 'id' !== $attribute->nodeName && 'class' !== $attribute->nodeName ) {
$message .= sprintf( '[%s=%s]', $attribute->nodeName, $attribute->nodeValue );
if ( $pending_stylesheet['included'] ) {
$included_sources[] = $message;
$included_size += $pending_stylesheet['size'];
$included_original_size += $pending_stylesheet['original_size'];
} else {
$excluded_sources[] = $message;
$excluded_size += $pending_stylesheet['size'];
$excluded_original_size += $pending_stylesheet['original_size'];
$include_manifest_comment = (
'always' === $this->args['include_manifest_comment']
( $excluded_size > 0 && 'when_excessive' === $this->args['include_manifest_comment'] )
$comment = '';
if ( $include_manifest_comment && ! empty( $included_sources ) && $included_original_size > 0 ) {
$comment .= sprintf(
/* translators: %s: style[amp-custom] */
esc_html__( 'The %s element is populated with:', 'amp' ),
) . "\n" . implode( "\n", $included_sources ) . "\n";
if ( self::has_required_php_css_parser() ) {
$comment .= sprintf(
/* translators: 1: number of included bytes. 2: percentage of total CSS actually included after tree shaking. 3: total included size. */
esc_html__( 'Total included size: %1$s bytes (%2$d%% of %3$s total after tree shaking)', 'amp' ),
number_format_i18n( $included_size ),
$included_size / $included_original_size * 100,
number_format_i18n( $included_original_size )
) . "\n";
} else {
$comment .= sprintf(
/* translators: %s: number of included bytes. */
esc_html__( 'Total included size: %s bytes', 'amp' ),
number_format_i18n( $included_size ),
$included_size / $included_original_size * 100,
number_format_i18n( $included_original_size )
) . "\n";
if ( $include_manifest_comment && ! empty( $excluded_sources ) && $excluded_original_size > 0 ) {
if ( $comment ) {
$comment .= "\n";
$comment .= sprintf(
/* translators: %s: style[amp-custom] */
esc_html__( 'The following stylesheets are too large to be included in %s:', 'amp' ),
) . "\n" . implode( "\n", $excluded_sources ) . "\n";
if ( self::has_required_php_css_parser() ) {
$comment .= sprintf(
/* translators: 1: number of excluded bytes. 2: percentage of total CSS actually excluded even after tree shaking. 3: total excluded size. */
esc_html__( 'Total excluded size: %1$s bytes (%2$d%% of %3$s total after tree shaking)', 'amp' ),
number_format_i18n( $excluded_size ),
$excluded_size / $excluded_original_size * 100,
number_format_i18n( $excluded_original_size )
) . "\n";
} else {
$comment .= sprintf(
/* translators: %s: number of excluded bytes. */
esc_html__( 'Total excluded size: %s bytes', 'amp' ),
number_format_i18n( $excluded_size )
) . "\n";
$total_size = $included_size + $excluded_size;
$total_original_size = $included_original_size + $excluded_original_size;
if ( $total_size !== $total_original_size ) {
$comment .= "\n";
$comment .= sprintf(
/* translators: 1: total combined bytes. 2: is percentage of CSS after tree shaking. 3: is total before tree shaking. */
esc_html__( 'Total combined size: %1$s bytes (%2$d%% of %3$s total after tree shaking)', 'amp' ),
number_format_i18n( $total_size ),
( $total_size / $total_original_size ) * 100,
number_format_i18n( $total_original_size )
) . "\n";
if ( $include_manifest_comment && ! self::has_required_php_css_parser() ) {
$comment .= "\n" . esc_html__( 'Warning! AMP CSS processing is limited because a conflicting version of PHP-CSS-Parser has been loaded by another plugin or theme. Tree shaking is not available.', 'amp' ) . "\n";
if ( $comment ) {
$this->dom->createComment( "\n$comment" ),
* Add font stylesheets from CDNs which were extracted from @import rules.
* We can't add crossorigin=anonymous to these since such a CORS request would not be made in the non-AMP version,
* and so if the service worker cached the opaque response on the non-AMP version then it wouldn't be usable in
* the AMP version if it was requested with CORS.
foreach ( array_unique( $imported_font_urls ) as $imported_font_url ) {
$link = $this->dom->createElement( 'link' );
$link->setAttribute( 'rel', 'stylesheet' );
$link->setAttribute( 'href', $imported_font_url );
$this->head->appendChild( $link );
// Add style[amp-keyframes] to document.
if ( $stylesheet_groups['keyframes']['included_count'] > 0 ) {
$body = $this->dom->getElementsByTagName( 'body' )->item( 0 );
if ( ! $body ) {
'code' => 'missing_body_element',
'type' => AMP_Validation_Error_Taxonomy::CSS_ERROR_TYPE,
} else {
$css = $stylesheet_groups['keyframes']['import_front_matter'];
$css .= implode(
static function( $pending_stylesheet ) {
return $pending_stylesheet['included'] && 'keyframes' === $pending_stylesheet['group'];
$css .= $stylesheet_groups['keyframes']['source_map_comment'];
$style_element = $this->dom->createElement( 'style' );
$style_element->setAttribute( 'amp-keyframes', '' );
$style_element->appendChild( $this->dom->createTextNode( $css ) );
$body->appendChild( $style_element );
* Remove admin bar if its CSS was excluded.
