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* Handles optimizing images.
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
class autoptimizeImages
* Options.
* @var array
protected $options = array();
* Singleton instance.
* @var self|null
protected static $instance = null;
public function __construct( array $options = array() )
// If options are not provided, fetch them.
if ( empty( $options ) ) {
$options = $this->fetch_options();
$this->set_options( $options );
public function set_options( array $options )
$this->options = $options;
return $this;
public static function fetch_options()
$value = get_option( 'autoptimize_imgopt_settings' );
if ( empty( $value ) ) {
// Fallback to returning defaults when no stored option exists yet.
$value = autoptimizeConfig::get_ao_imgopt_default_options();
// get service availability and add it to the options-array.
$value['availabilities'] = get_option( 'autoptimize_service_availablity' );
if ( empty( $value['availabilities'] ) ) {
$value['availabilities'] = autoptimizeUtils::check_service_availability( true );
return $value;
public static function imgopt_active()
// function to quickly check if imgopt is active, used below but also in
// autoptimizeMain.php to start ob_ even if no HTML, JS or CSS optimizing is done
// and does not use/ request the availablity data (which could slow things down).
static $imgopt_active = null;
if ( null === $imgopt_active ) {
$opts = get_option( 'autoptimize_imgopt_settings', '' );
if ( ! empty( $opts ) && is_array( $opts ) && array_key_exists( 'autoptimize_imgopt_checkbox_field_1', $opts ) && ! empty( $opts['autoptimize_imgopt_checkbox_field_1'] ) && '1' === $opts['autoptimize_imgopt_checkbox_field_1'] ) {
$imgopt_active = true;
} else {
$imgopt_active = false;
return $imgopt_active;
* Helper for getting a singleton instance. While being an
* anti-pattern generally, it comes in handy for now from a
* readability/maintainability perspective, until we get some
* proper dependency injection going.
* @return self
public static function instance()
if ( null === self::$instance ) {
self::$instance = new self();
return self::$instance;
public function run()
if ( is_admin() ) {
add_action( 'admin_menu', array( $this, 'imgopt_admin_menu' ) );
add_filter( 'autoptimize_filter_settingsscreen_tabs', array( $this, 'add_imgopt_tab' ), 9 );
} else {
public function run_on_frontend() {
if ( ! $this->should_run() ) {
if ( $this->should_lazyload() ) {
array( $this, 'filter_lazyload_images' ),
array( $this, 'add_lazyload_js_footer' ),
$active = false;
if ( apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_imgopt_do', true ) ) {
array( $this, 'filter_optimize_images' ),
$active = true;
if ( apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_imgopt_do_css', true ) ) {
array( $this, 'filter_optimize_css_images' ),
$active = true;
if ( $active ) {
array( $this, 'filter_preconnect_imgopt_url' ),
if ( $this->should_lazyload() ) {
array( $this, 'add_lazyload_js_footer' )
* Basic checks before we can run.
* @return bool
protected function should_run()
$opts = $this->options;
$service_not_down = ( 'down' !== $opts['availabilities']['extra_imgopt']['status'] );
$not_launch_status = ( 'launch' !== $opts['availabilities']['extra_imgopt']['status'] );
$do_cdn = true;
$_userstatus = $this->get_imgopt_provider_userstatus();
if ( -2 == $_userstatus['Status'] ) {
$do_cdn = false;
if (
&& $do_cdn
&& $service_not_down
&& ( $not_launch_status || $this->launch_ok() )
) {
return true;
return false;
public function get_imgopt_host()
static $imgopt_host = null;
if ( null === $imgopt_host ) {
$imgopt_host = '';
$avail_imgopt = $this->options['availabilities']['extra_imgopt'];
if ( ! empty( $avail_imgopt ) && array_key_exists( 'hosts', $avail_imgopt ) && is_array( $avail_imgopt['hosts'] ) ) {
$imgopt_host = array_rand( array_flip( $avail_imgopt['hosts'] ) );
$imgopt_host = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_imgopt_host', $imgopt_host );
return $imgopt_host;
public static function get_imgopt_host_wrapper()
// needed for CI tests.
$self = new self();
return $self->get_imgopt_host();
public static function get_service_url_suffix()
$suffix = '/af/GWRGFLW109483/' . AUTOPTIMIZE_SITE_DOMAIN;
return $suffix;
public function get_img_quality_string()
static $quality = null;
if ( null === $quality ) {
$q_array = $this->get_img_quality_array();
$setting = $this->get_img_quality_setting();
$quality = apply_filters(
'q_' . $q_array[ $setting ]
return $quality;
public function get_img_quality_array()
static $map = null;
if ( null === $map ) {
$map = array(
'1' => 'lossy',
'2' => 'glossy',
'3' => 'lossless',
$map = apply_filters(
return $map;
public function get_img_quality_setting()
static $q = null;
if ( null === $q ) {
if ( is_array( $this->options ) && array_key_exists( 'autoptimize_imgopt_select_field_2', $this->options ) ) {
$setting = $this->options['autoptimize_imgopt_select_field_2'];
if ( ! isset( $setting ) || empty( $setting ) || ( '1' !== $setting && '3' !== $setting ) ) {
// default image opt. value is 2 ("glossy").
$q = '2';
} else {
$q = $setting;
return $q;
public function filter_preconnect_imgopt_url( array $in )
$url_parts = parse_url( $this->get_imgopt_base_url() );
$in[] = $url_parts['scheme'] . '://' . $url_parts['host'];
return $in;
* Makes sure given url contains the full scheme and hostname
* in case they're not present already.
