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* Class AMP_Image_Dimension_Extractor
* @package AMP
* Class with static methods to extract image dimensions.
class AMP_Image_Dimension_Extractor {
* Internal flag whether callbacks have been registered.
* @var bool
private static $callbacks_registered = false;
* Extracts dimensions from image URLs.
* @since 0.2
* @param array|string $urls Array of URLs to extract dimensions from, or a single URL string.
* @return array|string Extracted dimensions keyed by original URL, or else the single set of dimensions if one URL string is passed.
public static function extract( $urls ) {
if ( ! self::$callbacks_registered ) {
$return_dimensions = [];
// Back-compat for users calling this method directly.
$is_single = is_string( $urls );
if ( $is_single ) {
$urls = [ $urls ];
// Normalize URLs and also track a map of normalized-to-original as we'll need it to reformat things when returning the data.
$url_map = [];
$normalized_urls = [];
foreach ( $urls as $original_url ) {
$normalized_url = self::normalize_url( $original_url );
if ( false !== $normalized_url ) {
$url_map[ $original_url ] = $normalized_url;
$normalized_urls[] = $normalized_url;
} else {
// This is not a URL we can extract dimensions from, so default to false.
$return_dimensions[ $original_url ] = false;
$extracted_dimensions = array_fill_keys( $normalized_urls, false );
$extracted_dimensions = apply_filters( 'amp_extract_image_dimensions_batch', $extracted_dimensions );
// We need to return a map with the original (un-normalized URL) as we that to match nodes that need dimensions.
foreach ( $url_map as $original_url => $normalized_url ) {
$return_dimensions[ $original_url ] = $extracted_dimensions[ $normalized_url ];
// Back-compat: just return the dimensions, not the full mapped array.
if ( $is_single ) {
return current( $return_dimensions );
return $return_dimensions;
* Normalizes the given URL.
* This method ensures the URL has a scheme and, if relative, is prepended the WordPress site URL.
* @param string $url URL to normalize.
* @return string Normalized URL.
public static function normalize_url( $url ) {
if ( empty( $url ) ) {
return false;
if ( 0 === strpos( $url, 'data:' ) ) {
return false;
$normalized_url = $url;
if ( 0 === strpos( $url, '//' ) ) {
$normalized_url = set_url_scheme( $url, 'http' );
} else {
$parsed = wp_parse_url( $url );
if ( ! isset( $parsed['host'] ) ) {
$path = '';
if ( isset( $parsed['path'] ) ) {
$path .= $parsed['path'];
if ( isset( $parsed['query'] ) ) {
$path .= '?' . $parsed['query'];
$home = home_url();
$home_path = wp_parse_url( $home, PHP_URL_PATH );
if ( ! empty( $home_path ) ) {
$home = substr( $home, 0, - strlen( $home_path ) );
$normalized_url = $home . $path;
* Apply filters on the normalized image URL for dimension extraction.
* @since 1.1
* @param string $normalized_url Normalized image URL.
* @param string $url Original image URL.
$normalized_url = apply_filters( 'amp_normalized_dimension_extractor_image_url', $normalized_url, $url );
return $normalized_url;
* Registers the necessary callbacks.
private static function register_callbacks() {
self::$callbacks_registered = true;
add_filter( 'amp_extract_image_dimensions_batch', [ __CLASS__, 'extract_by_downloading_images' ], 999, 1 );
do_action( 'amp_extract_image_dimensions_batch_callbacks_registered' );
* Extract dimensions from downloaded images (or transient/cached dimensions from downloaded images)
* @param array $dimensions Image urls mapped to dimensions.
* @param false $mode Deprecated.
* @return array Dimensions mapped to image urls, or false if they could not be retrieved
public static function extract_by_downloading_images( $dimensions, $mode = false ) {
if ( $mode ) {
_deprecated_argument( __METHOD__, 'AMP 1.1' );
$transient_expiration = 30 * DAY_IN_SECONDS;
$urls_to_fetch = [];
$images = [];
self::determine_which_images_to_fetch( $dimensions, $urls_to_fetch );
try {
self::fetch_images( $urls_to_fetch, $images );
self::process_fetched_images( $urls_to_fetch, $images, $dimensions, $transient_expiration );
} catch ( Exception $exception ) {
trigger_error( esc_html( $exception->getMessage() ), E_USER_WARNING ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.DevelopmentFunctions.error_log_trigger_error
return $dimensions;
* Determine which images to fetch by checking for dimensions in transient/cache.
