You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

243 lines
5.9 KiB

* WPSEO plugin file.
* @package WPSEO\Frontend\Schema
* Returns schema FAQ data.
* @since 11.5
class WPSEO_Schema_HowTo implements WPSEO_Graph_Piece {
* Determine whether this graph piece is needed or not.
* Always false, because this graph piece adds itself using the filter API.
* @var bool
private $is_needed = false;
* The FAQ blocks count on the current page.
* @var int
private $counter;
* A value object with context variables.
* @var WPSEO_Schema_Context
private $context;
* Holds the allowed HTML tags for the jsonText.
* @var string
private $allowed_json_text_tags = '<h1><h2><h3><h4><h5><h6><br><ol><ul><li><a><p><b><strong><i><em>';
* WPSEO_Schema_FAQ constructor.
* @param WPSEO_Schema_Context $context A value object with context variables.
* @codeCoverageIgnore
public function __construct( WPSEO_Schema_Context $context ) {
$this->counter = 0;
$this->context = $context;
add_filter( 'wpseo_schema_block_yoast/how-to-block', array( $this, 'render' ), 10, 2 );
* Renders a list of questions, referencing them by ID.
* @return array $data Our Schema graph.
public function generate() {
return array();
* Renders the How-To block into our graph.
* @param array $graph Our Schema data.
* @param array $block The How-To block content.
* @return mixed
public function render( $graph, $block ) {
$data = array(
'@type' => 'HowTo',
'@id' => $this->context->canonical . '#howto-' . $this->counter,
'name' => $this->context->title,
'mainEntityOfPage' => array( '@id' => $this->get_main_schema_id() ),
'description' => '',
$json_description = strip_tags( $block['attrs']['jsonDescription'], '<h1><h2><h3><h4><h5><h6><br><ol><ul><li><a><p><b><strong><i><em>' );
if ( isset( $json_description ) ) {
$data['description'] = $json_description;
$this->add_duration( $data, $block['attrs'] );
$this->add_steps( $data, $block['attrs']['steps'] );
$graph[] = $data;
return $graph;
* Adds the duration of the task to the Schema.
* @param array $data Our How-To schema data.
* @param array $attributes The block data attributes.
* @return array $data Our schema data.
private function add_duration( &$data, $attributes ) {
if ( ! empty( $attributes['hasDuration'] ) && $attributes['hasDuration'] ) {
$days = empty( $attributes['days'] ) ? 0 : $attributes['days'];
$hours = empty( $attributes['hours'] ) ? 0 : $attributes['hours'];
$minutes = empty( $attributes['minutes'] ) ? 0 : $attributes['minutes'];
if ( ( $days + $hours + $minutes ) > 0 ) {
$data['totalTime'] = 'P' . $days . 'DT' . $hours . 'H' . $minutes . 'M';
return $data;
* Determines whether we're part of an article or a webpage.
* @return string A reference URL.
protected function get_main_schema_id() {
if ( $this->context->site_represents !== false && WPSEO_Schema_Article::is_article_post_type() ) {
return $this->context->canonical . WPSEO_Schema_IDs::ARTICLE_HASH;
return $this->context->canonical . WPSEO_Schema_IDs::WEBPAGE_HASH;
* Determines whether or not a piece should be added to the graph.
* @return bool
public function is_needed() {
return $this->is_needed;
* Adds the steps to our How-To output.
* @param array $data Our How-To schema data.
* @param array $steps Our How-To block's steps.
private function add_steps( &$data, $steps ) {
foreach ( $steps as $step ) {
$schema_id = $this->context->canonical . '#' . $step['id'];
$schema_step = array(
'@type' => 'HowToStep',
'url' => $schema_id,
$json_text = strip_tags( $step['jsonText'], $this->allowed_json_text_tags );
$json_name = wp_strip_all_tags( $step['jsonName'] );
if ( empty( $json_name ) ) {
if ( empty( $step['text'] ) ) {
$schema_step['text'] = '';
$this->add_step_image( $schema_step, $step );
// If there is no text and no image, don't output the step.
if ( empty( $json_text ) && empty( $schema_step['image'] ) ) {
if ( ! empty( $json_text ) ) {
$schema_step['text'] = $json_text;
elseif ( empty( $json_text ) ) {
$schema_step['text'] = $json_name;
else {
$schema_step['name'] = $json_name;
$this->add_step_description( $schema_step, $step );
$this->add_step_image( $schema_step, $step );
$data['step'][] = $schema_step;
* Checks if we have a step description, if we do, add it.
* @param array $schema_step Our Schema output for the Step.
* @param array $step The step block data.
private function add_step_description( &$schema_step, $step ) {
$json_text = strip_tags( $step['jsonText'], $this->allowed_json_text_tags );
if ( empty( $json_text ) ) {
$schema_step['itemListElement'] = array();
$schema_step['itemListElement'][] = array(
'@type' => 'HowToDirection',
'text' => $json_text,
* Checks if we have a step image, if we do, add it.
* @param array $schema_step Our Schema output for the Step.
* @param array $step The step block data.
private function add_step_image( &$schema_step, $step ) {
foreach ( $step['text'] as $line ) {
if ( is_array( $line ) && isset( $line['type'] ) && $line['type'] === 'img' ) {
$schema_step['image'] = $this->get_image_schema( $line['props']['src'] );
* Generates the image schema from the attachment $url.
* @param string $url Attachment url.
* @return array Image schema.
* @codeCoverageIgnore
protected function get_image_schema( $url ) {
$image = new WPSEO_Schema_Image( $this->context->canonical . '#schema-image-' . md5( $url ) );
return $image->generate_from_url( $url );