* @param string $in Image url to normalize.
* @return string
private function normalize_img_url( $in )
// Only parse the site url once.
static $parsed_site_url = null;
if ( null === $parsed_site_url ) {
$parsed_site_url = parse_url( site_url() );
// get CDN domain once.
static $cdn_domain = null;
if ( is_null( $cdn_domain ) ) {
$cdn_url = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_base_cdnurl', get_option( 'autoptimize_cdn_url', '' ) );
if ( ! empty( $cdn_url ) ) {
$cdn_domain = parse_url( $cdn_url, PHP_URL_HOST );
} else {
$cdn_domain = '';
* This method gets called a lot, often for identical urls it seems.
* `filter_optimize_css_images()` calls us, uses the resulting url and
* gives it to `can_optimize_image()`, and if that returns trueish
* then `build_imgopt_url()` is called (which, again, calls this method).
* Until we dig deeper into whether this all must really happen that
* way, having an internal cache here helps (to avoid doing repeated
* identical string operations).
static $cache = null;
if ( null === $cache ) {
$cache = array();
// Do the work on cache miss only.
if ( ! isset( $cache[ $in ] ) ) {
// Default to what was given to us.
$result = trim( $in );
if ( autoptimizeUtils::is_protocol_relative( $in ) ) {
$result = $parsed_site_url['scheme'] . ':' . $in;
} elseif ( 0 === strpos( $in, '/' ) ) {
// Root-relative...
$result = $parsed_site_url['scheme'] . '://' . $parsed_site_url['host'];
$result .= $in;
} elseif ( ! empty( $cdn_domain ) && strpos( $in, $cdn_domain ) !== 0 ) {
$result = str_replace( $cdn_domain, $parsed_site_url['host'], $in );
$result = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_imgopt_normalized_url', $result );
// Store in cache.
$cache[ $in ] = $result;
return $cache[ $in ];
public function filter_optimize_css_images( $in )
$in = $this->normalize_img_url( $in );
if ( $this->can_optimize_image( $in ) ) {
return $this->build_imgopt_url( $in, '', '' );
} else {
return $in;
private function get_imgopt_base_url()
static $imgopt_base_url = null;
if ( null === $imgopt_base_url ) {
$imgopt_host = $this->get_imgopt_host();
$quality = $this->get_img_quality_string();
$ret_val = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_imgopt_wait', 'ret_img' ); // values: ret_wait, ret_img, ret_json, ret_blank.
$imgopt_base_url = $imgopt_host . 'client/' . $quality . ',' . $ret_val;
$imgopt_base_url = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_imgopt_base_url', $imgopt_base_url );
return $imgopt_base_url;
private function can_optimize_image( $url )
static $cdn_url = null;
static $nopti_images = null;
if ( null === $cdn_url ) {
$cdn_url = apply_filters(
get_option( 'autoptimize_cdn_url', '' )
if ( null === $nopti_images ) {
$nopti_images = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_imgopt_noptimize', '' );
$url = $this->normalize_img_url( $url );
$url_parsed = parse_url( $url );
if ( array_key_exists( 'host', $url_parsed ) && $url_parsed['host'] !== $site_host && empty( $cdn_url ) ) {
return false;
} elseif ( ! empty( $cdn_url ) && strpos( $url, $cdn_url ) === false && array_key_exists( 'host', $url_parsed ) && $url_parsed['host'] !== $site_host ) {
return false;
} elseif ( strpos( $url, '.php' ) !== false ) {
return false;
} elseif ( str_ireplace( array( '.png', '.gif', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.webp' ), '', $url_parsed['path'] ) === $url_parsed['path'] ) {
// fixme: better check against end of string.
return false;
} elseif ( ! empty( $nopti_images ) ) {
$nopti_images_array = array_filter( array_map( 'trim', explode( ',', $nopti_images ) ) );
foreach ( $nopti_images_array as $nopti_image ) {
if ( strpos( $url, $nopti_image ) !== false ) {
return false;
return true;
private function build_imgopt_url( $orig_url, $width = 0, $height = 0 )
// sanitize width and height.
if ( strpos( $width, '%' ) !== false ) {
$width = 0;
if ( strpos( $height, '%' ) !== false ) {
$height = 0;
$width = (int) $width;
$height = (int) $height;
$filtered_url = apply_filters(
// If filter modified the url, return that.
if ( $filtered_url !== $orig_url ) {
return $filtered_url;
$orig_url = $this->normalize_img_url( $orig_url );
$imgopt_base_url = $this->get_imgopt_base_url();
$imgopt_size = '';
if ( $width && 0 !== $width ) {
$imgopt_size = ',w_' . $width;
if ( $height && 0 !== $height ) {
$imgopt_size .= ',h_' . $height;
$url = $imgopt_base_url . $imgopt_size . '/' . $orig_url;
return $url;
public function replace_data_thumbs( $matches )
return $this->replace_img_callback( $matches, 150, 150 );
public function replace_img_callback( $matches, $width = 0, $height = 0 )
$_normalized_img_url = $this->normalize_img_url( $matches[1] );
if ( $this->can_optimize_image( $matches[1] ) ) {
return str_replace( $matches[1], $this->build_imgopt_url( $_normalized_img_url, $width, $height ), $matches[0] );
} else {
return $matches[0];
public function filter_optimize_images( $in )
* potential future functional improvements:
* filter for critical CSS.