* Creates a short lived transient that acts as a semaphore so that another visitor
* doesn't trigger a remote fetch for the same image at the same time.
* @param array $dimensions Image urls mapped to dimensions.
* @param array $urls_to_fetch Urls of images to fetch because dimensions are not in transient/cache.
private static function determine_which_images_to_fetch( &$dimensions, &$urls_to_fetch ) {
foreach ( $dimensions as $url => $value ) {
// Check whether some other callback attached to the filter already provided dimensions for this image.
if ( is_array( $value ) ) {
$url_hash = md5( $url );
$transient_name = sprintf( 'amp_img_%s', $url_hash );
$cached_dimensions = get_transient( $transient_name );
// If we're able to retrieve the dimensions from a transient, set them and move on.
if ( is_array( $cached_dimensions ) ) {
$dimensions[ $url ] = [
'width' => $cached_dimensions[0],
'height' => $cached_dimensions[1],
// If the value in the transient reflects we couldn't get dimensions for this image the last time we tried, move on.
if ( self::STATUS_FAILED_LAST_ATTEMPT === $cached_dimensions ) {
$dimensions[ $url ] = false;
$transient_lock_name = sprintf( 'amp_lock_%s', $url_hash );
// If somebody is already trying to extract dimensions for this transient right now, move on.
if ( false !== get_transient( $transient_lock_name ) ) {
$dimensions[ $url ] = false;
// Include the image as a url to fetch.
$urls_to_fetch[ $url ] = [];
$urls_to_fetch[ $url ]['url'] = $url;
$urls_to_fetch[ $url ]['transient_name'] = $transient_name;
$urls_to_fetch[ $url ]['transient_lock_name'] = $transient_lock_name;
set_transient( $transient_lock_name, 1, MINUTE_IN_SECONDS );
* Fetch dimensions of remote images
* @throws Exception When cURL handle cannot be added.
* @param array $urls_to_fetch Image src urls to fetch.
* @param array $images Array to populate with results of image/dimension inspection.
private static function fetch_images( $urls_to_fetch, &$images ) {
$urls = array_keys( $urls_to_fetch );
$client = new \FasterImage\FasterImage();
* Filters the user agent for onbtaining the image dimensions.
* @param string $user_agent User agent.
$client->setUserAgent( apply_filters( 'amp_extract_image_dimensions_get_user_agent', self::get_default_user_agent() ) );
$client->setBufferSize( 1024 );
$client->setSslVerifyHost( true );
$client->setSslVerifyPeer( true );
$images = $client->batch( $urls );
* Determine success or failure of remote fetch, integrate fetched dimensions into url to dimension mapping,
* cache fetched dimensions via transient and release/delete semaphore transient
* @param array $urls_to_fetch List of image urls that were fetched and transient names corresponding to each (for unlocking semaphore, setting "real" transient).
* @param array $images Results of remote fetch mapping fetched image url to dimensions.
* @param array $dimensions Map of image url to dimensions to be updated with results of remote fetch.
* @param int $transient_expiration Duration image dimensions should exist in transient/cache.
private static function process_fetched_images( $urls_to_fetch, $images, &$dimensions, $transient_expiration ) {
foreach ( $urls_to_fetch as $url_data ) {
$image_data = $images[ $url_data['url'] ];
if ( self::STATUS_IMAGE_EXTRACTION_FAILED === $image_data['size'] ) {
$dimensions[ $url_data['url'] ] = false;
set_transient( $url_data['transient_name'], self::STATUS_FAILED_LAST_ATTEMPT, $transient_expiration );
} else {
$dimensions[ $url_data['url'] ] = [
'width' => $image_data['size'][0],
'height' => $image_data['size'][1],
delete_transient( $url_data['transient_lock_name'] );
* Get default user agent
* @return string
public static function get_default_user_agent() {
return 'amp-wp, v' . AMP__VERSION . ', ' . home_url();