You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

706 lines
22 KiB

* Base class other (more-specific) classes inherit from.
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
abstract class autoptimizeBase
* Holds content being processed (html, scripts, styles)
* @var string
protected $content = '';
* Controls debug logging.
* @var bool
public $debug_log = false;
/** @var string */
public $cdn_url = '';
public function __construct( $content )
$this->content = $content;
* Reads the page and collects tags.
* @param array $options Options.
* @return bool
abstract public function read( $options );
* Joins and optimizes collected things.
* @return bool
abstract public function minify();
* Caches the things.
* @return void
abstract public function cache();
* Returns the content
* @return string
abstract public function getcontent();
* Tranfsorms a given URL to a full local filepath if possible.
* Returns local filepath or false.
* @param string $url URL to transform.
* @return bool|string
public function getpath( $url )
$url = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_cssjs_alter_url', $url );
if ( false !== strpos( $url, '%' ) ) {
$url = urldecode( $url );
$site_host = parse_url( AUTOPTIMIZE_WP_SITE_URL, PHP_URL_HOST );
$content_host = parse_url( AUTOPTIMIZE_WP_ROOT_URL, PHP_URL_HOST );
// Normalizing attempts...
$double_slash_position = strpos( $url, '//' );
if ( 0 === $double_slash_position ) {
if ( is_ssl() ) {
$url = 'https:' . $url;
} else {
$url = 'http:' . $url;
} elseif ( ( false === $double_slash_position ) && ( false === strpos( $url, $site_host ) ) ) {
if ( AUTOPTIMIZE_WP_SITE_URL === $site_host ) {
} else {
$url = AUTOPTIMIZE_WP_SITE_URL . autoptimizeUtils::path_canonicalize( $url );
if ( $site_host !== $content_host ) {
// First check; hostname wp site should be hostname of url!
$url_host = @parse_url( $url, PHP_URL_HOST ); // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine
if ( $url_host !== $site_host ) {
* First try to get all domains from WPML (if available)
* then explicitely declare $this->cdn_url as OK as well
* then apply own filter autoptimize_filter_cssjs_multidomain takes an array of hostnames
* each item in that array will be considered part of the same WP multisite installation
$multidomains = array();
$multidomains_wpml = apply_filters( 'wpml_setting', array(), 'language_domains' );
if ( ! empty( $multidomains_wpml ) ) {
$multidomains = array_map( array( $this, 'get_url_hostname' ), $multidomains_wpml );
if ( ! empty( $this->cdn_url ) ) {
$multidomains[] = parse_url( $this->cdn_url, PHP_URL_HOST );
$multidomains = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_cssjs_multidomain', $multidomains );
if ( ! empty( $multidomains ) ) {
if ( in_array( $url_host, $multidomains ) ) {
$url = str_replace( $url_host, $site_host, $url );
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;
// Try to remove "wp root url" from url while not minding http<>https.
$tmp_ao_root = preg_replace( '/https?:/', '', AUTOPTIMIZE_WP_ROOT_URL );
if ( $site_host !== $content_host ) {
// As we replaced the content-domain with the site-domain, we should match against that.
$tmp_ao_root = preg_replace( '/https?:/', '', AUTOPTIMIZE_WP_SITE_URL );
$tmp_url = preg_replace( '/https?:/', '', $url );
$path = str_replace( $tmp_ao_root, '', $tmp_url );
// If path starts with :// or //, this is not a URL in the WP context and
// we have to assume we can't aggregate.
if ( preg_match( '#^:?//#', $path ) ) {
// External script/css (adsense, etc).
return false;
// Prepend with WP_ROOT_DIR to have full path to file.
$path = str_replace( '//', '/', WP_ROOT_DIR . $path );
// Final check: does file exist and is it readable?
if ( file_exists( $path ) && is_file( $path ) && is_readable( $path ) ) {
return $path;
} else {
return false;
* Returns the hostname part of a given $url if we're able to parse it.
* If not, it returns the original url (prefixed with http:// scheme in case
* it was missing).
* Used as callback for WPML multidomains filter.
* @param string $url URL.
* @return string
protected function get_url_hostname( $url )
// Checking that the url starts with something vaguely resembling a protocol.
if ( ( 0 !== strpos( $url, 'http' ) ) && ( 0 !== strpos( $url, '//' ) ) ) {
$url = 'http://' . $url;
// Grab the hostname.