$to_replace = array();
// hide noscript tags to avoid nesting noscript tags (as lazyloaded images add noscript).
if ( $this->should_lazyload() ) {
$in = autoptimizeBase::replace_contents_with_marker_if_exists(
// extract img tags.
if ( preg_match_all( '#<img[^>]*src[^>]*>#Usmi', $in, $matches ) ) {
foreach ( $matches[0] as $tag ) {
$orig_tag = $tag;
$imgopt_w = '';
$imgopt_h = '';
// first do (data-)srcsets.
if ( preg_match_all( '#srcset=("|\')(.*)("|\')#Usmi', $tag, $allsrcsets, PREG_SET_ORDER ) ) {
foreach ( $allsrcsets as $srcset ) {
$srcset = $srcset[2];
$srcsets = explode( ',', $srcset );
foreach ( $srcsets as $indiv_srcset ) {
$indiv_srcset_parts = explode( ' ', trim( $indiv_srcset ) );
if ( isset( $indiv_srcset_parts[1] ) && rtrim( $indiv_srcset_parts[1], 'w' ) !== $indiv_srcset_parts[1] ) {
$imgopt_w = rtrim( $indiv_srcset_parts[1], 'w' );
if ( $this->can_optimize_image( $indiv_srcset_parts[0] ) ) {
$imgopt_url = $this->build_imgopt_url( $indiv_srcset_parts[0], $imgopt_w, '' );
$tag = str_replace( $indiv_srcset_parts[0], $imgopt_url, $tag );
// proceed with img src.
// get width and height and add to $imgopt_size.
$_get_size = $this->get_size_from_tag( $tag );
$imgopt_w = $_get_size['width'];
$imgopt_h = $_get_size['height'];
// then start replacing images src.
if ( preg_match_all( '#src=(?:"|\')(?!data)(.*)(?:"|\')#Usmi', $tag, $urls, PREG_SET_ORDER ) ) {
foreach ( $urls as $url ) {
$full_src_orig = $url[0];
$url = $url[1];
if ( $this->can_optimize_image( $url ) ) {
$imgopt_url = $this->build_imgopt_url( $url, $imgopt_w, $imgopt_h );
$full_imgopt_src = str_replace( $url, $imgopt_url, $full_src_orig );
$tag = str_replace( $full_src_orig, $full_imgopt_src, $tag );
// do lazyload stuff.
if ( $this->should_lazyload( $in ) ) {
// first do lpiq placeholder logic.
if ( strpos( $url, $this->get_imgopt_host() ) === 0 ) {
// if all img src have been replaced during srcset, we have to extract the
// origin url from the imgopt one to be able to set a lqip placeholder.
$_url = substr( $url, strpos( $url, '/http' ) + 1 );
} else {
$_url = $url;
if ( $this->can_optimize_image( $_url ) && apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_imgopt_lazyload_dolqip', true ) ) {
$lqip_w = '';
$lqip_h = '';
if ( isset( $imgopt_w ) && ! empty( $imgopt_w ) ) {
$lqip_w = ',w_' . $imgopt_w;
if ( isset( $imgopt_h ) && ! empty( $imgopt_h ) ) {
$lqip_h = ',h_' . $imgopt_h;
$placeholder = $this->get_imgopt_host() . 'client/q_lqip,ret_wait' . $lqip_w . $lqip_h . '/' . $_url;
// then call add_lazyload-function with lpiq placeholder if set.
$tag = $this->add_lazyload( $tag, $placeholder );
// and add tag to array for later replacement.
if ( $tag !== $orig_tag ) {
$to_replace[ $orig_tag ] = $tag;
// and replace all.
$out = str_replace( array_keys( $to_replace ), array_values( $to_replace ), $in );
// img thumbnails in e.g. woocommerce.
if ( strpos( $out, 'data-thumb' ) !== false && apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_imgopt_datathumbs', true ) ) {
$out = preg_replace_callback(
array( $this, 'replace_data_thumbs' ),
// background-image in inline style.
if ( strpos( $out, 'background-image:' ) !== false && apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_imgopt_backgroundimages', true ) ) {
$out = preg_replace_callback(
array( $this, 'replace_img_callback' ),
// lazyload: restore noscript tags + lazyload picture source tags.
if ( $this->should_lazyload() ) {
$out = autoptimizeBase::restore_marked_content(
$out = $this->process_picture_tag( $out, true, true );
} else {
$out = $this->process_picture_tag( $out, true, false );
return $out;
public function get_size_from_tag( $tag ) {
// reusable function to extract widht and height from an image tag
// enforcing a filterable maximum width and height (default 4999X4999).
$width = '';
$height = '';
if ( preg_match( '#width=("|\')(.*)("|\')#Usmi', $tag, $_width ) ) {
if ( strpos( $_width[2], '%' ) === false ) {
$width = (int) $_width[2];
if ( preg_match( '#height=("|\')(.*)("|\')#Usmi', $tag, $_height ) ) {
if ( strpos( $_height[2], '%' ) === false ) {
$height = (int) $_height[2];
// check for and enforce (filterable) max sizes.
$_max_width = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_imgopt_max_width', 4999 );
if ( $width > $_max_width ) {
$_width = $_max_width;
$height = $_width / $width * $height;
$width = $_width;
$_max_height = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_imgopt_max_height', 4999 );
if ( $height > $_max_height ) {
$_height = $_max_height;
$width = $_height / $height * $width;
$height = $_height;
return array(
'width' => $width,
'height' => $height,
* Lazyload functions
public static function should_lazyload_wrapper() {
// needed in autoptimizeMain.php.
