You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

518 lines
13 KiB

* WPSEO plugin file.
* @package WPSEO\Inc
* Represents the addon manager.
class WPSEO_Addon_Manager {
* Holds the name of the transient.
* @var string
const SITE_INFORMATION_TRANSIENT = 'wpseo_site_information';
* Holds the slug for YoastSEO free.
* @var string
const FREE_SLUG = 'yoast-seo-wordpress';
* Holds the slug for YoastSEO Premium.
* @var string
const PREMIUM_SLUG = 'yoast-seo-wordpress-premium';
* Holds the slug for Yoast News.
* @var string
const NEWS_SLUG = 'yoast-seo-news';
* Holds the slug for Video.
* @var string
const VIDEO_SLUG = 'yoast-seo-video';
* Holds the slug for WooCommerce.
* @var string
const WOOCOMMERCE_SLUG = 'yoast-seo-woocommerce';
* Holds the slug for Local.
* @var string
const LOCAL_SLUG = 'yoast-seo-local';
* The expected addon data.
* @var array
protected static $addons = array(
'wp-seo-premium.php' => self::PREMIUM_SLUG,
'wpseo-news.php' => self::NEWS_SLUG,
'video-seo.php' => self::VIDEO_SLUG,
'wpseo-woocommerce.php' => self::WOOCOMMERCE_SLUG,
'local-seo.php' => self::LOCAL_SLUG,
* Holds the site information data.
* @var object
private $site_information;
* Hooks into WordPress.
* @codeCoverageIgnore
* @return void
public function register_hooks() {
add_filter( 'pre_set_site_transient_update_plugins', array( $this, 'check_for_updates' ) );
add_filter( 'plugins_api', array( $this, 'get_plugin_information' ), 10, 3 );
* Gets the subscriptions for current site.
* @return stdClass The subscriptions.
public function get_subscriptions() {
return $this->get_site_information()->subscriptions;
* Retrieves the subscription for the given slug.
* @param string $slug The plugin slug to retrieve.
* @return stdClass|false Subscription data when found, false when not found.
public function get_subscription( $slug ) {
foreach ( $this->get_subscriptions() as $subscription ) {
if ( $subscription->product->slug === $slug ) {
return $subscription;
return false;
* Retrieves a list of (subscription) slugs by the active addons.
* @return array The slugs.
public function get_subscriptions_for_active_addons() {
$active_addons = array_keys( $this->get_active_addons() );
$subscription_slugs = array_map( array( $this, 'get_slug_by_plugin_file' ), $active_addons );
$subscriptions = array();
foreach ( $subscription_slugs as $subscription_slug ) {
$subscriptions[ $subscription_slug ] = $this->get_subscription( $subscription_slug );
return $subscriptions;
* Retrieves a list of versions for each addon.
* @return array The addon versions.
public function get_installed_addons_versions() {
$addon_versions = array();
foreach ( $this->get_installed_addons() as $plugin_file => $installed_addon ) {
$addon_versions[ $this->get_slug_by_plugin_file( $plugin_file ) ] = $installed_addon['Version'];
return $addon_versions;
* Retrieves the plugin information from the subscriptions.
* @param stdClass|false $data The result object. Default false.
* @param string $action The type of information being requested from the Plugin Installation API.
* @param stdClass $args Plugin API arguments.
* @return object Extended plugin data.
public function get_plugin_information( $data, $action, $args ) {
if ( $action !== 'plugin_information' ) {
return $data;
if ( ! isset( $args->slug ) ) {
return $data;
$subscription = $this->get_subscription( $args->slug );
if ( ! $subscription || $this->has_subscription_expired( $subscription ) ) {
return $data;
return $this->convert_subscription_to_plugin( $subscription );
* Checks if the subscription for the given slug is valid.
* @param string $slug The plugin slug to retrieve.
