You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* WPSEO plugin file.
* @package WPSEO\Admin
* Handles the media purge notification showing and hiding.
class WPSEO_Admin_Media_Purge_Notification implements WPSEO_WordPress_Integration {
* Notification ID to use.
* @var string
private $notification_id = 'wpseo_media_purge';
* Registers all hooks to WordPress.
* @return void
public function register_hooks() {
add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'manage_notification' ) );
add_filter( 'wpseo_option_tab-metas_media', array( $this, 'output_hidden_setting' ) );
// Dismissing is just setting the relevancy to false, which cancels out any functionality.
if ( WPSEO_Utils::is_yoast_seo_page() && filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'dismiss' ) === $this->notification_id ) {
WPSEO_Options::set( 'is-media-purge-relevant', false );
* Adds a hidden setting to the media tab.
* To make sure the setting is not reverted to the default when -anything-
* is saved on the entire page (not just the media tab).
* @param string|null $input Current filter value.
* @return string|null
public function output_hidden_setting( $input ) {
$form = Yoast_Form::get_instance();
$form->hidden( 'is-media-purge-relevant' );
return $input;
* Manages if the notification should be shown or removed.
* @return void
public function manage_notification() {
* Retrieves the notification that should be shown or removed.
* @return Yoast_Notification The notification to use.
private function get_notification() {
$content = sprintf(
/* translators: %1$s expands to the link to the article, %2$s closes the link tag. */
__( 'Your site\'s settings currently allow attachment URLs on your site to exist. Please read %1$sthis post about a potential issue%2$s with attachment URLs and check whether you have the correct setting for your site.', 'wordpress-seo' ),
'<a href="' . esc_url( WPSEO_Shortlinker::get( '' ) ) . '" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">',
$content .= '<br><br>';
$content .= sprintf(
/* translators: %1$s dismiss link open tag, %2$s closes the link tag. */
__( 'If you know what this means and you do not want to see this message anymore, you can %1$sdismiss this message%2$s.', 'wordpress-seo' ),
'<a href="' . esc_url( admin_url( 'admin.php?page=wpseo_dashboard&dismiss=' . $this->notification_id ) ) . '">',
return new Yoast_Notification(
'type' => Yoast_Notification::ERROR,
'id' => $this->notification_id,
'capabilities' => 'wpseo_manage_options',
'priority' => 1,
* Adds the notification to the notificaton center.
* @return void
private function add_notification() {
$notification_center = Yoast_Notification_Center::get();
$notification_center->add_notification( $this->get_notification() );
* Removes the notification from the notification center.
* @return void
private function remove_notification() {
$notification_center = Yoast_Notification_Center::get();
$notification_center->remove_notification( $this->get_notification() );