$self = new self();
return $self->should_lazyload();
public function should_lazyload( $context = '' ) {
if ( ! empty( $this->options['autoptimize_imgopt_checkbox_field_3'] ) ) {
$lazyload_return = true;
} else {
$lazyload_return = false;
$lazyload_return = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_imgopt_should_lazyload', $lazyload_return, $context );
return $lazyload_return;
public function filter_lazyload_images( $in )
// only used is image optimization is NOT active but lazyload is.
$to_replace = array();
// hide (no)script tags to avoid nesting noscript tags (as lazyloaded images add noscript).
$out = autoptimizeBase::replace_contents_with_marker_if_exists(
// extract img tags and add lazyload attribs.
if ( preg_match_all( '#<img[^>]*src[^>]*>#Usmi', $out, $matches ) ) {
foreach ( $matches[0] as $tag ) {
if ( $this->should_lazyload( $out ) ) {
$to_replace[ $tag ] = $this->add_lazyload( $tag );
$out = str_replace( array_keys( $to_replace ), array_values( $to_replace ), $out );
// and also lazyload picture tag.
$out = $this->process_picture_tag( $out, false, true );
// restore noscript tags.
$out = autoptimizeBase::restore_marked_content(
return $out;
public function add_lazyload( $tag, $placeholder = '' ) {
// adds actual lazyload-attributes to an image node.
if ( str_ireplace( $this->get_lazyload_exclusions(), '', $tag ) === $tag ) {
$tag = $this->maybe_fix_missing_quotes( $tag );
// store original tag for use in noscript version.
$noscript_tag = '<noscript>' . $tag . '</noscript>';
// insert lazyload class.
$tag = $this->inject_classes_in_tag( $tag, 'lazyload ' );
if ( ! $placeholder || empty( $placeholder ) ) {
// get image width & heigth for placeholder fun (and to prevent content reflow).
$_get_size = $this->get_size_from_tag( $tag );
$width = $_get_size['width'];
$height = $_get_size['height'];
if ( false === $width ) {
$widht = 210; // default width for SVG placeholder.
if ( false === $height ) {
$heigth = $width / 3 * 2; // if no height, base it on width using the 3/2 aspect ratio.
// insert the actual lazyload stuff.
// see for great read on why we're using empty svg's.
$placeholder = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_imgopt_lazyload_placeholder', $this->get_default_lazyload_placeholder( $width, $height ) );
$tag = str_replace( ' src=', ' src=\'' . $placeholder . '\' data-src=', $tag );
$tag = str_replace( ' srcset=', ' data-srcset=', $tag );
// move sizes to data-sizes unless filter says no.
if ( apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_imgopt_lazyload_move_sizes', true ) ) {
$tag = str_replace( 'sizes=', 'data-sizes=', $tag );
// add the noscript-tag from earlier.
$tag = $noscript_tag . $tag;
$tag = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_imgopt_lazyloaded_img', $tag );
return $tag;
public function add_lazyload_js_footer() {
// The JS will by default be excluded form autoptimization but this can be changed with a filter.
$noptimize_flag = '';
if ( apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_imgopt_lazyload_js_noptimize', true ) ) {
$noptimize_flag = ' data-noptimize="1"';
// Adds lazyload CSS & JS to footer, using echo because wp_enqueue_script seems not to support pushing attributes (async).
echo apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_imgopt_lazyload_cssoutput', '<style>.lazyload,.lazyloading{opacity:0;}.lazyloaded{opacity:1;transition:opacity 300ms;}</style><noscript><style>.lazyload{display:none;}</style></noscript>' );
echo apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_imgopt_lazyload_jsconfig', '<script' . $noptimize_flag . '>window.lazySizesConfig=window.lazySizesConfig||{};window.lazySizesConfig.loadMode=1;</script>' );
echo '<script async' . $noptimize_flag . ' src=\'' . plugins_url( 'external/js/lazysizes.min.js', __FILE__ ) . '\'></script>';
// And add webp detection and loading JS.
if ( $this->should_webp() ) {
$_webp_detect = "function c_webp(A){var n=new Image;n.onload=function(){var e=0<n.width&&0<n.height;A(e)},n.onerror=function(){A(!1)},n.src=''}function s_webp(e){window.supportsWebP=e}c_webp(s_webp);";
$_webp_load = "document.addEventListener('lazybeforeunveil',function({target:c}){supportsWebP&&['data-src','data-srcset'].forEach(function(a){attr=c.getAttribute(a),null!==attr&&c.setAttribute(a,attr.replace(/\/client\//,'/client/to_webp,'))})});";
echo apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_imgopt_webp_js', '<script' . $noptimize_flag . '>' . $_webp_detect . $_webp_load . '</script>' );
public function get_lazyload_exclusions() {
// returns array of strings that if found in an <img tag will stop the img from being lazy-loaded.
static $exclude_lazyload_array = null;
if ( null === $exclude_lazyload_array ) {
$options = $this->options;
// set default exclusions.
