You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* WPSEO plugin file.
* @package WPSEO\Frontend\Schema
* Returns a question object for each question in an FAQ block.
* @since 11.1
* @property array $data The Schema array.
* @property WP_Block_Parser_Block $block The block we're taking the questions out of.
* @property WPSEO_Schema_Context $context A value object with context variables.
* @property int $position The position in the list.
class WPSEO_Schema_FAQ_Questions {
* The Schema array.
* @var array
private $data;
* All the blocks of this block-type.
* @var WP_Block_Parser_Block
private $block;
* Position in the list.
* @var int
private $position;
* WPSEO_Schema_FAQ_Questions constructor.
* @param array $data Our schema graph.
* @param WP_Block_Parser_Block $block The FAQ block of this type.
* @param WPSEO_Schema_Context $context A value object with context variables.
public function __construct( $data, $block, $context ) {
$this->data = $data;
$this->block = $block;
$this->context = $context;
$this->position = 0;
* Find an image based on its URL and generate a Schema object for it.
* @return array The Schema with Questions added.
public function generate() {
foreach ( $this->block['attrs']['questions'] as $question ) {
if ( ! isset( $question['jsonAnswer'] ) || empty( $question['jsonAnswer'] ) ) {
$this->data[] = $this->generate_question_block( $question );
return $this->data;
* Generate a Question piece.
* @param array $question The question to generate schema for.
* @return array Question piece.
protected function generate_question_block( $question ) {
return array(
'@type' => 'Question',
'@id' => $this->context->canonical . '#' . $question['id'],
'position' => $this->position ++,
'url' => $this->context->canonical . '#' . $question['id'],
'name' => wp_strip_all_tags( $question['jsonQuestion'] ),
'answerCount' => 1,
'acceptedAnswer' => array(
'@type' => 'Answer',
'text' => strip_tags( $question['jsonAnswer'], '<h1><h2><h3><h4><h5><h6><br><ol><ul><li><a><p><b><strong><i><em>' ),