* @return bool True when the subscription is valid.
public function has_valid_subscription( $slug ) {
$subscription = $this->get_subscription( $slug );
// An non-existing subscription is never valid.
if ( $subscription === false ) {
return false;
return ! $this->has_subscription_expired( $subscription );
* Checks if there are addon updates.
* @param stdClass|mixed $data The current data for update_plugins.
* @return stdClass Extended data for update_plugins.
public function check_for_updates( $data ) {
if ( empty( $data ) ) {
return $data;
foreach ( $this->get_installed_addons() as $plugin_file => $installed_plugin ) {
$subscription_slug = $this->get_slug_by_plugin_file( $plugin_file );
$subscription = $this->get_subscription( $subscription_slug );
if ( ! $subscription || $this->has_subscription_expired( $subscription ) ) {
if ( version_compare( $installed_plugin['Version'], $subscription->product->version, '<' ) ) {
$data->response[ $plugin_file ] = $this->convert_subscription_to_plugin( $subscription );
return $data;
* Checks whether a plugin expiry date has been passed.
* @param stdClass $subscription Plugin subscription.
* @return bool Has the plugin expired.
protected function has_subscription_expired( $subscription ) {
return ( strtotime( $subscription->expiry_date ) - time() ) < 0;
* Converts a subscription to plugin based format.
* @param stdClass $subscription The subscription to convert.
* @return stdClass The converted subscription.
protected function convert_subscription_to_plugin( $subscription ) {
return (object) array(
'new_version' => $subscription->product->version,
'name' => $subscription->product->name,
'slug' => $subscription->product->slug,
'url' => $subscription->product->store_url,
'last_update' => $subscription->product->last_updated,
'homepage' => $subscription->product->store_url,
'download_link' => $subscription->product->download,
'package' => $subscription->product->download,
'sections' =>
'changelog' => $subscription->product->changelog,
* Checks if the given plugin_file belongs to a Yoast addon.
* @param string $plugin_file Path to the plugin.
* @return bool True when plugin file is for a Yoast addon.
protected function is_yoast_addon( $plugin_file ) {
return $this->get_slug_by_plugin_file( $plugin_file ) !== '';
* Retrieves the addon slug by given plugin file path.
* @param string $plugin_file The file path to the plugin.
* @return string The slug when found or empty string when not.
protected function get_slug_by_plugin_file( $plugin_file ) {
$addons = self::$addons;
// Yoast SEO Free isn't an addon, but we needed it in Premium to fetch translations.
if ( WPSEO_Utils::is_yoast_seo_premium() ) {
$addons['wp-seo.php'] = self::FREE_SLUG;
foreach ( $addons as $addon => $addon_slug ) {
if ( strpos( $plugin_file, $addon ) !== false ) {
return $addon_slug;
return '';
* Retrieves the installed Yoast addons.
* @return array The installed plugins.
protected function get_installed_addons() {
return $this->filter_by_key( $this->get_plugins(), array( $this, 'is_yoast_addon' ) );
* Retrieves a list of active addons.
* @return array The active addons.
protected function get_active_addons() {
return $this->filter_by_key( $this->get_installed_addons(), array( $this, 'is_plugin_active' ) );
* Retrieves the current sites from the API.
* @codeCoverageIgnore
* @return bool|stdClass Object when request is successful. False if not.
protected function request_current_sites() {
$api_request = new WPSEO_MyYoast_Api_Request( 'sites/current' );
if ( $api_request->fire() ) {
return $api_request->get_response();
return $this->get_site_information_default();
* Retrieves the transient value with the site information.
* @codeCoverageIgnore
* @return stdClass|false The transient value.
protected function get_site_information_transient() {
global $pagenow;
// Force re-check on license & dashboard pages.
$current_page = $this->get_current_page();
// Check whether the licenses are valid or whether we need to show notifications.
$exclude_cache = ( $current_page === 'wpseo_licenses' || $current_page === 'wpseo_dashboard' );
// Also do a fresh request on Plugins & Core Update pages.