$exclude_lazyload_array = array( 'skip-lazy', 'data-no-lazy', 'notlazy', 'data-src', 'data-srcset', 'data:image/', 'data-lazyload', 'rev-slidebg' );
// add from setting.
if ( array_key_exists( 'autoptimize_imgopt_text_field_5', $options ) ) {
$exclude_lazyload_option = $options['autoptimize_imgopt_text_field_5'];
if ( ! empty( $exclude_lazyload_option ) ) {
$exclude_lazyload_array = array_merge( $exclude_lazyload_array, array_filter( array_map( 'trim', explode( ',', $options['autoptimize_imgopt_text_field_5'] ) ) ) );
// and filter for developer-initiated changes.
$exclude_lazyload_array = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_imgopt_lazyload_exclude_array', $exclude_lazyload_array );
return $exclude_lazyload_array;
public function inject_classes_in_tag( $tag, $target_class ) {
if ( strpos( $tag, 'class=' ) !== false ) {
$tag = preg_replace( '/(\sclass\s?=\s?("|\'))/', '$1' . $target_class, $tag );
} else {
$tag = str_replace( '<img ', '<img class="' . trim( $target_class ) . '" ', $tag );
return $tag;
public function get_default_lazyload_placeholder( $imgopt_w, $imgopt_h ) {
return 'data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=%22' . $imgopt_w . '%20' . $imgopt_h . '%22%3E%3C/svg%3E';
public function should_webp() {
static $webp_return = null;
if ( is_null( $webp_return ) ) {
// webp only works if imgopt and lazyload are also active.
if ( ! empty( $this->options['autoptimize_imgopt_checkbox_field_4'] ) && ! empty( $this->options['autoptimize_imgopt_checkbox_field_3'] ) && $this->imgopt_active() ) {
$webp_return = true;
} else {
$webp_return = false;
return $webp_return;
public function process_picture_tag( $in, $imgopt = false, $lazy = false ) {
// check if "<picture" is present and if filter allows us to process <picture>.
if ( strpos( $in, '<picture' ) === false || apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_imgopt_dopicture', true ) === false ) {
return $in;
$_exclusions = $this->get_lazyload_exclusions();
$to_replace_pict = array();
// extract and process each picture-node.
preg_match_all( '#<picture.*</picture>#Usmi', $in, $_pictures, PREG_SET_ORDER );
foreach ( $_pictures as $_picture ) {
$_picture = $this->maybe_fix_missing_quotes( $_picture );
if ( strpos( $_picture[0], '<source ' ) !== false && preg_match_all( '#<source .*srcset=(?:"|\')(?!data)(.*)(?:"|\').*>#Usmi', $_picture[0], $_sources, PREG_SET_ORDER ) !== false ) {
foreach ( $_sources as $_source ) {
$_picture_replacement = $_source[0];
// should we optimize the image?
if ( $imgopt && $this->can_optimize_image( $_source[1] ) ) {
$_picture_replacement = str_replace( $_source[1], $this->build_imgopt_url( $_source[1] ), $_picture_replacement );
// should we lazy-load?
if ( $lazy && str_ireplace( $_exclusions, '', $_picture_replacement ) === $_picture_replacement ) {
$_picture_replacement = str_replace( ' srcset=', ' data-srcset=', $_picture_replacement );
$to_replace_pict[ $_source[0] ] = $_picture_replacement;
// and return the fully procesed $in.
$out = str_replace( array_keys( $to_replace_pict ), array_values( $to_replace_pict ), $in );
return $out;
public function maybe_fix_missing_quotes( $tag_in ) {
// W3TC's Minify_HTML class removes quotes around attribute value, this re-adds them.
if ( file_exists( WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/w3-total-cache/w3-total-cache.php' ) && class_exists( 'Minify_HTML' ) && apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_imgopt_fixquotes', true ) ) {
return preg_replace( '/=([^("|\')]*)(\s|>)/U', '=\'$1\'$2', $tag_in );
} else {
return $tag_in;
* Admin page logic and related functions below.
public function imgopt_admin_menu()
array( $this, 'imgopt_options_page' )
register_setting( 'autoptimize_imgopt_settings', 'autoptimize_imgopt_settings' );
public function add_imgopt_tab( $in )
$in = array_merge( $in, array( 'autoptimize_imgopt' => __( 'Images', 'autoptimize' ) ) );
return $in;
public function imgopt_options_page()
// Check querystring for "refreshCacheChecker" and call cachechecker if so.
if ( array_key_exists( 'refreshImgProvStats', $_GET ) && 1 == $_GET['refreshImgProvStats'] ) {
$options = $this->fetch_options();
$sp_url_suffix = $this->get_service_url_suffix();
#ao_settings_form {background: white;border: 1px solid #ccc;padding: 1px 15px;margin: 15px 10px 10px 0;}
#ao_settings_form .form-table th {font-weight: normal;}
#autoptimize_imgopt_descr{font-size: 120%;}
<div class="wrap">
<h1><?php _e( 'Autoptimize Settings', 'autoptimize' ); ?></h1>
<?php echo autoptimizeConfig::ao_admin_tabs(); ?>
<?php if ( 'down' === $options['availabilities']['extra_imgopt']['status'] ) { ?>
<div class="notice-warning notice"><p>
// translators: "Autoptimize support forum" will appear in a "a href".