* @since 1.2
private function remove_admin_bar_if_css_excluded() {
if ( ! is_admin_bar_showing() ) {
$admin_bar_id = 'wpadminbar';
$admin_bar = $this->dom->getElementById( $admin_bar_id );
if ( ! $admin_bar || ! $admin_bar->parentNode ) {
$included = true;
foreach ( $this->pending_stylesheets as &$pending_stylesheet ) {
$is_admin_bar_css = (
'custom' === $pending_stylesheet['group']
$pending_stylesheet['node'] instanceof DOMElement
'admin-bar-css' === $pending_stylesheet['node']->getAttribute( 'id' )
if ( $is_admin_bar_css ) {
$included = $pending_stylesheet['included'];
unset( $pending_stylesheet );
if ( ! $included ) {
// Remove admin-bar class from body element.
// @todo It would be nice if any style rules which refer to .admin-bar could also be removed, but this would mean retroactively going back over the CSS again and re-shaking it.
$body = $this->dom->getElementsByTagName( 'body' )->item( 0 );
if ( $body instanceof DOMElement && $body->hasAttribute( 'class' ) ) {
preg_replace( '/(^|\s)admin-bar(\s|$)/', ' ', $body->getAttribute( 'class' ) )
// Remove admin bar element.
$comment_text = sprintf(
/* translators: %s: CSS selector for admin bar element */
__( 'Admin bar (%s) was removed to preserve AMP validity due to excessive CSS.', 'amp' ),
'#' . $admin_bar_id
$this->dom->createComment( ' ' . $comment_text . ' ' ),
* Convert CSS selectors and remove obsolete selector hacks for IE.
* @param DeclarationBlock $ruleset Ruleset.
private function ampify_ruleset_selectors( $ruleset ) {
$selectors = [];
$has_changed_selectors = false;
$language = strtolower( get_bloginfo( 'language' ) );
foreach ( $ruleset->getSelectors() as $old_selector ) {
$selector = $old_selector->getSelector();
// Automatically tree-shake IE6/IE7 hacks for selectors with `* html` and `*+html`.
if ( preg_match( '/^\*\s*\+?\s*html/', $selector ) ) {
$has_changed_selectors = true;
// Automatically remove selectors with html[lang] that are for another language (and thus are irrelevant). This is safe because amp-bind'ed [lang] is not allowed.
$is_other_language_root = (
preg_match( '/^html\[lang(?P<starts_with>\^)?=([\'"]?)(?P<lang>.+?)\2\]/', strtolower( $selector ), $matches )
empty( $matches['starts_with'] )
$language !== $matches['lang']
substr( $language, 0, strlen( $matches['lang'] ) ) !== $matches['lang']
if ( $is_other_language_root ) {
$has_changed_selectors = true;
// Remove selectors with :lang() for another language (and thus irrelevant).
if ( preg_match( '/:lang\((?P<languages>.+?)\)/', $selector, $matches ) ) {
$has_matching_language = 0;
$selector_languages = array_map(
static function ( $selector_language ) {
return trim( $selector_language, '"\'' );
preg_split( '/\s*,\s*/', strtolower( trim( $matches['languages'] ) ) )
foreach ( $selector_languages as $selector_language ) {
* The following logic accounts for the following conditions, where all but the last is a match:
* N: en && fr
* Y: en && en
* Y: en && en-US
* Y: en-US && en
* N: en-US && en-UK
if (
substr( $language, 0, strlen( $selector_language ) ) === $selector_language
substr( $selector_language, 0, strlen( $language ) ) === $language
) {
$has_matching_language = true;
if ( ! $has_matching_language ) {
$has_changed_selectors = true;
// An element (type) either starts a selector or is preceded by combinator, comma, opening paren, or closing brace.
$before_type_selector_pattern = '(?<=^|\(|\s|>|\+|~|,|})';
$after_type_selector_pattern = '(?=$|[^a-zA-Z0-9_-])';
// Replace focus selectors with :focus-within.
if ( $this->focus_class_name_selector_pattern ) {
$count = 0;
$selector = preg_replace(
if ( $count > 0 ) {
$has_changed_selectors = true;
* Loop over each selector mappings. A single HTML tag can map to multiple AMP tags (e.g. img could be amp-img or amp-anim).