$hostname = parse_url( $url, PHP_URL_HOST );
// Fallback when parse_url() fails.
if ( empty( $hostname ) ) {
$hostname = $url;
return $hostname;
* Hides everything between noptimize-comment tags.
* @param string $markup Markup to process.
* @return string
protected function hide_noptimize( $markup )
return $this->replace_contents_with_marker_if_exists(
* Unhide noptimize-tags.
* @param string $markup Markup to process.
* @return string
protected function restore_noptimize( $markup )
return $this->restore_marked_content( 'NOPTIMIZE', $markup );
* Hides "iehacks" content.
* @param string $markup Markup to process.
* @return string
protected function hide_iehacks( $markup )
return $this->replace_contents_with_marker_if_exists(
'IEHACK', // Marker name...
'<!--[if', // Invalid regex, will fallback to search using strpos()...
'#<!--\[if.*?\[endif\]-->#is', // Replacement regex...
* Restores "hidden" iehacks content.
* @param string $markup Markup to process.
* @return string
protected function restore_iehacks( $markup )
return $this->restore_marked_content( 'IEHACK', $markup );
* "Hides" content within HTML comments using a regex-based replacement
* if HTML comment markers are found.
* `<!--example-->` becomes `%%COMMENTS%%ZXhhbXBsZQ==%%COMMENTS%%`
* @param string $markup Markup to process.
* @return string
protected function hide_comments( $markup )
return $this->replace_contents_with_marker_if_exists(
* Restores original HTML comment markers inside a string whose HTML
* comments have been "hidden" by using `hide_comments()`.
* @param string $markup Markup to process.
* @return string
protected function restore_comments( $markup )
return $this->restore_marked_content( 'COMMENTS', $markup );
* Replaces the given URL with the CDN-version of it when CDN replacement
* is supposed to be done.
* @param string $url URL to process.
* @return string
public function url_replace_cdn( $url )
// For 2.3 back-compat in which cdn-ing appeared to be automatically
// including WP subfolder/subdirectory into account as part of cdn-ing,
// even though it might've caused serious troubles in certain edge-cases.
$cdn_url = autoptimizeUtils::tweak_cdn_url_if_needed( $this->cdn_url );
// Allows API/filter to further tweak the cdn url...
$cdn_url = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_base_cdnurl', $cdn_url );
if ( ! empty( $cdn_url ) ) {
$this->debug_log( 'before=' . $url );
// Simple str_replace-based approach fails when $url is protocol-or-host-relative.
$is_protocol_relative = autoptimizeUtils::is_protocol_relative( $url );
$is_host_relative = ( ! $is_protocol_relative && ( '/' === $url{0} ) );
$cdn_url = rtrim( $cdn_url, '/' );
if ( $is_host_relative ) {
// Prepending host-relative urls with the cdn url.
$url = $cdn_url . $url;
} else {
// Either a protocol-relative or "regular" url, replacing it either way.
if ( $is_protocol_relative ) {
// Massage $site_url so that simple str_replace() still "works" by
// searching for the protocol-relative version of AUTOPTIMIZE_WP_SITE_URL.
$site_url = str_replace( array( 'http:', 'https:' ), '', AUTOPTIMIZE_WP_SITE_URL );
} else {
$this->debug_log( '`' . $site_url . '` -> `' . $cdn_url . '` in `' . $url . '`' );
$url = str_replace( $site_url, $cdn_url, $url );
$this->debug_log( 'after=' . $url );
// Allow API filter to take further care of CDN replacement.
$url = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_base_replace_cdn', $url );
return $url;
* Injects/replaces the given payload markup into `$this->content`
* at the specified location.
* If the specified tag cannot be found, the payload is appended into
* $this->content along with a warning wrapped inside <!--noptimize--> tags.
* @param string $payload Markup to inject.
* @param array $where Array specifying the tag name and method of injection.
* Index 0 is the tag name (i.e., `</body>`).
* Index 1 specifies ˛'before', 'after' or 'replace'. Defaults to 'before'.
* @return void
protected function inject_in_html( $payload, $where )
$warned = false;
$position = autoptimizeUtils::strpos( $this->content, $where[0] );
if ( false !== $position ) {
// Found the tag, setup content/injection as specified.
if ( 'after' === $where[1] ) {
$content = $where[0] . $payload;
} elseif ( 'replace' === $where[1] ) {
$content = $payload;
} else {
$content = $payload . $where[0];
// Place where specified.