echo sprintf( __( 'The image optimization service is currently down, image optimization will be skipped until further notice. Check the %1$sAutoptimize support forum%2$s for more info.', 'autoptimize' ), '<a href="" target="_blank">', '</a>' );
<?php } ?>
<?php if ( 'launch' === $options['availabilities']['extra_imgopt']['status'] && ! autoptimizeImages::instance()->launch_ok() ) { ?>
<div class="notice-warning notice"><p>
<?php _e( 'The image optimization service is launching, but not yet available for this domain, it should become available in the next couple of days.', 'autoptimize' ); ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php if ( class_exists( 'Jetpack' ) && method_exists( 'Jetpack', 'get_active_modules' ) && in_array( 'photon', Jetpack::get_active_modules() ) ) { ?>
<div class="notice-warning notice"><p>
// translators: "disable Jetpack's site accelerator for images" will appear in a "a href" linking to the jetpack settings page.
echo sprintf( __( 'Please %1$sdisable Jetpack\'s site accelerator for images%2$s to be able to use Autoptomize\'s advanced image optimization features below.', 'autoptimize' ), '<a href="admin.php?page=jetpack#/settings">', '</a>' );
<?php } ?>
<form id='ao_settings_form' action='options.php' method='post'>
<?php settings_fields( 'autoptimize_imgopt_settings' ); ?>
<h2><?php _e( 'Image optimization', 'autoptimize' ); ?></h2>
<span id='autoptimize_imgopt_descr'><?php _e( 'Make your site significantly faster by just ticking a couple of checkboxes to optimize and lazy load your images, WebP support included!', 'autoptimize' ); ?></span>
<table class="form-table">
<th scope="row"><?php _e( 'Optimize Images', 'autoptimize' ); ?></th>
<label><input id='autoptimize_imgopt_checkbox' type='checkbox' name='autoptimize_imgopt_settings[autoptimize_imgopt_checkbox_field_1]' <?php if ( ! empty( $options['autoptimize_imgopt_checkbox_field_1'] ) && '1' === $options['autoptimize_imgopt_checkbox_field_1'] ) { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> value='1'><?php _e( 'Optimize images on the fly and serve them from Shortpixel\'s global CDN.', 'autoptimize' ); ?></label>
// show shortpixel status.
$_notice = autoptimizeImages::instance()->get_status_notice();
if ( $_notice ) {
switch ( $_notice['status'] ) {
case 2:
$_notice_color = 'green';
case 1:
$_notice_color = 'orange';
case -1:
$_notice_color = 'red';
case -2:
$_notice_color = 'red';
$_notice_color = 'green';
echo apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_imgopt_settings_status', '<p><strong><span style="color:' . $_notice_color . ';">' . __( 'Shortpixel status: ', 'autoptimize' ) . '</span></strong>' . $_notice['notice'] . '</p>' );
} else {
// translators: link points to shortpixel.
$upsell_msg_1 = '<p>' . sprintf( __( 'Get more Google love and improve your website\'s loading speed by having the images optimized on the fly (also in the "next-gen" WebP image format) by %1$sShortPixel%2$s and then cached and served fast from Shortpixel\'s global CDN.', 'autoptimize' ), '<a href="' . $sp_url_suffix . '" target="_blank">', '</a>' );
if ( 'launch' === $options['availabilities']['extra_imgopt']['status'] ) {
$upsell_msg_2 = __( 'For a limited time only, this service is offered free for all Autoptimize users, <b>don\'t miss the chance to test it</b> and see how much it could improve your site\'s speed.', 'autoptimize' );
} else {
// translators: link points to shortpixel.
$upsell_msg_2 = sprintf( __( '%1$sSign-up now%2$s to receive a 1 000 bonus + 50&#37; more image optimization credits regardless of the traffic used. More image optimizations can be purchased starting with $4.99.', 'autoptimize' ), '<a href="' . $sp_url_suffix . '" target="_blank">', '</a>' );
echo apply_filters( 'autoptimize_imgopt_imgopt_settings_copy', $upsell_msg_1 . ' ' . $upsell_msg_2 . '</p>' );
// translators: link points to shortpixel FAQ.
$faqcopy = sprintf( __( '<strong>Questions</strong>? Have a look at the %1$sShortPixel FAQ%2$s!', 'autoptimize' ), '<strong><a href="" target="_blank">', '</strong></a>' );
// translators: links points to shortpixel TOS & Privacy Policy.
$toscopy = sprintf( __( 'Usage of this feature is subject to Shortpixel\'s %1$sTerms of Use%2$s and %3$sPrivacy policy%4$s.', 'autoptimize' ), '<a href="' . $sp_url_suffix . '" target="_blank">', '</a>', '<a href="' . $sp_url_suffix . '" target="_blank">', '</a>' );
echo apply_filters( 'autoptimize_imgopt_imgopt_settings_tos', '<p>' . $faqcopy . ' ' . $toscopy . '</p>' );
<tr id='autoptimize_imgopt_quality' <?php if ( ! array_key_exists( 'autoptimize_imgopt_checkbox_field_1', $options ) || ( isset( $options['autoptimize_imgopt_checkbox_field_1'] ) && '1' !== $options['autoptimize_imgopt_checkbox_field_1'] ) ) { echo 'class="hidden"'; } ?>>
<th scope="row"><?php _e( 'Image Optimization quality', 'autoptimize' ); ?></th>
<select name='autoptimize_imgopt_settings[autoptimize_imgopt_select_field_2]'>
$_imgopt_array = autoptimizeImages::instance()->get_img_quality_array();
$_imgopt_val = autoptimizeImages::instance()->get_img_quality_setting();
foreach ( $_imgopt_array as $key => $value ) {
echo '<option value="' . $key . '"';
if ( $_imgopt_val == $key ) {
echo ' selected';
echo '>' . ucfirst( $value ) . '</option>';
echo "\n";
// translators: link points to shortpixel image test page.