* The $selector_mappings array contains ~6 items, so rest easy your O(n^3) eyes when seeing triple nested loops!
$edited_selectors = [ $selector ];
foreach ( $this->selector_mappings as $html_tag => $amp_tags ) {
// Create pattern for determining whether a mapped HTML element is present in this selector.
$html_pattern = '/' . $before_type_selector_pattern . preg_quote( $html_tag, '/' ) . $after_type_selector_pattern . '/i';
* Iterate over each selector and perform the tag mapping replacements.
* Note that $edited_selectors array contains only item in the normal case.
* Note also that the size of $edited_selectors can grow while iterating, hence disabling sniffs.
for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $edited_selectors ); $i++ ) { // phpcs:ignore Generic.CodeAnalysis.ForLoopWithTestFunctionCall.NotAllowed, Squiz.PHP.DisallowSizeFunctionsInLoops.Found
// Skip doing any replacement if the AMP tag is already present, as this indicates the selector was written for AMP already.
$amp_tag_pattern = '/' . $before_type_selector_pattern . implode( '|', $amp_tags ) . $after_type_selector_pattern . '/i';
if ( preg_match( $amp_tag_pattern, $edited_selectors[ $i ], $matches ) && in_array( $matches[0], $amp_tags, true ) ) {
// Replace the HTML tag with the first first mapped AMP tag.
$edited_selector = preg_replace( $html_pattern, $amp_tags[0], $edited_selectors[ $i ], -1, $count );
// If the HTML tag was not found, then short-circuit.
if ( 0 === $count ) {
$edited_selectors_from_selector = [ $edited_selector ];
// Replace the HTML tag with the the remaining mapped AMP tags.
foreach ( array_slice( $amp_tags, 1 ) as $amp_tag ) { // Note: This array contains only a couple items.
$edited_selectors_from_selector[] = preg_replace( $html_pattern, $amp_tag, $edited_selectors[ $i ] );
// Replace the current edited selector with all the new edited selectors resulting from the mapping replacement.
array_splice( $edited_selectors, $i, 1, $edited_selectors_from_selector );
$has_changed_selectors = true;
$selectors = array_merge( $selectors, $edited_selectors );
if ( $has_changed_selectors ) {
$ruleset->setSelectors( $selectors );
* Given a list of class names, create a regular expression pattern to match them in a selector.
* @since 1.4
* @param string[] $class_names Class names.
* @return string Regular expression pattern.
private static function get_class_name_selector_pattern( $class_names ) {
$class_pattern = implode(
static function ( $class_name ) {
return preg_quote( $class_name, '/' );
(array) $class_names
return "/\.({$class_pattern})(?=$|[^a-zA-Z0-9_-])/";
* Finalize a stylesheet group (amp-custom or amp-keyframes).
* @since 1.2
* @param string $group Group name (either 'custom' or 'keyframes').
* @param array $group_config Group config.
* @return int Number of included stylesheets in group.
private function finalize_stylesheet_group( $group, $group_config ) {
$included_count = 0;
$max_bytes = $group_config['cdata_spec']['max_bytes'] - strlen( $group_config['source_map_comment'] );
$previously_seen_stylesheet_index = [];
foreach ( $this->pending_stylesheets as $pending_stylesheet_index => &$pending_stylesheet ) {
if ( $group !== $pending_stylesheet['group'] ) {
$stylesheet_parts = [];
$original_size = 0;
foreach ( $pending_stylesheet['stylesheet'] as $stylesheet_part ) {
if ( is_string( $stylesheet_part ) ) {
$stylesheet_parts[] = $stylesheet_part;
$original_size += strlen( $stylesheet_part );
list( $selectors_parsed, $declaration_block ) = $stylesheet_part;
$selectors = [];
foreach ( $selectors_parsed as $selector => $parsed_selector ) {
$should_include = (
// If all class names are used in the doc.
empty( $parsed_selector[ self::SELECTOR_EXTRACTED_CLASSES ] )
$this->has_used_class_name( $parsed_selector[ self::SELECTOR_EXTRACTED_CLASSES ] )
// If all IDs are used in the doc.
empty( $parsed_selector[ self::SELECTOR_EXTRACTED_IDS ] )
0 === count(
$parsed_selector[ self::SELECTOR_EXTRACTED_IDS ],
function( $id ) {
return ! $this->dom->getElementById( $id );
// If tag names are present in the doc.
empty( $parsed_selector[ self::SELECTOR_EXTRACTED_TAGS ] )
$this->has_used_tag_names( $parsed_selector[ self::SELECTOR_EXTRACTED_TAGS ] )
// If all attribute names are used in the doc.
empty( $parsed_selector[ self::SELECTOR_EXTRACTED_ATTRIBUTES ] )
$this->has_used_attributes( $parsed_selector[ self::SELECTOR_EXTRACTED_ATTRIBUTES ] )
if ( $should_include ) {
$selectors[] = $selector;
$stylesheet_part = implode( ',', $selectors ) . $declaration_block;
$original_size += strlen( $stylesheet_part );
if ( ! empty( $selectors ) ) {
$stylesheet_parts[] = $stylesheet_part;
// Strip empty at-rules after tree shaking.
