You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

77 lines
2.6 KiB

if (!defined('WORDFENCE_VERSION')) { exit; }
$scanner = wfScanner::shared();
$scanURL = network_admin_url('admin.php?page=WordfenceScan');
$action = @$_GET['action'];
if (!in_array($action, array('restoreFile', 'deleteFile'))) { $action = ''; }
$filesystemCredentialsAdminURL = network_admin_url('admin.php?' . http_build_query(array(
'page' => 'WordfenceScan',
'subpage' => 'scan_credentials',
'action' => $action,
'issueID' => (int) @$_GET['issueID'],
'nonce' => wp_create_nonce('wp-ajax'),
switch ($action) {
case 'restoreFile':
$callback = array('wordfence', 'fsActionRestoreFileCallback');
case 'deleteFile':
$callback = array('wordfence', 'fsActionDeleteFileCallback');
<div class="wf-options-controls">
<div class="wf-row">
<div class="wf-col-xs-12">
echo wfView::create('options/block-controls', array(
'backLink' => $scanURL,
'backLabel' => __('Back to Scan', 'wordfence'),
'suppressControls' => true,
<div class="wf-options-controls-spacer"></div>
<div class="wrap wordfence">
<div class="wf-container-fluid">
<div class="wf-row">
<div class="wf-col-xs-12">
<div class="wp-header-end"></div>
<div class="wf-row">
<div class="<?php echo wfStyle::contentClasses(); ?>">
<div id="wf-scan-permissions-prompt" class="wf-fixed-tab-content">
echo wfView::create('common/section-title', array(
'title' => __('File System Credentials Required', 'wordfence'),
<div class="wf-row">
<div class="wf-col-xs-12">
<div class="wf-block wf-active">
<div class="wf-block-content wf-padding-add-top wf-padding-add-bottom">
if (isset($_GET['nonce']) && wp_verify_nonce($_GET['nonce'], 'wp-ajax')) {
if (wordfence::requestFilesystemCredentials($filesystemCredentialsAdminURL, get_home_path(), true, true)) {
call_user_func_array($callback, isset($callbackArgs) && is_array($callbackArgs) ? $callbackArgs : array());
//else - outputs credentials form
else {
echo '<p>' . sprintf(__('Security token has expired. Click <a href="%s">here</a> to return to the scan page.', 'wordfence'), esc_url($scanURL)) . '</p>';
</div> <!-- end permissions -->
</div> <!-- end wf-scan-permissions-prompt block -->
</div> <!-- end content block -->
</div> <!-- end row -->
</div> <!-- end container -->