echo apply_filters( 'autoptimize_imgopt_imgopt_quality_copy', sprintf( __( 'You can %1$stest compression levels here%2$s.', 'autoptimize' ), '<a href="' . $sp_url_suffix . '" target="_blank">', '</a>' ) );
<tr id='autoptimize_imgopt_webp' <?php if ( ! array_key_exists( 'autoptimize_imgopt_checkbox_field_1', $options ) || ( isset( $options['autoptimize_imgopt_checkbox_field_1'] ) && '1' !== $options['autoptimize_imgopt_checkbox_field_1'] ) ) { echo 'class="hidden"'; } ?>>
<th scope="row"><?php _e( 'Load WebP in supported browsers?', 'autoptimize' ); ?></th>
<label><input type='checkbox' id='autoptimize_imgopt_webp_checkbox' name='autoptimize_imgopt_settings[autoptimize_imgopt_checkbox_field_4]' <?php if ( ! empty( $options['autoptimize_imgopt_checkbox_field_4'] ) && '1' === $options['autoptimize_imgopt_checkbox_field_3'] ) { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> value='1'><?php _e( 'Automatically serve "next-gen" WebP image format to any browser that supports it (requires lazy load to be active).', 'autoptimize' ); ?></label>
<th scope="row"><?php _e( 'Lazy-load images?', 'autoptimize' ); ?></th>
<label><input type='checkbox' id='autoptimize_imgopt_lazyload_checkbox' name='autoptimize_imgopt_settings[autoptimize_imgopt_checkbox_field_3]' <?php if ( ! empty( $options['autoptimize_imgopt_checkbox_field_3'] ) && '1' === $options['autoptimize_imgopt_checkbox_field_3'] ) { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> value='1'><?php _e( 'Image lazy-loading will delay the loading of non-visible images to allow the browser to optimally load all resources for the "above the fold"-page first.', 'autoptimize' ); ?></label>
<tr id='autoptimize_imgopt_lazyload_exclusions' <?php if ( ! array_key_exists( 'autoptimize_imgopt_checkbox_field_3', $options ) || ( isset( $options['autoptimize_imgopt_checkbox_field_3'] ) && '1' !== $options['autoptimize_imgopt_checkbox_field_3'] ) ) { echo 'class="hidden"'; } ?>>
<th scope="row"><?php _e( 'Lazy-load exclusions', 'autoptimize' ); ?></th>
<label><input type='text' style='width:80%' id='autoptimize_imgopt_lazyload_exclusions' name='autoptimize_imgopt_settings[autoptimize_imgopt_text_field_5]' value='<?php if ( ! empty( $options['autoptimize_imgopt_text_field_5'] ) ) { echo esc_attr( $options['autoptimize_imgopt_text_field_5'] ); } ?>'><br /><?php _e( 'Comma-separated list of to be excluded image classes or filenames.', 'autoptimize' ); ?></label>
<p class="submit"><input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" class="button button-primary" value="<?php _e( 'Save Changes', 'autoptimize' ); ?>" /></p>
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
jQuery("#autoptimize_imgopt_checkbox").change(function() {
if (this.checked) {
} else {
jQuery("#autoptimize_imgopt_webp_checkbox").change(function() {
if (this.checked) {
jQuery("#autoptimize_imgopt_lazyload_checkbox")[0].checked = true;
jQuery("#autoptimize_imgopt_lazyload_checkbox").change(function() {
if (this.checked) {
} else {
jQuery("#autoptimize_imgopt_webp_checkbox")[0].checked = false;
* Ïmg opt status as used on dashboard.
public function get_imgopt_status_notice() {
if ( $this->imgopt_active() ) {
$_imgopt_notice = '';
$_stat = get_option( 'autoptimize_imgopt_provider_stat', '' );
$_imgopt_upsell = '' . $_site_host;
if ( is_array( $_stat ) ) {
if ( 1 == $_stat['Status'] ) {
// translators: "add more credits" will appear in a "a href".
$_imgopt_notice = sprintf( __( 'Your ShortPixel image optimization and CDN quota is almost used, make sure you %1$sadd more credits%2$s to avoid slowing down your website.', 'autoptimize' ), '<a href="' . $_imgopt_upsell . '" target="_blank">', '</a>' );
} elseif ( -1 == $_stat['Status'] || -2 == $_stat['Status'] ) {
// translators: "add more credits" will appear in a "a href".
$_imgopt_notice = sprintf( __( 'Your ShortPixel image optimization and CDN quota was used, %1$sadd more credits%2$s to keep fast serving optimized images on your site', 'autoptimize' ), '<a href="' . $_imgopt_upsell . '" target="_blank">', '</a>' );
$_imgopt_stats_refresh_url = add_query_arg( array(
'page' => 'autoptimize_imgopt',
'refreshImgProvStats' => '1',
), admin_url( 'options-general.php' ) );
if ( $_stat && array_key_exists( 'timestamp', $_stat ) && ! empty( $_stat['timestamp'] ) ) {
$_imgopt_stats_last_run = __( 'based on status at ', 'autoptimize' ) . date_i18n( get_option( 'time_format' ), $_stat['timestamp'] );
} else {
$_imgopt_stats_last_run = __( 'based on previously fetched data', 'autoptimize' );
$_imgopt_notice .= ' (' . $_imgopt_stats_last_run . ', ';
// translators: "here to refresh" links to the Autoptimize Extra page and forces a refresh of the img opt stats.