$this->content = autoptimizeUtils::substr_replace(
// Using plain strlen() should be safe here for now, since
// we're not searching for multibyte chars here still...
strlen( $where[0] )
} else {
// Couldn't find what was specified, just append and add a warning.
$this->content .= $payload;
if ( ! $warned ) {
$tag_display = str_replace( array( '<', '>' ), '', $where[0] );
$this->content .= '<!--noptimize--><!-- Autoptimize found a problem with the HTML in your Theme, tag `' . $tag_display . '` missing --><!--/noptimize-->';
$warned = true;
* Returns true if given `$tag` is found in the list of `$removables`.
* @param string $tag Tag to search for.
* @param array $removables List of things considered completely removable.
* @return bool
protected function isremovable( $tag, $removables )
foreach ( $removables as $match ) {
if ( false !== strpos( $tag, $match ) ) {
return true;
return false;
* Callback used in `self::inject_minified()`.
* @param array $matches Regex matches.
* @return string
public function inject_minified_callback( $matches )
static $conf = null;
if ( null === $conf ) {
$conf = autoptimizeConfig::instance();
* $matches[1] holds the whole match caught by regex in self::inject_minified(),
* so we take that and split the string on `|`.
* First element is the filepath, second is the md5 hash of contents
* the filepath had when it was being processed.
* If we don't have those, we'll bail out early.
$filepath = null;
$filehash = null;
// Grab the parts we need.
$parts = explode( '|', $matches[1] );
if ( ! empty( $parts ) ) {
$filepath = isset( $parts[0] ) ? base64_decode( $parts[0] ) : null;
$filehash = isset( $parts[1] ) ? $parts[1] : null;
// Bail early if something's not right...
if ( ! $filepath || ! $filehash ) {
return "\n";
$filecontent = file_get_contents( $filepath );
// Some things are differently handled for css/js...
$is_js_file = ( '.js' === substr( $filepath, -3, 3 ) );
$is_css_file = false;
if ( ! $is_js_file ) {
$is_css_file = ( '.css' === substr( $filepath, -4, 4 ) );
// BOMs being nuked here unconditionally (regardless of where they are)!
$filecontent = preg_replace( "#\x{EF}\x{BB}\x{BF}#", '', $filecontent );
// Remove comments and blank lines.
if ( $is_js_file ) {
$filecontent = preg_replace( '#^\s*\/\/.*$#Um', '', $filecontent );
// Nuke un-important comments.
$filecontent = preg_replace( '#^\s*\/\*[^!].*\*\/\s?#Um', '', $filecontent );
// Normalize newlines.
$filecontent = preg_replace( '#(^[\r\n]*|[\r\n]+)[\s\t]*[\r\n]+#', "\n", $filecontent );
// JS specifics.
if ( $is_js_file ) {
// Append a semicolon at the end of js files if it's missing.
$last_char = substr( $filecontent, -1, 1 );
if ( ';' !== $last_char && '}' !== $last_char ) {
$filecontent .= ';';
// Check if try/catch should be used.
$opt_js_try_catch = $conf->get( 'autoptimize_js_trycatch' );
if ( 'on' === $opt_js_try_catch ) {
// It should, wrap in try/catch.
$filecontent = 'try{' . $filecontent . '}catch(e){}';
} elseif ( $is_css_file ) {
$filecontent = autoptimizeStyles::fixurls( $filepath, $filecontent );
} else {
$filecontent = '';
// Return modified (or empty!) code/content.
return "\n" . $filecontent;
* Inject already minified code in optimized JS/CSS.
* @param string $in Markup.
* @return string
protected function inject_minified( $in )
$out = $in;
if ( false !== strpos( $in, '%%INJECTLATER%%' ) ) {
$out = preg_replace_callback(
'#\/\*\!%%INJECTLATER' . AUTOPTIMIZE_HASH . '%%(.*?)%%INJECTLATER%%\*\/#is',
array( $this, 'inject_minified_callback' ),
return $out;
* Specialized method to create the INJECTLATER marker.
* These are somewhat "special", in the sense that they're additionally wrapped
* within an "exclamation mark style" comment, so that they're not stripped
* out by minifiers.
* They also currently contain the hash of the file's contents too (unlike other markers).
* @param string $filepath Filepath.
* @param string $hash Hash.
* @return string
public static function build_injectlater_marker( $filepath, $hash )
$contents = '/*!' . self::build_marker( 'INJECTLATER', $filepath, $hash ) . '*/';
return $contents;
* Creates and returns a `%%`-style named marker which holds
* the base64 encoded `$data`.