$stylesheet_part_count = count( $stylesheet_parts );
for ( $i = 0; $i < $stylesheet_part_count; $i++ ) {
$stylesheet_part = $stylesheet_parts[ $i ];
if ( '@' !== substr( $stylesheet_part, 0, 1 ) ) {
// Delete empty at-rules.
if ( '{}' === substr( $stylesheet_part, -2 ) ) {
array_splice( $stylesheet_parts, $i, 1 );
// Delete at-rules that were emptied due to tree-shaking.
if ( '{' === substr( $stylesheet_part, -1 ) ) {
$open_braces = 1;
for ( $j = $i + 1; $j < $stylesheet_part_count; $j++ ) {
$stylesheet_part = $stylesheet_parts[ $j ];
$is_at_rule = '@' === substr( $stylesheet_part, 0, 1 );
if ( empty( $stylesheet_part ) ) {
continue; // There was a shaken rule.
if ( $is_at_rule && '{}' === substr( $stylesheet_part, -2 ) ) {
continue; // The rule opens is empty from the start.
if ( $is_at_rule && '{' === substr( $stylesheet_part, -1 ) ) {
} elseif ( '}' === $stylesheet_part ) {
} else {
// Splice out the parts that are empty.
if ( 0 === $open_braces ) {
array_splice( $stylesheet_parts, $i, $j - $i + 1 );
$stylesheet_part_count = count( $stylesheet_parts );
continue 2;
$pending_stylesheet['stylesheet'] = implode( '', $stylesheet_parts );
$pending_stylesheet['original_size'] = $original_size;
$pending_stylesheet['included'] = null; // To be determined below.
$pending_stylesheet['size'] = strlen( $pending_stylesheet['stylesheet'] );
$pending_stylesheet['hash'] = md5( $pending_stylesheet['stylesheet'] );
// If this stylesheet is a duplicate of something that came before, mark the previous as not included automatically.
if ( isset( $previously_seen_stylesheet_index[ $pending_stylesheet['hash'] ] ) ) {
$this->pending_stylesheets[ $previously_seen_stylesheet_index[ $pending_stylesheet['hash'] ] ]['included'] = false;
$this->pending_stylesheets[ $previously_seen_stylesheet_index[ $pending_stylesheet['hash'] ] ]['duplicate'] = true;
$previously_seen_stylesheet_index[ $pending_stylesheet['hash'] ] = $pending_stylesheet_index;
unset( $stylesheet_parts );
unset( $pending_stylesheet );
// Determine which stylesheets are included based on their priorities.
$pending_stylesheet_indices = array_keys( $this->pending_stylesheets );
function( $a, $b ) {
return $this->pending_stylesheets[ $a ]['priority'] - $this->pending_stylesheets[ $b ]['priority'];
$current_concatenated_size = 0;
foreach ( $pending_stylesheet_indices as $i ) {
if ( $group !== $this->pending_stylesheets[ $i ]['group'] ) {
// Skip duplicates.
if ( false === $this->pending_stylesheets[ $i ]['included'] ) {
// Report validation error if size is now too big.
if ( $current_concatenated_size + $this->pending_stylesheets[ $i ]['size'] > $max_bytes ) {
$validation_error = [
'code' => 'excessive_css',
'type' => AMP_Validation_Error_Taxonomy::CSS_ERROR_TYPE,
if ( isset( $this->pending_stylesheets[ $i ]['sources'] ) ) {
$validation_error['sources'] = $this->pending_stylesheets[ $i ]['sources'];
if ( $this->should_sanitize_validation_error( $validation_error, wp_array_slice_assoc( $this->pending_stylesheets[ $i ], [ 'node' ] ) ) ) {
$this->pending_stylesheets[ $i ]['included'] = false;
continue; // Skip to the next stylesheet.
if ( ! isset( $this->pending_stylesheets[ $i ]['included'] ) ) {
$this->pending_stylesheets[ $i ]['included'] = true;
$current_concatenated_size += $this->pending_stylesheets[ $i ]['size'];
return $included_count;