$_imgopt_notice .= sprintf( __( 'click %1$shere to refresh%2$s', 'autoptimize' ), '<a href="' . $_imgopt_stats_refresh_url . '">', '</a>).' );
} else {
$_imgopt_upsell = '';
// translators: "log in to check your account" will appear in a "a href".
$_imgopt_notice = sprintf( __( 'Your ShortPixel image optimization and CDN quota are in good shape, %1$slog in to check your account%2$s.', 'autoptimize' ), '<a href="' . $_imgopt_upsell . '" target="_blank">', '</a>' );
$_imgopt_notice = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_imgopt_notice', $_imgopt_notice );
return array(
'status' => $_stat['Status'],
'notice' => $_imgopt_notice,
return false;
public static function get_imgopt_status_notice_wrapper() {
// needed for notice being shown in autoptimizeCacheChecker.php.
$self = new self();
return $self->get_imgopt_status_notice();
* Get img provider stats (used to display notice).
public function query_img_provider_stats() {
if ( ! empty( $this->options['autoptimize_imgopt_checkbox_field_1'] ) ) {
$url = '';
$endpoint = $this->get_imgopt_host() . 'read-domain/';
// make sure parse_url result makes sense, keeping $url empty if not.
if ( $domain && ! empty( $domain ) ) {
$url = $endpoint . $domain;
$url = apply_filters(
// only do the remote call if $url is not empty to make sure no parse_url
// weirdness results in useless calls.
if ( ! empty( $url ) ) {
$response = wp_remote_get( $url );
if ( ! is_wp_error( $response ) ) {
if ( '200' == wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $response ) ) {
$stats = json_decode( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response ), true );
update_option( 'autoptimize_imgopt_provider_stat', $stats );
public static function get_img_provider_stats()
// wrapper around query_img_provider_stats() so we can get to $this->options from cronjob() in autoptimizeCacheChecker.
$self = new self();
return $self->query_img_provider_stats();
* Determines and returns the service launch status.
* @return bool
public function launch_ok()
static $launch_status = null;
if ( null === $launch_status ) {
$avail_imgopt = $this->options['availabilities']['extra_imgopt'];
$magic_number = intval( substr( md5( parse_url( AUTOPTIMIZE_WP_SITE_URL, PHP_URL_HOST ) ), 0, 3 ), 16 );
$has_launched = get_option( 'autoptimize_imgopt_launched', '' );
$launch_status = false;
if ( $has_launched || ( is_array( $avail_imgopt ) && array_key_exists( 'launch-threshold', $avail_imgopt ) && $magic_number < $avail_imgopt['launch-threshold'] ) ) {
$launch_status = true;
if ( ! $has_launched ) {
update_option( 'autoptimize_imgopt_launched', 'on' );
return $launch_status;
public static function launch_ok_wrapper() {
// needed for "plug" notice in autoptimizeMain.php.
$self = new self();
return $self->launch_ok();
public function get_imgopt_provider_userstatus() {
static $_provider_userstatus = null;
if ( is_null( $_provider_userstatus ) ) {
$_stat = get_option( 'autoptimize_imgopt_provider_stat', '' );
if ( is_array( $_stat ) ) {
if ( array_key_exists( 'Status', $_stat ) ) {
$_provider_userstatus['Status'] = $_stat['Status'];
} else {
// if no stats then we assume all is well.
$_provider_userstatus['Status'] = 2;
if ( array_key_exists( 'timestamp', $_stat ) ) {
$_provider_userstatus['timestamp'] = $_stat['timestamp'];
} else {
// if no timestamp then we return "".
$_provider_userstatus['timestamp'] = '';
return $_provider_userstatus;
public function get_status_notice() {
if ( $this->imgopt_active() ) {
$notice = '';
$stat = $this->get_imgopt_provider_userstatus();
$assoc = '';
if ( is_array( $stat ) ) {
if ( 1 == $stat['Status'] ) {
// translators: "add more credits" will appear in a "a href".
$notice = sprintf( __( 'Your ShortPixel image optimization and CDN quota is almost used, make sure you %1$sadd more credits%2$s to avoid slowing down your website.', 'autoptimize' ), '<a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="' . $upsell . '" target="_blank">', '</a>' );
} elseif ( -1 == $stat['Status'] || -2 == $stat['Status'] ) {
// translators: "add more credits" will appear in a "a href".
$notice = sprintf( __( 'Your ShortPixel image optimization and CDN quota was used, %1$sadd more credits%2$s to keep fast serving optimized images on your site.', 'autoptimize' ), '<a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="' . $upsell . '" target="_blank">', '</a>' );
// translators: "associate your domain" will appear in a "a href".
$notice = $notice . ' ' . sprintf( __( 'If you already have enough credits then you may need to %1$sassociate your domain%2$s to your Shortpixel account.', 'autoptimize' ), '<a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="' . $assoc . '" target="_blank">', '</a>' );
} else {
$upsell = '';
// translators: "log in to check your account" will appear in a "a href".
$notice = sprintf( __( 'Your ShortPixel image optimization and CDN quota are in good shape, %1$slog in to check your account%2$s.', 'autoptimize' ), '<a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="' . $upsell . '" target="_blank">', '</a>' );
$notice = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_imgopt_notice', $notice );
return array(
'status' => $stat['Status'],
'notice' => $notice,
return false;