$exclude_cache = $exclude_cache || $pagenow === 'plugins.php';
$exclude_cache = $exclude_cache || $pagenow === 'update-core.php';
if ( $exclude_cache ) {
return false;
return get_transient( self::SITE_INFORMATION_TRANSIENT );
* Returns the current page.
* @codeCoverageIgnore
* @return string The current page.
protected function get_current_page() {
return filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'page' );
* Sets the site information transient.
* @codeCoverageIgnore
* @param stdClass $site_information The site information to save.
* @return void
protected function set_site_information_transient( $site_information ) {
set_transient( self::SITE_INFORMATION_TRANSIENT, $site_information, DAY_IN_SECONDS );
* Retrieves all installed WordPress plugins.
* @codeCoverageIgnore
* @return array The plugins.
protected function get_plugins() {
return get_plugins();
* Checks if the given plugin file belongs to an active plugin.
* @codeCoverageIgnore
* @param string $plugin_file The file path to the plugin.
* @return bool True when plugin is active.
protected function is_plugin_active( $plugin_file ) {
return is_plugin_active( $plugin_file );
* Returns an object with no subscriptions.
* @codeCoverageIgnore
* @return stdClass Site information.
protected function get_site_information_default() {
return (object) array(
'url' => WPSEO_Utils::get_home_url(),
'subscriptions' => array(),
* Checks if there are any installed addons.
* @return bool True when there are installed Yoast addons.
protected function has_installed_addons() {
$installed_addons = $this->get_installed_addons();
return ! empty( $installed_addons );
* Filters the given array by its keys.
* This method is temporary. When WordPress has minimal PHP 5.6 support we can change this to:
* array_filter( $array_to_filter, $filter, ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY )
* @codeCoverageIgnore
* @param array $array_to_filter The array to filter.
* @param callable $callback The filter callback.
* @return array The filtered array,
private function filter_by_key( $array_to_filter, $callback ) {
$keys_to_filter = array_filter( array_keys( $array_to_filter ), $callback );
$filtered_array = array();
foreach ( $keys_to_filter as $filtered_key ) {
$filtered_array[ $filtered_key ] = $array_to_filter[ $filtered_key ];
return $filtered_array;
* Maps the plugin API response.
* @param object $site_information Site information as received from the API.
* @return object Mapped site information.
protected function map_site_information( $site_information ) {
return (object) array(
'url' => $site_information->url,
'subscriptions' => array_map( array( $this, 'map_subscription' ), $site_information->subscriptions ),
* Maps a plugin subscription.
* @param object $subscription Subscription information as received from the API.
* @return object Mapped subscription.
protected function map_subscription( $subscription ) {
// @codingStandardsIgnoreStart
return (object) array(
'renewal_url' => $subscription->renewalUrl,
'expiry_date' => $subscription->expiryDate,
'product' => (object) array(
'version' => $subscription->product->version,
'name' => $subscription->product->name,
'slug' => $subscription->product->slug,
'last_updated' => $subscription->product->lastUpdated,
'store_url' => $subscription->product->storeUrl,
// Ternary operator is necessary because download can be undefined.
'download' => isset( $subscription->product->download ) ? $subscription->product->download : null,
'changelog' => $subscription->product->changelog,
// @codingStandardsIgnoreStop
* Retrieves the site information.
* @return stdClass The site information.
private function get_site_information() {
if ( ! $this->has_installed_addons() ) {
return $this->get_site_information_default();
if ( $this->site_information === null ) {
$this->site_information = $this->get_site_information_transient();
if ( $this->site_information ) {
return $this->site_information;
$this->site_information = $this->request_current_sites();
if ( $this->site_information ) {
$this->site_information = $this->map_site_information( $this->site_information );
$this->set_site_information_transient( $this->site_information );
return $this->site_information;
return $this->get_site_information_default();