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* WPSEO plugin file.
* @package WPSEO\XML_Sitemaps
* Class WPSEO_Sitemap_Timezone.
class WPSEO_Sitemap_Timezone {
* Holds the timezone string value to reuse for performance.
* @var string $timezone_string
private $timezone_string = '';
* Format arbitrary UTC datetime string to desired form in site's time zone.
* @param string $datetime_string The input datetime string in UTC time zone.
* @param string $format Date format to use.
* @return string
public function format_date( $datetime_string, $format = 'c' ) {
$date_time = $this->get_datetime_with_timezone( $datetime_string );
if ( is_null( $date_time ) ) {
return '';
return $date_time->format( $format );
* Get the datetime object, in site's time zone, if the datetime string was valid
* @param string $datetime_string The datetime string in UTC time zone, that needs
* to be converted to a DateTime object.
* @return DateTime|null DateTime object in site's time zone.
public function get_datetime_with_timezone( $datetime_string ) {
static $utc_timezone, $local_timezone;
if ( ! isset( $utc_timezone ) ) {
$utc_timezone = new DateTimeZone( 'UTC' );
$local_timezone = new DateTimeZone( $this->get_timezone_string() );
if ( ! empty( $datetime_string ) && WPSEO_Utils::is_valid_datetime( $datetime_string ) ) {
$datetime = new DateTime( $datetime_string, $utc_timezone );
$datetime->setTimezone( $local_timezone );
return $datetime;
return null;
* Returns the timezone string for a site, even if it's set to a UTC offset.
* Adapted from {@link}.
* @return string Valid PHP timezone string.
private function determine_timezone_string() {
// If site timezone string exists, return it.
$timezone = get_option( 'timezone_string' );
if ( ! empty( $timezone ) ) {
return $timezone;
// Get UTC offset, if it isn't set then return UTC.
$utc_offset = (int) get_option( 'gmt_offset', 0 );
if ( 0 === $utc_offset ) {
return 'UTC';
// Adjust UTC offset from hours to seconds.
$utc_offset *= HOUR_IN_SECONDS;
// Attempt to guess the timezone string from the UTC offset.
$timezone = timezone_name_from_abbr( '', $utc_offset );
if ( false !== $timezone ) {
return $timezone;
// Last try, guess timezone string manually.
$timezone_list = timezone_abbreviations_list();
foreach ( $timezone_list as $abbr ) {
foreach ( $abbr as $city ) {
if ( $city['offset'] === $utc_offset ) {
return $city['timezone_id'];
// Fallback to UTC.
return 'UTC';
* Returns the correct timezone string.
* @return string
private function get_timezone_string() {
if ( '' === $this->timezone_string ) {
$this->timezone_string = $this->determine_timezone_string();
return $this->timezone_string;