* If `$hash` is provided, it's appended to the base64 encoded string
* using `|` as the separator (in order to support building the
* somewhat special/different INJECTLATER marker).
* @param string $name Marker name.
* @param string $data Marker data which will be base64-encoded.
* @param string|null $hash Optional.
* @return string
public static function build_marker( $name, $data, $hash = null )
// Start the marker, add the data.
$marker = '%%' . $name . AUTOPTIMIZE_HASH . '%%' . base64_encode( $data );
// Add the hash if provided.
if ( null !== $hash ) {
$marker .= '|' . $hash;
// Close the marker.
$marker .= '%%' . $name . '%%';
return $marker;
* Searches for `$search` in `$content` (using either `preg_match()`
* or `strpos()`, depending on whether `$search` is a valid regex pattern or not).
* If something is found, it replaces `$content` using `$re_replace_pattern`,
* effectively creating our named markers (`%%{$marker}%%`.
* These are then at some point replaced back to their actual/original/modified
* contents using `autoptimizeBase::restore_marked_content()`.
* @param string $marker Marker name (without percent characters).
* @param string $search A string or full blown regex pattern to search for in $content. Uses `strpos()` or `preg_match()`.
* @param string $re_replace_pattern Regex pattern to use when replacing contents.
* @param string $content Content to work on.
* @return string
public static function replace_contents_with_marker_if_exists( $marker, $search, $re_replace_pattern, $content )
$found = false;
$is_regex = autoptimizeUtils::str_is_valid_regex( $search );
if ( $is_regex ) {
$found = preg_match( $search, $content );
} else {
$found = ( false !== strpos( $content, $search ) );
if ( $found ) {
$content = preg_replace_callback(
function( $matches ) use ( $marker ) {
return autoptimizeBase::build_marker( $marker, $matches[0] );
return $content;
* Complements `autoptimizeBase::replace_contents_with_marker_if_exists()`.
* @param string $marker Marker.
* @param string $content Markup.
* @return string
public static function restore_marked_content( $marker, $content )
if ( false !== strpos( $content, $marker ) ) {
$content = preg_replace_callback(
'#%%' . $marker . AUTOPTIMIZE_HASH . '%%(.*?)%%' . $marker . '%%#is',
function ( $matches ) {
return base64_decode( $matches[1] );
return $content;
* Logs given `$data` for debugging purposes (when debug logging is on).
* @param mixed $data Data to log.
* @return void
protected function debug_log( $data )
if ( ! isset( $this->debug_log ) || ! $this->debug_log ) {
if ( ! is_string( $data ) && ! is_resource( $data ) ) {
$data = var_export( $data, true );
error_log( $data );
* Checks if a single local css/js file can be minified and returns source if so.
* @param string $filepath Filepath.
* @return bool|string to be minified code or false.
protected function prepare_minify_single( $filepath )
// Decide what we're dealing with, return false if we don't know.
if ( $this->str_ends_in( $filepath, '.js' ) ) {
$type = 'js';
} elseif ( $this->str_ends_in( $filepath, '.css' ) ) {
$type = 'css';
} else {
return false;
// Bail if it looks like its already minifed (by having -min or .min
// in filename) or if it looks like WP jquery.js (which is minified).
$minified_variants = array(
'-min.' . $type,
'.min.' . $type,
foreach ( $minified_variants as $ending ) {
if ( $this->str_ends_in( $filepath, $ending ) ) {
return false;
// Get file contents, bail if empty.
$contents = file_get_contents( $filepath );
return $contents;
* Given an autoptimizeCache instance returns the (maybe cdn-ed) url of
* the cached file.
* @param autoptimizeCache $cache autoptimizeCache instance.
* @return string
protected function build_minify_single_url( autoptimizeCache $cache )
$url = AUTOPTIMIZE_CACHE_URL . $cache->getname();
// CDN-replace the resulting URL if needed...
$url = $this->url_replace_cdn( $url );
return $url;
* Returns true if given $str ends with given $test.
* @param string $str String to check.
* @param string $test Ending to match.
* @return bool
protected function str_ends_in( $str, $test )
// @codingStandardsIgnoreStart
// substr_compare() is bugged on 5.5.11:
// return ( 0 === substr_compare( $str, $test, -strlen( $test ) ) );
// @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
$length = strlen( $test );
return ( substr( $str, -$length, $length ) === $test );