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* Yoast SEO Plugin File.
* @package Yoast\YoastSEO\Composer
namespace Yoast\WP\Free\Composer;
use Composer\Script\Event;
use Yoast\WP\Free\Dependency_Injection\Container_Compiler;
* Class to handle Composer actions and events.
class Actions {
* Prefixes dependencies if composer install is ran with dev mode.
* Used in composer in the post-install script hook.
* @codeCoverageIgnore
* @param \Composer\Script\Event $event Composer event that triggered this script.
* @return void
public static function prefix_dependencies( Event $event ) {
$io = $event->getIO();
if ( ! $event->isDevMode() ) {
$io->write( 'Not prefixing dependencies.' );
$io->write( 'Prefixing dependencies...' );
$event_dispatcher = $event->getComposer()->getEventDispatcher();
$event_dispatcher->dispatchScript( 'prefix-dependencies', $event->isDevMode() );
* Compiles the dependency injection container.
* Used the composer compile-dependency-injection-container command.
* @codeCoverageIgnore
* @param \Composer\Script\Event $event Composer event that triggered this script.
* @return void
public static function compile_dependency_injection_container( Event $event ) {
$io = $event->getIO();
$io->write( 'Compiling the dependency injection container...' );
// Pas true as debug to force a recheck of the container.
Container_Compiler::compile( true );
$io->write( 'The dependency injection container has been compiled.' );
* Runs PHPCS on the staged files.
* Used the composer check-staged-cs command.
* @codeCoverageIgnore
* @return void
public static function check_staged_cs() {
self::check_cs_for_changed_files( '--staged' );
* Runs PHPCS on the staged files.
* Used the composer check-staged-cs command.
* @codeCoverageIgnore
* @param \Composer\Script\Event $event Composer event that triggered this script.
* @return void
public static function check_branch_cs( Event $event ) {
$args = $event->getArguments();
if ( empty( $args ) ) {
self::check_cs_for_changed_files( 'trunk' );
self::check_cs_for_changed_files( $args[0] );
* Runs PHPCS on changed files compared to some git reference.
* @param string $compare The git reference.
* @codeCoverageIgnore
* @return void
private static function check_cs_for_changed_files( $compare ) {
\exec( 'git diff --name-only --diff-filter=d ' . \escapeshellarg( $compare ), $files );
$files = \array_filter(
function ( $file ) {
return \substr( $file, -4 ) === '.php';
if ( empty( $files ) ) {
echo 'No files to compare! Exiting.';
\system( 'composer check-cs -- ' . \implode( ' ', \array_map( 'escapeshellarg', $files ) ) );