You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

144 lines
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if (!defined('WORDFENCE_VERSION')) { exit; }
* Presents the Live Traffic Options group.
* Expects $stateKey.
* @var string $stateKey The key under which the collapse state is stored.
* @var bool $collapseable If defined, specifies whether or not this grouping can be collapsed. Defaults to true.
* @var bool $showControls If defined, specifies whether or not the save/cancel/restore controls are shown. Defaults to false.
* @var bool $hideShowMenuItem If defined, specifies whether or not the show menu item option is shown. Defaults to false.
if (!isset($collapseable)) {
$collapseable = true;
if (!isset($showControls)) {
$showControls = false;
if (!isset($hideShowMenuItem)) {
$hideShowMenuItem = false;
<div id="wf-live-traffic-options" class="wf-row">
<div class="wf-col-xs-12">
<div class="wf-block<?php if (!$collapseable) { echo ' wf-always-active'; } else { echo (wfPersistenceController::shared()->isActive($stateKey) ? ' wf-active' : ''); } ?>" data-persistence-key="<?php echo esc_attr($stateKey); ?>">
<div class="wf-block-header">
<div class="wf-block-header-content">
<div class="wf-block-title">
<strong><?php _e('Live Traffic Options', 'wordfence'); ?></strong>
<?php if ($collapseable): ?><div class="wf-block-header-action"><div class="wf-block-header-action-disclosure" role="checkbox" aria-checked="<?php echo (wfPersistenceController::shared()->isActive($stateKey) ? 'true' : 'false'); ?>" tabindex="0"></div></div><?php endif; ?>
<div class="wf-block-content wf-clearfix">
<?php if ($showControls): ?>
<?php _e('These options let you choose which traffic to log and to ignore certain types of visitors, based on their level of access, usernames, IP address, or browser type. If you run a high-traffic website where it is not feasible to see your visitors in real-time, simply change the <strong>Traffic logging mode</strong> to "Security Only."', 'wordfence') ?>
<div class="wf-row">
<div class="wf-col-xs-12">
echo wfView::create('options/block-controls', array(
'suppressLogo' => true,
'restoreDefaultsSection' => wfConfig::OPTIONS_TYPE_LIVE_TRAFFIC,
'restoreDefaultsMessage' => __('Are you sure you want to restore the default Live Traffic settings? This will undo any custom changes you have made to the options on this page.', 'wordfence'),
<?php endif; ?>
<ul class="wf-block-list">
echo wfView::create('options/option-switch', array(
'optionName' => 'liveTrafficEnabled',
'value' => wfConfig::get('liveTrafficEnabled') ? '1': '0',
'title' => __('Traffic logging mode', 'wordfence'),
'states' => array(
array('value' => '0', 'label' => __('Security Only', 'wordfence')),
array('value' => '1', 'label' => __('All Traffic', 'wordfence')),
'helpLink' => wfSupportController::supportURL(wfSupportController::ITEM_TOOLS_LIVE_TRAFFIC_OPTION_ENABLE),
'alignment' => 'wf-right',
echo wfView::create('options/option-toggled', array(
'optionName' => 'liveTraf_ignorePublishers',
'enabledValue' => 1,
'disabledValue' => 0,
'value' => wfConfig::get('liveTraf_ignorePublishers') ? 1 : 0,
'title' => __("Don't log signed-in users with publishing access", 'wordfence'),
echo wfView::create('options/option-text', array(
'textOptionName' => 'liveTraf_ignoreUsers',
'textValue' => wfConfig::get('liveTraf_ignoreUsers'),
'title' => __('List of comma separated usernames to ignore', 'wordfence'),
echo wfView::create('options/option-text', array(
'textOptionName' => 'liveTraf_ignoreIPs',
'textValue' => wfConfig::get('liveTraf_ignoreIPs'),
'title' => __('List of comma separated IP addresses to ignore', 'wordfence'),
echo wfView::create('options/option-text', array(
'textOptionName' => 'liveTraf_ignoreUA',
'textValue' => wfConfig::get('liveTraf_ignoreUA'),
'title' => __('Browser user-agent to ignore', 'wordfence'),
echo wfView::create('options/option-text', array(
'textOptionName' => 'liveTraf_maxRows',
'textValue' => wfConfig::get('liveTraf_maxRows'),
'title' => __('Amount of Live Traffic data to store (number of rows)', 'wordfence'),
echo wfView::create('options/option-text', array(
'textOptionName' => 'liveTraf_maxAge',
'textValue' => wfConfig::get('liveTraf_maxAge'),
'title' => __('Maximum days to keep Live Traffic data (minimum: 1)', 'wordfence'),
<?php if (!$hideShowMenuItem): ?>
echo wfView::create('options/option-toggled', array(
'optionName' => 'displayTopLevelLiveTraffic',
'enabledValue' => 1,
'disabledValue' => 0,
'value' => wfConfig::get('displayTopLevelLiveTraffic') ? 1 : 0,
'title' => __('Display Live Traffic menu option', 'wordfence'),
<?php endif; ?>